1990 Freire Et Al Analytical Chemistry 62 18 Isothermal Titration Calorimetry

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Isothermal Titration

ative of enthalpy). attracted the attention of many inves-

Ernesto Freire, Obdulio L. In contrast, ITC measures the ener- tigators in recent decades. Throughout
Mayorga1, and Martin Straume getics of biochemical reactions or mo- the years, biologists have studied these
Biocalorimetry Center lecular interactions (ligand-binding processes using a variety of experimen-
Department of Biology phenomena, enzyme-substrate inter- tal techniques and analytical methods
The Johns Hopkins University to obtain accurate descriptions of their
actions, and interactions among com-
Baltimore, MD 21218
ponents of multimolecular complexes) equilibrium behavior.
at constant temperature. In this case, Several parameters must be included
Calorimetric techniques have contrib- reaction is triggered by changing the in the description of binding or associa-
uted a great deal to our current under- chemical composition of the sample by tion equilibria. First is the number of
standing of the mechanisms of regula- titration of a required reactant. The binding sites or stoichiometry of the
tion and control of biological structures heat associated with the reaction is the reaction. Second is the strength of the
and processes at the molecular level. direct thermodynamic observable (re- association, usually expressed in terms
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Over the past decade and a half, ad- lated to both the enthalpy and extent of the association constant, Ka, or the
vances have been made in both the de- of reaction). In an ITC experiment, the Gibbs free energy of association, AG =

velopment of highly sensitive microca- total concentration of reactant is there- —RT In Kn. Third is the characteriza-
lorimetric instrumentation and the de- fore the independent variable under tion of multiple sites and positive or
velopment of analytical procedures to experimental control. negative cooperative interactions for
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extract thermodynamic information Because the majority of biological re- those cases in which more than one
about biological systems (see Refer- actions can be induced isothermally, binding site is present. Fourth is the
ences 1-4 for reviews). the potential range of applications of characterization of the enthalpic and

The principal calorimetric tech- ITC far exceeds that of DSC. However, entropic contributions to the Gibbs
niques that have contributed this in- until recently, the use of ITC has been free energy of association (AG = AH —

formation are differential scanning ca- limited because of a lack of sufficient TAS). Fifth is the characterization of
lorimetry (DSC) and isothermal titra- sensitivity. The situation has changed the dependence of the binding equilib-
tion calorimetry (ITC). By applying with the recent development of instru- rium on other environmental variables
DSC, researchers have learned about ments capable of measuring heat ef- such as pH, ionic strength, and so forth.
the nature and magnitude of the forces fects arising from reactions involving Most experimental techniques and an-
that stabilize biological macromole- as little as nanomole amounts of reac- alytical methods for binding studies
cules (such as proteins and nucleic tants (5-11). This new generation of are designed to evaluate these different
acids) and macromolecular assemblies titration calorimeters makes possible parameters.
(lipid bilayers, protein-lipid complex- direct thermodynamic characteriza- Two different approaches are nor-
es, and protein-nucleic acid complex- tion of association processes exhibiting mally used to study the binding equi-
es). Accurate determination of the en- very high affinity binding constants librium between two molecules. One
ergy of stabilization of these biological (10s—10® M*1) that are frequently approach relies on the direct measure-
structures by DSC has made possible found in biological reactions (5-11), ment of the concentrations of free and
elucidation of mechanistic details re- In this article we will present an bound ligand molecules using a tech-
garding interactions between regions overview of ITC and recent advances in nique such as equilibrium dialysis. The
within macromolecules and among ITC technology, discuss future direc- other approach takes advantage of the
components in multimolecular assem- tions for further evolution and applica- existence of changes in physical obser-
blies, DSC experiments involve per- tion of ITC to biomedical research, out- vables that are proportional to the ex-
turbing the system under study by line the mathematical treatment of tent of binding saturation. The binding
varying the thermal energy content of data for some simple binding models, of oxygen to hemoglobin, for example,
the sample (i.e., by scanning tempera- and describe some recent applications causes changes in the optical absor-
ture as the independent variable under of ITC to systems of biological interest. bance in the Soret region (~420 nm) of
experimental control). The heat capac- hemoglobin (12-14). The magnitude of
ity of the system is then measured Binding equilibrium these changes is proportional to the de-
against temperature as the direct ther- The association of biological macro- gree of saturation and has been used
modynamic observable (recall that the molecules with one another as well as extensively in the analysis of this bind-
heat capacity is the temperature deriv- their association with small ligand mol- ing process (12-14).
Permanent address: Department of Physical ecules plays a central role in the struc- Calorimetric titration, which belongs
Chemistry, University of Granada, Granada, tural assembly and functional regula- to this second type of approach, mea-
Spain tion of biological systems and thus has sures the heat released or absorbed by

