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Lesson Plan CCDI Grade 11 Adv

Week 1 Lesson 3 Unit 4 Page Numbers SB: 15-21 WB: 11-13

Learning objective/s
 Define the software development life cycle.
 Describe a software development life cycle.
 Apply different requirement analysis tools.

Equipment/resources required
Student book, Workbook, Laptop, LMS
Software, Software, Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Server

Lesson Structure
Time Introduction
Recap the previous lesson, review the definition of software development life
5 min
cycle (SDLC) and the first two phases “Planning” and “Requirement analysis”.
Lesson Content
30min Introduce what we will learn today – Different phases of Software Development
Life Cycle (SDLC)

Teaching topics: Discussion.

1) What is the software development life cycle (SDLC)?
2) What are the stages included in the software development life cycle
(SDLC) process?

Lesson activities: Pg.11 / WB, Activity 4.1.5, Pg.12 / WB, Activity 4.1.6, Pg.12 /
WB, Activity 4.1.7, Pg.13

Introduce the third phase of SDLC “Design and prototyping” and explain two sub-
phases of the design phase, “system design” and “detailed design”. Optional:

After that, introduce the fourth phase of SDLC “Software development” and
clarify to student that the company will translate the software requirements and
the design plans and write the code for the program. Complete Activity 4.1.5 on
WB, pg.12
Next, introduce the fifth phase of SDLC “Testing” and emphasize how critical this
phase of the SDLC as it has a direct impact on the quality of the software.
Complete Activity 4.1.6 on WB, pg.12

Afterwards, with the sixth phase of SDLC “Deployment” where the operations get
the software ready for production.

Finally, explain the last phase of SDLC “Operations and maintenance” where its
important to continuously monitor the system to make sure it keeps performing
as expected. Summarize all the phases of SDLC and complete Activity 4.1.7 on
WB, pg.13

During the lesson, use a range of AFL (Assessment for learning) techniques such
as asking questions, peer assessment, exit cards etc.

Teacher should use any appropriate examples and videos to explain the topic.
Summarize the lesson, recap the learning objectives and the key vocabulary used.
10 min Question students to assess progress against the learning objectives and

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