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SmartPlant P&ID Options

User's Guide

Version 2014 R1 (7.1)

March 2015

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2 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide

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SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 3

4 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide
SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager ........................................................................................................... 7
Upgrading from a Previous Version of the Software ............................................................................... 7
Navigating in SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager .................................................................................. 8
Connect to a Database ..................................................................................................................... 8
Open Database Command (File Menu) ........................................................................................... 8
Open Plant Structure Dialog Box ..................................................................................................... 9
Save Command (File Menu) ............................................................................................................ 9
Exit Command (File Menu) ............................................................................................................... 9
Cut Command (Edit Menu) ............................................................................................................... 9
Copy Command (Edit Menu) .......................................................................................................... 10
Copy a Value to the Clipboard ....................................................................................................... 10
Paste Command (Edit Menu) ......................................................................................................... 10
Move Up Command (Edit Menu) .................................................................................................... 10
Move Down Command (Edit Menu) ............................................................................................... 10
Insert Row Command (Edit Menu) ................................................................................................. 10
Delete Row Command (Edit Menu) ................................................................................................ 10

Setting Symbology Options ..................................................................................................................... 11

Define Plant Symbology ........................................................................................................................ 12
Change Plant Symbology ..................................................................................................................... 12

Setting Gapping Options .......................................................................................................................... 15

Define Gapping Style ............................................................................................................................ 15
Change Gapping Style .......................................................................................................................... 16
Change Gapping Priority....................................................................................................................... 16

Setting Heat Tracing Options ................................................................................................................... 17

Create a New Heat Tracing Medium .................................................................................................... 17
Change the Default Placement of Heat Tracing for the Plant ............................................................... 18
Modify the Offset Distance of Heat Trace Lines ................................................................................... 18

Setting Formatting Options ...................................................................................................................... 23

Change Default Formatting ................................................................................................................... 23

Setting Distance Options .......................................................................................................................... 25

Place Two Inline Components an Arbitrary Distance Apart .................................................................. 25
Change Default Distances .................................................................................................................... 26

Defining Reference Data Settings ............................................................................................................ 27

Understanding Reference Data Settings .............................................................................................. 28
Change Reference Data Settings ......................................................................................................... 36
Configure Piping Specification Settings ................................................................................................ 37
Open Dialog Box ................................................................................................................................... 38

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 5


Upgrading Reference Data ....................................................................................................................... 39

Upgrade Reference Data Command (Tools Menu) .............................................................................. 39
Upgrade Reference Data ............................................................................................................... 39

Importing and Deleting Linear Patterns and Styles ............................................................................... 41

Linear Patterns and Styles .................................................................................................................... 42
Linear Patterns Command (Tools Menu) .............................................................................................. 42
Linear Patterns Dialog Box ................................................................................................................... 42
Linear Styles Command (Tools Menu) ................................................................................................. 43
Linear Styles Dialog Box ....................................................................................................................... 43
Import a Linear Pattern ......................................................................................................................... 44
Delete a Linear Pattern ......................................................................................................................... 44

Pipe Jacket Nominal Diameter Command (Tools Menu) ....................................................................... 45

Pipe Jacket Nominal Diameter Dialog Box ........................................................................................... 45

Index ........................................................................................................................................................... 47

6 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide


SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager

SmartPlant® P&ID Options Manager controls the look and feel of the design software and
controls much of the data used throughout the life of a plant. For example, you can define how
particular drawing items appear in drawings by selecting colors, line styles, gapping styles and
heat tracing styles for the plant.
Using Options Manager, you can identify the location of symbols, rules, and labels. You can also
define symbology for graphics, default formats for data, and key distances that affect the
behavior of the design software. Any changes made using SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager
apply to all drawings and well as Projects in the plant.
You can customize several different options.
Symbology — controls the look of items.
Gapping — controls the style of gaps used.
Heat Tracing — defines the available display for heat tracing.
Formatting — specifies default formats used throughout the plant.
Default Distances — specifies basic distances used throughout the plant.
Default Reference Settings — controls where and how reference data is stored.
Usually, an administrator sets these options when a plant is created. The administrator can later
modify these options when plant requirements dictate a change.

Upgrading from a Previous Version of the Software

After upgrading to the latest version of SmartPlant P&ID, opening Options Manager
for the first time updates the RAD version for the ProjectStyles.spp file and as a result, changes
the status of the Symbology for the drawings to 'Out-of-Date'. For this reason, after upgrading
SmartPlant P&ID, you should open and close Options Manager once before updating your
drawings using SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager.

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 7

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager

Navigating in SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager is divided into six main functions, each of which is accessed
by a command button on the left side of the main window:

Click one of these buttons to open a detailed view in the main window.
Various commands on the Edit menu and on the toolbar are available depending on the current
selection in the main window.
For some cells in SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager, a calculation button appears when the
cell is selected. Clicking this button opens a dialog box that enables you to specify the
information required for that field. For instance, when you specify file locations in the Settings
window, the Open dialog box appears so you can associate the correct file and path, or when
you define gapping, the Select Filter dialog box opens.
The File menu also contains commands for saving changes to database definitions and closing
a version of SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager.

Connect to a Database
1. Click File > Open Database.

If the plant structure that you want appears in the Available Plant Structures list, you
can select it in the List view on this dialog box, and go to the last step.
2. On the Open Plant Structure dialog box, click Site Server.
3. On the Open Site server dialog box, select the correct SmartPlant initialization file (.ini file)
and click OK.
4. Click Open.
The Open command checks to make sure you have the correct access privileges for the
selected plant structure and passes you access information back to the software.

Open Database Command (File Menu)

Displays the Open Plant Structure dialog box, and allows you to connect to the site and server
that you want to work with by choosing the appropriate SmartPlant initialization file (.ini file). You
can also view the plants to which you were recently connected. In order to use this command,
your computer must be able to connect to the network where the server is located.

8 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager

Open Plant Structure Dialog Box

Sets options for connecting to a site and plant structure and passes user access information to
the application. This dialog box opens when you click File > Open Database on the menu bar.

Application Type — Allows you to select an application for filtering the available plant
structures that are associated with that application. If all the plants in the site are associated
with one application only, the value is read-only.
Available plant structures — Lists those plant structures found on the network. You can
select only one item from this List view at a time.
Open — Connects you to the selected database. The Open command also checks to make
sure you have the correct access privileges for the selected plant structure and passes your
access information back to SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager.
Site Server — Opens the Open Site Server dialog box, allowing you to select a SmartPlant
initialization file from local and network directories. Plant structures that correspond to the
initialization file you choose appear in the list of available plant structures.

Save Command (File Menu)

Records any changes you have made to plant-wide options.

Exit Command (File Menu)

Closes the software after prompting you to save changes.

Cut Command (Edit Menu)

Moves the selected value to the Clipboard.

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 9

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager

Copy Command (Edit Menu)

Duplicates the currently selected item and places the copy on the Clipboard.

Copy a Value to the Clipboard

1. Select the value you want to copy.
2. Click Edit > Copy to move a copy of the selected value to the Clipboard.

The Copy command is also available from the toolbar.

Paste Command (Edit Menu)

Inserts the contents of the Clipboard into the selected position. You can use the Cut or Copy
commands to put information on the Clipboard in order to be able to paste it.

Move Up Command (Edit Menu)

Moves the select list entry up one row in the editable grid. This command is only available
for reference data that is editable.

Move Down Command (Edit Menu)

Moves the select list entry down one row in the editable grid. This command is only available
for reference data that is editable.

Insert Row Command (Edit Menu)

Inserts a blank row into the editable grid so that you can create a new entry in a grid view. This
command is only available for reference data that is editable.

Delete Row Command (Edit Menu)

Deletes the selected row in the editable grid. This command is only available for reference data
that is editable.

