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Issue #1

Tuesday, November 25, 2008 The Official IDEAS 2008 Show Daily

IDEAS Returns to Karachi, PM Opens

Defence Expo
ings to the people of Pakistan,” he
Pakistan Steadfast said when inaugurating the IDEAS
in War on Terrorism, defence exposition here in the
commercial and port city of
By MG Mahmud “We also believe that real vic-
tory against the terrorist is only
KARACHI–Pakistan condemns terrorism possible, if besides the ongoing
in all its forms and manifestations but re- military action, root causes of ter-
lated issues must be solved, Prime Min- rorism like foreign occupation, op-
ister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani said. pression, denial of fundamental
“It is our belief that a world free of terror- rights, economic deprivation and
ists is in the common interest of the inter- injustice are removed and fester-
national community which is our reason ing wounds of Kashmir are
for assuming the lead role in the Global healed. Otherwise, the terrorist
War on Terror and its consequent suffer- organisations will face no prob- Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani.

Defence Minister and

lems in finding willing recruits for commit-
ting crimes against humanity in the name

International Top Brass at

of various causes,” Syed Yousuf said.
This is the fifth International Defence

IDEAS Seminar By ADJ Staff Writer

Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS) organised
by the Defence Export Promotion
Organisation (DEPO) and for the first time
managed by Ecommerce Gateway, a top
event management company in Pakistan.

continued on page 4

Another Agosta
Submarine Ready
KARACHI: PNS Hamza, the second indig-
enously built Agosta 90B submarine, was
commissioned in the Pakistan Navy on
Sept 26, giving a qualitative boost to its
capability to defend the country’s maritime
“It is a major breakthrough in our capa-
bilities of defence production and Pakistan
Major General Muhammad Farooq, DG DEPO, with Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar, Minister of Defence at
the Seminar. is among one of the few countries capable
with an accelerated pace of technology de- of constructing submarines indigenously,”
Pakistan’s defence industry is committed velopment for it to remain relevant, De- Commodore Naser Shah, general man-
to meet its objectives including maintain- fence Minister Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar ager of the submarine construction project
ing a maximum base for self reliance and said. continued on page 6 at the PN Dockyard said. continued on page 3

First Caesar
in ADJ’s Combat Proven Saab to Submit
Today Helicopters from Delivered to the Gripen Tender
Russia French Army for Brazil
Visit ADJ at A12, Hall 1
IDEAS 2008 TODAY Tuesday November 25 2008 Page 3

continued from page 1

IDEAS Opens Shop Today

The special feature of PNS Hamza is
MESMA air independent propulsion (AIP)
system which increases the diving dura-
tion as compared to conventional sub-
marines. The AIP system has liquid oxy-
gen and ethanol to produce electricity
which is used to charge the submarine’s
PNS Hamza, being commissioned af-
ter successful completion of all harbour
and sea trials, will become the first sub-
marine in the Arabian Sea with the AIP sys-
This is the third submarine of Agosta
90B contract which was signed with DCNS
of France in September 1994. Under the
contract, first Agosta 90B, PNS Khalid, was
built in France and handed over to the Pa-
kistan Navy in December 1999.
The second submarine PNS Saad was The five-day International Defense Exhibi- defence manufacturers and trade
built at the submarine construction depart- tion and Seminar (IDEAS) 2008 opens organisations from 58 countries,
ment at the PN Dockyard and it was com- shop today. With the participation of 162 organisers of the event have termed it the
missioned in 2003. biggest exhibition of its kind.
Construction of indigenous submarine outer hull is light structure fabricated at Director-General of Defence Export Pro-
continued despite some hitches follow- the PN Dockyard in parts and mounted on motion Organisation (DEPO) Major Gen-
ing the Sheraton Karachi bombing in the inner pressure hull. The pressure hull eral Mohammad Farooq, said some 256
which some French engineers working on section was fabricated and outfitted by the defence-related companies will participate
the project were killed. Hamza is the most PN Dockyard in collaboration with the in IDEAS-2008 including 94 Pakistani
advanced version of Agosta design. Its Karachi Shipyard. firms. Out of the 94 Pakistani defence com-
panies, almost 60 per cent are from the
private sector.
About 221 defence manufacturing com-
panies participated in IDEAS-2006 includ-
ing 73 domestic and 148 foreign firms
from 27 countries. The first IDEAS was held
2000, with the participation of 125 compa-
nies from 45 countries.
This year’s IDEAS will see the JF-17 thun-
der fighter aircraft put on display for the
first time at a defence exhibition as a co-
production of Pakistani and Chinese de-
fence industries. A seminar was also held
on the first day of IDEAS at Sheraton
Karachi where national and international
defence experts and analysts discussed
issues concerning security and defence
needs of the region in the backdrop of the
war against terrorism.
PNS Hamza
It was reported that some 66 defence
delegations from participating countries
are also taking part in the IDEAS-2008 out
IDEAS 2008 of which 30 delegations are high-level,

