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6 Morland Road


Principal: Mr S Rispoli

Friday 19th January 2024

Dear Parents & Carers

We have reached the end of our first full week back at the Academy and I am pleased to say
that students, on the whole, have made a great start to 2024. This term is much shorter than
the Autumn Term and it is really important to us that we keep our momentum of day-to-day
positive change and improvement at Ark Blake Academy. There is definitely no hint of the
‘January blues’ and students are up and running and working hard in lessons, back into
Enrichment Clubs and also attending our newly introduced Homework Support sessions.

Student Leadership

The launch of Student Leadership at the Academy last term was one of the most exciting
changes we have made as it puts students at the heart of helping drive forward the change we
want as a community of staff and students.

All Tutor Group Leaders and Deputies will be meeting next Wednesday to discuss the feedback
they have received from their Tutor Groups with members of the Senior Leadership Team, and
also reviewing the ‘You Said, We Did’ actions from the last meeting.


We appreciate that in the recent cold weather students are wearing hats to and from school
and we are supportive of this. A reminder that our Uniform Policy is plain, dark grey or black
hats only. We are really keen to uphold the really high standards of appearance we set
ourselves last term and from Monday 22nd January hats outside of our Uniform Policy that are
being worn in and around the Academy will be confiscated.

Year 10 Parents’ Evening – 25th January 2024 from 4.00pm-7.00pm

A reminder that whilst Parents’ Evening will take place in person, appointments should be
booked online at

Appointments will be available to book until 12.00pm on Wednesday 24th January.

Personal Development Survey – Friday 26th January 2024

On Friday 26th January, students will need to bring their Chromebooks in to take part in a
Personal Development survey whereby they can share their views on Personal Development
lessons so far this year. A text reminder will be sent out on the Thursday.

Lost Property

If your child has lost an item of uniform, PE kit or other personal item in school please
encourage them to visit the School Office before or after school, or at break or lunchtime to
see if it has been handed in to Lost Property.

T: +44 020 3443 9000
Twitter: @ArkBlake
Any items not claimed by the end of term (Friday 9th February 2024) will be donated to the

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

With kind regards

Mr S Rispoli

Mr S Rispoli | Principal | Ark Blake

Follow us on: Ark Blake Academy (@ArkBlake) / X (

for further pictures, positive news stories and updates from the Academy

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