10 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide


Setting Symbology Options

Symbology provides graphical clarity to a drawing by differentiating among various items by their
appearance. Symbology refers to the color, line width, and style associated with items in a
particular filter.
You can use color to differentiate among the different types of drawing items, such as
equipment, piping, or instruments, while the software uses line widths and styles to represent
various properties of those items. For example, you can define symbology to represent existing
lines, future lines, and new lines by using filters that correspond to these in SmartPlant Filter
Manager. You can also define symbology to represent lines carrying different fluids or items
supplied by different manufacturers, if those properties exist for items in the data model.
By default, the software offers a set of predefined symbology for the following items:
 instruments
 nozzles
 pipe runs
 labels
 equipment
 duct runs
 duct components
 rooms
You can change the default symbology for any filter or define symbology for any other existing
PDS 2D uses the Context Display Domain command to change the appearance of graphics for
items with a particular attribute for package number. To view the same kind of information in
your design software, you can define a filter for items containing the property you want and then
define symbology for that filter using the Symbology option. For example, if you want to
customize the symbology of items with a particular piping materials class, you can define a filter
containing items with the piping materials class, and then define the specific symbology you
want to see in the drawing.

The order of the options listed in the Symbology table indicates the priority, in
descending order, when assigned to an item upon placement in a design. You can change the
priority of symbology assignment by selecting the symbology row and clicking the Move Item
Up or Move Item Down buttons. You can select only one row at a time when changing
symbology priority.

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 11

Setting Symbology Options

Define Plant Symbology

1. Click Symbology .
2. Select the Plant Filter column in the last row of the Symbology table.
3. Click to select a filter.
4. On the Select Filter dialog box, select the filter or compound filter that represents the item
for which you want to define plant symbology.

If necessary, you can create a new filter. For more information, see Create a Simple
Filter or Create a Compound Filter.
5. Click OK.
6. In the Color, Width, and Pattern boxes, select values for the symbology properties.

When you pause on an item in the Pattern list, a ToolTip displays the name of the

 PDS 2D uses the context display domain command to change the appearance of graphics
for items with a particular attribute for package number. To view the same kind of
information in the SmartPlant P&ID design software, you can define a filter for items
containing the property you want and then define symbology for that filter using the
Symbology option.
 The order of the options listed in the Symbology table indicates the priority, in descending
order, when assigned to an item upon placement in a design. You can change the priority of
symbology assignment by selecting the symbology row and clicking the Move Item Up
or Move Item Down buttons. You can select only one row at a time when changing
symbology priority.

Change Plant Symbology

1. Click Symbology .
2. Select the Plant Filter row you want to change.
3. In the Color, Width, and Pattern boxes, select the new value for the symbology property.

When you pause on an item in the Pattern list, a ToolTip displays the name of the

12 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide

Setting Symbology Options

 You can change the color, width, or pattern for plant filters at any time. However, after you
define a new plant filter, you cannot change its name. Nonetheless, you can delete that row
from the table and redefine another plant filter. For more information about creating a new
symbology row, see Define Plant Symbology (on page 12).
 If you make changes to the symbology for a plant filter, the software prompts you to save
your changes when you click one of the other options on the options bar.
 If you make changes to the symbology after creating drawings, and you want those changes
to be reflected in the drawings, you must run the appropriate update commands. For
details, see the Update Drawings Command topic in the Drawing Manager User's Guide and
the Update Symbology Command topic in the SmartPlant P&ID User's Guide.

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 13

Setting Symbology Options

14 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide


Setting Gapping Options

The Gapping options allow you to establish priorities and define symbols for displaying line
intersections in drawings. In a drawing, when lines, hoses, capillaries, or other line routes
intersect, you place gaps in the line with lower priority, while lines with higher priority remain
You can define a priority list to handle such intersections. The placement of the connector type
in the Gapping list indicates its gapping priority. For example, when you place two lines that
appear to intersect in the drawing but do not intersect in the plant model, the design software
automatically gaps the line that appears lower in the list. By default, piping lines gap signal lines,
and primary lines gap secondary lines; however, an undefined gapping style receives the
highest priority by default.
The gapping style dictates whether the software displays a jumper or a gap when two lines
intersect in a drawing. When you define gapping options, you choose from the following gapping

 Plain Gap:

 Jumper:

 Gap with Break Marks:

Options set for gapping in SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager apply only to automatically
gapped lines. You can turn the automatic gapping of lines on and off with gapping commands in
the design software.

Define Gapping Style

1. Click Gapping .
2. Select the Line Type box in the empty last row of the Gapping table.
3. Click to select a filter.
4. On the Select Filter dialog box, click the filter you want.

If necessary, you can create a new filter for your gapped item. For more information,
see Create a Simple Filter or Create a Compound Filter.
5. Click OK.
6. In the Gapping Style box of this row, click the symbol you want to use to indicate gaps for
lines in the selected filter.

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 15

Setting Gapping Options

 Options set for gapping in SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager apply only to automatically
gapped lines.
 When you select a filter from the Line Type list, two filters appear in the Gapping table: one
with vertical orientation and one with horizontal orientation. You can specify a gapping style
for each.
 You can change the priority with which these gaps are applied to lines in a design. For more
information, see Change Gapping Priority (on page 16).

Change Gapping Style

1. Click Gapping .
2. Select the Line Style row for the gapping style you want to modify.
3. Click the corresponding Gapping Style box, and select from the list the symbol you want to
use to indicate gaps in the selected line type.
4. Click .

 Options set for gapping in SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager apply only to automatically
gapped lines.
 You can change the gapping style for line types at any time. However, after you define a
new line type, you cannot change its name, but you can delete that row from the table and
redefine another line type.
 If you change the gapping style after creating drawings, and you want that change to be
reflected in the drawings, you must run the Update Drawings command. For details, see
the Update Drawings Command topic in the Drawing Manager User's Guide.

Change Gapping Priority

1. Click Gapping .
2. Select the Line Type row with the priority you want to modify.

3. Click Move Item Up or Move Item Down to move the selected row.

 The higher a line type is in the Gapping list, the higher its priority. When two lines intersect,
the software makes a gap in the line type with the lower priority.
 When changing the priority of gapping, you can move only one gap row at a time.

16 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide


Setting Heat Tracing Options

Tracing options allow you to specify the default appearance and location of heat tracing
symbology in drawings for a plant. You can define a variety of line styles to designate lines with
heat tracing or pipe jackets.

Create a New Heat Tracing Medium

1. In Data Dictionary Manager, do the following:
a. Click Select Entry.
b. From Selected list, select Heat Trace Medium.
c. On the last row, enter information in the Value and Short Value columns.
d. Click Save .
Refer to the Modify a Select List Entry topic in Data Dictionary Manager Help for more
details about modifying a select list.
2. After adding the new entry in the select list, open Options Manager and click Tracing

The new heat tracing medium will now be displayed in the Tracing Media list.
3. From the Tracing Media list, locate the new media and click the Style box.
4. Select a new heat tracing style from the list.
5. Click Save .

 To designate a particular heat tracing medium as a double heat trace or jacketed heat trace,

in Options Manager, click Settings and add the heat tracing media to one of the
 Add heat tracing media designated as double to the Heat Tracing Media - Double Heat
Trace row, with each value separated by a comma.
 Add heat tracing media designated as jacketed to the Heat Tracing Media - Jacketed
Pipe row, with each value separated by a comma.
 Any changes made to a heat trace medium in Options Manager will not be reflected in any
drawing in which that heat trace medium was already assigned to an item. For changes to
be reflected in the drawings, you must run the Update Drawings command first. For
details, see the Update Drawings Command topic in the Drawing Manager User's Guide.

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 17

Setting Heat Tracing Options

Change the Default Placement of Heat Tracing for the


1. Click Tracing .
2. On the toolbar, select one of the four icons that affect the default placement of heat tracing
for both horizontal and vertical lines in the P&ID.
The following table describes the available options.

Option Heat Tracing Placement Tracing Position Icon

BottomLeft Below horizontal lines and to

the left of vertical lines.

BottomRight Below horizontal lines and to

the right of vertical lines.

TopLeft Above horizontal lines and to

the left of vertical lines.

TopRight Above horizontal lines and to

the right of vertical lines.