Associate Publisher: Hans Keller
headed either by the defence ministers,
Editorial Advisers: Adm (retd) Tan Sri Abu Bakar bin Abdul secretaries or services’ chiefs of the coun-
Jamal-RMN, Adm (retd) Tan Sri Ilyas Din-RMN tries.
Editorial Team: M Ghazemy Mahmud, Kelvin Fong, Maj.Gen. Farooq said that, due to the
M Hanif Ismail, Isaak Zulkarnaen, Benjamin Mahmud Published daily at IDEAS 2008 by SHP Media Sdn Bhd which
is solely responsible for its editorial contents. Copyright by staging of four IDEAS events since 2000,
Production Team: William Chan, Kudin, Foong Poh Yee SHP Media Sdn Bhd, publisher of ASIAN DEFENCE JOURNAL the demand for small and light arms, rocket
C-17-1, 17th Floor, Tower C, Megan Avenue II, 12, Jalan Yap launchers and anti-tank missiles, and
Circulation/Distribution Team: Airul Redzma Mahpor Kwan Seng, PO Box 10836, 50726 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
other assorted munitions manufactured by
Chairman: Tunku Dato’ Ya’acob bin Tunku Abdullah No part of ADJ’s IDEAS 2008 TODAY may be reproduced, stored Pakistan had increased phenomenally in
in a retrieval system, transmitted in any forms or by any means– the international market. He said that due
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Dato’ Haji Syed Hussain electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise– to the string of embargoes slapped on
bin Syed Abdul Karim without the prior written permission of the publisher. For the
duration of the IDEAS 2008 exhibition, ADJ’s IDEAS 2008 Pakistan from time to time, the country had
Executive Publisher: Syed Mohd Fazilla TODAY’s office will be at A12, Hall 1. achieved self-reliance in defence manu-
facturing in various fields.
Page 4 Tuesday November 25 2008 IDEAS 2008 TODAY

IDEAS Returns to Karachi...continued from page 1

Defence Cooperation
Pakistan has a long history of defence
cooperation with nations across the globe
and especially with Afro-Asian region. In
the past, Prime Minister Syed Yousuf said
this has mostly been in the fields of mili-
tary training, organisational support and
“Over the passing years, we have en-
deavoured to extend the dimensions of
this relationship towards collaboration in
defence production with the friendly na-
tions and mutually assisting each other in
establishing their indigenous capability to
give them internal strength and stability.”
“Our multifaceted and technically pro-
gressive defence industry provides us a for Pakistan and for our region. My country named Defence Export Promotion
strong designing and production base for has been the worst effected since 1980’s Organisation that, besides focusing on
developing and fielding major defence and we continue to suffer more grievously defence export, also facilitates interna-
products. On our own and in cooperation after our decision to join the global struggle tional collaboration, joint ventures and
with our friends both from the East and against the forces of extremism, violence outsourcing. Holding of IDEAS series has
the West, we have successfully completed and terrorism. The civilised world does been great help to expose entire range of
some major programmes i.e. the in-coun- appreciate our contributions toward fight- Pakistan’s defence industry to the outside
try assembly of Agosta 90B submarines ing the menace.” world for defence cooperation and indus-
and the design, development and produc- However, he said, “I feel honoured to trial collaboration.
tion of Al-Khalid Main Battle Tank, other address such a large defence hierarchy “In this regard, let me commend the ef-
armoured vehicles, anti-tank guided mis- from around 60 friendly countries and your forts of Defence Export Promotion
siles, surface-to-air missiles, Mashaak impressive presence at IDEAS 2008 adds Organisation.”
and Super Mashaak and the list goes on to my confidence that Pakistan enjoys “Let me avail this opportunity to extend
including JF-17 Thunder jet fighter aircraft huge support of the world community in a very warm welcome to the large number
in collaboration with our Chinese friends. measuring up to the challenges posed by of distinguished delegates from friendly
All these products are already in service the global, regional and resultant domes- countries. Your presence positively reflects
with our armed forces,” the Prime Minister tic security environments.” on Pakistan’s standing in the comity of
said. nations. We share common interests and
Syed Yousuf also took the opportunity to Pakistan Defence Industry perceptions and the theme of the exhibi-
briefly touch upon the subject of the re- He said Pakistan has a large defence tion “Arms for Peace”, manifests our
gional security situation which has under- manufacturing, training and supporting shared objectives of peace and stability
gone radical changes in the post 9/11 sce- infrastructure, which not only meets the through conventional balance and mutual
nario. demands of its own armed forces but also deterrence.”
“It was much before 9/11 that the dynam- has the capacity to offer high quality prod- “I am extremely pleased to see a large
ics of security environment in our region ucts and services to friendly countries at of foreign exhibitors and trade visitors par-
started to change in late eighties and early mutually acceptable terms. For this pur- ticipating in this exhibition. I welcome them
nineties with far reaching consequences pose, Pakistan have a national platform with the assurance that they will find their
participation commercially beneficial,”
Prime Minister Syed Yousuf said.
Successful holding of this exhibition has
been made possible through the pro-
longed and dedicated efforts of the De-
fence Export Promotion Organisation and
the support they have received from the
Ministry of Defence Production, the Armed
Forces, Trade Development Authority
(TDAP), the Ministry of Commerce, the City
District Government Karachi and the Gov-
ernment of Sindh. The Prime Minister also
expressed special gratitude to the people
of Karachi for their warm-hearted hospi-
tality, full cooperation and support in mak-
ing this event a success. He also con-
veyed special appreciation to the efforts of
the officers and all ranks working under
the leadership of Major General
Muhammad Farooq for making IDEAS
2008 a great grand event under the preva-
lent environment.
Page 6 Tuesday November 25 2008 IDEAS 2008 TODAY