950 A • ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 62, NO. 18, SEPTEMBER 15, 1990 0003-2700/90/0362-950A/$02.50/0
© 1990 American Chemical Society
reactions could be obtained only for re-
actions exhibiting ligand association
constants of 104 M-1 or less because
sufficiently low reactant concentra-
tions could not be examined to deter-
the stepwise addition of a ligand mole- ciation constant. Use of the relation mine higher affinity binding constants.
cule to a solution containing the macro- AG = ~RT In K =
AH -
TAS allows For those binding reactions with Ka >
molecule under study. In general, further calculation of the entropy I04 M-1, only overall binding enthal-
whatever the approach used to exam- change. Thus a single calorimetric ti- pies, but not binding constants, could
ine binding, the goal is to generate a tration provides a complete character- be determined directly from calorimet-
binding isotherm, a curve that repre- ization of the energetics of binding. In ric titrations (some other method was
sents the degree of saturation in terms contrast, estimation of enthalpy and required to determine Ka).
of the ligand concentration. In ITC, the entropy changes using noncalorimetric Over the years, technologies and in-
degree of saturation is defined in terms techniques requires several binding ex- strument designs have evolved to pro-
of the heat associated with the reac- periments at multiple temperatures duce isothermal titration calorimeters
tion. and subsequent analysis of the tem- with much improved capabilities for
Throughout the years, different perature dependence of the association detection of ever smaller heat effects.
mathematical procedures have been constant. Calorimetry is unique be- Such efforts during the 1980s led to the
devised to estimate association con- cause it provides direct measurement design and construction of titration mi-
stants, numbers of binding sites, and of the thermodynamic quantities of in- crocalorimeters capable of measuring
cooperative interactions from ligand- terest. heat effects down to levels of 10 ’6 cal
binding isotherms. In this respect, the (5-11). The most significant of these
Whai is ITC?
analysis of calorimetrically determined developments have been those related
binding isotherms follows the same With ITC, one measures directly the to increasing the specific sensitivity
principles. Among biologists, linear- energetics (via heat effects) associated and improving the time response of ti-
ized representations of the data have with reactions or processes occurring at tration microcalorimeters. Because
biomolecular association reactions are
frequently characterized by very high
Direct Thermodynamic binding constants (in the range of
10s M-1 or greater), experiments must

Characterization of Biological be conducted under conditions of very

dilute reactants (10'“6 M or less) to ac-
Molecular Interactions curately determine equilibrium con-
stants as well as binding enthalpies. As
such, a major goal in calorimetric de-
been widely used in the past. A particu- constant temperature. Experiments sign is optimization of the specific in-
larly popular transformation has been are performed by titration of a reactant strument sensitivity (heat per unit vol-
the Scatchard plot, in which the ratio into a sample solution containing the ume) rather than the absolute sensitiv-
of the concentrations of bound and free other reactant(s) necessary for reac- ity.
ligand is plotted against the concentra- tion. After each addition, the heat re-
Fundamental principles of isothermal
tion of bound ligand. These transfor- leased or absorbed as a result of the
titration calorimeter operation
mations, however, usually introduce reaction is monitored by the isothermal
statistical biases in the analysis be- titration calorimeter. Thermodynamic Figure 1 is a schematic showing a dif-
cause they obscure the distinction be- analysis of the observed heat effects ferential, power compensation isother-
mal titration calorimeter (ITC-2) de-
veloped at the Biocalorimetry Center
INSTRUMENTATION at The Johns Hopkins University. De-
tection of heat effects in this isother-
mal calorimeter is accomplished by use
tween dependent and independent then permits quantitative character- of semiconductor thermopiles inter-
variables. ization of the energetic processes asso- posed between the titration cells and a
In general, a more robust and statis- ciated with the binding reaction. heat sink (a large metal mass in ther-
tically significant parameter estima- Applications of ITC in the 1970s mal equilibrium with a thermostatted
tion can be achieved by direct nonlin- were directed toward characterization water bath). Two titration cells reside
ear least-squares analysis of the depen- of the thermodynamics of enzyme-cat- in the calorimeter assembly; one acts as
dent versus independent variable. alyzed reactions (17-19), ligand bind- the reference and the other as the sam-
With the widespread availability of ing to macromolecules (20-23), and li- ple titration cell. When an ITC experi-
computers, the trend toward this type gand- or pH-induced macromolecular ment is being performed, the reference
of analysis has gained popularity in re- conformational changes (24). However, cell contains buffer only and the sam-
cent years (15,16) and this is the type reliable measurement of heat effects ple cell contains buffer plus the reac-
we will discuss here. could be performed only at levels of tant to which the injected material will
The major advantage of titration ca- 10-3 cal or greater (see References 25- be titrated.
lorimetry derives from the fact that the 27 for reviews). Because of these limits Prior to beginning the experiment,
binding isotherms are defined in terms in sensitivity, only those biological re- the instrument’s injection mechanism
of the heats of reaction and as such actions exhibiting relatively strong is filled with titrant, the titration cells
they allow a direct estimation of en- heat effects could be studied. Entire are filled with the materia) to be titrat-
thalpy changes in addition to the asso- binding isotherms for ligand-binding ed, and the calorimeter is equilibrated


