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Name : Ayishah binti Iskandar Zulfakar
Matric No. : AS13650
Group : 22

Identify the task words, content words and limiting words in the following assignment

1. List two common treatments for Appendicitis.

Task words : List two

Content words : common treatments
Limiting words : Appendicitis

2. Describe the main factors contributing to depression amongst female adolescents

from the middle class.

Task words : Describe main factors

Content words : contributing to depression
Limiting words : female adolescents from the middle class

3. In the past 10 years, the rate of divorce has risen significantly in Malaysia. Critically
analyse some of the different explanations given for this phenomenon. In your
discussion, you should consider what implications these explanations might have
on social policy.

Task words : Analyse some of the different explanations

Content words :
Limiting words :

Study the following questions and answer them based on the text.

There are over five million high school and middle school students reported using
e-cigarettes last year. When an unfamiliar virus began sending scores of patients to
the hospital with failing lungs, doctors questioned whether there would be
consequences for the newly addicted generation. Researchers at the Stanford
University School of Medicine published a study which may confirm the fears of
parents and doctors across the nation. Vaping is not a small risk for coronavirus.
Among teens and young adults who were tested, those who had used e-cigarettes
were five to seven times more prone to the virus than non-users. There could be
several reasons for vapers’ heightened transmission risk. E-cigarettes can damage
lungs and alter the immune system, making each coronavirus exposure more likely
to trigger an infection, experts say. It is also possible that the aerosol emitted from
e-cigarettes could have droplets containing coronavirus, which could then be spread
to another person or inhaled into one’s lungs. In addition, many vaping social norms
such as hand-to-mouth contact and passing e-cigarette between friends, are also
high-risk pandemic behaviour. More research is needed to understand the medical
relationship between coronavirus and vaping, experts say. However, the risk is
clear, even when variables like race, sex, state COVID-19 rates and compliance
with lockdown orders are taken into account. The researchers hope the findings will
prompt regulators to tighten regulations on e-cigarettes. Vaping is no longer just a
personal risk, but also a public health risk.

1. Describe the study published by Stanford University School of Medicine about

young e-cigarette users.
The study published by Stanford University School of Medicine about young e-
cigarette users shows that these young adults have a higher risk of getting
infected with diseases due to the damage caused by e-cigarettes to our body
which makes it more prone to other viruses and bacteria to invade our internal

2. State the major factors causing increased risk of coronavirus to e-cigarette

The major factors causing increased risk of coronavirus to e-cigarette user are
e-cigarettes can damage lungs and alter the immune system, making each
coronavirus exposure more likely to trigger an infection, experts say. It is also
possible that the aerosol emitted from e-cigarettes could have droplets
containing coronavirus, which could then be spread to another person or inhaled
into one’s lungs. In addition, many vaping social norms such as hand-to-mouth
contact and passing e-cigarette between friends, are also high-risk pandemic.

3. Based on the text, what are the ways to overcome e-cigarette addictions among
young adult? Justify your opinion.
Based on the text, some of the ways to overcome e-cigarette addictions among
young adult are campaign hosting and self awareness. This is to educate young
smokers regarding the bad consequences that might be faced from smoking as
well as realise the harmful substances contained in the cigarette. Other than that,
parents should restrict their children from indulging to their addictions from an
early age to ensure the child is able to prevent themselves from involving in bad
habits and acts.

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