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Chapter 10.

The Model Millionaire

Understand and answer, Pages 67-68

1. a) F b) F c) F d) F e) F f) T

Q. Mention three reasons why Hughie felt sorry for the beggar?

Ans. Hughie felt sorry for the beggar because he looked miserable and forlorn, his
clothes were falling to bits, and he felt that the beggar was not being paid enough for
his work.

Q. What further help did he want to give the beggar?

Ans. Hughie wanted to give some of his old clothes to the beggar, as his clothes
were quite tattered and falling to bits.

Q. Why did Hughie call Alan a heartless person? Do you agree?

Ans. Hughie called Alan a heartless person because he said that the beggar looked
splendid in his rags, and he would not paint him in a dress coat or any nice piece of
clothing. He found the beggar’s poverty picturesque and did not want to change
anything about him. Alan’s statement about poverty and a poor beggar’s rags was
definitely heartless. However, he already knew that the beggar was not really a
beggar – he was a millionaire. He was speaking in the context of that particular
beggar, so he was very candid about his opinions. Hughie, however, did not know
this at the time and felt that it was heartless of Alan to say something like that.

Q. Alan gave Hughie two reasons why he didn’t tell him Who the model was. What
were the reasons.

Ans. The two reasons that Alan gave Hughie were as follows:

i) He did not know that Hughie went around giving alms to beggars in such a
benevolent manner.

ii) He didn’t know whether Hausberg would have liked his name to be mentioned at
that time as he wasn’t in full dress.

Q. Find the expressions in the text to match the meanings :

a) ready to kiss her shoe strings

b) perfect profile and no profession

c) eagerly sought after

d) his face is his fortune

e) What seems poverty to you, is picturesqueness to me

f) millionaire models

g) model millionaires
Internet Addiction

C. They say it is a disease…..

a) Who are they here?

A- In the above quoted line ‘they’ refers to all the people who talk about the bad impact
of internet.

b. What is the ‘disease’?

A- Here ‘disease’ means the addiction to the internet that we have.

c) How severe is the condition of the person affected by it?

A- The condition is extremely severe. Any person who is addicted to internet, cannot
stay away from it in any circumstances.

D.1. What according to the speaker, is ‘the power of internet’?

A- According to the speaker, internet has great power. The person who is addicted to
it cannot stay away from it and he/she is always glued to the screen. Such
addicted persons are over powered by the internet.

2. What helps the speaker identify that she/he is addicted to the internet? Cite
instances from the poem.

A- The poet has given some instances through which one can identity that one person
is addicted towards internet. The instances are:-

a) days go by.
b) nothing can stop …….. from leaving it.
c) It is impossible to just get up and go…. etc.
3. What does the speaker mean by ‘days go by’?
A- Through the phrase, ‘days go by’ the speaker wishes to show the reader the amount
of addiction of an individual towards internet. It means that, he/she is ‘glued to the
screen’ everyday and thus waste the days one after another.
The speaker says, ‘Can’t keep my eyes off the screen’, What is She/he suggesting?
Though the phrase, ‘Can’t keep my eyes off the screen’, the speaker wants to suggest
that the person who is addicted to internet stays long hours in front of the screen. In this
way, he destroys the day without any productive work.
E.1. Have you heard the term ‘internet addiction disorder’? Explain how internet
addiction can become a disorder.
A- Internet addiction is a very common term in today’s world. People of all age group do
fall in this addiction. If any person stays for a long period of time infront of the internet.
Such addiction not only affects our physical and mental health but also leaves an impact
on our social, emotional and family life. If we can use it properly then it is a blessing but
if the internet overpowers us then it brings all the disorders in our day to day activities.

2. The speaker admits that she/he is addicted to the internet. What could be the likely
steps from here that could cure her/him from the addiction?
A- In the poem we find that the speaker is admitting that he/she is addicted to the
internet. Some of the steps that can be taken to cure him/her are discussed below:-
Very first his/her screen time can be curtailed and all these electronic gadgets can be
taken away for the time being. He/She needs to be engaged more in physical activities.
Other interesting things can be presented infront of him/her to involve his/her mind to

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