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93 No. 12 Anything Goes (Reno & Chorus) Cue: PASSENGERS: (Three times) Hip, hip, hooray! (Passengers freeze and a spotlight picks up RENO on the upper deck) we —~<— Times have changed———— And we've of- ten re - Sis, Sompre Staccato A Fy: arco 8s, Pro, Gut, Or. z Since the Pur - i-tans got a shock ! 4d (Min, cota voce tru bar 17) t When they land-ed on Ply-mouth Rock;— 94 sie An-y shock they should wy to stem,— "Stead of land- ing on an = | —j— 2 es =F as ent A rT eat F Freely Slowly (in four) T a Ply-mouth Rock, Ply- mouth Rock would land on them. In Dictated “ope Tn Pe. Gi (Pras ‘Bari. Ton I, Pro, In Tempo (Relaxed two 4.108) in 1» old-en days a glimpse of stock - ing Was looked on as-_ some - thing shock - Fy: iz. Bs, Pro, Gut, Dr's. (te tne} oe? iy. (in cota voce try bar 32, sempre sta. swing eights) 7 28 once knew bet - ter words Nowon - ly use four-let - ter words, writ - ing —P Pre. a Fly: Ba, Pro, Gu. Or mad to-day, And good’s bad _to- day,. Toe. And black’s white to-day, And day's \2 { z es. Ay. a Vin 96 night to-day. When most guys to-day— That wo-men prize to-day, Are just r r Fy: Bs, Pro. Guit, Drs. 4s great ro- manc - swer when you pro - —— en ey 7 Fr tntowy i ao (Or. oagy rim shots) > Ay, coke Tet |. Gut, va Vin sews 7 rs. ime in four) (tar. (00 w/Ton) 201 Tea ghey —<———~ Tadd) p felt] S24 Dr. (ine only wh Hat) 98 » 1 n nm RENO. +7 pt. (tio w/CL. & Ton.) A wi meearie ic ba ¥en or eerrrigs grand-ma-ma’s, Whose age is eight - y In night clubs are get- ting ma - ty with gig-o - ‘Ss. ver ity fy Bs, Pro. CU Or. Ot i moth-ers pack and leave poor fath - er Be - cause they de- cide they'd rath - er be ten-nis i, 8x8. Fy: Be. Pro. Gul. D (Par. on Sn. eae as RENO hte imaginary toni bal.) Ps a 2 » If driv - ing fast pros, —____ An-y-thing Goes. A like, If i ike, — If bare cars you like ==, 1f low bars you like,— If old hymns you Uke, If limbs you like, If Mae West you like, Or me un - dressed you like, Why, no - Tee's. ly. i, 100 set that’s smart 102.55 wei: Ha on backboat. Gu taco) iy Ji 4 ow trud- ing in mu - dist par | | k oA un SF mp Tey es 16m WC OB Ck. X90, 00 Sx, Pro, Tots. At, Tenor Pa (2 es HE pon, Pra un ove 102 ‘New Tempo (Slightly faster) be “Dixie «a litle raucus” oT. 1s tT (ise, TI Ton. Pro. Gus, Ors) ¢ 2 e (asta of —_—_ (se Sx, Ry Brn stand ut agressive) o. Tin ns Tea x b(n, fay, : r 2. ‘Subito Brassy Dixie Tpkil(Cl ad ty oe, Ey: eno. ut Oe Tangle rhythm gure) oa i i Fy: Pro, Or, (Ba, Gut. aca) cae a | | ——_ im. r i Oe wid Cm ad ie i : beara) Tens, BEL gf ‘To's, +15ma WW, sus, Fins su 7 F oretownomuy FF 7P we wernt = e187 | iL mR WW, Tp. ibs. Fy, wo beat — ee se { ai Stop Time (eplash Oye 106 Tots. Pro, Gu. X40. By ~ ao Teo. at Gut (Be, Pro. taco) ™ by ean S08 Se, Vibe, Be. Ors, Be, See yee Tots. Sx. 109 (Soprano & Alto) 304 ‘The world— has gone mad to-day, And good’s bad to-day, And_black's (Tenor) amo mad to-day, And good’s | bad to-day, And black’s o™ fe white to-day,— And day's night to-day. When most guys to-day, That white to-day, And day's | night to-day. When most} guys to-day, That wo- men 0 to - day, i Are just (oes. 840 Vn. cota voce ty bar 20) though I'm not a though I'm not a aia great o-manc - great ro-manc - er tT sx RENO If say - ing your pray'rs you like, If green pears you like,- If old chairs you like,_ If back Sea, Ri, «Stop Time A p A ? Tut Vibe, san lerese. ... poco (Or. - asym shots) v aa, = Zz ¢ # SP You like. If love af faits you like, With young bears you like,..Why,00- bod-y will op- pose.