monitored by this differential isother-

mal titration calorimeter is the differ-
ence in the rates of heat production or
absorption between the sample cell and
the reference cell. A nanovoltmeter
measures the differential voltage out-
put produced by the thermopiles and
transmits this information to a com-
puter interfaced for data acquisition
and dynamic control of a power com-
pensation mechanism. Power compen-
sation is accomplished by continuously
regulating the amount of heat applied
to the titration cells so as to drive the
temperature difference between the
two cells toward the baseline, steady-
state value.
The computer monitors the nano-
voltmeter output (which is proportion-
al to the temperature difference be-
tween the two titration cells) and ad-
justs the current applied to the cell
feedback elements to compensate for
the detected change in differential
temperature between the cells. The ap-
plied thermal power as a function of
time required to return the isothermal
titration calorimeter to its steady-state
temperature differential following an
injection then becomes the experimen-
tally determined quantity and is di-
rectly proportional to the heat of reac-
tion of interest.
Increased intrinsic sensitivity
Very precise determination of tem-
perature changes is necessary for reli-
able detection of heat effects on the
order of 10-6 cal or less. The output of
thermopile temperature detectors, as
employed in the isothermal titration
calorimeter developed in our laborato-
Figure 1. Schematic of the differential, power compensation isothermal titration ry and discussed here, is an electrical
calorimeter. potential proportional to the tempera-
See text for operational details. ture difference across the thermopiles.
The magnitude of the voltage change
per change in temperature is therefore
to the desired temperature such that The titration cell compartments are an important consideration in instru-
all components of the instrument (i.e., constructed to permit heat flow be- ment design so as to produce the maxi-
titration cells, heat sink, and thermo- tween the titration cells and the heat mum measurable response. During the
statted water bath) have come to ther- sink only through the thermopile ther- past decade, semiconductor bismuth-
mal equilibrium relative to each other. mal detectors. The output of the ther- telluride thermopiles have been intro-
Identical injections of reactant are mopiles, an electrical potential (volt- duced possessing 70 thermocouples
then introduced into both mechanical- age), is directly proportional to the (the individual temperature-sensing
ly stirred titration cells by a dual-injec- temperature difference across the faces elements of thermopiles) per square
tion mechanism. The contents of the of the thermopiles. This temperature centimeter. The use of thermopiles
reference cell exhibit heat effects aris- difference, in turn, is proportional to with a high density of thermocouple
ing from injection and dilution of the the thermal power (rate of heat trans- junctions per unit area provides en-
reactant being titrated. The contents fer [cal s-1]) being exchanged between hanced voltage per degree response.
of the sample cell exhibit these same the titration cells and the heat sink. In The ITC-2 is equipped with 1056 of
heat effects in addition to that associ- the absence of power compensation, these junctions and is able to detect
ated with the reaction under study. the time integral of this rate of heat changes on the order of 10-8 cal s_I
Dual-injection isothermal tiration cal- transfer is the total heat of reaction (i.e., 40-50 nW) in thermal power.
orimeters compensate in real time for induced in the respective titration cells Minimization of baseline noise is an-
both the heat effects arising from dilu- as a result of injection. other factor important for improving
tion of the injected reactant into the Because the thermopiles of the sam- isothermal titration calorimeter sensi-
sample and for any mechanical heat ef- ple and reference titration cells are tivity levels. In the ITC-2 we have
fects arising from injection, yielding connected in opposition electrically, housed the titration calorimeter as-
the heat of reaction of interest directly. the experimental quantity actually sembly in an ultrastable thermostat-

ted water bath to regulate tempera- these effects and that of the reaction of 100-300 s (8-10). The instrument dis-
ture. Any fluctuations in bath tempera- interest) as required in a single-injec- cussed here uses continuous power
ture will transmit the temperature tion ITC (11). compensation for active heat transfer
change via the heat sink to the titration Treatment of data obtained from and exhibits both considerably re-
cells and contribute to baseline noise, single-injection ITC experiments in- duced instrument response times and
compromising instrument perfor- volves subtracting these two individ- improved signal-to-noise (S/N) charac-
mance. The thermal damping effect ually observed responses to yield esti- teristics. Active power compensation
provided by the mass of the metal heat mates of the heat of reaction of interest mechanisms, as introduced by McKin-
sink in ITC-2 coupled with a stable (11). Because they compensate in real non et al. (7), lead to reduced instru-
thermostat capable of maintaining time for any mechanical and dilution ment response times and produce
temperatures to within 10-6-10-5 °C heat effects, dual-injection titration greater thermal power amplitude (the
over periods of minutes (and within microcalorimeters capable of differen- experimental observable) for equiva-
10-4 °C over 8 h) (28) has reduced the tial measurements do not introduce the lent heat effects. In other words, the
magnitude of baseline noise to a level additional error arising from consider- S/N is increased as a result of the en-
on the order of 10-8 cal s-1 (i.e., tens of ation of two separate measurements. hanced thermal power amplitude nec-
nanowatts), thereby facilitating detec- essary to generate the same total ob-
tion of small heat effects. Improved time response served heat signal (area under the ther-
The ability to perform differential The implementation of power compen- mal power versus time curve) in a
measurements of reference and sample sation mechanisms some years ago has shorter period of time before return to
responses in dual-injection instru- been a major factor in improving the baseline.
ments facilitates more accurate deter- time response of isothermal titration This effect is demonstrated in Figure
mination of heats of reaction. Because and differential scanning calorimeters 2 in which the response signal of the
reaction is initiated in an ITC experi- and therefore in providing more accu- instrument to identical 25 /ical pulses is
ment by injection of a reactant, heat rate measurement of small heats of re- recorded for both the case in which
effects resulting from the mechanical action (7). Because the total heat asso- power compensation is active and in
disturbance of the injection event itself ciated with a reaction is the time inte- which it is not (heat conduction mode).
and dilution of the titrant are present gral of the differential thermal power In both cases, the areas under the
in addition to the heat of reaction, released or absorbed as a result of the curves are identical but the signal de-
which is the quantity of interest. A dif- reaction, reducing the time response is flection is approximately four times
ferential, dual-injection isothermal ti- a means to more sensitive detection of larger when power compensation is ac-
tration calorimeter compensates for total heat effects per injection. Heat tive. In the absence of power compen-
these heat effects in real time. This conduction isothermal titration calo- sation, the instrument time response is
eliminates the need for two separate rimeters passively transfer heat be- 100 s whereas under power compensa-
experiments (a reference experiment to tween the titration cell(s) and heat tion conditions it is only 15 s. The re-
yield heats of injection and dilution sink, giving rise to instrument time re- corded quantity in a power compensa-
and a sample experiment to exhibit sponses with lifetimes on the order of tion titration calorimeter is the amount

