Avaliação (English III) Recuperação 2023.2

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‭ nglish course‬

‭Teacher: Johnny Aristizabel‬
‭Student:________________________‬ ‭ rder the lines to make dialogues:‬
‭English III‬
‭Date:____/____/____ Grade: ________‬
‭Test (Recuperação)‬

‭Choose the correct answer:‬

‭ . How was the food?‬

‭I _____ it was bad.‬

‭a) thinked b) thought‬

‭ . He_____ very slow!‬

‭a) drove b) drived‬

‭ . What time is it?‬

‭Excuse, what______?‬
‭a) did you say b) did you said‬ ‭ )‬‭Put the time expressions in order:‬
‭______ tonight‬
‭ . The man _____ next to me on the bus.‬
4 ‭______ next week‬
‭a) sitted b) sat‬ ‭___1___ today‬
‭______ next year‬
‭ . I _____ the movie.‬
5 ‭______ tomorrow‬
‭a) didn’t saw didn’t see‬ ‭______ next month‬
‭______ tomorrow night‬
‭ . I like your shoes!‬
‭Thanks, I _____ it online.‬ ‭ )‬‭Complete the sentences with the following‬
‭a) buyed b) bought‬ ‭verbs: have, play, take, go, do.‬

‭ . I ______work tonight.‬
7 ‭1. I usually ___________shopping at 4 pm.‬
‭a) going to b) am going to‬
‭2. We ______________ housework on the‬
‭ . _____you going to travel tomorrow?‬
8 ‭weekend.‬
‭a) Are b) Do‬ ‭3. Their children ____________the guitar and the‬
‭4. I always ______________ a coffee at about‬
‭5. Do you ______________pictures?‬
‭d)‬‭What does she look like?‬ ‭4. A white cat is sitting_____________the man.‬

‭ )‬‭Look at the image and choose T (True) or F‬


(‭ A) She has straight hair.‬

‭(B) She is bald.‬ ‭ . She is wearing a necklace. (
1 )‬
‭(C) She has long curly hair.‬ ‭2. She is wearing a ring. ( )‬
‭(D) She has short hair.‬ ‭3. She is not wearing earrings. ( )‬
‭4. She is wearing a tie. ( ).‬
‭ )‬‭Match the questions 1-4 with the answers a-d.‬
e ‭5. She is not wearing gloves. (
‭1. What does your son look like? ( )‬
‭2. What is your father like? ( )‬ ‭h)‬‭Number the items according to the image:‬
‭3. What were you like when you were young? ( )‬
‭4. What’s your mother like? ( )‬

‭ ) I was very shy, but generous.‬

‭b) He’s tall and thin.‬
‭c) He’s very talkative and friendly.‬
‭d) She’s kind and hardworking.‬

f‭ )‬‭Look at the painting and complete the sentences‬

‭with one of these prepositions: (in, on, in front of,‬
‭behind, between, next to, on the right, on the left, in‬
‭the middle, under)‬


‭ . There are two people ________the room.‬

‭2. The woman is stading____________, and the‬
‭man is sitting____________.‬
‭3. _____________of the painting, __________the‬
‭man and the woman, there’s an open window.‬

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