The default placement applies to all heat tracing media in the current plant, but only
affects the display appearance in drawings for media that are designated as single heat trace

Modify the Offset Distance of Heat Trace Lines

The heat trace line offset is modified by setting the offset value in the line style properties for an
individual heat trace. The offset value has to be modified for every heat trace line style for which
the offset change is required. The workflow is as follows:
1. Creation of a new symbol in Catalog Manager to be used to edit the line style and import the
changes back into the ProjectStyles.spp file.
2. Referencing the ProjectStyles.spp file.
3. Importing line styles to be edited from the ProjectStyles.spp file into the symbol file and
setting the offset to the desired value using Line Style Editor.
4. Importing the updated line style from the symbol file back into the ProjectStyles.spp file in
Options Manager.
5. Updating drawings in Drawing Manager.

18 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide

Setting Heat Tracing Options

Symbol Creation and Line Style Definition

As part of the line style definition, you set the value of the offset distance.
1. Open Catalog Manager and create a new symbol.
2. Assign a meaningful name to the symbol, for example: HT_offset_modifier.sym.
3. Display the Line Style Editor.
4. Reference the ProjectStyles.spp file as follows:
a. Click Format > Style.
b. On the Style dialog box, click Resources.
c. On the Style Resources dialog box, click Add.
d. In the Add Style Resource window, browse to the active plant’s P&ID Reference Data
folder and in the File name field, type ProjectStyles.spp.

e. Click Open.
f. On the Style Resources dialog box, click OK.
g. On the Style dialog box, click Close.
5. In the Line Style Editor, expand the Linear Styles node.

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 19

Setting Heat Tracing Options

6. Right-click on the heat trace line style that you want to modify (for example, Electric Heat
Trace) and on the shortcut menu, click Import Style.

The line style name becomes bold, indicating that it has been imported into the

20 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide

Setting Heat Tracing Options

7. Right-click again on the style and on the shortcut menu, click Properties.
8. On the Linear Style Properties dialog box, in the Offset field, enter the desired offset

The base offset value for heat trace lines is 0.05 in, therefore the actual offset value
will be 0.05 in + the value entered in the Offset field.
9. From the Crossover orientation list, select a value that matches one of the Tracing
options, such as Top right.

10. Save the file in Catalog Manager and exit.

Import the Line Style Changes back into the ProjectStyles.spp File Using Options Manager
1. Open Options Manager and click Tools > Linear Styles.
2. On the Linear Styles dialog box, click Import.
3. In the Import Linear Styles From window, browse to and select the symbol with the
updated linear styles.
4. Click Open.

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 21

Setting Heat Tracing Options

5. On the Linear Styles dialog box, click Close.

6. Save the changes and exit Options Manager.

Update Drawings
1. Open Drawing Manager and select existing drawings that you want to update with the new
heat trace style.
2. Click File > Out-of-Date Drawings > Update.

 Unlike the default offset distance, a user-defined additional heat trace offset distance will not
change dynamically as the zoom level changes in the SmartPlant P&ID drawing view. It is
recommended to turn on the Display as printed option (Tools > Options > General) in
SmartPlant P&ID to get a consistent look for the offset. This limitation will not affect the
print-out results of the SmartPlant P&ID drawings.
 This procedure has no impact on the heat trace line offset in translation output files (.dwg /
.dxf / .dgn) created by the SmartPlant P&ID Save As feature.

22 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide


Setting Formatting Options

The Formats option controls the default formats associated with various data types in the
application database. Some examples of data types include length, area, volume, pressure,
angular velocity, thermal expansion, signal intensity, integer, and string.
Data formats associated with data types control the length and type of specific information for
the plant, such as text strings and numbers. Data formats also control the units associated with
particular measurements in drawings and the placement of information in drawings. The
formats assigned to these data types can change from plant to plant. You can use the default
data type formats, or you can create new formats with SmartPlant Format Manager.

Change Default Formatting

1. Click Formats .
2. Select the Format box corresponding to the appropriate Data Type row.
3. Select the default format for the data type from the list.
The decimal places and units of measure for default distances are controlled by the
default format selected for the Thickness data type.

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 23

Setting Formatting Options

24 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide


Setting Distance Options

Using the Distance option, you can define minimum distances between objects in drawings and
define default lengths for various entities in drawings in a plant.
You can define default distances or lengths for each of these values:
 Label offset — Defines the default distance between a label and the component being
labeled. When you create the label using Catalog Manager, you can change the values of
the Offset Source and Offset Distance properties to override this value.
 Minimum connector segment — Defines the minimum length for connector segments (that
is, the shortest length of pipe or signal run that can exist). However, the design software
overrides this distance when you place piping components together. The line created
between two touching piping components is zero-length. The greater of the Minimum
Connector Segment and Routing Self-Avoidance settings governs the shortest line length
when, for instance, routing a line from a nozzle.
 Routing self-avoidance — Defines the distance between a line route and an object that the
line is avoiding. This setting also governs how long a segment must be in order to place an
inline component into it. When you place a line in your design, the self-avoidance setting is
applied. If you later change this setting, the change affects only those lines created
subsequent to the change. The original self-avoidance distance remains a characteristic of
any line once it is created. You can use the delivered utility, ApplySettingsCmd.dll, to update
existing lines with the next value. For information about this utility, refer to the SmartPlant
P&ID Installation Guide.

Place Two Inline Components an Arbitrary Distance

1. Place the first component in the line.
2. Place the second component into the line and connected to the connect point of the first
component. You can see that the connect points are actually joined by the black rectangle in
the Drawing view:

3. While holding down the ALT key, drag one component along the line away from the other
leaving the desired distance between the two.
If the components are already close to each other but not connected at coincident
connect points, you must drag one component off of the segment to disconnect it and then
move it back to get the connect points attached.

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 25

Setting Distance Options

Change Default Distances

1. Click Distances .
2. Select the Distance box corresponding to the appropriate Measured Entity row.
3. Type a value.
The decimal places and units of measure for default distances are controlled by the
default format selected for the Thickness data type.

26 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide


Defining Reference Data Settings

The SmartPlant P&ID software requires that you specify various library, file, and path names for
reference data. The reference data defines not only references to information used plant-wide
but also where to find the data or where to store it. You must define the locations of most of
these libraries, files, and directories for your plant before you can begin using SmartPlant
P&ID. SmartPlant Engineering Manager creates most of these initial definitions during site and
plant creation.
You can modify your default reference data settings for your plant using SmartPlant P&ID
Options Manager. You can define the settings for each of the following default files: rules
library, default template, default piping symbol file, default duct symbol file, default signal line
symbol file, format reference file, and default terminator style, as well as various locations for
PDS 3D files and passwords. You can define the following default styles and formats: default
terminator style, pipeline name attributes, duct run name attributes, and signal name attributes.
You can define default paths for the following types of directories or drives: Catalog Explorer
root directory, default P&ID template directory, default report template directory, and default
drawing file directory.
The path that is written to the database when you place an item in SmartPlant P&ID
and the data path in SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager must be the same. If the paths are
different, the software displays the symbol as an unintelligent graphic. If you run the Update
Drawings report in Drawing Manager, this report indicates when the paths do not match. Also,
the CheckFilePathsCMD.dll will also detect this and report in the log file when the paths do not
match. The symbol path serves as a pointer in SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager and is
written to the database after you place a symbol; whereas the data path is a general path to the
reference data.
Data locations for the default pipe, ducting, and signal run symbol files must be
entered as a relative path based on the path defined for the Catalog Explorer Root Path
setting. The data location for the default template file must be entered as a relative path based
on the path defined for the P&ID template directory.

 If SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager is missing data for Symbology, Gapping, Tracing,
and Distances, then the application association has not been created in SmartPlant
Engineering Manager. In other words, SmartPlant P&ID needs to be associated with your
plant. To fix this problem, connect to a plant database that has been associated with
SmartPlant P&ID using SmartPlant Engineering Manager. For more information, see
Connect to a Database (on page 8).
 When you are using projects inside SmartPlant P&ID, remember that the reference data
belongs to the Plant and is used by projects of the Plant. You cannot change reference data,
such as table layouts or formats or rules, at the project level.

