Group Task 2 - Design A Speaking Lesson - Ravshan - E. - Rikhsiyev - 142

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Comparative Teaching Methodology Seminar 6 1

Group Task 2: Design a speaking lesson

Design a speaking lesson

Group #: 142 Group members: Ravshan E. Rikhsiyev


1. See the sample lesson plan on p. 3-6 on this handout.

2. Select one speaking activity from Ch 13. in Newton et al. (2018).
3. Decide on a hypothetical group of students (i.e., Who would be your students for this lesson?).
4. Decide on a hypothetical language objective(s): What language (e.g., Do questions, past tense,
expressions for agreeing/disagreeing) do you want your students to use while working on the
activity? You’ll pretend that this has been taught in a previous lesson.
5. Decide if you need a handout or any kinds of materials you need to facilitate the activity. If so,
talk to each other about what it should include and look like.
6. Discuss what your role would/should be while students are on task.
7. Discuss how you would provide feedback and what students would do after the activity.
8. Describe your lesson below.


Q1: What activity are you going to use?

 Role play

Q2: Who are your hypothetical students and what is their proficiency level?
 School students, aged 10-13, CEFR A2+

Q3: What is/are the language objective(s)?

 To develop conversational skills. The focus is on fluency and accuracy.
 Ss learn to recognize a speaker’s message, make and react to apologies and use phrases

Q4: What kind of materials would you use to facilitate this activity? You need to have a pretty good
idea of what this material looks like and what it needs to include. You will include your material at the
end of the lesson plan (see Sample).
 Handout: includes useful phrases for making and accepting apologies that students can use: a
cheat sheet
 A video that models a scenario.
Comparative Teaching Methodology Seminar 6 2
Group Task 2: Design a speaking lesson

Speaking lesson plan outline

Phases Description
Language What do you have to pre-teach before this activity? Refer to your answer to Q3 on
lesson in Page 1 of this handout. Give examples.
previous class
 Previously, ss have read and discussed a text related to different school and
personal life situations.

OK. Let’s pretend that you have taught the language lesson two days ago.

Pre-task Your students may not remember everything from two days ago. They need a refresher!
Before you begin the activity, what would you do or say to help them remember what they
did last time? What would you do to prepare your students for the current activity? Describe
in detail.

 T asks ss whether they remember any sound ideas that people use for
apologies which was mentioned in the last class.
 T plays a model video for ss on how to make and accept or ignore sb’s
 On a needs basis, the T may play the video 2-3 times.

During-task Describe what students are doing in this phase as specifically as possible; there must
be student-student interaction. Describe what the teacher is doing in this phase as
specifically as possible.

 The T provide a handout to ss with key expressions and a sample dialogue.

 The T divides ss into pairs and gives a short situation to each pair in the
classroom (lets imagine there are 20 students in the class so there are 10
pairs who get 10 situations from the teacher). Ss are told to make short
reports on the reasons for apologies made for assessment purposes.
 Ss think of good explanations or excuses in response to their situation.
 Ss work in pairs. They make apologies and react to their partner’s apologies.
The T walks and monitors students in action in this process.

Possible Situations:
Comparative Teaching Methodology Seminar 6 3
Group Task 2: Design a speaking lesson

You’re late for school.

You haven’t done your homework.
You’ve lost or forgotten something of your partners.
You’ve lied to your friend/parents/somebody several times.

Post-task Describe how you would give overall feedback to your students and how you would
wrap up this lesson (Hint: “Good job, everybody” is not enough! Discuss a post-task
activity that your students can do to consolidate their knowledge and reflect on their

 Ss make short reports about their partners.

 T provides feedback based on his/her observation and the reports.
 T makes small comments on ss’ performance.

Show me your material here:

Useful phrases for:
making an apology accepting/refusing an apology
I’m (really) sorry.  That’s OK. / That’s all right.
Sorry, I’m late.  Don’t worry about it.
Sorry, I’ve forgotten/lost/…  No problem. / Never mind.
I had to …  That’s not good enough.
 But, …
Sample dialogue:

Student A: Sorry, I’m late. My bike has broken.

Student B: Never mind. I’m not angry.

Comparative Teaching Methodology Seminar 6 4
Group Task 2: Design a speaking lesson


Sample lesson plan:


Q1: What activity are you going to use?

 Donut arrangement

Q2: Who are your hypothetical students and what is their proficiency level?
 6th graders in elementary school, Beginning level

Q3: What is/are the language objective(s)? Give specific examples.

 Describing sickness and symptoms: e.g., I have a cold. I have a runny nose and fever. I don’t
feel so good. I have a stomachache.
 Giving advice and prescribing medicine: e.g., You should get some rest. You should drink a lot
of water. You should take this medicine after breakfast and dinner.

Q4: What kind of material(s) would you use to facilitate this activity?
 Handout that has vocab and some language hints that students can use: a cheat sheet
 Different colored cards in a box: the cards will be the “medicine” that pharmacists hand out to
the sick people.

