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MGMT 5605:40


Winter 2024
Course Outline

Land Acknowledgment:

Cape Breton University respectfully acknowledges its campus is located in Mi’kma’ki, the
ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People. This territory is covered by the “Treaties
of Peace and Friendship” which Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) people first signed with
the British Crown in 1726. The treaties did not deal with surrender of lands and resources but in
fact recognized Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) title and established the rules for what was
to be an ongoing relationship between nations.

Course Information

Class Time: Friday: 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM (Atlantic Standard Time)

Classroom: Cineplex, CPLX 2 Lecture
Lecturer: Angela Wasudewa (MBA, CMgr, MCMI)

Office Hours: Tuesday 10:00 A.M – 3:00 P.M ( MS Teams, By Appointment)

Course Overview

This course will provide an introduction to Human Resources Management (HRM) and it will also
present an overview of issues and applications of human resource management in general. The
course will focus on the functions of human resource management within an organization in which
key topics such as legal challenges & diversity, job analysis, recruitment and selection, training &
development, performance management, compensation and benefits, health & safety etc. will be
discussed in detail. The course will also evaluate the role of human resource management and the
impact of effective HRM practices on organizational success and growth.

MGMT 5605:40, Wasudewa (Winter, 2024)
Course Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course students should be able to describe and investigate the strategic implication
of HRM in general. Upon successful accomplishment of the course, the students will be able to:

• Describe and explain the role of human resource management

• Determine the contribution of HRM to the strategic achievement of the organization
• Provide an appreciation of how the literature on HRM can be applied effectively in the
workplace in the interest of multiple stakeholders
• Engage in ongoing problem identification, critical-analytical thinking and problem solving
• Exhibit their interpersonal skills, through ongoing discussions within and across teams

Required Resources

Required Text: Schwind, H. F., Uggerslev, K., Wagar, T. H. & Fassina, N. (2022). Canadian
Human Resource Management:A strategic Approach (13th ed.). Toronto, Canada: McGraw Hill.

Publication and/or online access information: (Canadian Human Resource Management


NOTE: The CBU library houses many introductory and other levels of HRM texts which may
be useful to students seeking further explanation and clarification. As well, certain materials
may be placed on reserve for student use if required.

General Approach:

The delivery for this course will include both synchronous and asynchronous teaching/learning.
Students are expected to attend the synchronous (live) class meetings in person scheduled during
our regular class times which are every Friday: 9:00 AM - 11:30 (Atlantic Time). The class
meetings will include discussions and group work. Students are expected to do the required
readings prior to the scheduled class meetings.

The course Moodle site will be used to support the delivery of the course content and will provide
students with various asynchronous learning resources including PowerPoint slides and chapter
MGMT 5605:40, Wasudewa (Winter, 2024)
quizzes. Please remember that the PowerPoint slides are provided to assist with learning the course
material; you must still read the text. The chapter quizzes are to be completed asynchronously, so
please be aware of quiz close dates as quizzes completed after their due dates will not be
considered. All assignments will be submitted using Moodle.

Students are responsible for monitoring the course Moodle site and their CBU email for course
announcements and updates. Additional information regarding Moodle may be found at
( If you have any questions or problems with
Moodle or other technologies in your coursework, contact the IT Help Desk at the Marvin Harvey
Building, phone (902) 563-1123 or email ( ).

NOTE: All online material is the intellectual property of either the text publisher or the faculty
member and cannot be recorded, reproduced or rebroadcasted without expressed permission.

The contract between professor and student

The core values: respect, fairness and professionalism will serve as the guide for this course which
also helps in creating a positive learning environment.

Instructor shall be respectful and empathetic to individual differences. The instructor for this
course shall provide clear, concise, and complete information on all assignments and provide
feedback in a timely manner. The instructor will respond to all questions from students in a
respectful and timely manner, to assist learning with a high degree of collaboration, and to hold to
standards indicative of the academic excellence required by the CBU.

Students are expected to be respectful for peers, professors, and community in general. Students
are expected to ‘attend’ all classes by participating in all lesson activities and submitting all
assignments by the due date unless otherwise negotiated in advance. Students are expected to
reach out to the instructor regarding any performance issues related to this course. It is expected
that students in this course will spend enough time involved in preparing for and completing
assignments and discussions for this course. Students are expected to check emails daily and
respond to course emails.

MGMT 5605:40, Wasudewa (Winter, 2024)
Communication Service Standards:

Email is the preferred correspondence, and every effort will be made to respond to email within
48 hours on weekdays. Students can communicate with the instructor by sending an email from
CBU student email account to The instructor will not respond to
email from any address other than the assigned CBU student email account. Students are
encouraged to use the following guidelines for all email communications:

• Only use your CBU email.

• Include your course number and section in the subject line.
• Include your name and ID at the end of each email. Please note, if you do not follow this
format, your email may not get addressed in time.

The instructor will contact individual students using their CBU email account as necessary and
Moodle is used for class communication.