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 27

Defining Reference Data Settings

Understanding Reference Data Settings

The following reference data settings are defined using SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager to
specify the location of particular types of data. You can specify various default settings used in
creating P&IDs and sharing data with other applications, like PDS 3D.
Catalog Explorer Root Path — Specifies the node or server where the symbols for this plant
are stored. Click the ellipsis beside the Setting value to navigate to the desired path.
In order to ensure that the Symbols node in Catalog Explorer can be expanded, if
entering the path manually, do not use a trailing '\' (backslash) character. For example, the
path \\DBServer\SPPID\DevSite\DevPlant\P&ID Reference Data\Symbols is
entered correctly, whereas the path \\DBServer\SPPID\DevSite\DevPlant\P&ID
Reference Data\Symbols\ is incorrect.
Claim Mode — Allows you to choose the appropriate claim mode for your plant:
 Exclusive — Claimed items are wholly owned by the claiming project.
 Shared — Items can be owned simultaneously by more than one project.
The claim mode can be changed only if the Claim table is empty. If it is not empty, a message
box appears. Additionally, if you are operating in a project, rather than the Plant, this option is
always read-only. Only model items can be claimed. For more information about claiming
items, see SmartPlant P&ID Help.
Copy Transformation Program — Specifies the transformation program to be used during the
copying process. A transformation program is delivered with the software. You can copy this
delivered code and then create your own customized transformation program. For more
information about creating a transformation program, see Customizing the Sample Projects in
the SmartPlant P&ID Programmer's Guide.
Default Assembly Path — Specifies the default directory where assembly files are stored. If
you want users to store new assemblies in the Catalog Explorer by default, enter the path for a
directory in the Catalog Explorer Root Path field. Click the ellipsis beside the Setting
value to navigate to the desired path.
In order to save an assembly, you must have write permission for this folder. Additionally,
if you do not choose a folder that is in the reference data folder, along with the other symbols,
your assemblies are not displayed in nor available for placement from Catalog Explorer.
Default Duct Symbol File — Specifies the default symbol used to represent ducting when two
in-duct components are placed directly beside one another in a P&ID. For example, when two
in-duct components, such as a duct nozzle and a flowmeter, are placed so that they touch, the
software highlights the shared connect point. If you define a default ducting symbol in
SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager, the two items are automatically connected with a ducting
segment. If no default ducting symbol is defined, the software does not generate the
connecting ducting segment. Click the ellipsis beside the Setting value to select the
desired file.
This value must be entered as a relative path based on the path defined for the
Catalog Explorer Root Path setting, for example: Ducting\Routing\DuctRun.sym.
Default Pipe Symbol File — Specifies the default symbol used to represent piping when two
inline components are placed directly beside one another in a P&ID. For example, when two
inline components, such as a nozzle and a valve, are placed so that they touch, the software

28 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide

Defining Reference Data Settings

highlights the shared connect point. If you define a default pipe symbol in SmartPlant P&ID
Options Manager, the two items are automatically connected with a pipe segment. If no default
pipe symbol is defined, the software does not generate the connecting pipe segment. Click the
ellipsis beside the Setting value to select the desired file.
This value must be entered as a relative path based on the path defined for the
Catalog Explorer Root Path setting, for example: Piping\Routing\Process Lines\Primary
Default Report Template Path — Specifies the directory where default report templates for this
plant are stored, including the blank Excel template used for creating new templates. When a
report template is created and added to the plant reports, the new template is also stored at this
location. Click the ellipsis beside the Setting value to navigate to the desired path.
Default Signal Line Symbol File — Specifies the default symbol used to represent signal lines
when two offline instruments are placed directly beside one another in a P&ID. By default, this
setting is blank. If no default signal line symbol is defined, the software does not generate a
connecting signal line segment. For example, when two offline instruments are placed so that
they touch, the software highlights the shared connect point. If a default signal line symbol is
defined in SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager, the two items are automatically connected with a
signal line segment. Click the ellipsis beside the Setting value to select the desired file.
This value must be entered as a relative path based on the path defined for the
Catalog Explorer Root Path setting, for example: Instrumentation\Signal Line\Connect to
Delete Key Default Behavior — Specifies the default behavior when you select drawing items
and press the Delete key or click Delete on the toolbar. The available options are:
 Delete to Plant Stockpile — Deletes the item from the drawing and sends it to the plant
stockpile. This is the default setting when you create a new plant.
 Delete to Drawing Stockpile — Deletes the item from the drawing and sends it to the
drawing stockpile.
 Delete from Model — Deletes the item from the drawing and from the database.
The Delete to Plant Stockpile and Delete to Drawing Stockpile options only take effect
for item types that appear beside the Stockpile Items property.
Display Undefined As — Allows you to define how you want a null value to appear in the
Properties window. When you select Display Null from the Properties window toolbar, you
see this value for all properties that are null. Use the Null setting definition if you are using the
PipeSpec Commodity Code Lookup utility.
Drawing Properties - Optional — Specifies the properties that appear on the New Drawing
dialog box as optional when you create a new drawing in SmartPlant P&ID. If a value already
appears on the Drawing properties - Required list, you are prompted before assigning it as
Optional. These fields are comma-delimited, for example: Version, Description.
Drawing Properties - Required — Specifies the properties that appear on the New Drawing
dialog box as required when you create a new drawing in SmartPlant P&ID. If a value already
appears on the Drawing properties - Optional list, you are prompted before assigning it as
Required. These fields are comma-delimited, for example: Version, Description.

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 29

Defining Reference Data Settings

DuctRun Name Attributes — Specifies the common properties of ducts that belong to the
same duct run. For example, if tag sequence number and fluid code are used to define a duct
run, all connected ducts that have the same tag sequence number and fluid code belong to the
duct run. To specify the properties used to define a duct run name, select the desired properties
one-by-one from the list of properties in the Setting column. To remove a property from the duct
run name, highlight that property including the preceding or following comma separator and on
the keyboard, press Delete.

 To enable deletion of duct runs to a stockpile, at least one property must be defined for this
setting. Also, when deleting a particular duct run to the stockpile, at least one of those
properties specified must be populated with a value in the drawing.
 The duct run name attributes that you select affect the behavior of the Delete to Stockpile
(Plant or Drawing) commands for duct runs. When using one of the Delete to Stockpile
commands, if the duct run to be deleted has the same values as another duct run in the
plant for all of the attributes selected as the duct run name definition, the software will delete
that duct run from the model instead of moving it to the stockpile. For example, if Tag Seq
No and Duct Width are specified as the duct run name attributes and in a drawing the duct
run to be deleted has values Tag Seq No = 100 and Duct Width = 15 in, then the Delete to
Stockpile commands actually delete that duct run from the model if another duct run with
these attribute values already exists in the plant.
DuctRunNextSeqNo — Specifies the next number used to automatically generate a unique tag
sequence number for duct runs. If the tag sequence number property is left blank or a duplicate
is entered, the design software uses the value entered here as the tag sequence number for the
duct run. As tag sequence numbers are used, this value changes dynamically to the next
consecutive number. This value also determines the first tag sequence number that you want to
use for duct runs in this plant. If you want to start with sequence numbers of more than three
digits or with another value, you can modify the default value of 100 before you begin your
design sessions.
Enable "Keep Checked Out" on Check-In — Allows you to check in a drawing but still keep
the drawing checked out for further work. All claims are maintained.
When working with projects in an integrated environment, you must select No for this
Enable Piping Specification Validation — Enables continuous service limits validation and
automatic commodity code lookup if the Use Piping Specification setting is PDS3D,
SmartPlant 3D, or SmartPlant Reference Data and this setting is Yes. If the Use Piping
Specification setting is PDS3D, SmartPlant 3D, or SmartPlant Reference Data and this
setting is No, continuous service limits validation and automatic commodity code lookup are not
available. However, the user can still manually select the Calc buttons to activate the
Commodity Code Lookup dialog box or the Piping Materials Class selection dialog box.
The Calc buttons are enabled for the Piping Materials Class and Commodity Code properties
by assigning Calculation IDs in Data Dictionary Manager. For details about calculation and
validation, see the SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide topic, Enter Required ProgIDs.
Enable Plant Editing — Specifies whether the Engineering Data Editor is enabled to manage
data for all objects in the plant or only for objects in the active drawing and active drawing
stockpile. If set to Yes, data values that you are allowed to change for objects that belong to a
non-active drawing will be enabled for editing, provided that the drawing has not been opened
by a user. If set to No, all data values for objects that belong to non-active drawings will be
displayed as read-only. For new or upgraded plants, the default value of this setting is Yes.

