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Class: X Session: 2022-23

Computer Applications (Code 165)

Question Bank (Theory)

General Instructions:
1. This Paper has 5 Sections A-E.
2. All Questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice of approximately 30% is provided.
3. Section A has 46 questions carrying 01 mark each.
4. Section B has 26 Very Short Answer (VSA) type questions carrying 02 marks each.
5. Section C has 15 Short Answer (SA) type questions carrying 03 marks each.
6. Section D has 9 Long Answer (LA) type question carrying 04 marks.
7. Section E has 4 Source based /Case-based /Passage based Questions carrying 04 marks each.

Section – A (All questions are compulsory) (1 mark each)

1. URL stands for

a. Universal Resource Locator
b. Uniform Resource Location
c. Uniform Resource Locator
d. None of the above
2. Pick the odd one out
a. Safari
b. Chrome
c. Netscape
d. Facebook
3. ____________________refers to the gap between those who have access to technology and those who do
a. Digital Divide
b. Digital Unity
c. Freedom of Information
d. Privacy
4. Which of these is an example of an e-shopping website?
5. Credit card fraud may include:
a. Stealing of credit card
b. Unauthorized and illegal use of credit card
c. Both above
d. Neither

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6. Which one of the following is not an e-commerce website?
a. Snapdeal
b. Amazon
c. Diksha
d. Myntra

7. Which protocol is used to send an E-Mail over a network?

b. POP3
c. FTP

8. Choose the most appropriate statement for MMS.

a. Sending video files
b. Sending audio file
c. Sending text files only
d. Sending Multimedia content

9. Collection of hyper linked documents available on the internet is known as_______________.

a. Website
b. Webpage
c. Search Engine
d. URL

10. Using someone else’s twitter handle to post something, will be termed as:
a. Fraud
b. Identity theft
c. Online stealing
d. Violation

11. The HTML tag used to make the text underline is ____:
a. <underline>
b. <und>
c. <U>
d. <Line>

12. Which attribute is NOT valid for the <body> tag?

a. Background
b. Color
c. Bgcolor
d. Vlink

13. What type of CSS is the following code snippet?

<h1 style="color:blue;">A Blue Heading</h1>
a. External
b. Inline
c. Outline
d. Internal

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14. Which tag is used to provide line break __________ in html document.
a. <p>
b. <br>
c. <line>
d. <em>

15. Which of the following is an attribute of <Table> tag?

a. SRC
16. For linking to another web page, its URL is specified with_______ attribute of <A> tag
a. href
b. title
c. name
d. None of the above
17. The default alignment of images, that are inserted in the web page, is_____
a. left
b. right
c. middle
d. inline with text
18. The tags that require a starting as well as ending tag are called__________.
a. Pair Element
b. Twin Element
c. Container Element
d. Empty Element
19. Which of the following will produce a solid circle bullet when gives as value of type with <UL>?
a. disc
b. circle
c. square
d. none of these
20. Which of the following is used to specify the beginning of a table’s row?
c. TR
d. ROW

21. What is the correct HTML code to create an email link?

a. <LINK SRC = “abc.html”>
b. <BODY LINK = “abc.html”>
c. <A SRC = “abc.html”>
d. <A HREF = “abc.html”>

22. An email can be sent via,

a. PC
b. Tablet
c. Smart phone
d. All the above

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23. Which of the following is not a legal domain in context of web address?
a. edu
b. com
c. tv
d. work
24. If the background image is smaller than the screen, what will happen?
a. It will be stretched
b. It will leave a blank space at the bottom of your page
c. It will be repeated

25. The attribute of the <IMG> tag used to specify the location of an image is ____:
a. img
e. src
f. alt
g. name

Fill in the blanks:

26. HR tag is used for ____________________________.
27. A software used to open web pages on the internet is called a ________________.
28. __________ tag is used to create a table row.
29. Online textual talk is called __________________.
30. ____________ is the name of folder that stores your received mails.
31. The title tag is used inside______________ tag.
32. Exploring the web is known as ____________________________.
33. An empty HTML element has a ___________ tag but no _____________ tag.
34. _________ attribute with <A> tag is used to open a link in a new window.
35. TR tag can only be present inside ______ tag.
36. Comments are enclosed in _________ and _________ tags.

Questions No-37 to 41 are Assertion and Reason types. Each question consists of two statements, namely,
Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Select the most suitable option considering the Assertion & Reason.

Assertion (A): HTML is a Markup language.
Reason (R): HTML is used to structure or format text with the help of predefined tags.

(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is a correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not a correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true.

Assertion (A): In HTML, Tags written in lowercase letters or uppercase letters are treated as the same.
Reason (R): HTML is a case sensitive language.

(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is a correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not a correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true.

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Assertion (A): <BR> tag is a container tag.
Reason (R): Container tag requires starting as well as ending tags.

(c) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is a correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(d) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not a correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true.

Assertion (A): Web pages are the files that cannot be viewed without a web browser.
Reason (R): Web pages are stored as HTML files.

(e) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is a correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(f) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not a correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true.