Foreign delegates during the IDEAS 2008 seminar include those from Europe, Africa, Middle East and the Asia Pacific.

IDEAS Seminar...continued from page 1 stage as a supporter of regional and glo- order; alongside the natural calamities in
Given the complex environment and ever bal stability. This is only possible if a state the form of the recent earth quakes in
changing security dynamics, the role played meets its security challenges and defines Baluchistan, frontier, FATA, Punjab and
by the defence production in Pakistan the security paradigm by itself. In this con- Kashmir has to be taken into account by
needs to be fully appreciated as since 1951 text the ‘global war against terror’ and all those countries and players who pro-
till to date, it has remained committed to Pakistan’s role as a front line state has fess to global harmony and allies of Paki-
meet its objectives, he said when opening unfortunately placed Pakistan in the fore- stan in this effort.
the IDEAS seminar. The one-day event front of the global dynamics of terrorism “In these testing times where we have
themed “Altering Security Paradigm at Glo- as we fight this war in an effort to bring remained focused on our aims and our
bal and Regional Levels” was attended by safety and security to the global order. resolve to fight this menace; the help and
senior defence officials and military top However, the price paid by Pakistan has the support which has been extended to
brass from Pakistan and abroad. been blood, sweat and tears of the people us by our neighboring countries and other
The Defence Minister said this include and the armed forces of Pakistan. The stake holders has been far less than de-
the maximum base for self reliance; ac- blood of so many innocents spilled in the sired,” Defence Minister Chaudhry said.
celerated pace of technology development; name of its commitment to this global dis- continued on page 13
identification, integration and utilisation of