30 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide

Defining Reference Data Settings

Enable System Editing — Specifies if system wide changes in item values can be made
automatically while editing. If set to Yes, when you change a value on an item, the new value is
propagated to other connected items. These changes take place based on any existing rule
EquipNextSeqNo — Specifies the next number used to automatically generate a unique tag
sequence number for equipment. If the tag sequence number property is left blank or a duplicate
is entered, the software uses the value entered here as the tag sequence number for the piece
of equipment. As tag sequence numbers are used, this value changes dynamically to the next
consecutive number. This value also determines the first tag sequence number that you want to
use for equipment in this plant. If you want to start with sequence numbers of more than three
digits or with another value, you can modify the default value of 100 before you begin your
design sessions.
Export to CAD Definition File — Specifies the Excel workbook used to associate filters in the
design software with layer names in AutoCAD and level numbers in MicroStation. The software
uses this definition file to tag items in a drawing with the layer name or level number on which
the item should appear when the drawing is saved as an AutoCAD or MicroStation file. Click
the ellipsis beside the Setting value to select the desired file.
Heat Tracing Media - Double Heat Trace — Specifies a list of heat tracing media used to
define which connectors are double heat traced. If a value already appears on the Heat
Tracing Media - Jacketed pipe list, you are prompted before assigning it as double heat
traced. These fields are comma-delimited, for example, FAJ, FBJ. To unassign a value,
highlight the value in the field and press the Delete key.
Heat Tracing Media - Jacketed Pipe — Specifies a list of heat tracing media used to define
which connectors are jacketed. If a value already appears on the Heat Tracing Media -
Double heat trace list, you are prompted before assigning it as jacketed. These fields are
comma-delimited, for example, FAJ, FBJ. To unassign a value, highlight the value in the field
and press the Delete key.

 To define a heat tracing medium as a single heat trace, that medium should not be assigned
either to Heat Tracing Media - Double Heat Trace or to Heat Tracing Media - Jacketed
 If you apply a heat tracing medium designated as Heat Tracing Media - Jacketed Pipe to a
drawing item other than a pipe run, the software displays graphics from the Jacket layer of
the symbol defined in Catalog Manager. For a heat tracing medium designated as a single
or double heat trace, software displays graphics from the Heat Trace layer of the symbol
defined in Catalog Manager.
Import Map Path — Defines where your map files reside on the system. An import map file is
used to match attributes during the import process. Click the ellipsis beside the Setting
value to navigate to the desired path.
Import Transformation Program — Specifies the transformation program to be used during
the import process. This program controls the depth of the data transformation. A
transformation program is delivered with the software. You can copy this delivered code and
then create your own customized transformation program. For more information about creating
a transformation program, see Customizing the Sample Projects in the SmartPlant P&ID
Programmer's Guide.

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 31

Defining Reference Data Settings

InstrLoopNextSeqNo — Specifies the next number used to automatically generate a unique

tag sequence number for instrument loops. If the tag sequence number property is left blank or
a duplicate is entered, the design software uses the value entered here as the tag sequence
number for the instrument loop. As tag sequence numbers are used, this value changes
dynamically to the next consecutive number. This value also determines the first tag sequence
number that you want to use for instrument loops in this plant. If you want to start with sequence
numbers of more than three digits or with another value, you can modify the default value of 100
before you begin your design sessions.
InstrNextSeqNo — Specifies the next number used to automatically generate a unique tag
sequence number for instruments. If the tag sequence number property is left blank or a
duplicate is entered, the design software uses the value entered here as the tag sequence
number for the instrument. As tag sequence numbers are used, this value changes dynamically
to the next consecutive number. This value also determines the first tag sequence number that
you want to use for instruments in this plant. If you want to start with sequence numbers of more
than three digits or with another value, you can modify the default value of 100 before you begin
your design sessions.
Max-Temperature Unit in PDS3D — Specifies the units used for maximum temperature in PDS
3D. You can select Deg-F, Deg-C, Deg-K, or Deg-R from the list for this setting. The PipeSpec
Commodity Code Lookup utility uses this setting.
OPCItemTag — Specifies the next number used to automatically generate a unique tag
sequence number for off-page connectors (OPCs). If the tag sequence number property is left
blank or a duplicate is entered, the design software uses the value entered here as the tag
sequence number for the OPC. As tag sequence numbers are used, this value changes
dynamically to the next consecutive number. This value also determines the first tag sequence
number that you want to use for OPCs in this plant. If you want to start with sequence numbers
of more than three digits or with another value, you can modify the default value of 100 before
you begin your design sessions.
PDS Approved Reference Database Schema Name — Type the user name created for the ra
schema of the PDS 3D project.
PDS Approved Reference Database Schema Password — Type the password for the user
created for the ra schema of the PDS 3D project.
PDS Database Name — Type the name of the PDS database. This field is required for
Microsoft SQL Server databases.
PDS Database Server/alias — Type the name of the PDS server or an alias. This server name
is required for Microsoft SQL Server database. An Alias name on the client machine is required
for an Oracle database.
PDS Database Type — Select the type of database. Valid options include Oracle or Microsoft
SQL Server.
PDS Project Control Database Schema Name — Type the user name created for the pd
schema of the PDS 3D project.
PDS Project Control Database Schema Password — Type the password for the user created
for the pd schema of the PDS 3D project.
This user must have access privileges in both the ra and pd database schemas.

32 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide

Defining Reference Data Settings

PID Template Path — Specifies the storage location of templates used to create drawings in
the design software. When a new template is created, the template is also stored in this
directory by default. Click the ellipsis beside the Setting value to navigate to the desired
Pipe Jacket Nominal Diameter Configuration File — Specifies the name and path of the XML
file used to store the spec showing the allowed jacket nominal pipe diameters available for each
core pipe diameter. You define this information on the Pipe Jacket Nominal Diameter dialog
box. Click the ellipsis beside the Setting value to select the desired file.
Pipeline Name Attributes — Specifies the common properties of pipe runs that belong to the
same pipeline. For example, if the tag sequence number and fluid code are used to define a
pipeline, all connected runs that have the same tag sequence number and fluid code belong to
the pipeline. The properties selected in this setting must be available in both Pipeline and Pipe
Run item types. Any property to be published as a Pipeline property must be included in this
setting. To specify the properties used to define a pipeline name, select the desired properties
one-by-one from the list of properties in the Setting column. To remove a property from the
pipeline name, highlight that property including the preceding or following comma separator and
on the keyboard, press Delete.

 To enable deletion of pipelines to a stockpile, at least one property must be defined for this
setting. Also, when deleting a particular pipeline to the stockpile, at least one of those
properties specified must be populated with a value in the drawing.
 The pipeline name attributes that you select affect the behavior of the Delete to Stockpile
(Plant or Drawing) commands for pipe runs. When using one of the Delete to Stockpile
commands, if the pipe run to be deleted has the same values as another pipe run in the
plant for all of the attributes selected as the pipeline name definition, the software will delete
that pipe run from the model instead of moving it to the stockpile. For example, if Tag Seq
No, Fluid Code, and Max Oper Temp are specified as the pipeline name attributes and in a
drawing the pipe run to be deleted has values Tag Seq No = 100, Fluid Code = D, and Max
Oper Temp = 250 F, then the Delete to Stockpile commands actually delete that pipe run
from the model if another pipe run with these attribute values already exists in the plant.
PiperunNextSeqNo — Specifies the next number used to automatically generate a unique tag
sequence number for pipe runs. If the tag sequence number property is left blank or a duplicate
is entered, the design software uses the value entered here as the tag sequence number for the
pipe run. As tag sequence numbers are used, this value changes dynamically to the next
consecutive number. This value also determines the first tag sequence number that you want to
use for pipe runs in this plant. If you want to start with sequence numbers of more than three
digits or with another value, you can modify the default value of 100 before you begin your
design sessions.
Plant Insulation Specification File — Specifies the storage location for the file that contains all
the available insulation information for this plant. The plant insulation file is an .isl file. Click the
ellipsis beside the Setting value to select the desired file.
Plant Style File — Specifies the storage location for the file that contains all the available
symbology for this plant, such as line patterns and styles. The plant style file is an .spp file.
Click the ellipsis beside the Setting value to select the desired file.

