Future Tense Simple

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A: S+ aux. WILL+ VB

I: Aux. WILL+ S+ VB?

N: S+ aux. WILL NOT (WON’T) + VB

Afirmativ Interogativ Negativ

I will come – eu voi veni Will I come ?- voi veni eu? I will not come- eu nu voi
You will come Will you come ? veni
He/She/It will come Will he/she/it come ? You will not come
We will come Will we come ? He/She/It will not come
You will come Will you come ? We will not come
They will come Will they come ? You will not come
They will not come

INTREBUINTARE: se foloseste pentru a reda:

- actiuni ce vor avea loc in viitor
Miriam will come to see me next year= Miriam va veni sa ma vada anul viitor
- previziuni despre viitor
I believe she will be a great politician one day= Cred ca ea va fi un bun politician intr-o zi.

next year= anul viitor
next week= saptamana viitoare
next month= luna viitoare
tomorrow= maine
the day after tomorrow= poimaine
soon= in curand
one day= intr-o (buna) zi
Going To Future
TO BE GOING TO= A avea de gand sa, a intentiona sa

Se foloseste pentru a exprima :

- Planuri, intentii pentru viitor
I am going to travel to Spain one day- Am de gand sa vizitez Spania intr-o zi.

- Predictii bazate pe ceea ce stim sau ce vedem

Look at the sky. It is going to rain soon- Uita-te la cer, va ploua in curand.

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