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WEEK 7-8

1. It is a form of sacred musical composition that sets texts of the Eucharistic liturgy into music.
A. Mass B. Madrigal C. Motet
2. It is a form of secular vocal polyphonic music composition which originated from Italy. It was
written and expressed in poetic text and sung during courtly social gatherings. It is the most
important secular form during the Re-naissance period.
A. Mass B. Madrigal C. Motet
3.It is a polyphonic choral works in Latin text. It can be used in any service of the churches and
usually in acapella. Sound smoothing and imitative in nature.
A. Mass B. Madrigal C. Motet
4. It is a dramatic work or genre of classical time
A. Opera B. Oratorio C. Suite
5. It is a religious narrative large scale work for orchestra and voices performed without
costume, scenery or action.
A. Opera B. Oratorio C. Suite
6. It is a set of instrumental compositions for dance style.
A. Opera B. Oratorio C. Suite
7. An Instrumental from for small group of soloist and full orchestra
A. Concerto Grosso B. Fugue C. Gregorian Chant
8. Contrapuntal composition in which a short melody is introduced by one part and successively
taken up by others and developed by interweaving the part.
A. Concerto Grosso B. Fugue C. Gregorian Chant
9. The word baroque can be traced from the ancient Portuguese noun _____that means a pearl
that is not round but of unpredictable and elaborate shape or pearl of irregular shape.
A. Barocco B. Baraco C. Baroque
10. A monophonic or unison, liturgical music in Roman Catholic Church.
A. Concerto Grosso B. Fugue C. Gregorian Chant
11. The following are the characteristics of the Renaissance music except:
a. Mostly monophony b. Imitation among voices is common
c. Use of word painting in texts and music d. Melodic lines move in a flowing manner
12. It is known as non-religious music.
a. Concerto b. Sacred music c. Secular music
13. It is an alteration between loud and soft sounds
a. Dynamic contrast b. Melodic lines c. Primarily contrapuntal
14. Harpsichord and organ are the keyboard instruments that are commonly used during this
a. Baroque Period b. Medieval period c. Renaissance Period
15. It was the most prominent instrument of the Renaissance Era.
a. Keyboard b. Harpsichord c. Lute
16. It was during this period that secular music became popular.
A. Medieval period B. Renaissance Period C. Baroque Period
17. It is a piece for several voices set to a short poem, usually about love, and it is used in its
vernacular language.
A. Mass B. Madrigal C. Motet
18. It is considered as the golden age of a Capella music.
A. Medieval Period B. Renaissance Period C. Baroque Perio
19. He was a prolific composer who wrote the most famous oratorio, The Messiah.
A. Vivaldi B. J.S. Bach C. G. F. Handel
20. The monophonic melodies of its music, to which improvised accompaniment may have been
added were often lively.
A. Medieval Period B. Renaissance Period C. Baroque Period

DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the best answer.
1.Which of the following is an example of Egyptian Architecture?
A. Pyramid of Giza B. The Colosseum C. Stonehenge D. Parthenon
2. Although the Colosseum is mainly known as "The Colosseum", the building has another
formal name; which is?
A. Vespasian Amphitheater C. Flavian Amphitheater
B. The Theater of Marcellus D. The Roman Theater
3. What is the meaning of Hagia Sophia?
A. For Country B. Holy Wisdom C. Faith in God D. Daily Prayers
4. The Parthenon serves as what?
A. Temple B. Arena C. House D. Museum
5. The Parthenon is dedicated to whom?
A. Zeus B. Aphrodite C. Poseidon D. Athena

B. TRUE or FALSE: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and false if it is incorrect.
______________6. Egyptian painting was usually highly stylized, symbolic, and shows profile
view of an animal or a person.
_______________7. Roman vase-painting with figures depicted with strong outlines, with thin
lines within the outlines.
_______________8. In tomb paintings, artists rely on the shade and hues of paint to create
depth and life-like feeling.
_______________9. Kerch Vases are red, figured pottery.
_______________10. Hellenistic elements include the smooth lines, elegant drapery, idealized
nude bodies, highly naturalistic forms and balanced proportions that the Greeks had perfected
over centuries of practice.
_______________11. Calligraphy a system of writing using picture symbols used in ancient
_______________12. Greek painting shows a linear perspective and naturalistic representation.
_______________13. Romanesque paintings were found inside of the churches and they were
like a book for the people who were not able to read.
_______________14. Kerch style vase paintings depicted figural scenes, including portraits and
_______________15. Encaustic method was developed by Greek ship builders, used hot wax.
_______________16. Mosaic can be defined as any piece of artwork painted or applied directly
onto a wall, ceiling or other larger permanent surfaces, flat, concave or convex, to be precise.
_______________17. Egyptian painting used main colors are red, black, blue, gold, and green.
_______________18. Mural painting is a colored glass used to form decorative or pictorial
_______________19. Stained glass is an art process where an image is created using an
assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stones, or other materials.