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 33

Defining Reference Data Settings

Revision Management Software for Publishing Documents — In an integrated environment,

allows you to select the software that will add new revisions to the documents that are intended
to be published.
 SmartPlant Foundation — Instructs the software to add new revisions using SmartPlant
Foundation revision management tools. This option is only available if the plant was
registered with SmartPlant Foundation.
 SmartPlant P&ID — Instructs the software to add new revisions using SmartPlant P&ID
revision management tools. If desired, you can select this option for a registered plant so
that when publishing documents, the software sends SmartPlant P&ID revisions to
SmartPlant Foundation instead of using the SmartPlant Foundation revision feature. This
option always applies for plants that are not registered with SmartPlant Foundation.
RoomNextSeqNo — Specifies the next number used to automatically generate a unique tag
sequence number for rooms. If the tag sequence number property is left blank or a duplicate is
entered, the design software uses the value entered here as the tag sequence number for the
room. As tag sequence numbers are used, this value changes dynamically to the next
consecutive number. This value also determines the first tag sequence number that you want to
use for rooms in this plant. If you want to start with sequence numbers of more than three digits
or with another value, you can modify the default value of 100 before you begin your design
Rules Library — Specifies the location of the rules library for this plant. The rules library
contains rules that customize the interaction of model items when you place or manipulate these
items. You can define and modify rules in Rules Manager. The rules library is a .rul file. Click
the ellipsis beside the Setting value to select the desired file.
Signal Name Attributes — Specifies the common properties, or attributes, of signal lines that
belong to the same signal. To specify the properties used to define a signal name, select the
desired properties one-by-one from the list of properties in the Setting column. To remove a
property from the signal name, highlight that property including the preceding or following
comma separator and on the keyboard, press Delete.

 To enable deletion of signal lines to a stockpile, at least one property must be defined for
this setting. Also, when deleting a particular signal line to the stockpile, at least one of those
properties specified must be populated with a value in the drawing.
 The signal name attributes that you select affect the behavior of the Delete to Stockpile
(Plant or Drawing) commands for signal lines. When using one of the Delete to Stockpile
commands, if the signal line to be deleted has the same values as another signal line in the
plant for all of the attributes selected as the signal name definition, the software will delete
that signal line from the model instead of moving it to the stockpile. For example, if Tag Seq
No is specified as the signal line name attribute and in a drawing the signal line to be
deleted has a value Tag Seq No = 100, then the Delete to Stockpile commands actually
delete that signal line from the model if another signal line with this attribute value already
exists in the plant.
SmartPlant 3D Plant Name — Specifies the name of the SmartPlant 3D plant. The PipeSpec
Commodity Code Lookup utility uses this setting if SmartPlant 3D is specified in the Use Piping
Specification option.
SmartPlant 3D Server Name — Specifies the name of the server that contains the SmartPlant
3D database. The PipeSpec Commodity Code Lookup utility uses this setting if SmartPlant 3D
is specified in the Use Piping Specification option.

34 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide

Defining Reference Data Settings

SmartPlant Reference Data Plant Name — Specifies the name of the SmartPlant Reference
Data plant. The PipeSpec Commodity Code Lookup utility uses this setting if SmartPlant
Reference Data is specified in the Use Piping Specification option.
SmartPlant Reference Data Server Name — Specifies the name of the server that contains
the SmartPlant Reference Data database. The PipeSpec Commodity Code Lookup utility uses
this setting if SmartPlant Reference Data is specified in the Use Piping Specification option.
The SmartPlant Reference Data server name must be entered as a connection string in
the form of <Host Name>:<TCP/IP Port Number>/<Service Name>, for example:
SmartPlant Resource Path — Specifies the path to the EFResources file for this plant or
project. Click the ellipsis beside the Setting value to navigate to the desired path.
SmartPlant Retrieve - Apply Default Formats — When retrieving data, this option allows you
to specify to use either the units defined in the source or the units defined in the target. If set to
No, the retrieved property's preferred display UOM is mapped to the P&ID format. This value is
used to reformat the retrieved UOM property value for display as the new value in the To Do
List. If set to Yes, the default format for the attribute is retrieved. This value is used to
reformat the retrieved UOM property value for display as the new value in the To Do List.
StockpileItems — Specifies the item types that can appear in the plant or drawing stockpiles
when items of that type are deleted from a drawing. For example, if you want to allow only
vessels, exchangers, and instruments to appear in a stockpile when deleted from a drawing,
select Vessel, Exchanger, and Instrument from the Setting column.
When PipeRun is selected in the Setting column, only pipe runs that have an item tag
can be deleted to a stockpile.
Terminator Style — Specifies the type of terminator used at the terminal end of all leader lines,
such as an arrow, solid dot, solid arrow, or none.
To Do List Placement Zone — Controls the freestanding placement of items called when the
SmartPlant > To Do List command in SmartPlant P&ID is selected. The items are placed in
the area around the drawing border. Options include Left, Right, Top, Bottom, and Pinwheel
(the default setting).
Use Piping Specification — Lists the choices for using the PipeSpec Commodity Code Lookup
 No — No type of calculation or validation for PipeSpec.
 PDS3D — Specifies the PDS 3D database for piping specification. When specified,
SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager checks corresponding settings to make sure that the
PDS 3D database connections are defined.
 SmartPlant 3D — SmartPlant 3D database is used for piping specification. Once specified,
SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager checks corresponding settings to make sure that the
server and plant name are defined.
 SmartPlant Reference Data — SmartPlant Reference Data database is used for piping
specification. Once specified, SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager checks corresponding
settings to make sure that the server and plant name are defined.

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 35

Defining Reference Data Settings

 If Enable Piping Specification Validation is set to Yes and the value for this option is set
to PDS3D, SmartPlant 3D, or SmartPlant Reference Data, continuous service limits
validation and automatic commodity code lookup are invoked.
 If the value for this option is set to No, continuous service limits validation and automatic
commodity code lookup are not available. Also, the Calc buttons for the Piping Materials
Class and Commodity Code properties are not functional.
 The Short Value entries in the Piping Component Type select list in Data Dictionary
Manager are populated from the contents of the PDS3D_SP3D_ShortCode_Correlation.txt
file (located in the ..\SmartPlant\P&ID Workstation\bin folder) according to the Use Piping
Specification setting as follows:
 PDS3D — The Short Value column is populated with data from the second column of
the PDS3D_SP3D_ShortCode_Correlation.txt file (AABBCC code).
 SmartPlant 3D or SmartPlant Reference Data — The Short Value column is
populated with data from the third column of the
PDS3D_SP3D_ShortCode_Correlation.txt file.
 No — The data in the Short Value column is not updated and remains what it was

Change Reference Data Settings

1. Click Settings.
2. Select the Setting box in the Reference Data row you want to modify.
3. Specify the new storage path, resource file, or other information that you want the plant to
use by default.
The symbol path that is written to the database when you create an item in
SmartPlant Catalog Manager and the data path in SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager must be
the same. If the paths are different, the software displays the symbol as an unintelligent graphic.
The symbol path serves as a pointer in SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager and is written to the
database after you place a symbol; whereas the data path is a general path to the reference
Data locations for the default pipe, ducting, and signal run symbol files must be
entered as a relative path based on the path defined for the Catalog Explorer Root Path
setting. The data location for the default template file must be entered as a relative path based
on the path defined for the P&ID template directory.