NOTE: If you have any matters that you wish to have a more detailed conversation about, please
contact me via CBU email and we can set up an appointment using the Teams software for a
video/voice call to discuss the matter.

In Order to Succeed:

It is recommended for students to:

- Attend class: Class lectures will assist you with learning the material. Catching up on missed
lectures may prove to be difficult and you may struggle with subsequent topics.
- Prepare for the class: Keep up to date with the topics presented in each class and come to class
prepared. Read the chapters as detailed below and assigned in class.
- Participate : Class participation is an integral part of learning so ask questions and volunteer
answers to questions raised. It is not expected that students will have the correct answers to all
questions. Participation will allow students to test their ideas and develop confidence in their
understanding of the course material. Active participation, especially when reviewing the case
studies in class, is crucial.
- Visit the CBU Writing Centre: All CBU students can discuss ways to strengthen their writing
skills in free one-on-one sessions with a tutor at the Writing Centre. For additional information,
visit ( ).
- Submit case assignments on the due dates and write all tests. Graded assignments and tests
will provide valuable feedback on how you are progressing in the course.
- Consult the course Moodle site and check emails for announcements and course updates.

MGMT 5605:40, Wasudewa (Winter, 2024)
Accommodating Students:

Students with disabilities are encouraged to meet with an Accessibility Facilitator at the Jennifer
Keeping Centre (JKC). Disabilities may include mental health, learning, ADHD, mobility, vision,
hearing, speech, neurological or chronic illnesses. They will help you determine services and
equipment you may need and help you apply for grants through your province. For more
information about the JKC you can visit (
services/accessibility-support-services/ ) or book an appointment by emailing ( ).

All CBU students can get free help with their writing at the Writing Centre in the Learning
Commons. Popular topics include understanding and organizing assignments, referencing
properly, and fixing common grammar mistakes, though the Centre can help with any assignment
at any stage of the writing process. To view the schedule and make appointments, please visit

Tentative Course Schedule:

Please note, this is a TENTATIVE schedule. The schedule assigned readings and/or deadlines may
be adjusted as the term progresses. Assigned readings are to be completed in preparation for each
class. Any additional material will be posted in Moodle, and it is your responsibility to check
Moodle well in advance of class to review this information. It is strongly recommended that you
print this syllabus so that this important course information is available to you off-line.

MGMT 5605:40, Wasudewa (Winter, 2024)
Winter 2024 Topic of Class
Introduction and Orientation to the class, Academic Integrity
Module, Activity 1&2 Overview
January 12th
Strategic Human Resource Management Chapter 1

January 19th Human Resource Planning Chapter 3

Job Analysis and Design Chapter 2

January 26th
ACTIVITY 1 (Concept Map) (In-Class)

February 02nd Legal Requirements and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Chapter 4

February 09th Recruitment Chapter 5

Selection Chapter 6
February 16th
QUIZ 1 (Chapter 1,3,4,5) (In-Class)

February 23rd Reading Week No Classes

March 01st Onboarding, Training, Development and Career Planning Chapter 7

Employee Benefits Chapter 10

March 08
ACTIVITY 2 (Concept Map) (In-Class)

March 15th Performance Management, Managing Employee Relations Chapters 8,11

Compensation Management Chapter 9

March 22nd
QUIZ 2 (Chapter 6,7,8,11) (In-Class)

March 29th
Good Friday No Classes
Health & Safety in the Workplace, The Union-Management Chapters
April 05th Framework 12,13

MGMT 5605:40, Wasudewa (Winter, 2024)
Course Evaluation:

Evaluation criteria Weight (100%)

Quiz 1 (In-Class) - Chapters 1,3,4,5 30%

Quiz 2 (In-Class) - Chapters 6,7,8,11 30%

Activity 1 (In-Class) - Concept map - Individual Assignment 20%

Activity 2 (In-Class) - Concept map - Individual Assignment 20%

The pass mark for this course is 60%

NOTE: Additional tests, assignments, or quizzes will not be assigned to improve grades. Please
do not contact the instructor during or after the course is completed with such requests. Students
will receive a grade of 0% if assignments are not submitted as required.


The quizzes & assignments will be based on the course textbook, slides, notes, supplementary
readings, and any other course materials (e.g., videos, class discussions, etc.). In regards
late/missed Quizzes or assignment submission, supplementary quizzes will not be taken, and it
will be the students’ responsibility to inform the instructor at least 2 weeks in advance of any
schedule conflicts prior to the deadline of an assignment. Elective arrangements (such as travel
plans, work, or extra-curricular activities) are not acceptable grounds for scheduling an alternative
testing time. Only students with extreme extenuating conflicts will be scheduled to submit
assignments at a different date/time. Students who miss an assignment deadline due to illness or
other justified circumstance will be required to submit relevant documentation (e.g., doctor’s slip)
to schedule an extension on an assignment.