Successful First Test Firing of Thales

available industrial potential in the public
and private sector; production and procure-
ment of defence equipment and mainte-
nance of defence stores. New Laser-Guided Air-to-Ground Rocket
He said with the prime directive being
On Oct 8, TDA, a Thales subsidiary Search and destroy missions of
achievement and the attainment of
specialised in combat systems and mu- enemy ground-to-air defence;
economy of scales, the defence industry
nitions, successfully fired its first laser- Surveillance and coastal defence
had developed an enhanced base and
guided rocket, as part of a DGA (French against light craft; and
capacity for joint defence production and
Defence Procurement Agency) assess- Target marking for the artillery.
ment programme. Conducted at the In addition to its integrated laser-des-
“Among the successful defence indus-
CELM (Centre d’Essai de Lancement ignation guidance/control system, the
trial collaboration in which we have suc-
des Missiles–Missile Launch Test Cen- new rocket includes the same advanced
ceeded in indigenisation and joint ven-
tre), the test firing was the first of a se- technological features as the unguided
tures are the Agosta-90B Submarine (Pa-
ries planned for 2008 and 2009. The op- rocket, among them the programming,
kistan-France), HIT (Pakistan-China and
erational objective for the French armed ignition by induction and tamperproofing
Pakistan-US) and aircraft manufacturing
forces–army and air force–is to have, by functions.
facility, PAC Kamra (Pakistan-China and
2013, a 68mm rocket that can hit targets “This new rocket with its metric preci-
Pakistan-Sweden),” he said.
with “metric precision” and reduced col- sion will reduce the vulnerability of the
The development of the defence indus-
lateral effects. carriers while greatly increasing the air-
try is to to achieve excellence and self reli-
At stake in the programme was valida- borne destruction capability, all for a
ance in the field of defence production;
tion of the performance of a 68mm la- much lower cost than a missile. In short,
aimed at the meeting the arms and arms
ser-guided rocket for use in the same it perfectly meets the new needs of the
ammunition needs of its defence forces
launchers as the unguided air-to-ground armed forces,” said Guy Lefebvre, CEO
and help Pakistan meet its security con-
rocket of the same calibre now widely of Thales TDA.
cerns: the solitary aim being peace and
used on Tigre helicopters. Intended in In 2006, Thales had already fired rock-
particular to hit lightly armoured fixed and ets with GPS-enhanced accuracy, in the
mobile targets and infrastructure, this 68mm and 2.75" (70mm) calibre. Hav-
Pakistan’s Challenges new type of high-precision rocket will ing succeeded at 68mm, Thales is now
Pakistan since it inception has faced chal- complete the existing line of munitions, in a position to assess, with its Belgian
lenges from external to internal and from already capable of performing numerous subsidiary, a 2.75" laser-guided rocket
regional to extra–regional and global. In missions such as: concept. A firing with this calibre is sched-
this quagmire of threats and challenges Close fire support; uled for mid-November 2008.
today it stands on the brink of the world
Page 8 Tuesday November 25 2008 IDEAS 2008 TODAY

Combat Proven Helicopters

from Russia



Russian Helicopters Open helicopters and carries

Joint-Stock Company is a on preproduction of the
specialised managing com- light Mi-2 helicopter.
pany of a new helicopter In- Kumertau APP serially
dustrial Association. It was produces medium Ka-27/
established with the aim of Ka-32 and light Ka-226
forming a competitive; highly helicopters. Progress
effective, self-developing and Arsenyev-based Aviation
economically rational heli- Company manufactures
copter branch of aircraft in- attack combat Ka-50/52
dustry of the Russian Fed- helicopters and light com-
eration and to win a leading mercial Mi-34 rotorcraft.
position at the world helicop- Within the above Asso-
ter market. The main goals of ciation Helicopter Service
the Association are: to meet Company is engaged in
the state requirements and rendering post-sale
also the demands of domes- Interior view of Mi-26T.
maintenance support
tic and foreign markets by de- services to helicopter en-
sign, production, sale, modernisation, The incorporated enterprises provide gineering including repair, kitting and in-
post-sale maintenance and integrated lo- for implementation of full life cycle of heli- tegrated after-sale services. Novosibirsk
gistic support of military and commercial copter engineering of all types and Aircraft Repair Plant is engaged in repair,
helicopters. Russian Helicopters was es- classes from design start up and up to warranty and post-warranty services.
tablished in 2006 as 100% affiliated com- retirement and utilisation. The integrated structure of the Associa-
pany of Oboronprom UIC. Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant, Kamov and tion also incorporates the enterprises,
Kazan Helicopters incorporated into the which produce and provide for post-sale
Structure of Industrial Association above Association are engaged in R&D. maintenance of main components, heli-
The Industrial Association is a reconsti- The association includes the serial air- copter component units and systems.
tuted helicopter branch of domestic air- craft plants. Kazan Helicopters serially pro- They are: Vpered Moscow Machine Build-
craft industry. The Association incorporates duces medium Mi-8/17 helicopters and ing Plant, R.E.T. Kronshtadt (which is also
practically all helicopter industry enter- light Ansat helicopter. Ulan-Ude Aviation engaged in the development and produc-
prises of the Russian Federation: design- Plant is engaged in series production of tion of simulators and other technical train-
ers of helicopters, serial manufacturers Mi-8/17 helicopters. Rostvertol Plc manu- ing aids) and Stupino Machine-Building
of rotorcraft and components thereof as factures heavy-lift Mi-26, troop-carrying Production Enterprise (SMPP) as well.
well as post-sale maintenance agencies. combat Mi-24/35, attack combat Mi-28N
IDEAS 2008 TODAY Tuesday November 25 2008 Page 9