Figure 2. Power compensation vs. heat conduction modes of Figure 3. Differential thermal power vs. time response ob-
iTC-2 operation. tained from introduction of a 0.5 >xcal mL-1 electrical calibra-
The observed differential thermal power vs. time response in the power
tion pulse into the sample titration cell of ITC-2 (sample con-
compensation mode is distributed over a shorter period of time than that tains 5 mL of water).
measured in the heat conduction mode. The amplitude of the thermal power The maximum peak amplitude is 105 ncal s-1 (21 ncal s-1 mL-1) with S/N
response in the power compensation mode is greater than that detected in sufficiently high to permit reliable measurements to considerably less than
the heat conduction mode because of the more rapid instrument response. 1 /real mL-1 event-1.


Figure 4. Isothermal calorimetric titration of cholera toxin B-subunit pentamer with oligo-GM1, the oligosaccharide cell surface
receptor for cholera toxin.
The differential power output in microwatts (4.184 ^tW nca\ s-') is shown as a function of time and was obtained from successive injections of 3 nmol of
= 1

oligo-Gu, (30-mL injections of 0.1 mM oligo-GM1) into a solution of 4.9 nmol of B-subunit pentamer in 1.4 mL. (Reprinted from Reference 10.)

of thermal power that must be applied through the medium prior to encoun- ple titration cell. The baseline noise
to compensate for the heat of reaction tering the thermopiles (which are in di- level is ±4-8 X 10-9 cal s-1 (standard
induced by injection. Because the in- rect contact with the cell faces between deviation) or a peak-to-peak noise of
trument is both continuously monitor- the titration cells and heat sink). This 40 X 10-9 cal s-1 corresponding to a
ing the temperature differential (ther- design facilitates rapid detection of specific noise level of ±0.8-1.6 X 10-9
mopile output) and continuously regu- heat effects induced in the titration cell cal s-1 mL-1 (standard deviation) or a
lating the amount of applied thermal contents by injection of titrant. peak-to-peak specific noise of 8 X
power (through the feedback elements) Definitions used for reporting re- I0~9 cal s-1 mL-1.
to actively return the system to the sponse times and noise levels vary in
preinjection, steady-state temperature the literature and commercial docu- Analysis of ITC data
differential, the time required to ob- mentation. Our definition of response The function of many biological sys-
tain the total heat associated with the time is the time required for decay of tems is modulated by ligand binding
induced reaction is reduced. the thermal power amplitude to 1/e of (e.g., binding of hormones or toxins to
In order to have the capability to its maximum value. Response times are their target receptors, allosteric or
compensate for exothermic and endo- frequently referred to, however, in the feedback control of enzymes or other
thermic effects, a constant amount of context of rise times to half maximal functional proteins, signal peptide-
thermal power is applied to both titra- amplitude. By that definition, the ITC-2 membrane interactions, and protein-
tion cells and a steady-state flux of has a response time of 3-4 s. In consid- nucleic acid interactions). Character-
thermal throughput from the cells to ering baseline noise levels, we report ization of the energetics of such pro-
the heat sink is established. The baseline noise as the standard devi- cesses may be accomplished by ITC ex-
amount of steady-state power applied ation of the noise amplitude in individ- periments. Upon binding of a ligand to
to the cells is sufficiently small (0.5 mA ual baselines, in contrast to the stan- a macromolecule (e.g., protein) or mac-
of current through ~230 SI of resis- dard error of reproducibility obtained romolecular assembly (e.g., multisub-
tance, producing 14-15 X 10-e cal s-1 of from a large number of multiple, iden- unit protein or membrane systems),
thermal power in 5 mL of cell volume) tical injections. heat will be released or absorbed ac-
so that the overall temperature is not The differential, power compensa- companying the binding event (i.e., the
perturbed beyond the fluctuation re- tion isothermal titration calorimeter enthalpy of ligand binding). The heat
gime of the thermostat. Compensation described here currently has a limit of effects associated with each addition of
is accomplished by regulating the pow- resolution of 10-6 cal of total heat. This ligand represent the experimentally
er introduced through the feedback el- represents a substantial improvement observed response in an ITC experi-
ements (by changing the amount of ap- of approximately 3 orders of magni- ment. For each injection, the heat re-
plied current) in proportion to the tude in sensitivity from the ~10-:l cal leased or absorbed is given by
change in thermopile output (detected resolution in earlier reaction calorime-
ters. The titration cell volume is 5 mL, q =
VAtf A[LB] (1)
change in temperature).
In addition to power compensation, making the limit of specific sensitivity where q is the heat associated with the
the thin, disk-shaped gold titration -0.2 X 10-6 cal mL"1. change in bound ligand concentration,
cells used in the ITC-2 contribute to An example of the limiting resolu- A[Lb] is the change in bound ligand
optimizing the response time. Position- tion of the instrument is presented in concentration, AH is the enthalpy of
ing the walls of the titration cells in Figure 3, which shows its response to a binding (mol ligand)-1, and V is the
close opposition to each other mini- pulse of 0.5 X 10-6 cal mL-1 (2.5 X 10-6 reaction volume.
mizes the distance heat must travel cal total heat) introduced into the sam- Because q is directly proportional to

