Research Questions k-12

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1. How did the implementation of the K-12 education program in the Philippines influence the need to
assess college preparedness among Grade 12 STEM students?
2. Can you provide more details about the concerns or debates surrounding the effectiveness of the
K-12 program, particularly in specialized subjects like STEM?
3. What previous research or studies have been conducted on the preparedness of high school
students transitioning to college, specifically in STEM fields?
4. How did you select Las Piñas City National Senior High School - Talon Dos Campus as the
research site for evaluating the impact of specialized subjects on college preparedness?
5. What are the objectives of your study in assessing the impact of specialized subjects on college
preparedness for Grade 12 STEM students?
6. How do you plan to measure the college preparedness of the Grade 12 STEM students in your
research study?
7. Can you explain how the findings of your study may contribute to the ongoing discussion on the
efficacy of specialized subjects within the STEM program?
8. What potential implications do you foresee based on your research findings regarding the
effectiveness of the K-12 program in preparing students for college education in specialized fields?
9. Are there any specific challenges or limitations you anticipate when evaluating the impact of
specialized subjects on college preparedness?
10. How do you envision your research findings being utilized to improve the approach to college
preparedness for Grade 12 STEM students in the future?


1. What specific challenges or gaps in college preparedness have been observed among Grade 12
STEM students in the context of specialized subjects?
2. How does the K-12 education program in the Philippines aim to address the challenges faced by
students in terms of college readiness, particularly in specialized subjects like STEM?
3. Can you provide more information on the previous research or studies that have explored the link
between specialized subjects and college preparedness for STEM students?
4. How did the findings of previous studies, such as Abrogar et al. (2019), contribute to the
motivation behind your research on college preparedness among Grade 12 STEM students?
5. What are the specific objectives of your study in investigating the impact of specialized subjects,
such as Pre-Calculus, Basic Calculus, General Chemistry 1, General Chemistry 2, General
Biology 1, General Biology 2, General Physics 1, General Physics 2, and Research/Capstone
Project, on college preparedness?
6. Can you explain in more detail the methodology you plan to employ in gathering data on students'
perceptions of their college preparedness in the specialized subjects?
7. How will you ensure the reliability and validity of the survey questionnaires distributed to Grade 12
STEM students to capture their perceptions of college preparedness?
8. Could you elaborate on how the calculation of the total weighted mean from the survey responses
will help determine the overall level of college readiness among the sample population?
9. What potential implications do you anticipate based on the research findings regarding the
effectiveness of specialized subjects in preparing Grade 12 STEM students for college education?
10. How do you envision the outcomes of your research contributing to improvements in the design or
implementation of specialized subjects within the K-12 STEM curriculum to enhance students'
college preparedness?
1. What specific specialized subjects in the STEM field are you referring to in your research, and why
have you chosen these subjects?
2. How do you define and measure college preparedness among Grade 12 STEM students?
3. Can you provide a brief overview of the existing literature or studies that have explored the
relationship between specialized subjects and college preparedness?
4. What motivated you to investigate the impact of specialized subjects on college preparedness for
Grade 12 students, particularly in the STEM field?
5. How do you plan to assess the contribution of specialized subjects to the college preparedness of
STEM students?
6. What strategies or methods will you employ to evaluate the level of understanding and mastery of
specialized subjects among STEM students in Talon Dos Campus?
7. What indicators or factors will you consider to determine the overall level of college preparedness
among Talon Dos Campus STEM students?
8. Can you elaborate on the school activities implemented at Talon Dos Campus that are aimed at
helping students prepare for college?
9. How do you plan to analyze the data gathered from the survey to identify potential areas for
improvement in the specialized subjects?


