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Why a US company should consider hiring offshore talent from Colombia?

Well, I would like to share various reasons. First of all, while the average American Intake
Specialist earns approximately $60,000 per year in Colombians are getting that same job done
for under $24,000. In the US $900 per month may be too low, but the exchange price, reality is
that Colombian employees will have their wages raised by working with an American company.
It is a win-win situation.
Hiring offshore talent from Colombia is cheaper than onshoring. It is no secret that the situation
of the Colombian Peso, combined with the inflation and the new government with Mr. Petro, has
forced many people in the country to look for better opportunities in US. As a result of the
devaluation of the peso compared to the dollar, hiring offshore talent is a great opportunity for
the US to hire workforce in Colombia at a cheaper price. There are so many of us, well prepared,
educated professionals who are willing to learn new skills and widen our job possibilities in
order to be able to continue having the lifestyle we once had or at least the social status that we
had before the pandemic or Mr. Petro. We are looking for the financial stability that our country
cannot offer us.
The legal structure and business cultures are similar: The governments of Colombia and the US
have a long-standing relationship, and the Colombian government has been looking to the US in
its recent years as a model for structuring itself now that it is in a good place with a rising
economy. Business culture in Colombia is similar as well.
Even though most people in Colombia are not as fluent in English as people from India, it is a
reality that globalization as well as social media have minimized the language barrier.
Colombians are increasingly learning English, as more Americans and Europeans are starting to
travel to Colombia for vacation and retirement.
Both countries share the same time zones. Hiring someone from India, is somewhat
inconvenient, due to the 12-hour time difference there is. Colombia overlaps with American time
zones, making communication and scheduling much easier.
In-person meetings are cheaper and easier to arrange. Unlike other countries like India, you can
get from the US to Colombia in as little as 3 hours, depending on where you are located.
These are some of the reasons why many US companies are currently looking for talent offshore
in Colombia. Finally, a very important reason: Americans find Colombians to be friendly,
responsible, and easy to work with. We are.

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