the increase in ligand bound resulting for binding sites of set i, n, is the num- function of total ligand concentration
from each injection, its magnitude de- ber of binding sites of set i on each as illustrated in Figures 5 and 6.
creases as the fractional saturation of macromolecule M, and [L] is the con- Figure 5 presents a schematic depic-
the system is titrated stepwise to com- centration of free ligand. tion and the closed-form equations
pletion, This is illustated in Figure 4 in The cumulative amount of heat re- characteristic of ligand binding to a
which the B-subunit pentamer of chol- leased or absorbed as a result of ligand macromolecule possessing one set of
era toxin is calorimetrically titrated binding is given by the sum of the heats independent ligand-binding sites, the
with oligo-GMi, the oligosaccharide corresponding to each set as simplest special case of the general ex-
binding region of its glycolipid cell sur- pression given by Equation 4. In the
face receptor (see the section “Cholera =
example depicted in this Figure, the lig-
toxin binding to oligo-GMi” later in this V^AHl[LEJ and-binding macromoleeule possesses
article for more detail). The total cu- four independent and equivalent lig-
mulative heat released or absorbed is and-binding sites. Although n 4 in =

directly proportional to the total n.AHFXL] this example, the expressions present-
amount of bound ligand as 1 + K\L] ed here are valid for any value of n. The
open circles in the figure correspond to
where AHi is the enthalpy of binding binding sites without bound ligand
Q =
VAHYa[Lb] =
VAH[Lb] (2) (mol ligand)-1 to binding sites of set i. whereas the shaded squares represent
This equation can be expressed in binding sites with ligand bound, The
where Q is the cumulative heat and
terms of the total ligand concentration binding constant, K, characterizes the
[Lb] is the concentration of bound lig- by way of the mass conservation ex-
and. affinity of each ligand-binding site for
Evaluation of calorimetric titration pression [Lt] [Lb] + [L] (where [Lt],
ligand L. The factors of 4, %, %, and V*
[Lb], and [L] represent the total, are the particular statistical factors
data as either individual or cumulative
heat requires consideration of the heat
bound, and free ligand concentrations, necessary to define the respective mac-
evolved or absorbed as a function of respectively). Analysis of calorimetric roscopic equilibria for this case (i.e.,
titration data is then performed by es- n = 4) in terms of the site affinity con-
total ligand added, or the total ligand
timating the variable model parame- stant, K.
concentration (the independent vari- ters (m, Ki, and AHi) by fitting either to The total cumulative heat, Q, is most
able). Therefore, in the analysis of ex- the cumulative heat, Q, or to the indi- conveniently expressed in terms of the
perimental data, the binding equations vidual heat, q (where the individual free ligand concentration, [L], Howev-
must be expressed in terms of the indi-
heat associated with the ;-th injection er, the independent variable in ITC ex-
vidual or cumulative heat released or event is qj such that qj
absorbed as a function of total ligand Qj

periments is the total ligand concentra-

concentration because these are the Analysis of data directly in terms of tion, [Lt] (where [Lt] [Lb] + [L] and

individual heats, q, is preferable be- [Lb] is the concentration of bound li-

quantities experimentally known. cause it eliminates propagation of the gand). By recognizing that [Lb] Q/ =