- * ; ; Tots. es es, rs tome) great ro - manc = er (Woes. 82h. coe voce tm bar 335) 7 swer when you pro- pose,. wer when you pro- pose,. when you pro - | pose, 13, Adib, ae Tat sora | Tots. Sis, Xo, Pro, avin, See End of Act One No. 23 Finale (I Get A Kick Out Of You) (Reno, Evelyn, Billy, Hope & Chorus) (Cue: RENO: ...all my life to be a lady, Allegro, thirties style RENO 1 1 cs WoW. Plugs, Vin. RH. Pro. Sa. Or wishes (fs. Bs. Cl. legato Fy: Bs. Pho, Gut, Ors. (le wo) 7 8 u Mere al- co - hol does - n't 196 Fy: Be. Pro. Gut, Dr. rs. (emoath ne) fe | 23 so__ BILLY & HOPE (choke oym) Fy: Be Pro, Gut, Or CHORUS Fi: Pr ahr 2 2 SAILORS (Tenors) * «oc PP ut Fi vious - ly don't iF CHORUS — (vin. cote woe tru bar 54) s1_(Soporano & Alto) 2 Ry: 85. Pro, Gut, Drs, Allegro maestoso ro [ictated) Toe. Woes. Vin. Pro.,Gut. g TB. Py, Segue 201 No. 24 Bows (Anything Goes) (Full Company as SATB Chorus) Cue: (Segue from # 23 “Finale”) ‘Tempo di Charleston Fy: Bs. Pro. Gut, es we, {SAILORS - Male Quartet} ‘Se’, Ova Vn 1s be ICHARACTER ACTORS} 0, Gut. Os. ae as ne Ay: 86, Pr. Gut. se, Tov : = ss = SS as = =z a} = 202 ICHINESE - Luke & John} 4 Add fi, dd Dr's. hme in Wo), Pere. WW. Bl Jao (i J, bd ? eG r ICAPTAIN & PURSER} ship Bet a — o See, Ton, ly ; 4 oF F >? ey. Dr's. ur around) [ANGELS] Fy: Bs. Pro, Gui. O's Ye | [WHITNEY & MRS. HARCOURT] | a Om. a ——— i 5 1 hd. hg i SN 2s = is = 5 = 8 a tbc wngm nanaanon an es (HOPE) 13 Sts. con Wb. Tot Vn co [MOON] rd ibe ‘Sop. Se. Xv, fy oie) ride, 205 ni. Ty's. Too, vn, (BELLY ss 6 reler [hrs IRENO & CHORUS} 2 os (Long tutsto bar 100) * CHORUS tos (Soprano & Alto) ‘The world has gone mad to-day, And good’s bad to-day, And black's (Tenor) ‘The world has gone || mad to-day, And good’s | bad to-day, And black's Bass) gun 2 == —— us = ———SSS = SSS — white to-day, And day’s night to-day. When most guys to-day, That wo- men Ses = ee eee e + aces . white to-day, And day's | night to-day. When most | guys to-day, ‘That wo- men S$ So = — . — He =: eo : TCS 207 silly gig - Se. 000 Vn though I'm not a great ro-manc - er I know that I'm bound to an - swer when you pro - v ‘hough I'm not a | great ro-mane - er 1 fknow that I'm bound to an | - swer when you pro - 1 i 208 Bete atid yd THs. Bs. suet, Pho, Gur, em. Ts. Tn. Xo, Po. Gut, Dr womA A Ny Tati Applause - Segue (Orchestra) (Cue: (Segue from applause for #24 “Bows”) us Tots, Vibes, Vin. 10 Fy: Ton. Be, Pro. Gut Ors, 10 a ad Toe. PP ‘Tots. vibe. tn : : ee | = 13 2 [PF Cn tA vaboe * Fy Tn he P.O is | na | in r ; Z ———= ip mgt Fy: 8s, Pro, Gui, Ors. 2 wo = 4 Ses. Pine Ton. beckons) Fy: Ton. I, Bs. Pre, Gut O's a alfine & c | be ie Ae Ton Bs. Pro.cut.brs. . SS = tee oe =o F y The End

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