Speaking lesson plan outline

Phases Description
Language What do you have to pre-teach before this activity? Refer to your answer to Q3 on Page 1 of this
lesson in handout. Give examples.
class  Ss learn vocab words related to sicknesses & symptoms
o Examples: headache, stomachache, earache, sore throat, fever, runny nose,
cold, flu, backache
 Ss learn how to give advice to sick people using “should”
o You should + verb
o Verbs: rest, sleep a lot, take medicine/vitamins, see a doctor, etc

OK. Let’s pretend that you have taught the language lesson above two days ago.

Pre-task Your students may not remember everything from two days ago. They need a refresher! Before
you begin the activity, what would you do or say to help them remember what they did last time?
What would you do to prepare your students for the current activity? Describe in detail.
Comparative Teaching Methodology Seminar 6 5
Group Task 2: Design a speaking lesson

 T asks Ss what they remember from last lesson

 T shows pictures of sick people and asks Ss to describe their sicknesses and symptoms
 T asks Ss what advice they can give to the sick people in the pictures and gives students 2
minutes to talk to their partner about what to say to the sick people in the pictures
 T asks each pair what they came up with and writes their responses on the board (e.g.,
drink lots of water, drink lemon tea, take medicine, take vitamins, see a doctor, sleep a
lot, rest, wear a mask, eat more veggies)
 T shows a picture of a pharmacist asks Ss if they know what this person is called
(pharmacist). If they don’t, T introduces the word pharmacist.
 T introduces the lesson by saying that Ss will act as sick people as well as pharmacists
today. T asks what a pharmacist should first say when someone enters the pharmacy. T
elicits responses (e.g., Hi. How can I help you? What can I do for you?)
 T shows a picture of a donut arrangement and explains how the activity works: The inner
circle people are pharmacists and the outer circle people are sick; the outer circle people
go around and get medicine and advice from pharmacists.

 T distributes a cheat sheet (see below) and tells Ss they can use the cheat sheet. T
explains that Ss need to visit as many pharmacists as they can before the bell rings and
get medicine for different types of sickness; Pharmacists should give appropriate advice
and provide medicine from the box on the table. The prescription is the cards with
different colors (see below: Blue for stomachache, Red for headache, White for cold/flue,
and Green for backache, etc). Students are allowed to use the cheat sheet when they
forget what to say.
During-task Describe what students are doing in this phase as specifically as possible; there must be student-
student interaction. Describe what the teacher is doing in this phase as specifically as possible.

 Some Ss are sitting at the table in the inner circle. Others are standing in the outer circle
across the table.
 T rings the bell and Ss start the activity: Ss describe their sickness and tells the
pharmacist their symptoms. The pharmacist gives advice and says “Take this medicine
for your ______.” They give the sick people the right color “medicine” (=cards)
 T walks around to make sure Ss are using language and are on task. T pays attention to
weaker Ss to make sure they can use the cheat sheet.
 T rings the bell when it looks like all Ss have visit at least 5 pharmacists.
 T tells Ss to switch roles: The sick people sit in the inner circle to act as pharmacists this
time and the pharmacist stand in the outer circle to act as sick people.
 Ss repeat the activity.
 T walks around to make sure Ss are using language and are on task. T pays attention to
weaker Ss to make sure they can use the cheat sheet.
 T rings the bell when it looks like all Ss have visit at least 5 pharmacists.
 T takes (mental) notes when he/she notices common errors (e.g., “Me headache.”)

Post-task Describe how you would give overall feedback to your students and how you would wrap up this
Comparative Teaching Methodology Seminar 6 6
Group Task 2: Design a speaking lesson

lesson (Hint: “Good job, everybody” is not enough! Discuss a post-task activity that your students
can do to consolidate their knowledge and reflect on their lesson.)

 Ss go back to their seats.

 After the activity, T gives overall feedback by pointing out common errors: T writes them
down on the board and has Ss practice with a neighbor one more time
 T asks how many cards Ss collected.
 T gives out another handout that has short gap-fill exercises.
 T plays a short video and Ss complete the exercises.
 Ss check with their partners
 T plays the video again and Ss check their answers or fill in more blanks.
 T asks Ss to evaluate their performance and behavior on a scale of 1 to 5 and indicate the
number in the handout.
 T wraps up the lesson

Show me your material here:

Cheat sheet
Sick person Pharmacist
I have a… You should…

Head_____ Get some r____

Stomach______ Get a lot of sl_____
Back_____ See a d_______
Sore th_____ Drink lots of w______
C_ld/fl_ Drink lemon t_____
Run__ nose Take v_____
Fever Wear a m_____
Cough Eat more v_____
Take this medi_______

Cards to put in a box for the pharmacists

Medicine for Medicine for Medicine for Medicine for Medicine for
headache stomachache backache sore throat cold

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