Multiple sets of independent binding uncertainties associated with each VAH (where V is the reaction volume
sites successive injection that are necessar- and AH is the binding enthalpy per
The most widely used theoretical ily present in cumulative heat data. mole of ligand), a closed-form expres-
The two simplest cases are for one sion is obtained for the cumulative
framework for the analysis of binding and two independent sets of ligand- heat, Q, in terms of the total ligand
data in biology is the so-called Multiple
Sets of Independent Binding Sites binding sites. These cases allow explic- concentration, [Lt]. The energetics of a
model (for a complete review, see Ref- it, closed-form expressions for Q as a system obeying this model for ligand
erences 29 and 30). Within this frame-
work, a macromolecule possesses an ar-
bitrary number of sets of noninteract- 4K 3/2 K 2/3 K 1/4 K
ing binding sites. All of the sites in the
same set possess the same intrinsic af-
finity for the ligand molecule. The
great popularity of this model is due in
part to its flexibility, which allows
characterization of a large number of
situations (See References 29 and 30
for some representative examples).
As expressed in Equation 1, the heat
associated with the binding reaction is
directly proportional to the concentra-
tion of bound ligand, [LB]. For a system
exhibiting multiple sets of indepen-
dent binding sites, the concentration of
ligand bound to each set is given by
m (3)
1 +Ki[L]
where [LB i] is the concentration of lig-
and bound to binding sites of set i, [M] Figure 5. Schematic depiction and closed-form equations characteristic of ligand
is the total concentration of macromol-
binding to a macromolecule possessing one set of independent ligand-binding sites.
ecule available for binding ligand, Kt is Shaded regions represent subunits to which ligand is bound. See text for a detailed description of relevant
the intrinsic site association constant concepts.


fine the indicated macroscopic equilib-

ria in this example in terms of the site
1/2 K, 2 K2 binding constants, K\ and K2 (i.e., for
the case where both ni and n2 2).

m The total cumulative heat, Q, will be

composed of contributions from bind-
W- 1/2 K2
ing to each of the two sets of ligand-
binding sites on the macromolecule, Qi
and Q2. These, in turn, are related to

ffl the reaction volume, V, the respective

site-binding enthalpies, AHi and AH,,
(per mole of bound ligand), and the

concentrations of ligand L bound to the
respective types of sites on the macro-
molecule, [Lb,i] and [Lb,2]. Although
1/2 Kz the solution for this case is consider-
ably more involved than that for the
single-set-of-sites case (see Figure 5),
Q Oi + Q2 —

(AHi[Lb,i] + ^H2ILb,z]) 1/
expressions in terms of the total ligand
concentration, [LT] (the independent
Q = V [Ml / —+ Jh^tklMIA variable in a titration experiment),
1+ K,[L]

| 1 + K2(L]
) may be obtained explicitly.
+ n,K,\L] Cases in which more than two sets of
+ K2[L] binding sites are present cannot be
. ,
„urJ 1
, )
solved in closed form and iterative nu-
HI =
[Lt] -

[M] / fh&iy (1 + ± nzKz[L] V + \

merical procedures must be used to
\ + K,[L])(1 + K2[L])
) solve Equation 4. In general, other situ-
* ations like those in which cooperative
W -

2{-»”a008(A) interactions are present can be ap-

proached following the same philoso-
phy, that is, development of the bind-
arc cos

ing equations in terms of the total lig-

and concentration. For example, this
/ _JL \3
BC _
approach has been used for the cooper-
{ ) 6A2 2A
ative binding of cholera toxin to oligo-
,=JC_ B \z Gmi, the oligosaccharide binding re-

A = K,K2
(*1 gion of its glycolipid cell surface recep-
tor (10).
B =
K, + K2 + K,K2 [[M] (n, + n2) [Lt]] -

ITC applied to biological systems

C 1 + [M] (n,K, + n2K2)
[LT] (K, + K2) We conclude this article by surveying
= -

D =
~[LX] some representative biological systems
that have been studied by ITC.
Nucleotide binding to ribonucle-
Figure 6. Closed-form equations for ligand binding to a macromolecule possessing ase A. The detailed thermodynamic
two sets of independent binding sets. properties of 3'-cytidine monophos-
Shaded regions represent subunits to which ligand is bound. See text for a detailed description of relevant phate (3'CMP) binding to ribonuclease
concepts. A (RNaseA) were studied in a compre-
hensive calorimetric titration study
binding may therefore be considered in derivation of convenient closed-form undertaken by Biltonen and co-work-
terms of [Lt], [M\ (the total concentra- expressions for the cumulative heat ers in the 1970s (20, 21, 31, 32). Initial
tion of ligand-binding macromolecule), versus total ligand concentration. For experiments were directed toward
n, K, and AH for a known V. illustrative purposes, this figure shows characterizing the fundamental ther-
This simple case is one of the few an example of a macromolecule pos- modynamic binding properties of this
permitting such an explicit analytical sessing a total of four binding sites for system (Gibbs free energy, enthalpy,
solution. In general, a numerical ap- ligand L, two of which have a site bind- and entropy of interaction) in addition
proach is needed to express Q in terms ing constant Kj and the other two char- to binding stoichiometry and how these
of [Lt]. Estimation of the model pa- acterized by site binding constant K2 properties are influenced by salt con-
rameters characteristic of this binding (i.e., ni 2 and n2 2). = =
centration (20). In low-ionic-strength
model (n, K, and AH) then requires Even though the example in the fig- solution (p = 0.05 in either NaCl or
fitting to either the cumulative heat, Q, ure uses ni n2- 2, the equations in =
KC1, pH 5.5), a binding stoichiometry
or to the individual heat, q. the figure are valid for any values of ni of one 3'CMP bound per RNaseA mol-
Figure 6 shows the closed-form equa- and n2. The open circles and ovals rep- ecule was found exhibiting AG =
tions for ligand binding to a macromol- resent the two respective types of bind- 6.2 kcal mol-1 (corresponding to an
ecule possessing two sets of indepen- ing sites without ligands whereas the association constant of 3.7 X 104 M-1),
dent binding sites. This case is an ex- shaded squares and rectangles corre- AH -
15.5 kcal mol-1, and AS =
tension of the model presented in spond to the respective types of sites 30 cal H-1 mol-1 for the binding
Figure 5 according to the general ex- with ligands. The factors 2 and l/2 are process.
pression of Equation 4 and permits the statistical factors necessary to de- The thermodynamic binding param-