All students must successfully complete the Introduction to Academic Integrity course before you
can access the quizzes and assignments in Moodle. The course only takes about 20 minutes and
once it is successfully completed, you will earn the Academic Integrity at Cape Breton University
Badge and be able to access the assignment. Please note that badges are not carried over from the
previous academic year. Below you will find a direct link to the Module (the badge is live). Please
note, an enrollment key is no longer required, just a one-time click on the enroll button:

MGMT 5605:40, Wasudewa (Winter, 2024)
Students are permitted to make use of generative AI tools (such as ChatGPT) within certain
learning activities for this course, but only to support your writing process, and should not be used
to present work as your own independent thought. I expect that you will use it to develop responses
to assignments and prompts, but you must also critically examine the information you glean from
this tool, and implement any corrections and enhancements that are necessary. You are ultimately
responsible for the work you submit in this course, and subject to the CBU Academic Integrity
policy; you must properly document all use of AI tools in order to conform to this policy (please
see this resource for APA guidelines). Please note: you are not required to use AI tools, making
use of these tools is optional.

Assignment due dates are outlined in this syllabus and information on the assignments will be
provided in class. Late submissions will be assessed with a penalty which has a mark adjustment
of -50%. For example, if a written assignment valued at 10 points is submitted late, the student/
student working group will receive a 5 - point deduction. Late submissions will not be accepted
three (3) days after the due date and the student or student working group will receive a mark of
zero (0).

All assignments must be uploaded using Moodle before the deadline. All assignments (write ups)
that are required to be handed in must have a cover page containing the following information:
Submitted to, Submitted by, Submission date, Course name, Course number, Section number. It
also requires you to include a table of content page and a reference page. Any resources used in an
assignment must be appropriately referenced by using the APA style. Please use Times New
Roman style in font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing in all assignments (write-ups). For details on
APA format, students are to review the American Psychological Association website
( Students can also reach out to the CBU Writing Centre

Please note that additional assignments/cases will not be assigned to improve grades.

Vaccination, Testing, and Mask Policy:

Students are responsible to become familiar with Cape Breton University’s vaccination, testing,
and mask policy which may be found at (
vaccine-decision/ ).

MGMT 5605:40, Wasudewa (Winter, 2024)
Academic Regulations:

Students must read and familiarize themselves with all the academic regulations that are presented
in the current edition of the academic calendar. Students must review the section on ethical
behaviour in academic matters in said calendar. Students must understand the consequences of
their actions when they plagiarize, cheat, or commit any other form of academic misconduct.
Electronic access to the calendar is available at (

Technology Requirements:

You will need regular access to a computer with an internet connection and a camera and
microphone. You must use a desktop computer or laptop. Tablets, Chromebooks, and cell phones
do not meet course requirements. High speed broadband internet access is highly recommended
for the optimal learning experience. The computer should be a PC/ laptop with Windows 8 or 10.
The Chrome browser is preferred for optimal use of CBU’s Moodle learning system. All CBU
students have access to Microsoft Office 365, including Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint etc. for
Windows. This course requires submission of documents created with Word and it may require
the use of Excel and PowerPoint as well.

Electronic Device Policy:

The use of personal electronic devices in the classroom or other instructional space can contribute
to instruction and learning. It is important to provide a learning environment respectful of all
students and the instructor. There is potential that some behavior: with these devices can interfere
with the learning environment. Personal electronic devices include any device that electronically
communicates, sends, receives, stores, reproduces or displays voice and/or text communication or
data. These include, but are not limited to cellular phones, pagers, smart phones, music and media
players, gaming devices, tablets, laptop computers and personal digital assistants. Acceptable use
of these devices in the classroom or other instructional space will be at the discretion of the
instructor in consideration of individual student needs and the group learning environment.
Acceptable uses of personal electronic devices include educational and emergency use in addition
to student support. When the use of electronic devices interferes with teaching or learning
individuals may be asked to turn off or remove the device. Alternatively, they may be asked to
leave the class or instructional space.

MGMT 5605:40, Wasudewa (Winter, 2024)
Scent Reduction Policy:

Cape Breton University and the organizations that represent students, faculty, and staff support the
efforts of the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee to create a safe and healthy
environment. A growing number of individuals working or attending the University are
experiencing difficulties with exposure to scented products. The University encourages faculty,
staff, students, and visitors to avoid use of scented products, such as perfume and cologne as much
as possible in view of these chemical sensitivities. Additional information may be found at
( ).

CBU Alert:

CBU Alert is Cape Breton University’s Emergency Notification System. In a campus emergency,
CBU will use several information delivery methods to reach employees and students. CBU Alert
is used only to deliver urgent information to you, for example, a campus closure/cancellation due
to severe weather or evacuation. Students will automatically receive emergency notifications
through their CBU email and a preferred email on file without taking any action. Students must
subscribe to receive emergency notifications by text messaging or voice messaging. Additional
information may be found at ( ).

MGMT 5605:40, Wasudewa (Winter, 2024)

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