Delivery of the First Caesar

Artillery System to the French Army
The first Caesar artillery system has been
delivered to the French Army following the
qualification pronounced by the French
procurement agency (DGA) in June.
Some 71 additional systems will be de-
livered till 2011 according to the contract
signed with DGA in December 2004. The
five-year logistic support will be imple-
mented under the same time frame.
The Caesar is a 155mm/52-calibre
truck mounted weapon system which, to-
day, fullfils the most demanding require-
ments of 21st century artillery.
High mobility, long range effectiveness,
ease to use, responsiveness and surviv-
ability are the main assets of this weapon
system, which is fully interoperable with
NATO 39-calibre and the JB MoU 52-cali-
bre ammunition. In addition, Caesar can
be integrated into multinational mixed (direct support fire, in-depth action, With an order book of more than 160
units in the field of overseas operations counter-battery fire and even coastal de- units in two different versions (France,
(interoperability of C4I integration and ord- fence), the Caesar provides land forces Middle East and Southeast Asia, based
nance). with solutions that meet the specific re- on a Renault Trucks Défense or Soframe-
With its mobility (strategic, operational quirements related to projected military Unimog chassis), Caesar is already a
and tactical) and its multi-role capability actions. commercial success.
Page 10 Tuesday November 25 2008 IDEAS 2008 TODAY

Interview with AVM (R) Raja Tariq Mahmood,

CEO, Global Industrial & Defence Solutions (GIDS)
ADJ: Firstly, can you tell us a bit about the ADJ: In your opinion, what is the key to
company? ensure the success of the company?
GIDS: It is my pleasure to talk to you GIDS: We believe the future is bright and
through this introduction of Global Indus- we are developing ways to serve you bet-
trial & Defence Solutions (GIDS). At GIDS ter. We are embracing technology to give
we integrate the cumulative experience of you new options in the way you interact with
the well-known Pakistani companies in us. We are cognisant of the challenges
defence technology. Their legacies of ex- around us. However, we will continue to
cellence in engineering, integration and improve our self. GID’s success lies in our
manufacturing create the foundation from commitment to quality and to make our
which we strive to serve the needs of the customers satisfied.
armed forces locally as well as interna-
tionally. With this in mind, the business ADJ: Currently, who are the customers of
philosophy of GIDS is to stand firmly be- GIDS?
hind everything we do…now…and in the GIDS: Our customers include the Armed
AVM (R) Raja Tariq Mahmood.
years to come. Forces of Pakistan and Defence Forces of
other countries. We endeavour to provide
the core capabilities through our products
and services, which empowers you to de-
cide for a change in new products or modi-
fication in the existing systems. People at
GIDS are the key to our success. We take
great pride in the fact that our clients choose
GIDS because of the knowledge, skills,
ideas and expertise of our people. I am a
strong believer that the company with the
best people wins.
UAV from GIDS is one
of the products on static display ADJ: Any last words for our readers?
at the show. GIDS: Thank you for your interest in GIDS.

The “SeaWolf” has a highly-precise navi-

gation system, is programmed accordingly
before operations, and then travels along
the predefined path autonomously. In
Eckernförde, the “SeaWolf” also completed
its two planned missions with flying
The participation of ATLAS in a technol-