eters varied in a continuous manner tional transitions. Cholera toxin binding to oligo-
with increasing ionic strength until at The regulation of hemoglobin’s func- GMi- Cholera toxin is a multisubunit
n = 3 (in sodium acetate, pH 5.5), the tional properties is related to its ability protein consisting of a five-subunit
AG for binding became less favorable to bind oxygen cooperatively. Calori- ring, the B-subunit pentamer (Mr =
to 4.5 kcal mol-1 (corresponding to metric information from carbon mon- 58 000), which surrounds the dimeric
an association constant of 2.1 X 103 oxide-binding results obtained from a A-subunit (Mr = 27 000). The B-sub-
M-1) as a result of a considerably less mutant hemoglobin (Hb M Iwate) and unit pentamer binds to five ganglioside
favorable AH for binding (which be- native hemoglobin, in conjunction with Gmi molecules on the outer surface of
came 6 kcal mol-1) and despite a independent determinations of T-to-R the cell membrane, and subsequently
somewhat more favorable AS for bind- transition free energies, suggests that the A-dimer penetrates the cell mem-
ing (—5 cal K-1 mol-1). the structural transition responsible brane where it activates adenylate cy-
Analysis of the enthalpic and entro- for modifying the affinity of human he- clase. The association of the B-subunit
pic contributions to the free energy of moglobin for oxygen (the T-to-R tran- pentamer with the oligosaccharide re-
protonation of the four histidine resi- sition, which gives rise to its coopera- gion (oligo-GMi) of the ganglioside trig-
dues of RNaseA suggested that binding tive oxygen-binding properties) is gers the sequence of events that leads
of 3'CMP is coupled to ionization of enthalpically controlled at pH 7.4 (with to the release of the A-subunit from the
three of these residues. It has been sug- AH 9 ± 2.5 kcal mol-1) but entropi-
B-subunit pentameric ring and its in-
gested that the negative phosphate cally controlled at pH 9 (with AH =
sertion into the interior of the mem-
moiety of 3'CMP interacts electrostati- —12 ± 2.5 kcal mol-1) (34). brane.
cally with two positively charged histi- The interaction of the regulatory lig- For many years it was known that
dines and that interaction with the and inositol hexaphosphate exhibits the association of oligo-GMi with the
third (which shows an anomolously binding enthalpies of up to ~-25 kcal toxin exhibited positive cooperativity
large enthalpy of protonation) involves mol-1 at pH 7.4 (after correction for (38) even though the actual energetics
a conformational rearrangement of the buffer ionization effects). This binding and mechanism of this behavior re-
structure of RNaseA (21). The depen- corresponds to ~-ll kcal (mol H+ ab- mained difficult to elucidate by con-
dence on pH of the enthalpic and en- sorbed)-1 associated with IHP binding. ventional techniques. These coopera-
tropic contributions to the overall free The binding of this regulatory ligand tive effects have their origin at the oli-
energy of 3'CMP binding, when consid- has therefore been concluded to be gosaccharide-protein interface and
ered in conjunction with structural in- driven primarily by the exothermic result in the modification of the behav-
formation, led to the conclusion that protonation of histidine and/or ior of the pentameric ring (39) during
both van der Waals and electrostatic a-amino groups as induced by the membrane association, presumably fa-
interactions contribute to binding but proximity of the negative phosphate cilitating the release of the A-subunit
that the binding process is only weakly charges on IHP (35, 36). into the membrane interior.
coupled to the conformational change Signal peptide-lipid association. Recently, the binding of oligo-GMi
associated with protonation of the his- The interactions of the signal peptide was measured by isothermal titration
tidine residues (31,32). of ornithine transcarbamylase with calorimetry (10). These experiments
Ligand binding and conforma- phospholipid vesicles of varying com- also indicated positive cooperativity
tional transitions in human hemo- position have recently been studied by and allowed a complete mapping of in-
globin. The energetics associated with isothermal titration calorimetry (9). It trinsic as well as cooperative interac-
the binding of a variety of ligands to is the signal peptide sequences of newly tions. The data were consistent with a
native and mutant human hemoglo- translated mitochondrial proteins that nearest-neighbor model in which the
bins have been examined by applica- have been recognized as being respon- binding of oligo-GMi to one B-subunit
tion of titration calorimetric methods sible for targeting and facilitating enhances the affinity of adjacent
(33-36). By performing calorimetric ti- transport of these proteins into mito- B-subunits. The experiments yielded
trations in buffers differing in their chondria. Because these sequences an intrinsic association constant of 1.05
heats of protonation, the enthalpies of contain a large proportion of basic X 106 M-1 at 37 °C and a cooperative
protonation of ionizable groups (histi- amino acids, they are expected to ex- free energy of —850 cal mol-1. The
dines and/or a-amino groups) in re- hibit a strong interaction with the high- magnitude of the cooperative free ener-
sponse to oxygen, carbon monoxide, ly negative charged inner mitochondri- gy indicates a fourfold enhancement in
and inositol hexaphosphate (IHP) bind- al membrane. Titration of the signal the oligo-GMi binding affinity of a
ing have been determined at different peptide into phospholipid bilayers of B-subunit adjacent to a subunit to
pHs. Enthalpies of carbon monoxide surface charge density similar to that of which oligo-GMi is already bound. The
binding have been reported to be —23 the inner mitochondrial membrane re- intrinsic enthalpy change of binding
kcal (mol CO)-1 in the pH range from 6 veals a strong binding characterized by was -22 kcal (mol oligo-GMi)-1 and the
to 9 (after correction for enthalpies of an association constant on the order of cooperative interaction enthalpy was
ionization of protein groups) (33). 106 M-1 and an enthalpy change of -11 kcal mol-1.
These results were shown to be con- —60 kcal mol-1. The magnitude of the cooperative in-
sistent with a model in which two ioniz- The experiments were consistent teraction enthalpy is consistent with a
able histidines explain the origin of the with a binding stoichiometry of 1 pep- moderate structural “tightening” of
Bohr proton effect. Interpretation of tide bound per 20 negatively charged the B-pentamer in agreement with
the relative enthalpic contributions of phospholipid molecules. The magni- spectroscopic data. Within the context
carbon monoxide binding and protein tude of the binding constant indicates a of the cholera toxin-cell surface inter-
group ionization in a mutant and na- strong membrane association, similar action, the cooperative enhancement
tive human hemoglobin suggests that to that required for mitochondrial pro- has a twofold effect: It facilitates a
the enthalpy of protonation of ioniz- tein import and similar to that ob- complete (i.e., productive) attachment
able protein groups is an important tained from inhibition studies of the of the toxin to the membrane surface
driving force for regulating heme site precursor protein (pre-ornithine trans- once the initial contact has occurred
ligation as well as subunit association carbamylase) by the synthetic signal and it facilitates the release of the A-
and hemoglobin tetramer conforma- sequence (37). subunit into the interior of the mem-


