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Eventually reach some conclusion or

desDnaDon: end up
1. Postpone: put off
20. Become happier / make someone happier:
cheer up
2. Explode or become bad (food): go off
21. Appear suddenly: turn up / show up
3. Remove an item of clothing: take off
22. Fasten an item of clothing: do up
4. Start a journey: set off
23. Rush and not waste Dme: hurry up
5. Leave a bus, train or plane: get off
24. End a phone conversaDon: hang up
6. Start a journey: set off
25. Rip into small pieces: tear up
7. Behave in a way that is intended to aCract
aCenDon or admiraDon, and that other 26. Raise or menDon a topic / come near / a
people oEen find annoying: show off problem happens or occurs: come up

8. Cancel something: call off 27. Let someone get into your car and take
them somewhere: pick up
9. Resist an illness: fight of
28. Compensate for: make up for
10. Remove or throw away something
unwanted: get rid of 29. Decide if something is true: check out

11. Vomit: throw up 30. Deal in a saDsfactory or successful way with

a problem or situaDon: sort out
12. Eventually reach some conclusion or
desDnaDon: end up 31. Draw a line through something you have
wriCen, usually because it is wrong: cross
13. Put something on a hook or hanger: hang out
32. Finish, use, or sell all of something, so that
14. Use all of something, so that nothing is leE: there is none leE: run out
use up
33. Make clothes wider: let out
15. Become large, inflated or bulging: swell up
– swelled – swollen 34. Use something so much that it is damaged
and cannot be used any more: wear out
16. Stop trying something: give up
35. Stop taking part in (a compeDDon, a
17. Reduce the length of a piece of clothing: university, etc.): drop out
take up
36. ExDnguish a fire: put out
18. Raise a child: bring up
37. Choose: pick out
38. Think about and find a soluDon / do 56. InvesDgate: look into
exercise: work out
57. Make a piece of clothing narrower: take in
39. Think of and express an idea: come up with
58. Submit something; give something to
40. Become sick but not seriously: come down someone in a posiDon of authority: hand /
with turn / give in

41. Argue and stop being friendly with 59. Die: pass away
someone: fall out with
60. Have a holiday (oEen because you need a
42. Tolerate: put up with rest): get away

43. Not be punished for doing something: get 61. Dispose of rubbish: throw away
away with
62. Separate or fall apart on its own or due to
44. Reduce the amount you consume: cut wear and tear. It oEen implies a natural or
down on unintended process of disintegraDon:
come apart
45. Be confident that you can depend on
someone: count / rely on 63. Lose control emoDonally / break into
pieces or become unusable due to damage,
46. Think less of a person: look down on wear and tear, or poor construcDon/ plans
or relaDonships go wrong: fall apart
47. Two people like each other and are friendly
to each other: get on 64. Argue and stop being friendly with
someone: fall out with
48. Something starts to become popular or
fashionable / Someone begins to 65. Faint, lose consciousness: pass out
understand: catch on
66. Compare prices: shop around
49. Reduce the amount you consume: cut
down on 67. Change an opinion or see a new point of
view / Visit a person / Recover
50. Wait a short Dme: hang on consciousness: come around

51. Visit informally and unexpectedly: drop by 68. Separate or fall apart on its own or due to
wear and tear. If oEen implies a natural or
52. Manage to survive / live: get by unintended process of disintegraDon:
come apart
53. It stops working; be unable to control your
feelings and to start to cry: break down 69. Find something unexpectedly: come across

54. Disappoint: let down 70. Consider something: think over

55. Meet unexpectedly; collide with 71. Share similariDes or trains with one or both
something: run into of their parents: take a<er
72. Experience something, esp. something 8. What do you call a person who likes to
unpleasant or difficult: go through aBend par=es oCen
A party animal
73. Feel pleased and excited about something
that is going to happen: look forward to 9. What do you call a person who is hard-
74. Not to do something, oEen because of fear A cold fish
or because you do not want to make a bad
situaDon worse: hold back 10. What do you call a person who is very
par=cular about things/ irritable and hard
75. Take something (or someone) to a place to please
and leave it there: drop Fussy

76. Visit informally and unexpectedly: drop by 11. What do you call a person who gets up very

1. What do you call a person who is extremely 12. What do you call a person who is bad-
unpleasant and disagreeable tempered
Obnoxious Grumpy

2. What do you call a person whose behaviour 13. What do you call a person who is
or personality spoils other people's narcissis=c; self-centred; something which
enjoyment is useless
A party pooper Vain

3. What do you call a person who gets on with 14. What do you call a person who is mean;
people really well and is a good listener miserly
A people person S=ngy

4. What do you call a person who tends to 15. What do you call a person who talks a lot
dominate other people and tells them what ChaBy or chaBerbox
to do
A bossy boot 16. What do you call a person who is taking
your responsibility very seriously
5. What do you call a person who is not able Conscien=ous
to keep a secret
A big mouth 17. What do you call a person who stays up
un=l late
6. What do you call a person who is sensible A night owl
and realis=c
Down-to-earth 18. What do you call a person whose moods
change suddenly and they become angry or
7. What do you call a person who is bad or unhappy easily
very unpleasant / unkind Moody
19. What do you call a person who is always
willing to do something
An eager beaver

20. What do you call a person who is

oversensi=ve; easily offended

21. What do you call a person who has the

ability to find quick and wiBy fixes to any

22. What do you call a person who is polite and


23. What do you call a person who has

adaptable and flexible nature

24. What do you call a person who is

emo=onally neutral; not easily excitable

25. What do you call a person who is relaxed

and doesn't get stressed or upset easily

26. What do you call a person who is thinking

that bad things are more likely to happen or
emphasising the bad part of a situa=on

27. What do you call a person who is fixated on

principles and tries to hold them as
undeniably true

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