ATLAS ELEKTRONIK Successful at ogy demonstrator for combating asymmet-

ric threats also proved to be extremely suc-
cessful. For the “LEXXWAR” system, ATLAS
the NATO Harbour Protection Trials is providing a console with special software
to generate a tactical situation display simi-
For ATLAS Elektronik, the NATO Harbour Within the scope of the NATO event, the lar to that of the combat management sys-
Protection Trials turned out to be extremely vehicle successfully performed missions tem on the new F125 frigate for the Ger-
successful. ATLAS took part in the event at lasting several hours. Its navigational ac- man Navy. As part of the presentations,
Eckernförde with two autonomous under- curacy at the end of the missions lay be- LEXXWAR was also able to process the
water vehicles of the types “SeaOtter Mk II” tween 1.3 and 3.6 metres. data transferred from the “SeaWolf” via an
and “SeaWolf”, both of which passed their The second unit under test, the optical fibre cable.
recent test runs under the eyes of a critical “SeaWolf”, was originally developed as a “ATLAS Elektronik and especially the de-
assessment team very successfully and remotely-controlled unmanned underwater velopment team for the autonomous un-
without any errors. vehicle for operations against sedimented derwater vehicles successfully demon-
The “SeaOtter Mk II” is a 3.55-metre un- mines and was then advanced by ATLAS to strated the wide-ranging technological ca-
manned underwater vehicle operating au- become a fully-fledged autonomous plat- pabilities of our company to the professional
tonomously for surveillance, reconnais- form offering high performance. It is espe- international audience at the Harbour Pro-
sance or minehunting tasks. The “SeaOtter cially well suited for the surveillance and tection Trials 2008. With the SeaOtter and
Mk II” is programmed beforehand and then inspection of confined spaces, e.g. the SeaWolf, ATLAS has the right products
executes the specified mission autono- harbours. With its capability of “hovering”, for civilian and military applications in the
mously. Thanks to its modular system struc- i.e. remaining stationary in the water, it is growing market for unmanned underwater
ture, the “SeaOtter Mk II” is able to carry a able to inspect particularly critical areas in platforms.” Dr Ralf Kube, Chairman of the
large number of different sensor packages. great detail. Management Board said.
IDEAS 2008 TODAY Tuesday November 25 2008 Page 11

ASELSAN Stabilised Weapon

Drawing from the mature
and fully qualified
know-how of the
ASELSAN Pedestal
Mounted Air De-
fence System as
well as the weapon
ASELSAN has also de-
signed, developed and manu-
factured another weapon sys-
tem: Stabilised Machine Gun Platform (STAMP).
The system is designed for defence against asymmetric threats.
Besides threats of asymmetric warfare, STAMP has various appli-
cation areas such as coastal defence, border defence and defence
of naval platforms. The main function of the system is better locat-
ing and tracking the target as well as maximising the hit probability
while providing highest level of security for the operator. Consider-
ing the personnel security, the system can be remotely controlled
and its Gun Control Unit can employ remote ammunition feeding.
STAMP can operate day/night under adverse weather and terrain
conditions, using its pedestal-integrated Thermal Camera and TV
Camera and meet all defence necessities of world armies and
STAMP can be used for different applications. The system is pri-
marily designed to be used on naval and land platforms with the
characteristics such as lightweight, modular design and open ar-
chitecture. The system can also be adapted to the stationary plat-
forms (border control stations) or mobile platforms (patrol vehicles,
patrol boats, ships etc.) and be integrated with existing onboard
system. It is critical to note that the system can perform accurate
firings against stationary or moving targets while the platform is
either stationary or on the move due to the stabilisation and auto-
matic target tracking capabilities.
STAMP is based on stabilised pedestal that can accommodate a
variety of weapons for a wide spectrum of missions. STAMP system
can be equipped with different calibre guns such as:
12.7mm Machine Gun;
7.62mm Machine Gun;
40mm Grenade Launcher according to the customer requirements.
STAMP system configuration is based on the state-of-the-art de-
sign that incorporates advanced features such as:
Remote operation;
Built-in electro-optic sensor system for autonomous operation;
Fully automatic, capable of firing from remote location;
Target detection;
Automatic target tracking;
Day and night operation;
Stabilised (detect, track and fire on the move);
Different calibres of guns coaxial to electro-optic sight;
Laser Range Finder; and
Ballistic computation.
The system can automatically slew to targets assigned by C3I
system and thanks to its advanced fire control computer; sophisti-
cated fire control algorithms are applied to maximise the hit prob-
ability of the system. Together with the characteristics such as light-
weight, modular design and open architecture, STAMP system has
an ergonomic operator console with ruggedised LCD monitor which
offers a user friendly interface for the operator.
Because of its stabilised structure, automated target detection
and tracking function, remote operability feature and firing accu-
racy, the system can be used for all combat purposes.
Page 12 Tuesday November 25 2008 IDEAS 2008 TODAY


Delegations attending the seminar also include military top brass from Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and other Asia-Pacific countries.

The IDEAS 2008 Seminar’s guest speakers.

Ecommerce Gateway’s President, Dr. Khursheed Nizam and Executive

Director, Kamran Saeed.

