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At the end of this module, you should be able to:
1. Use different ways of labelling the groups of the periodic table of elements
2. Discuss characteristics of the alkali metals (Group 1), alkaline earth metals
(Group 2), halogens (Group 17), and noble gases (Group 18)

Time Allotted: 1 min Actual Time: __________

Though many scientists, both known and unknown, made various independent attempts at
organizing the known elements during the 1860s, Mendeleev came out victorious – and
now the immortalized champion of organizing the elements – by focusing on deducing the
scientific logic behind organizing the elements. You have learned in the previous lesson that
Mendeleev arranged elements by increasing atomic mass, and with this arrangement, the
chemical properties return periodically, making elements with similar characteristics fall into
a single column.

However, Mendeleev’s proposed scheme had some discrepancies, at least initially. Despite
being arranged with the virtue of their atomic weights, some elements seemed to be
suspiciously out of place because they had chemical and physical properties different than
those in the same column. Nevertheless, Mendeleev had so much confidence on his
scheme that in order to fit with his theory, he contested that the atomic weights of these
elements were mistakenly assigned – and he was right on some of them! These include
beryllium, uranium, and the switching between iodine and tellurium, which is now justified.

Additionally, Mendeleev’s arrangement of the known elements left many missing spaces for
undiscovered ones. Through this version, Mendeleev was able to predict the chemical (and
some of the physical) properties of the undiscovered elements. Once again, his predictions
were close to the confirmed properties of these previously missing elements, even though
they were discovered many years later: gallium in 1875, scandium in 1879, germanium in
1886, and technetium in 1937.

Although Henry Moseley came along to improve on this scheme in 1913 by using atomic
numbers in organizing the elements, Mendeleev’s genius cannot be denied. In this
discussion, you will see why some elements fit into certain groups, as Mendeleev has
insisted, due to their similarities on their physical and chemical properties.

Time Allotted: 3 min Actual Time: __________

Labelling Periods and Groups/Families

In the previous lesson, you were given a brief overview of the periodic table. In the current
version of the periodic table, elements are placed on a grid with 7 rows, called periods, and
18 columns, called groups or families.

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Figure 1. The modern periodic table showing each of the elements’ atomic number and symbol.
Adapted from “File:18 column periodic table, with Lu and Lr in group 3.png” by Sandbh, 2020. Retrieved from CC BY-SA-4.0

Naming the Periods

Elements in a row are arranged by increasing atomic number, from left to right. Their
inclusion in the same row also means that they have the same number of occupied electron
shells signified by their row number (from 1 through 7). For example, hydrogen (H) and
helium (He), both elements in the first row, have 1 electron shell.

Figure 2. Atomic models of hydrogen (left) and helium (right), both of which have 1 electron shells.
Modified from “File:Hydrogèneethélium.png” by Pitbab, 2017. Retrieved from CC BY-SA-4.0

Notice that as you go down the periodic table, the number of elements for each period
increases. The first period has 2 elements; the second and third periods have 8 elements
each; the fourth and fifth periods have 18 elements each. Additionally, to fit the periodic
table in a single page, most periodic tables are shown to have 2 extra rows (the lanthanide
and actinide series) at the bottom composed of 14 elements each, which are actually part
of the sixth and seventh periods, bringing up the total number of elements in these periods
to 32 each.

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Figure 3. The expanded version of the periodic table wherein the elements in the lanthanide and actinide series
are integrated in the sixth and seventh period.
Adapted from “File:Periodic table (32-col, enwiki), black and white.png”, 2021. Image with no author. Retrieved from,_enwiki),_black_and_white.png. CC BY-SA-4.0

Naming the Groups or Families

In contrast, naming the groups or families in the periodic table is a bit more complex.
Although the overall form of the periodic table is widely accepted, naming conventions for
the groups or families have historically and geographically varied. To resolve this, an
international standard for naming the groups was established by the International Union of
Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), wherein groups are labelled using numbers 1 to 18.
However, previous naming schemes, such as the traditional (using Roman numerals and
letters A and B; e.g., IA, IB) and the American naming scheme (using numbers and letters
A and B; e.g., 1A, 1B) are still used. Note that neither the lanthanides nor actinides are
labeled; however, they bring up the total number of groups to 32.

IUPAC Traditional American IUPAC Traditional American

Scheme Scheme Scheme Scheme Scheme Scheme

1 IA 1A 10 VIIIB 8B

2 IIA 2A 11 IB 1B

3 IIIB 3B 12 IIB 2B

4 IVB 4B 13 IIIA 3A

5 VB 5B 14 IVA 4A

6 VIB 6B 15 VA 5A

7 VIIB 7B 16 VIA 6A


Figure 4. The different naming schemes for the groups or families in the periodic table.

Notice also that groups contain varying numbers of elements. The 2 leftmost and 6
rightmost groups, which contain the most elements per group, are called the main groups.
Elements in these groups are usually present in life forms, such as carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Meanwhile, the remaining 10 groups in between the
main groups are called the transition metal groups, which contain most metals that you
may be familiar with, such as iron, copper, zinc, gold, and silver. Lastly, the lanthanides and
actinides are called the inner transition metal groups, which have known uses for their
radioactive properties.

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Figure 5. An overview of the elements in the main groups (highlighted in green), transition
metal groups (highlighted in blue), and inner transition metal groups (highlighted in purple).
Figure made using Microsoft Office Excel 365.