1. How do you envision the findings of your research contributing to the development of a better
STEM curriculum?
2. Can you provide specific examples of how the study's findings can benefit students in making
informed decisions about their academic pursuits?
3. In what ways do you anticipate the study's findings benefiting teachers in improving their teaching
methods for better student academic performance and college preparedness?
4. How might society benefit from having a better understanding of the specialized subjects that
impact STEM students' college preparedness?
5. Can you elaborate on the potential long-term impacts of your research on future generations in
terms of their academic pursuits and college preparation?
6. What specific changes or improvements in the education system do you anticipate as a result of
your study's findings?
7. Have you identified any potential challenges or obstacles in implementing the recommendations
that may arise from your research findings?
8. How do you plan to disseminate the findings of your study to ensure they reach the relevant
stakeholders in the education system?
9. Are there any potential ethical considerations or implications related to the significance of your
study that need to be addressed?
10. Can you provide concrete examples or scenarios where students' academic and professional
development can be positively impacted by the findings of your research?

For scope and delimitation

1. Why did you choose a qualitative approach, specifically descriptive research, for your study? How
does this methodology align with your research objectives?
2. Can you provide a rationale for focusing specifically on the academic and mental preparedness of
grade 12 students in relation to the impact of the specialized subjects? Why did you exclude other
factors such as physical preparedness?
3. How did you determine the sample size of 45 grade 12 students? Could you explain the reasoning
behind having 15 students in each section?
4. What criteria did you use for the simple random sampling method to ensure unbiased
representation of the grade 12 students at Talon Dos Campus?
5. Why did you decide to exclude data from grade 11 students? Could their inclusion have provided
additional insights or comparisons?
6. How do you plan to measure and evaluate the impact of specialized subjects on college
preparedness without considering the students' general weighted average (GWA)?
7. Are there any potential limitations or challenges you anticipate in collecting data during the
2022-2023 school year? How do you plan to address these issues?
8. Can you elaborate on any ethical considerations or safeguards in place to protect the rights and
privacy of the participating students during data collection?
9. Are there any potential biases or external factors that may influence the findings of your study, and
how do you plan to mitigate them?
10. What are the potential implications and generalizability of your study's findings given the specific
scope and delimitations you have outlined?

1. In Conley's study on college and career readiness, four key dimensions were identified. How do
these dimensions align with the specialized subjects in the STEM program, and how can they
contribute to students' college preparedness?
2. The study conducted by Osadchyi et al. suggests that early involvement in natural and
mathematical sciences inspires students to pursue STEM education. How can the specialized
subjects in the STEM program effectively engage students and foster their interest in these
3. The study by Cuy and Salinas highlights the importance of cultivating a goal-oriented mindset
among high school students. How can the specialized subjects in the STEM program support
students in developing this mindset and aligning their aspirations with their college education?
4. Cabuquin's study explores multiple intelligences among STEM students and their performance in
specialized subjects. How can educators leverage these different intelligences in teaching the
specialized subjects to enhance students' understanding and mastery?
5. The study by Aborgar et al. reveals that many Grade 12 students do not feel adequately prepared
for college. How can the specialized subjects in the STEM program address this issue and bridge
the gap between high school and college?
6. Based on the literature, it is mentioned that some students lack confidence and have uncertainties
about their academic and mental readiness for college. How can the specialized subjects in the
STEM program address these concerns and boost students' confidence in their college
7. The literature suggests that aspirations play a significant role in students' motivation to pursue a
college education. How can the specialized subjects in the STEM program help students connect
their academic learning to their future aspirations and career goals?
8. In Cabuquin's study, no significant differences were found in academic achievement between
students who chose the STEM strand as their first preference and those who did not. How can the
specialized subjects in the STEM program ensure equal opportunities for all students to excel
academically, regardless of their initial preferences?
9. The literature mentions the importance of providing students with guidance on career paths and
choices. How can the specialized subjects in the STEM program integrate career guidance and
help students make informed decisions about their future educational and professional pursuits?
10. Based on the literature, there are varying levels of confidence among students regarding their
college readiness. How can the specialized subjects in the STEM program address students'
concerns and increase their overall confidence in their academic and mental preparedness for
For theoretical Framework
1. The chosen theoretical framework incorporates Conley's Readiness theory as a guideline for
assessing college preparedness in STEM students. Why was the Social Adaptation Theory by
Kahle et al. (1985) not selected as the main framework for this study?
2. Sweller's Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) is mentioned as a theory that explains the relationship
between instructional strategies and student academic performance. What factors contributed to
the decision of not using CLT as the central theoretical framework for this research?
3. The study refers to Sturgis (2017) and the importance of competency-based structures in K-12
education. How does the decision to focus on Conley's Readiness theory align with or differ from
the principles proposed by Sturgis?
4. Pearson (2009) highlights the challenges faced by tertiary institutions due to high school learners'
lack of preparedness for college. In light of this, what factors led to the decision of not
incorporating Pearson's perspective into the theoretical framework of this study?
5. The theoretical framework mentions the importance of lifelong skills such as growth mindset,
metacognition, problem-solving, and collaboration. How does Conley's Readiness theory address
these lifelong skills compared to other theories that were not included in the framework?
6. The study incorporates Conley's Readiness theory to assess the factors affecting college
preparedness in STEM students. Why were other theories, such as the Social Adaptation Theory
and Cognitive Load Theory, not considered as comprehensive frameworks for examining college
preparedness in the specialized subjects of the STEM program?
7. Cabuquin (2022) examines multiple intelligences and performance in specialized subjects among
STEM students. How does the decision to focus on Conley's Readiness theory complement or
differ from Cabuquin's findings, and what factors influenced this decision?
8. The chosen theoretical framework emphasizes the dimensions of academic readiness, social
integration, and self-management. Why were other theories that focus on different dimensions,
such as motivational theories or learning styles theories, not incorporated into the framework?
9. Cuy and Salinas (2019) explore the role of aspirations in high school students' preparedness for
college. Considering the relevance of aspirations, what led to the decision of not including
motivational theories or theories related to goal-oriented mindset in the theoretical framework?
10. The theoretical framework highlights the importance of key cognitive strategies, key content
knowledge, academic behaviors, and contextual skills and awareness. Why were other theories
that address specific aspects of college preparedness, such as time management or study skills,
not included in the framework?