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strated that both the length of the hy- calmodulin by Ca2+ binding (because
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drophobic region between the amino of the strong entropy-driven nature of (23) Gaud, H. T.; Barisas, B. G.; Gill, S. J.
and oi-carboxyl groups of the ligand the binding interaction), Ca2+ binding Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 1974,
and ligand steric structural constraints to oncomodulin may be primarily elec- 59 1389
trostatic in nature (because of the near- (24) Atha,’ D. H.; Ackers, G. K. J. Biol.
are important factors in determining Chem. 1971,246, 5845.
the affinity of interaction (40). ly equal favorable enthalpic and entro- (25) Eftink, M.; Biltonen, R. In Biological
Calcium and magnesium binding pic contributions of Ca2+ binding) (41). Microcalorimetry; Beezer, A. E., Ed.; Ac-
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formed, and nonembryonic placental (mL of solution-1) has opened the door Enzymol. 1979,61, 261.
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Martin Straume is the director of op-

erations of the Biocalorimetry Center
in the Department of Biology at The
Johns Hopkins University. He re-
ceived a B.S. degree in biochemistry
and an M.S. degree in chemistry from
Lehigh University and a Ph.D. in bio-
Obdulio L. Mayorga is a visiting scien- chemistry from the University of Vir-
tist in the Biocalorimetry Center at ginia. His research work has involved
Ernesto Freire is a professor in the De- The Johns Hopkins University. He is a biophysical characterizaion of lipid-
partment of Biology and director of professor of physical chemistry at the lipid and lipid-rhodopsin interac-
the Biocalorimetry Center at The University of Granada, Spain. He re- tions, thermodynamic analysis of lig-
Johns Hopkins University. He re- ceived a Ph.D. in physical chemistry and binding to /turnon hemoglobin,
ceived B.S. and M.S. degrees in bio- from the University of Granada. His and development of high-sensitivity
chemistry from the University Caye- research work is in the area of calori- titration calorimetric instrumenta-
tano Heredia, Lima, Peru, and a Ph.D. metric instrumentation development tion.

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