Mendeleev’s initiative to place elements in groups for having similar physical and chemical
properties have paid off in discovering new elements and predicting their unknown
properties. Over the years, some of these groups were given distinguishing names in
relation to their properties. For this discussion, we will be focusing on four groups – Group
1, 2, 17, and 18 – and the different properties that group them together.

A Spotlight on Some Groups in the Periodic Table

Group 1: Alkali Metals

This group consists of lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potassium (K), rubidium (Rb), cesium
(Cs), and the less known francium (Fr). All these elements are soft, silvery metals.
Amazingly, these metals react rapidly (and usually violently) with water, the product of the
reaction being highly alkaline or basic, hence the name alkali metals. They are highly
reactive and will form compounds readily in the presence of other elements. Because of
this, they are usually not found in nature in their pure state. (Note that hydrogen, a colorless
gas, is technically positioned in Group 1 due to similarities in electron configuration but is
neither a metal nor does it have a characteristic reaction with water.)

Figure 6. A strong explosive reaction between sodium metal and water. Notice the
cracks that the explosion made on the glass container.
Adapted from “File:Sodium_and_Water” by T. Mach, 2013. Retrieved from CC BY-SA-3.0

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Group 2: Alkaline-earth Metals

This group consists of beryllium (Be), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr),
barium (Ba), and radium (Ra). They are also lustrous, silvery metals, but compared to
Group 1, they generally have lesser reactivity with other elements and compounds,
including water (the reaction of which also results in the formation of alkaline products). This
particular reactivity enables them to form compounds; hence, they are also not found in
nature in their pure state. They are observed to have high melting points, remaining solids
(“earth”) after burning.

Figure 7. Burning a magnesium ribbon produces a white, blinding light.

Adapted from “File:Burning_Picaso” by Scohen2017, 2018. Retrieved from CC BY 4.0

Group 17: Halogens

This group consists of fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I), and the less
known astatine (At). These nonmetal elements range from being solids to liquids to gases
in their pure state, most of which are corrosive. However, in nature, they are also only found
in combination with other elements. For instance, the group name halogen was derived from
the Greek word hals, meaning “salt”, because these elements usually have reactivity with
metals to form salt (such as in sodium chloride (NaCl) or table salt).

Figure 8. In their natural state, halogens can exist as (from left to right) gas (chlorine), liquid (bromine), and solid
Adapted from “File:Halogens.jpg” by W. Oelen, 2011. Retrieved from
CC BY-SA 3.0

Group 18: Noble Gases

This group consists of helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), and
radon (Rn). All these elements are colorless gases. They are also called inert gases
because they have little to no reactivity. In fact, their group name was translated from the
German word Edelgas, becoming “noble” because they do not “react” with anything.
Apparently, back then, choosing not react with anything was a noble trait in humans!

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Figure 9. Under high voltage, inert gases (such as neon) glow and emit different colors.
Adapted from “File:M&M's World Las Vegas.jpg” by J. Truelson, 2009. Retrieved from CC BY-SA 2.0

Time Allotted: 17 min Actual Time: __________


I. Write TRUE if the statement is correct; otherwise, write FALSE (1 point each).

1. In total, there are 7 groups and 32 periods in the periodic table.

2. The lanthanides and actinides are part of the sixth and seventh period in the periodic

3. The traditional scheme in naming the groups or families uses numbers from 1-18.

4. The transition metal groups are found between the main groups.

5. Generally, there are more elements in the topmost labeled periods than those found

II. Among the Groups 1, 2, 17, and 18, identify the groups with the property being
asked (1 point each).

1. Which group/s has/have high reactivity?

2. Which group/s has/have element/s that naturally exist in a gaseous state?

3. Which group/s has/have a characteristic violent reaction with water?

4. Which group/s form/s basic compounds when reacting with water?

5. Which group/s have elements that are not found in nature in their pure state?

Time Allotted: 8 min Actual Time: __________

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In Summary:
■ The modern periodic table consists of rows (periods) and columns (groups or
■ Different naming conventions are used for the periods and groups/families in the
modern periodic table.
■ Elements in the same group or family have similar characteristics and properties.

Time Allotted: 1 min Actual Time: __________

Albarico, J. (PSHS-CBZRC), THINK Framework. Based on Science Links by E.G. Ramos

and N. Apolinario, Quezon City: Rex Bookstore. (undated)

Fay, R., McMurry, J. (2014) General Chemistry Atoms First. New Jersey: Pearson

[File:Periodic table (32-col, enwiki), black and white.png]. (2017).,_enwiki),_black_and

Lente, G. Where Mendeleev was wrong: predicted elements that have never been found.
ChemTexts 5, 17 (2019).

Mach, T. (2013) File:Sodium_and_Water. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from

Oelen, W. (2011) File:Halogens.jpg. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from

Pitbab (2017) File:Hydrogèneethélium.png. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from

Sandbh (2020) File:18 column periodic table, with Lu and Lr in group 3.png. Wikimedia
Commons. Retrieved from

Scohen2017 (2018) File:Burning Picaso.jpg. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from

Truelson, J. (2009) File:M&M's World Las Vegas.jpg. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from

Learning Guide 16.2.1 - Student’s Copy | page 7 of 7

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