_______________20. Fresco water base pigments on a freshly applied plaster on walls.

DIRECTION: Identify what is being described in each item. Encircle the letter of the best
1. The system in sports used to maintain order and fairness in implementing rules.
a. Sport Science b. Sports Officiating c. Sports Psychology
2. The quality of an official that deals with the needs to catch up with every de-tail of what the
athletes or players do on court.
a. Emotional Qualities b. Physical Qualities c. Mental Qualities
3. These qualities refer to the readiness of an officiating official and warrant him/ her to perform
the duties and responsibilities.
a. Social Qualities b. Emotional Qualities c. Mental Qualities
4. It refers to the ability to settle disputes without sacrificing the integrity of a
game and the officiating team.
a. Physical Qualities b. Social Qualities c. Mental Qualities
5. It requires one to stay focused, regulate one’s performance, ability to handle pressure,
awareness and control of thoughts and feelings and one’s command and control of the
a. Physical Qualities b. Mental Qualities c. Emotional Qualities
6.This means exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally business-like manner in the
a. Professionalism b. Sportsmanship c. Respect
7. It refers to firm adherence to an ethical code as well as to the absence of impairment or
a. honesty b. Integrity c. fairness
8. It refers to performing one’s duties in an unbiased manner.
a. dignity b. fairness c. responsible
9. It is the best drink to stay hydrated throughout the officiating activity.
a. water b. energy drinks c. soft drinks
10. Officiating has a high physical demand, especially combative sports. Prior to the officiating
task, the referee should do __________.
a. warm up b. static stretching c. Instantly proceed with officiating
11. It is a damage to the body caused by external force
A. Exercise B. Injury C. Sickness D. First Aid
12. What do you call the immediate and temporary care given to a person who has been injured
or suddenly taken ill?
A. R.I.C.E. Method B. Injury
C. First Aid D. Sports Officiating
13. Which of the following is NOT an objective of first aid?
A. To hasten recovery B. To make use of the contents of a first aid kit
C. To minimize injuries or to prevent them from happening D. To save lives
14. This injury happens when the two bones that come together to form a joint become
A. Fracture B. Sprain C. Strain D. Dislocation
15. It is a twist, pull or tear of muscle or tendon.
A. Fracture B. Sprain C. Strain D. Dislocation
16. One of the common injuries encountered by sports officials characterized by a stretch or tear
of ligament.
A. Fracture B. Sprain C. Strain D. Dislocation
17. What do you call the break in the bone that can occur from either a quick, one-time injury or
from repeated stress to the bone over time?
A. Fracture B. Sprain C. Strain D. Dislocation
18. It is the most commonly injured joint because of its complex structure and weight-bearing
A. Fingers B. Knee C. Hip D. Shoulder
19. What kind of beverage should you give a person that experienced heat exhaustion?
A. Electrolyte beverage B. Liquor C. Coffee D. Soft drinks
20. Which of the following is NOT a part of R.I.C.E. Method?
A. Elevation drains fluids from injured tissues
B. Compression reduces swelling
C. Injection is an excellent anti-inflammatory and reduces swelling and pain.
D. Rest the injured part

A. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong.
_______________1. Healthy community refers to surroundings or conditions that provide the
means and opportunity to achieve physical and/or mental being.
_______________2. If community promotes respect and equality, then the people will also be
respectful and equal to everyone.
_______________3. Healthy community is a term used to describe the state of health and how
easy or difficult it is to be healthy when people live, learn, work and play.
_______________ 4. Working at the community level to promote healthy living brings the
greatest health benefits to the greatest number of people.
_______________ 5. A healthy community makes people sick and sad.
_______________ 6. Only an individual should participate in any program implemented within
the community.
_______________ 7. The youngsters should evaluate community performance.
_______________ 8. National Government should mobilize money and resources to create
anything which is necessary for the people.
_______________ 9. Help promote health in your community by becoming more engaged in
your community.
_______________10. Wellness program initiated by the community promotes healthy
environment to its people.
_______________ 11. Promoting and maintaining a healthy community is everybody’s business
and the responsibility of every individual living in it.
_______________ 12. Having a peaceful mind is one of the importance of healthy environment.
_______________ 13. A healthy community increase risks to climate change.
_______________ 14. A healthy environment promotes happiness.
_______________ 15. Budget is not necessary to support community projects.

B. Identify what is being described in each item. Encircle the letter of the best answer.
16. Which activity is useful and will help save our planet?
a. Dumping garbage everywhere
b. Killing wild life animals in the forest
c. Planting trees in appropriate vacant areas
d. Turning on the lights and leaving them on after using
17. What is the effect of global warming in the planet?
a. more trees will grow in hot areas
b. melting of ice caps in some places in the world
c. growing more plants, trees, and different kinds of animals
d. making the planet explode that will make the Earth inhabitable
18. What environmental problem is the result of chemical reactions in the atmosphere
that involve sulfur?
a. Acid Rain
b. Deforestation
c. Holes in the Ozone Layer
d. Smog
19. Which of the following practices produces the most organic water pollution?
a. Paper mills
b. Recreational boating
c. Intensive livestock farming
d. Humans bathing in the water
20. The activity or activities that can deplete plant life and vegetation is/ are______.
a. deforestation
b. environmental pollution
c. overgrazing
d. all of the above

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