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Biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics

Section: C
Submitted to :Sir Shoaib Sarwar
Aleena L1F19PHMD0141
Umama L1F19PHMD0154
Rida L1F19PHMD0167
Uswa L1F19PHMD0162
Jannat L1F19PHMD0167

“Drug product consideration”
In order to administer medications safely, increase efficacy, and boost patient complianc
e, pharmaceutical development companies are looking at novel techniques.
Noninvasive systemic medication delivery methods including :
• intranasal
• transdermal, etc.
Are far more desirable than invasive methods like :
•intravenous and
•subcutaneous drug delivery
.Alternative non-invasive systemic drug delivery is being considered for biotechnology-
derived drugs (Protiens), ease of selfadministration (Orally disintegrating tablets), or prol
onged drug delivery (Transdermal patch), even though the oral route of administration i
s preferred and is the most popular route of administration.
1)Oral drug products
The most popular, practical, and economical method of administering a
Pharmacological product is orally.
Advantage: The main benefits of oral medication products include:
• Convenient administration;
• Safety; and
• The removal of the discomfort associated with injections.
The main drawbacks of oral medication products include the following:
• Possibilities of reduced, irregular, or partial bioavailability due to solubility, permeabilit
y, or stability difficulties.
•Some orally taken medications may irritate the GIT linings causing nausea or GIT pain
•. Unabsorbed pharmaceuticals may also change the concentration and microbiologic fl
ora of the GIT.
The oral route still presents challenges due to the unpredictable nature of gastrointestin
al drug absorption caused by elements such as:
• Food consumption (may change GIT pH)
• Gastric motility
• Emptying time
• Rate and amount of drug absorption.

The ganglion-blocking drugs (Hexamethonium,pentolinium)ionized at intestinal pH so

absorbed orally.
•Neomycin,Gentamicin are not well absorbed orally
•Drugs with the large molecular weight may not be well absorbed when given orally.
•Neomycin and vancomycin are used for anti-bacterial effect in GIT tract.
•Delivering protiens and peptides by the oral route has been a big challenge
Because there is a lack of stability( Enzymatic degradation)
•In developing oral protien delivery system with high bioavailability
3 practicals approaches might be useful:
1)Modification of physico-chemical properties of macromolecules
2)Addition of novel function to macromolecules
3) Use of improve delivery carriers.

Parenteral Drug Products

“ The parenteral drug products are those which are administered by syringe or needle in
body tissues or fluids.”
These are:
intravenous, intra-arterial, intramuscular, subcutaneous, and intrathecal routes.

 IV bolus injection gives the most rapid onset of action of drugs as the drug
directly enters the systemic circulation.
 Drug is absorbed from muscle in which it is administered into systemic circulation.
 In IM ,Plasma drug input rises slowly to peak and then declines acc. to
elimination half life of drug.
 In case of IV, plasma levels of drugs abruptly rises to peak levels and the decline
is in form of steep slope.

Site of drug administration in IM:

 Drug absorption varies in case of IM injection, as it is administered into tissues
and there is different blood flow in different tissues. It depends on the injection
site of the drug.
 In case of deltoid muscles there is more blood circulation so the drug is
absorbed more rapidly
Vehicle of injections:
 Drug release can be made faster or slower by the use of appropriate vehicle.
 If there is an aqueous vehicle of injection the drug is rapidly released.
 In case of an oily vehicle, the drug release is delayed.
 Modified release parenteral dosage forms have been developed which release
the drug over a year or weeks
 In such dosage forms , the drug is entrapped in polymeric or lipophilic matrices
which slowly release the drug.
 Drugs can be formulated as emulsions or suspensions or to other dosage forms
to delay the dose release. e.g: protein , peptides etc.
 change in a parenteral drug product from a solution to
an emulsion, liposome, etc will alter the drug’s distribution and pharmacokinetic

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