Conceptual Framework
1. The conceptual framework identifies two key considerations for STEM students: the role of STEM
specialized subjects and students' preparedness for college. How does the research plan to
explore the impact of specialized subjects on college preparedness?
2. The research focuses primarily on specialized subjects and their relation to college preparedness.
What factors influenced the decision to narrow the scope of the study to specialized subjects
instead of considering the entire educational system?
3. The conceptual framework mentions five factors of college preparedness: key cognitive strategies,
key content knowledge, academic behavior, and contextual skills and awareness. How were these
specific factors chosen, and what evidence supports their importance in assessing college
4. The first dimension of college preparedness mentioned in the conceptual framework is key
cognitive strategies. How does the research plan to measure and evaluate students' acquisition
and application of these cognitive strategies within the context of STEM specialized subjects?
5. The conceptual framework highlights the importance of key content knowledge in college
preparedness. How does the research intend to assess students' mastery of subject matter and
their ability to analyze and respond to content problems within specialized subjects?
6. The third dimension of college preparedness focuses on academic behavior, particularly the
development of ethical principles. How will the research measure and evaluate students' ethical
principles and their impact on college preparedness?
7. The fourth dimension of college preparedness mentioned in the framework is contextual skills and
awareness. What methods or tools will the research employ to assess students' awareness of
academic-related activities and social behaviors, and how will these factors contribute to their
readiness for tertiary success?
8. The conceptual framework implies that college preparedness encompasses a specific set of
abilities, attitudes, and knowledge prior to a student's career. How will the research define and
measure these abilities, attitudes, and knowledge within the context of STEM education and
specialized subjects?
9. The research focuses on STEM students in Talon Dos Campus. How will the findings and
conclusions drawn from this specific context contribute to the broader understanding of college
preparedness in the field of STEM education?
10. The conceptual framework highlights the role of education as the foundation for academic success
and career readiness. How does the research plan to explore the relationship between education,
specialized subjects, and college preparedness in order to provide valuable insights for improving
STEM education and supporting students' transition to college?

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