36 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide

Defining Reference Data Settings

Configure Piping Specification Settings

1. In Options Manager, click Settings.
2. To enable continuous service limit validation and automatic commodity code lookup, do the
a. In the Enable piping specification validation field, select Yes.
b. In the Use piping specification field, select the PDS3D, SmartPlant 3D, or
SmartPlant Reference Data option, depending on the type of 3D database to which
you are connected.
c. Enable the Calc buttons for the Piping Materials Class and Commodity Code
properties by assigning Calculation IDs in Data Dictionary Manager. For details, see
the SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide topic, Enter Required ProgIDs.

 If the Use piping specification setting is PDS3D, SmartPlant 3D, or SmartPlant

Reference Data and the Enable piping specification validation setting is No,
continuous service limits validation and automatic commodity code lookup are not
available. However, the user can still manually select the Calc buttons to activate
the Commodity Code Lookup dialog box or the Piping Materials Class selection
dialog box.
 If the Use piping specification setting is No, continuous service limits validation and
automatic commodity code lookup are not available. Also, the Calc buttons for the
Piping Materials Class and Commodity Code properties are not functional.
 The Short Value entries in the Piping Component Type select list in Data Dictionary
Manager are populated from the contents of the
PDS3D_SP3D_ShortCode_Correlation.txt file (located in the ..\SmartPlant\P&ID
Workstation\bin folder) according to the Use Piping Specification setting as follows:
 PDS3D — The Short Value column is populated with data from the second column
of the PDS3D_SP3D_ShortCode_Correlation.txt file (AABBCC code).
 SmartPlant 3D or SmartPlant Reference Data — The Short Value column is
populated with data from the third column of the
PDS3D_SP3D_ShortCode_Correlation.txt file.
 No — The data in the Short Value column is not updated and remains what it was
 When changing the Use piping specification setting from No to PDS3D, SmartPlant
3D, or SmartPlant Reference Data, validation occurs only for items modified after the
3. Do one of the following:
 If connecting to a SmartPlant 3D database, fill in the database information in the
SmartPlant 3D Plant Name and SmartPlant 3D Server Name fields, and then skip the
rest of this procedure.
 If connecting to a SmartPlant Reference Data database, fill in the database information
in the SmartPlant Reference Data Plant Name and SmartPlant Reference Data
Server Name fields, and then skip the rest of this procedure.

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 37

Defining Reference Data Settings

The SmartPlant Reference Data server name must be entered as a connection

string in the form of <Host Name>:<TCP/IP Port Number>/<Service Name>, for
 If connecting to a PDS 3D database, proceed with the remaining steps of this
4. Select the database type from the PDS Database Type list. Supported database types are
MSSQL and Oracle.
5. Type the database name in the PDS Database Name field.
The database name is not required for Oracle databases. The default value of a blank
space, not a null, must be assigned for Oracle databases.
6. Type a value in the PDS Database Server/Alias field.
This entry defines the server name for a Microsoft SQL Server database or the Alias
name on the client machine for an Oracle database.
7. Type the user name and password of the ra schema of a PDS 3D project under PDS
Approved Reference Database Schema Name and PDS Approved Reference Database
Schema Password respectively.
8. Type the user name and password of the pd schema of a PDS 3D project under PDS
Project Control Database Schema Name and PDS Project Control Database Schema
Password respectively.
9. In the Max-Temperature Unit in PDS3D list, select the unit of measurement used in PDS
3D for the maximum temperature limit for piping components.

 For more information about changing reference data settings, see Change Reference Data
Settings (on page 36).
 The PipeSpec Commodity Code Lookup utility uses these settings.
 The PipeSpec Commodity Code Lookup utility does not run on specialty piping
components. If the IsspecialtyItem value is True, then the utility ignores the piping
component. If the value is False, then the utility processes the properties for the component
as usual. The IsspecialtyItem property is specified in SmartPlant Catalog Manager.

Open Dialog Box

This dialog box opens when you click an ellipsis beside a path field in the Settings window
to specify the path.
Look in — Displays the folder structure for the selected drive or network path. Double-click a
folder to display any sub-folders that it may contain.
Drives — Select from the list of mapped drives or click Network to map another drive if not
shown in the list.

38 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide


Upgrading Reference Data

Reference data often changes between versions of the software. These changes can include
deletions and additions to reference data, as well as modifications to existing data formats and
After you upgrade your plant data using the SmartPlant Engineering Upgrade Utility, you can
use the Upgrade Reference Data command to automatically change the reference data to the
correct information based on the plant and database settings that were entered when your plant
was created and on the requirements for the new reference data.
Before you can upgrade the reference data and drawings for an upgraded plant,
you must define user access for the plant in SmartPlant Engineering Manager. For more
information about defining user access, see the SmartPlant Engineering Manager User's Guide.

 After you upgrade reference data, you cannot view it in earlier versions of the software.
 For information about changes made during the reference data upgrade, see the
V4RefDataUpgrade.log file, which is saved in the reference data symbol path.

Upgrade Reference Data Command (Tools Menu)

Makes your reference data settings compatible with the latest version of the software. This
should be done only after the site and plant data have been upgraded.

Upgrade Reference Data

1. Select the site server and plant for which you want to upgrade reference data.
2. Click Tools > Upgrade Reference Data. A splash screen is displayed and then a message
box informs you of a successfully completed upgrade operation.
3. Click OK.

 You must use this command before you can access reference data information from any
plants created in an earlier version of the software.
 Once you upgrade reference data, you cannot view it in earlier versions of the software.
 For information about changes made during the reference data upgrade, see the
V4RefDataUpgrade.log file, which is saved in the reference data symbol path.

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 39

Upgrading Reference Data

40 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide


Importing and Deleting Linear Patterns

and Styles
You can import new linear patterns and styles to use in various ways in symbology and also
delete patterns and styles that you do not use.
Linear patterns are imported from symbol files. When you import a pattern, point styles
referenced by that file are also imported. In order to assign a newly imported pattern in the
Symbology table or heat tracing style in the Tracing table, you must close SmartPlant P&ID
Options Manager and re-open it.
You can also delete patterns from the list of available patterns. However, if a style or pattern is
in use in SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager, it cannot be deleted.
New linear patterns are created using the Line Style Editor, which is an add-on to SmartPlant
Catalog Manager. Style resource documents can be any .igr document, .spp, or .rsc line style
file that contains styles native to that document. The projectstyles.spp file contains the default
symbology. Using Catalog Manager, you can add projectstyles.spp as a resource. When you
open a new symbol file using the Line Style Editor, all styles are listed. Styles appearing in bold
are currently available to you. You can modify any symbol file that appears (including styles
that do not display in bold) and then you must save the symbol file. Refer to Catalog Manager
Help for details about using the Line Style Editor.
Using Options Manager, you can import the symbol file. On the Linear Patterns dialog box,
select Import. Be sure and save to your project style file. In order to use any imported
symbols, you need to update. You can use the File > Out-of- Date Drawings > Update
Drawings command in Drawing Manager or select Tools > Update Symbology in SmartPlant
P&ID. If you use Tools > Update Symbology in SmartPlant P&ID, only the current drawing will

 If you import a new pattern or style that has the same name as a pattern or style that is
already listed on the Linear Patterns dialog box, the new information immediately
overwrites the older pattern or style.
 If a linear pattern or style name exists in the projectstyles.spp file with the same name as a
filter specified in the Symbology view, then the filter uses that particular linear pattern or
 As soon as you import linear patterns or styles, the new information is immediately written
into the project styles file. There is no option to save the changes later.

 You can also import linear styles, which incorporate linear patterns, for heat tracing
symbology. The words heat trace must appear in the name of the style in order for
SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager to import the style.
 You can chose a different linear pattern and style from the one specified with the filter, by
using the Color, Width, and Pattern lists in the Symbology view.