Assertion (A): Web browsers can be used to view web pages.
Reason (R): web browsers are search engines.

(g) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is a correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(h) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not a correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true.

State True or False:

42. Color attribute is used with <P> tag.
43. The <A> tag is called the align tag.
44. No value is specified with ALT attribute of <IMG> tag.
45. You can use email to send messages but not files across Internet.
46. Chat rooms are actual rooms where chat session takes place.

Section –B (2 marks each)

47. Expand the following:

a) SMTP b) HTTP c) TCP/IP d) FTP
48. Differentiate between a web page and a home page.
49. What is URL? What are the elements of the URL?
50. Explain briefly Video conferencing.
51. Distinguish between Downloading and Uploading files.
Distinguish between Cc and Bcc.
52. What is E-learning? Name any one Indian e-learning website.
53. What do you understand by E-mail? Give any two examples of E-mail addresses.
54. Define E-banking. What are the different forms of e-banking?
55. What is Social Networking? What are its benefits?
What are the dangers associated with social networking?
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56. Write any 2 disadvantages of e-shopping.
Write any 2 advantages of e-groups.
57. What is the difference between container tags and empty tags?
58. Write a sample HTML code to display an address in the same way as given here:
Tina Lal
M9, Cannaught Circus,
New Delhi – 1
59. What is wrong with following coding?
<UL type = “a” start = 4>
60. Write full form of following tags:
(i) <LI> (ii) <A> (iii) <VLINK> (iv) <P>
61. What is a Hypertext link? Give the name and the syntax for the HTML tag which is used for creating a
Hypertext Link.
62. Write HTML code to display the unordered list (with square bullets) of two cities “DELHI” and “MUMBAI”.
The web page should have a yellow background and the title of the page should be ‘My Cities’.
63. What are the roles of Rowspan and Colspan attribute? Explain with suitable HTML example
64. Write any two differences between proprietary and open-source software.
Define e-Commerce. Name any 2 issues related to privacy in e-commerce
65. Kuhu has just learnt how to do online banking. Name any two precautions that she should take to prevent
online fraud.
66. "CSS is the most popular choice for the web developers these days". Write any four advantages of CSS.
67. Write the difference between alink and vlink. Write an HTML statement to illustrate the usage of these 2
Write the difference between <dt>and <dd>tags.
68. Write HTML code to display the unordered list (with square bullets) of two cities 2 “DELHI” and
“MUMBAI”. The web page should have a yellow background and the title of the page should be ‘My
69. Explain the concept of Submit and Reset buttons in HTML forms.
70. Explain Subscript tag and superscript tag with example.
71. What is wrong with the following CSS definition? Rewrite the correct code.
body ( color = “black”; )
72. (a) Give the syntax in HTML for creating a link on a webpage.
(b) Give the syntax in HTML for inserting an image on a webpage.
Section –C (3 marks each)

73. "Plagiarism is a major problem in the world nowadays". What do mean by plagiarism? Write any two
steps to avoid plagiarism.
74. Observe the following table and write the HTML code to generate it:

75. Consider the URL: and answer the following question

a. What does .com suggest?
b. Which component identifies the type of protocol?
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c. What is the significance of "s" in https?
76. Shalini, a web designer, wants to create a webpage to display a list where each item is listed by a number.
Which type of list she should use? Explain the role of start and type attributes.
77. Write the equivalent inline CSS for the following HTML tag.
a. <body bgcolor="green">
b. <img src="me.jpg" height=20 width=30>
a. Write an external CSS code snippet to set all four margins of the body tag with 5px each.
b. Write an inline CSS code to set the background color for the first level heading as 'green' containing
the text "My CA Exam".
78. Mr. Amit is a new Internet User. You, being his friend suggest to him some tips which he should follow
while using the internet.
79. Write any three differences between HTTP and HTTPS.
80. In what ways is the World Wide Web different from other servers on the Internet?
81. Identify which of the following is a tag or an attribute:
(i) link (ii) table (iii) align (iv) href (v) img (vi) border
82. What do you understand by container tag and empty tag? Explain with examples.
83. Define the term Digital Divide.
What is digital divide with regards to freedom of information availability?
84. Expand the following terms: (i) OSS (ii) SDLC (iii) GNU (iv) FLOSS (v) FSF (vi) W3C
85. “Privacy is the protection of personal information given online. In e-commerce especially, it is related to a
Company’s policies on the use of user data.”
(a) Why is the above given statement important?
(b) What is the need to safeguard user privacy?
86. “Fraud committed using the Internet is called Online Fraud.” In what forms it may occur? Give measures
to stop these frauds.
87. (a) What do you understand by Free and Open-source software?
(b) A software which is free as well as open belongs to which category of software?
(c) Give some examples of open-source software.

Section –D (4 marks each)


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Write the HTML code to design the above-shown web page considering the specifications as given below
• Background color of the page should be yellow.
• Heading 'Our Country: India' should be the first level of heading
• The image named ‘India.jpg’ should be placed at the centre.
• Formatting style for the paragraph
o Font Size: 5
o Font Name: Times New Roman
o Color: Red
• Superscript and subscript tags should be used wherever required.
• Facts (as shown in the above webpage) should be written with the help of the unordered list.

89. Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown below, considering the specifications that follow.
You can write the code for any 4 specifications out of the given 5 specifications.

Specification-1: The HTML code structure should be proper. Heading ‘List of states and their popular cities ‘
should be the second level of heading at the centre of the page and the Background color of the page should
be yellow.
Specification-2: JPG Image named “NATION” should be placed.
Specification-3: The page should consist of a nested list and the data as exactly given in the question. The
outer list should be numbered list.
Specification-4: The inner list as given should be symbol based
Specification-5: feedback should be the email link

90. Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown below, considering the specifications that follow.
You can write code for any 4 specifications out of the given 5 specifications:

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Specification-1: Title of the web page is "Motivational Books" and the heading of level -1 at the middle of the
web page is "Indian Motivational Books".
Specification-2: The caption of the table is "Popular Books in India"
Specification-3: The tabular data of 4 rows and 2 columns is with border size as 2.
Specification-4: The content "R.K.Narayan" is Bold, Italics and Underline
Specification-5: The image “fdbk.jpg” at the end will give feedback on the email

91. (a) Observe the following table and write the HTML code to generate it:

English Maths Economics Physics
67 89 77 92

(b) Write the names of one attribute each for the following tags:
(i) <Body> (ii) <Table> (iii) <HR> (iv) <img>

92. (a) Mr. Jayanto Das is confused between Shareware and Open-source software. Mention at least two points of
differences to help him understand the same.
(b) Write HTML code to set the image “Pen.jpg” stored in “My Pictures” folder in C:\ as the background of your
web page.
93. (a) Write the HTML code to display a horizontal line of red colour.
(b) Write the HTML code to create a paragraph whose text colour is blue.
94. Observe the following table and write the HTML code to generate it:

Question Marks
1 2

95. What do you understand by CSS? What are the ways of adding Stylesheets to a Web Page?
96. What are CELLSPACING and CELLPADDING attributes of table tag? Write the HTML code to display the use of
these attributes.

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Section - E (4 Marks Each)
Case Study -1
97. Naveen went to an interview for the post of web developer. In the technical test, he was supposed to design
an HTML table as given below. Help him to complete the table with the right statements in the blanks.
Observe the table and attempt any four questions (out of 5) given after the table).
Futuristic Time Table

Period-No Monday Wednesday Friday

1 Robotics NLG NLU

2 Data Science Sound

3 Light Machine Learning

4 Speed Velocity
<TITLE> Table Concept </TITLE>

<Table _________ =2> <!-STATEMENT-1>

<________> Futuristic Time Table</________> <!-STATEMENT-2>
<th> Period-No </th>
<th> Monday </th>
<th> Wednesday </th>
<th> Friday </th>
<td> 1 </td>
<td________=2> Robotics </td> <!-STATEMENT-3>
<td> NLG </td>
<td>NLU </td>
<td> 2 </td>
<td> Data Science </td>
<td>Sound </td>
<td> 3 </td>
<td>Light </td>
<td______=2> Machine Learning </td> <!- STATEMENT-4>
<td> 4 </td>
<td> Speed </td>

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<td> Velocity </td>

a. Write the attribute value to complete Statement-1 to achieve the output given in the above table.
b. Write suitable option for the blanks given in Statement-2.
c. Write the appropriate answer for the blank given in Statement-3
d. Write the appropriate answer for the blank given in Statement-4
e. What will be the complete sequence of closing the above html document in statement 5?

Case Study-2

98. Parminder recently celebrated his 14th birthday. On his birthday he got to know about Facebook. He learned
how social networking sites help people to meet their friends and discuss things online. He also found out
that he is now eligible to open a Facebook account. He creates his profile on Facebook and starts connecting
with his friends.

Within a few days, he befriends many people he knows and many people he does not know. After
some time, he starts getting negative comments on his posts. He also finds that his pictures are being shared
online on objectionable websites.

Based on the given information, answer the questions given below. Attempt any four questions

a) Identify the type of cybercrime Parminder is a victim of.

b) After hearing about his ordeal, the school decides to publish a set of moral principles that determines the
appropriate behaviour of students while using the internet. The school is referring to __________
c) Write a safety measure to be taken by Parminder to avoid threats from unknown people in the future.
d) Parminder decides to make a list of common safety precautions to be taken when online. Write any two
points that Parminder should include in his list.
e) Why are privacy settings so important in social networking sites?

Case Study-3
99. (a) Geetu is an artist. She posts her artwork on the internet. One day she comes to know that Shreyas has
downloaded one of the paintings that she had posted without her permission. He had further printed that
image on an invitation card.
I. Has Shreyas done the right thing?
II. Which right of Geetu has he infringed?
(b) What are intellectual property rights? Why these rights should be protected?

100. Correct and rewrite the following HTML codes:

a) <HEAD> <My Web Page>
<TITLE> Welcome to my web page
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<BODY> Text with New Format
c) <BODY Color = “Red” background = “School.jpg”>
d) <IMG src = “mypic.gif align = center>


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