A cutaway model of DCNS new submarine. LIG Nex1 SAM system simulator from South Korea.
IDEAS 2008 TODAY Tuesday November 25 2008 Page 13

First A400M Military Transporter Rolled Out

Airbus Military on June 26 rolled out the “Today is a great day for our indus-
first complete A400M military transport try,” said Carlos Suarez, CEO of Air-
aircraft from the Final Assembly Line at bus Military and Head of MTAD: “This
the EADS Military Transport Aircraft Di- is the result of the combined effort
vision (MTAD) facility in Seville, Spain. and determination of those that have
Presented to the customers, the been involved in this programme. It
world’s press and presided over by His has been supported by the national
Majesty Juan-Carlos I, King of Spain, governments–our customers, the in-
the new aircraft heralds a new era in dustrial partners, the suppliers, and
military airlift capability. all the employees who have worked
Designed to a recognised require- to produce the aircraft. I would like to
ment for a new airlifter for European air thank and congratulate them all.”
forces, the A400M incorporates state- The overall contract, worth some
of-the-art materials and technology that 20 billion Euros was signed with a
are being continuously perfected in single interface between Airbus Mili-
today’s civil aircraft fleets. Features such programme ever undertaken in Europe. tary and OCCAR, (Organisation Conjointe
as electronic flight controls, carbon com- The launch customer nations, Belgium, de Cooperation en matière d’ARmement),
posite structures and an automated han- France, Luxembourg, Germany, Spain, the contractual body representing all seven
dling system will bring new standards of Turkey and the United Kingdom were sub- European customer nations.
operability and safety to military aircrews. sequently joined by Malaysia and the Re- “It is our joint determination to show that
Launched under a single contract in public of South Africa, which recognised EADS can design and manufacture a long-
2003 with 180 orders for seven European the potential of the new airlifter for their range transport aircraft which will set new
launch customers, the A400M represents own requirements and brought the total standards in the military airlift world and
the most ambitious military procurement number of commitments to 192. on the international markets,” said Louis
Gallois, CEO of EADS.
IDEAS Seminar...continued from page 6 Versatility is the characteristic that best
Steadfast Commitment as well as from the Afro-Asian and Middle describes the A400M, it being conceived
Remaining steadfast in fighting this glo- Eastern countries to explore the possibili- with both tactical and strategic capability.
bal phenomenon of terrorism against ties of defence and industrial cooperation With a payload of up to 37 tonnes over
these odds has not been easy. Hence, he with Pakistan,” he added. ranges of up to 4,700nm, the A400M is de-
said, IDEAS 2008 sends a strong signal In conclusion, Minister Chaudhry ex- signed to carry all loads and vehicles in
to all developing countries that despite pressed his gratitude to the backroom the European Staff Requirement (ESR)
insurmountable structural constraints; workers, the organisers, trade visitors, inventory, serve as an aerial delivery plat-
security impediments; progress and de- speakers, seminar participants and most form and act as an in-flight refueller for
velopment can be achieved if the resolve importantly the defence delegations and both fast jets and helicopters.
for self-defence is kept alive partners of IDEAS domestically and inter- Important challenges are still ahead, like
He said the seminar and the exhibition nationally. “Their presence and forthright the engine first flight on the FTB within the
signified a step towards indigenisation, commitment has brought overwhelming engine flight test programme or the
industrial development and a base for joint presence and trade activity and dispelled MSN001 first flight.
ventures. Through IDEAS, Pakistan’s de- the image of Pakistan standing alone in The A400M is the first truly new military
fence industry gets the advantage of dem- ‘fight against terror’.” transport aircraft of its category designed
onstrating its defence production capabil- Ultimately, he said, giving support and in over 30 years, with twice the capacity and
ity and exposing it to the outside world. “It confidence to the industry of the develop- twice the payload of the current aircraft types
is through the forum of IDEAS that we in- ing world and states confronting complex that it will replace. It is all set to become the
vite our friends from the developed world security dynamics. new standard in military airlift.
Page 14 Tuesday November 25 2008 IDEAS 2008 TODAY