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 41

Importing and Deleting Linear Patterns and Styles

Linear Patterns and Styles

Linear patterns and linear styles are the basic graphical elements of your symbols. Using the
Symbology view in Options Manager, you can choose a filter and a linear pattern and style to
represent an item on your drawing. SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager is supplied with a set of
linear patterns and styles that can be found in the projectstyles.spp file. You can also create
your own custom patterns and styles using the Line Style Editor, an add-in for SmartPlant
Engineering Catalog Manager. For more information, see the SmartPlant Engineering Catalog
Manager Online Help.
Linear Pattern - a linear pattern is the basic design of your line consisting of a series of dashes
and gaps (strokes). For example, - /\ - /\ - or --- ... --- ... --- ... . You can use different patterns to
represent different items on your drawings such as pipelines or cables.
Linear Style - a linear style is the formatting, such as color and line width, which is applied to
your linear pattern. You can have the same linear pattern with different styles. The same
pattern with different styles can be used to represent the same item type that have different
uses. For example, a gas carrying pipeline could be represented on your drawing by the
following symbol --- ... --- ... --- ... , while a liquid carrying pipeline would be shown as --- ... --- ...
--- ... .

Linear Patterns Command (Tools Menu)

Opens the Linear Patterns dialog box, which allows you to import or delete linear patterns.
You can also import linear styles, which incorporate linear patterns, for heat tracing
symbology. The words heat trace must appear in the name of the style in order for SmartPlant
P&ID Options Manager to import the style.

Linear Patterns Dialog Box

Allows you to import or delete linear patterns. This dialog box opens when you click Tools >
Linear Patterns on the menu bar.

42 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide

Importing and Deleting Linear Patterns and Styles

Patterns — Lists all the available linear patterns. This list supports single entry selection only.
Import — Opens the Import Linear Patterns From dialog box, where you can browse to the
file that is your linear style and import it. Linear patterns and styles are stored in symbol (.sym)
files. When you import a linear pattern or heat tracing style, you must close the Linear
Patterns dialog box and re- open it in order to see the newly imported information.
Delete — Deletes the pattern you have selected in the Patterns list. If a style is in use, it cannot
be deleted.

Linear Styles Command (Tools Menu)

Opens the Linear Styles dialog box, which allows you to import or delete linear styles for heat
tracing symbology.
The words heat trace must appear in the name of the style in order for SmartPlant P&ID
Options Manager to import the style.

Linear Styles Dialog Box

Allows you to import or delete linear styles. This dialog box opens when you click Tools >
Linear Styles on the menu bar.

Linear Styles — Lists all the available linear styles. This list supports single entry selection only.
Import — Opens the Import Linear Styles From dialog box, where you can browse to the file
that is your linear style and import it. Linear patterns and styles are stored in symbol (.sym)
files. When you import a linear pattern or heat tracing style, you must close the Linear Styles
dialog box and re-open it in order to see the newly imported information.
Delete — Deletes the style you have selected in the Linear Styles list. If a style is in use, it
cannot be deleted.

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 43

Importing and Deleting Linear Patterns and Styles

Import a Linear Pattern

 If you import a new pattern or style that has the same name as a pattern or style that is
already listed on the Linear Patterns dialog box, the new information immediately
overwrites the older pattern or style.
 As soon as you import linear patterns or styles, the new information is immediately written
into the project styles file. There is no option to save the changes later.
1. Click Tools > Linear Patterns.
2. On the Linear Patterns dialog box, click Import.
3. On the Import Linear Patterns From dialog box, browse to the .sym file that contains your
linear pattern.
4. Click Open.
5. Click Close on the Linear Patterns dialog box.

 Any supporting styles referenced by the pattern that you choose to import are also imported.
 When you import a linear pattern or heat tracing style, you must close the Linear Patterns
dialog box and re-open it in order to see the newly imported information.
 You can also import linear styles, which incorporate linear patterns, for heat tracing
symbology. The words heat trace must appear in the name of the style in order for
SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager to import the style.

Delete a Linear Pattern

1. Click Tools > Linear Patterns.
2. On the Linear Patterns dialog box, select the pattern you want to delete.
If you want to delete more than one pattern, you must do so one at a time.
3. Click Delete. If a style is in use, it cannot be deleted.

44 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide


Pipe Jacket Nominal Diameter Command

(Tools Menu)
Opens the Pipe Jacket Nominal Diameter dialog box, from which you can specify standard
jacket diameters suitable for the nominal core diameter of each jacketed pipe.

Pipe Jacket Nominal Diameter Dialog Box

Specifies pipe and standard jacket diameter. Allows you to add optional jacket diameters to a
specific pipe.

Core NPD — Specifies the core pipe diameter as set in Data Dictionary. Values in this column
cannot be deleted.
Jacket NPD Min — Allows you to specify the minimum jacket diameter available for the core
pipe. The value must always be greater than the corresponding core pipe value. Values in this
column cannot be deleted.
Jacket NPD 2, Jacket NPD 3, and so forth — Allows you to add optional jacket sizes for a
specific pipe. Click on an empty cell in the specific pipe row to add an optional jacket size.
Add Row — Allows you to add a new row with a specific pipe diameter from the Data
Dictionary. Click an empty cell for a list of available pipes. To delete a row, select a cell in the
desired row and click Delete Row, or right-click a cell and on the shortcut menu, click Delete
Add Column — Allows you to add another column to the table. To delete a column, select a
cell in the desired column and click Delete Column, or right-click a cell and on the shortcut
menu, click Delete Column.
Delete Row — Deletes the row for the currently selected cell.
Delete Column — Deletes the column for the currently selected cell.

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 45

Pipe Jacket Nominal Diameter Command (Tools Menu)

Save — Sorts the data values in ascending order in each row and column and saves any
changes made to the table in the XML file defined as the value for the Pipe Jacket Nominal
Diameter Configuration File in the Options Manager settings. For details, see Understanding
Reference Data Settings (on page 28).

46 SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide

Move Up Command (Edit Menu) • 10
Change Default Distances • 26 N
Change Default Formatting • 23 Navigating in SmartPlant P&ID Options
Change Gapping Priority • 16 Manager • 8
Change Gapping Style • 16
Change Plant Symbology • 12 O
Change Reference Data Settings • 36
Change the Default Placement of Heat Open Database Command (File Menu) • 8
Tracing for the Plant • 18 Open Dialog Box • 38
Configure Piping Specification Settings • 37 Open Plant Structure Dialog Box • 9
Connect to a Database • 8
Copy a Value to the Clipboard • 10 P
Copy Command (Edit Menu) • 10 Paste Command (Edit Menu) • 10
Create a New Heat Tracing Medium • 17 Pipe Jacket Nominal Diameter Command
Cut Command (Edit Menu) • 9 (Tools Menu) • 45
Pipe Jacket Nominal Diameter Dialog Box •
D 45
Define Gapping Style • 15 Place Two Inline Components an Arbitrary
Define Plant Symbology • 12 Distance Apart • 25
Defining Reference Data Settings • 27
Delete a Linear Pattern • 44 S
Delete Row Command (Edit Menu) • 10 Save Command (File Menu) • 9
Setting Distance Options • 25
E Setting Formatting Options • 23
Exit Command (File Menu) • 9 Setting Gapping Options • 15
Setting Heat Tracing Options • 17
Setting Symbology Options • 11
I SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager • 7
Import a Linear Pattern • 44
Importing and Deleting Linear Patterns and U
Styles • 41
Insert Row Command (Edit Menu) • 10 Understanding Reference Data Settings •
Upgrade Reference Data • 39
L Upgrade Reference Data Command (Tools
Linear Patterns and Styles • 42 Menu) • 39
Linear Patterns Command (Tools Menu) • Upgrading from a Previous Version of the
42 Software • 7
Linear Patterns Dialog Box • 42 Upgrading Reference Data • 39
Linear Styles Command (Tools Menu) • 43
Linear Styles Dialog Box • 43

Modify the Offset Distance of Heat Trace
Lines • 18
Move Down Command (Edit Menu) • 10

SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager User's Guide 47

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