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Earth rotates on its axis in 24 hours. This means that to rotate 360 degrees on its axis
Earth takes 24 hours.
360/24 == 15 degrees which means in ONE HOUR the earth rotates 15 degrees.
60/15 = 4 minutes which means in 4 minutes Earth rotates ONE DEGREE.

GMT is associated with Greenwich Meridian also known as PRIME MERIDIAN and is

Places which are to the East of GMT will be AHEAD of the time prevailing at GMT and
places to the West of GMT will be behind the time prevailing at GMT.

Each country has its own Standard Meridian which corresponds to the STANDARD
TIME of the respective country in relation to the Time at Greenwich Meridian or the
Prime Meridian.

The Standard Meridian for our country Indian is 82 deg 30 minutes east of GMT
 82.30 X 4 == 328.120 == 328 minutes 120 seconds == 330 minutes
 5hours 30 minutes.
Therefore the Indian Standard Time (IST) is 5 hours 30 minutes ahead of GMT.

1. GMT + 8 hours.
0 + 8 X 15 East == 120 degrees East.

2. GMT - 5 hours
0 – 5 X 15 West == 75 degrees West.

3. 150 deg East == 150 X 4 = 600 minutes == 10 hours ahead of GMT

4. 40 deg West == 40 X 4 == 160 minutes == 2 hours 40 minutes behind GMT

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Ghati, Vighati. Hours, Minutes

ONE MUHURTA == 2 Ghatis == 48 Minutes

One Day = 30 Muhurtas = 60 Ghatis = 24 hours

Convert to H : M : S

1 Ghati == 24 minutes
1 Pala / Vighati == 24 seconds
1 Vipala == 0.4 seconds (24/60 seconds)

i. 30.3 Ghatis
== (30 X 24 minutes) --- (3 X 24 seconds)
== 720 minutes -- 72 seconds
== 720 minutes -- 1 minute – 12 seconds
== 721 minutes – 12 seconds
== 12 hours 1 minute 12 seconds.

ii. 13.5 ghatis 5 hrs 24 minutes

iii. 40 ghatis 23 pala 16 H 9M 12S
iv. 32 ghatis 10 pala 12 H 52 M
v. 53 ghatis 48 vighatis 21 H 31 M 12S
vi. 26 ghatis 10 vighatis 10 H 28 M

Convert to Ghati : Vighati (Pala) : Vipala

1 hour == 2.5 ghatis 1 ghati == 60 pala / vighati

1 minute == 2.5 pala 1 pala == 60 vipala
1 second == 2.5 Vipala

i. 13.50 Hrs
== (13 X 2.5) -- (50 X 2.5)
== 32.50 -- 125
== 32 ghatis (0.50 X 60 vighatis) --- 120 ghatis --- 5 vighatis
== 32 ghatis --- 30 vighatis --- 2 ghatis --- 5 ghatis
== 34 ghatis 35 vighatis.

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ii. 10H 20M ---- 25G 50P
iii. 17H 15M ---- 43G 7V 30vipala
iv. 14H 5M 45S ---- 35G 14P 22V 30V
v. 8H 20M 36S ---- 20G 51V 30V
vi. 16H 30M 20S ---- 41G 15P 50V

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