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The inflation and

economic outlook in the
Philippines. The Bangko Sentral ng Philipinas (BSP) is concerned
about certain price pressures that could affect their outlook,
including higher electricity rates and rising prices of pork, fish,
eggs, and rice. The BSP projects that inflation will settle at around
7.4-8.2% in March. Despite inflationary challenges, the economy
managed to expand. However, there is limited information
provided in the document for a comprehensive summary.

Inflation is an important aspect of the economy that needs to be
understood and governed. Understanding its causes and effects
will help individuals and institutions to make
decisions on the financial and economic aspects of their lives.
PH to import
21,000 MT of
onions in

The Philippines is importing 21,000 metric tons of onions to boost

supply and ease the pressure on price during the Christmas holidays.
The local red onions are currently priced between P140 to P180 per
kilo. The Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Plant Industry faced
criticism for the proliferation of imported onions in the local markets,
promporting an internal investigation. The agency is also reviewing
regulations on the cold storage of imported vegetable.

Many families were saddened by the sudden rise in the price of onions
because the Filipino people preferred to include onions in their dishes.
employees to
bring home
higher take-
home pay in

The potential impact of a proposed cut in taxes on consumer spending

and saving for home ownership in the Philippines. The lawmaker
believes that this cut will also help offset the increase in social security
contributions and provide relief to workers. Factors such as inflation
rates and career growth opportunities may influence Filipino
employees’ desire for higher take-home pay 2023


Filipino employees aiming for higher take-home pay in 2023 can

influenced by various factors. Inlation rates, and changes in the cost of
living. They might also reflect on their individual skills, performance,
and career growth opportunities within their respective industries.
return of
free rides

The Land Transporting Franchising and Regular Board (LTFRB) plans

to relaunch the government’s free rides on the EDSA Carousel by the
second quarter of this year. The government has allocated funding for
program, but it has not yet been realeased to the agency. The funding
for 2023 is lower than in previous years. The LTFRB and Department of
Transportation are finalizing the guidelines for the free bus rides on
EDSA. The exicting bus consortiums may be deployed or further
contracting may be deployed or further contracting may be done to
continue the free rides.

The LTFRB’s decision to relaunch free rides on the EDSA Carousel in
the second quarter of the year is noteworthy. Despite the allocation of
funding and ongoing efforts to finalize guidelines, the challenges lie in
the lower budget of 2023 compared to previous years. The potential
use of existing bus consortiums or additional contracting for the
program adds complex.
Marcos sets price cap on rice nationwide
President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has issued an executive order to
address the rising sets price of rice in the Philippines. The order sets
price ceilings at P1 per kilo for well-milled rice. However, there is
currently no ceiling for special and premium rice. The price caps will
take effect on September 5th.

Reflecting on this setup, it suggests a governmental intervention
aimed at controlling the cost of a staple food item, well-milled rice, to
make it more affordable for the general population. The decision to
exclude special and preamium rice from the price ceiling might indicate
an effort to balance affordability with maket dynamics, allowing for
flexibility in pricing for certain varieties

Modernization Program

The Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP) aims to

transform traditional jeepneys and other public utility vehicle I the
Philippines. It was initially debated during the Marcos regime and was
relaunched under the Duterte administration in 2017. The program
addresses issues of safety, efficiency, and environmental impact in the
public transportation system. The PUVMP seeks to provide drivers and
operators with stable livelihood while ensuring quick, safe, and
comfortable journeys for commuters.

The Jeepney Drivers are very angry at the traditional jeepneys being
cut off because of the vehicle modernization program, because
according to their poor abilities, many commuters are also suffering
from commute due to lack of vehicles.
State of the
President Ferdinand
Marcos delivered his second State of the Nation Address (SONA) on july
24, 2023. He highlighted the country’s 7.6 percent economic growth in
2022, the highest in 46 years. Marcos also called for support in
amending the Fisheries Code to promote envirolmental balance.
Additionally, he discussed the deployment of doctors to provices in
need and announced amnesty for repatriated individuals.

The previous sona of course has ups and downs. Many people say that
the sona is trash because Marcos didn't mention the topic that they
wanted, but they should understand that BBM is also a human; maybe
he forgot to include that particular topic. And he was amazing because
he didn't use scripts or anything else; it was from his heart. That's why
maybe he forgot to include some topics, but well done because I think
the economy of the Philippines is growing because BBM always goes to
the other country to negotiate, so if you look, he is silently doing his
work, and later you will feel the changes.
Rollbacks for both diesel and gasoline
effective December 12

There will be a slight decrease in fuel prices for the week of

December 12 to 18, 2023. Diesel prices will decrease by P1.85 per liter,
and kerosene price will roll back by P1.40 per liter. It is important to
note that fuel prices may vary depending on location and brand of the
fuel station.

In general, the rollback of gasoline prices is a complex issue that needs
to be balanced by governments and various sectors of society. A long-
term solution to the gasoline price problem may be necessary in order
to further sustain the economic structure and the longer-term
development goals.
KathNiel reunites on stage after split

Former love team Kathryn Bernardo and Daniel Padilla performed

together at the ABS-CBN Christmas Special, two weeks after confirming
the end of their 11years relationship. They sang the theme song from
the sitcom “Friends” and their fans expressed excitement despite their
breakup. Bernardo and Padilla confirmed their breakup in November.

Kathniel's fans are excited because the two former couples made it to
the ABS-CBN Christmas special after two weeks of announcing their
Awra Briguela bar brawl incident: A
Former child star McNeal Neri "Awra" Briguela. Was recently
detained by the police in Makati City after getting involved in a brawl.
Video clips of awra being accosted by the authorities spread online,
sparking mixed reactions. The incident is still under investigation, and
awra is facing multiple complaints. The timeline of events leading to
Awra’s arrested includes an alleged assault on a man named Mark
Christian Bavana and Awra’s alleged hostility towards the police. The
charges against Awra’s include Physical Injurie, Alarm, Scandal,
Disobedience to a Person in Authority, and Direct Assault.

A lot of netizens have mixed reactions to what happened to Awra.
Some netizens blame the police because Awra has been arrested
because he only defended his friend, but after further investigation,
they see that Awra is wrong.

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