DCNS–Serving Customers Better Than Ever

For DCNS, the Euronaval international
naval defence and maritime security show
held every even-numbered year near Paris
offers an excellent opportunity to present
the group’s strategy to serve customers
better than ever in everything from inte-
grated warships and combat systems to
naval equipment and services.
This strategy hinges on long-term rela-
tions with international customers and
partners. After establishing subsidiaries
in Italy and Singapore, DCNS set up DCNS
India Pvt Ltd in Mumbai in September
2008. The new subsidiary’s main mis-
sions are to provide support for the tech-
nology transfer contract signed in 2005 to
build six Scorpene submarines in India
and to develop industrial partnerships with
local contractors.
When establishing relations with a new
customer, DCNS begins by exploring the
potential for cooperation with local con-
tractors. Greece is a case in point. DCNS
recently opened an office in Greece to pro-
Republic of Singapore Navy’s Formidable-class frigate.
mote the Hellenic Navy’s new-generation
frigate programme. This is part of a broad DCNS also aims to offer customers marines. The group has sold no fewer
proactive initiative to listen more closely optimal solutions for naval systems and than ten Scorpene conventional-propul-
than ever to its customers while building equipment and the modernisation of ex- sion submarines to Chile, India and Ma-
strategic partnerships. The Group’s initia- isting vessels. In Ecuador, DCNS is laysia, a fleet of FREMM multi-mission frig-
tives in Greece involve several potential modernising the combat systems of two ates to the French and Moroccan navies
partners, not least shipbuilder Elfesis and Type 209 submarines in association with and two Mistral-class force projection and
naval equipment contractor Sunlight with Chilean naval shipbuilder ASMAR, follow- command vessels (NATO designation:
which DCNS recently signed a contract for ing the signing of a contract between the LHD or landing helicopter dock) to the
the supply of batteries for the Barracuda two partners in December 2007. French Navy. This last type is well placed
nuclear-powered attack submarine (SSN) The DCNS product portfolio includes a to meet the needs of a number of other
programme. full range of surface combatants and sub- navies.
DCNS is actively revamping its portfolio
by adding new types of warships designed
to deal with the key threats now facing the
world’s navies. New-generation Gowind
corvettes range from 85 to 110 metres in
length (LOA) for displacements from 1,000
to 2,500 tonnes. This family meets a spec-
trum of needs, from coastal protection to
front-line naval combat.
The FM400 family of multi-role frigates,
with displacements between those of the
Gowind and FREMM ranges, is another im-
portant addition to the DCNS portfolio. This
family supersedes vessels based on the
French Navy’s La Fayette-class and the
Republic of Singapore Navy’s Formidable-
class. DCNS also offers the ANDRASTA
coastal defence submarine and the Mis-
tral 140, a smaller version (displacement:
14,000 tonnes) of the Mistral-class force
projection and command vessels de-
signed for the French Navy.
The group’s ultimate aim is to forge true
partnerships with customers all over the
world while turning its expertise and in-
dustrial resources to maximum
Some of the latest warship designs from DCNS were launched at the recent Euronaval show. account.
IDEAS 2008 TODAY Tuesday November 25 2008 Page 15

Saab to Submit Gripen Tender for Brazil

Saab announced on Nov 4 that the com- Gripen
pany will submit Gripen tender for Brazil.
“Saab will submit a bid including 36
Gripen NG (Next Generation) to meet the
requirement for future multi-role fighter
aircraft for the Brazilian Air Force. We are
convinced that Gripen NG is the perfect fit
for Brazil’s future needs,” said Lennart
Sindahl, Executive Vice President, Saab.
Saab also offers transfer of technology
with unrivalled access, enabling autonomy
and increased national security, as well
as an outstanding industrial participation
package that will generate partnerships
and long lasting business opportunities.

the agreement is a command and control

system, which will be the link between the
Erieye system and the Gripen fighters.
Deliveries will take place during 2011.
With reference to the sale of Saab Air-
borne Surveillance Systems to Pakistan,
Saab 2000 Erieye
the customer has for financial reasons
and in accordance with the original con-
Early October, Gripen was announced purchase an integrated air surveillance tract, asked to renegotiate part of the con-
to be on the short list as one alternative to system from Sweden. Thailand’s pur- tract concerning a reduction of the num-
equip the Brazilian Air Force. The issue of chase of an integrated air surveillance sys- ber of systems. Saab and the Government
the formal RFP, which Saab will hand in tem is a government to government deal. of Pakistan continue as planned with the
the answer to in the beginning of February Following this agreement, Saab receives delivery of the system. As a result of the
2009, is the next step in the process. Bra- an order from FMV for development and renegotiation, the order value is decreased
zil is expected to make a decision next production of the systems. The order com- by approximately SEK1.35 billion. The
year. prises six Gripen fighters of the C/D ver- Saab Airborne Surveillance System in-
FMV (the Swedish Defence Material Ad- sion, two Saab 340 aircraft, of which one cludes Saab 2000 turboprop aircraft
ministration) has placed a contract with will be equipped with Saab’s radar sur- equipped with Saab Microwave Systems
Saab valued to SEK2 billion ($310 million) veillance system Erieye, and associated airborne radar system Erieye and associ-
following Thailand’s positive decision to equipment and services. Also included in ated support equipment.

Official November 24-28, 2008

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