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Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 1991. 29:381-98

Copyright © 1991 by Annual Reviews Inc. All rights reserved

Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 1991.29:381-403. Downloaded from

Robert A. Blanchette
by University of Edinburgh on 05/31/12. For personal use only.

Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108

KEY WORDS: wood deterioration, biotechnology, basidiomycetes, lignin degradation ,



Wood decay fungi are unique because of their capacity to decompose lignified
cell walls. A few species are of special interest because they can selectively
remove lignin from wood without extensive cellulose degradation. Lignin is a
complex, heterogeneous phenylpropanoid structural polymer that occurs
throughout the cell wall (71, 112). Spatially, lignin is intimately interspersed
with hemicelluloses forming a matrix that surrounds cellulose microfibrils
(67, 75), and provides a formidable physical and chemical barrier to biodeg­
radative systems. Although most saprophytic fungi produce some degradative
enzymes, such as cellulases, xylanases, mannanases and others, these en­
zymes do not permeate and degrade effectively woody substrates unless lignin
is unbound, modified, or removed.
Investigations of decomposition processes in forest ecosystems have usual­
ly considered lignin to be the most recalcitrant component and the last
degraded (l0, 88). The decomposition pathway for decay by some fungi in
the Basidiomycotina, such as those that cause brown rots, involves the
degradation of all wood carbohydrates, including crystalline cellulose. A
residual lignin matrix, consisting of chemically modified lignin, is left to be
gradually converted to humic substances by long-term processes involving
other microbes (38, 41, 106). However, this is not always the sequence of
events. Fungi in the Basidiomycotina that cause white rots of wood may
simultaneously degrade lignin along with all cell wall carbohydrates, or lignin

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may be preferentially removed with little to no loss of cellulose. Recently,

many of the lignin compositional trends that have been reported for humic
substances in the Amazon river system and other natural environments were
shown possibly to originate solely from white-rot degradation (58). When
lignin is selectively degraded and removed from wood, large concentrations
of cellulose remain (13, 14, 24, 38). The delignified zone may comprise
relatively small areas consisting of minute pockets or be extensive,encompas­
sing entire fallen trees (5, 6, 13, 97). The ecological dynamics of selective
delignification in forest ecosystems that may result in entire logs of cellulose
Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 1991.29:381-403. Downloaded from

remaining on the forest floor have not been thoroughly investigated.

The first report of fungi causing wood decay was in 1863 by Hermann
Schacht (113), who described the decomposition phenomena of wood. Robert
Hartig,a pioneer leader in forest pathology,was the first to promote a general
by University of Edinburgh on 05/31/12. For personal use only.

understanding that wood degradation was caused by biological processes

(55). He also made many significant discoveries about wood decomposition.
He identified different types of degradation and classified them according to
the classification developed by his father, Theodore Hartig (57), as either
white rot or red rot (the red rots are now referred to as brown rot). He found
that some white-rot fungi were able to extract lignin from the woody cell walls
but not cellulose (55, 56). In addition, his precise observations showed that
two distinct degradative pathways also could be produced by the same
white-rot fungus within one substrate (Figure 1). In some regions of the
decayed wood, cell walls were delignified and middle lamellae completely
removed, whereas in other areas the fungus caused an erosion of all cell wall
layers, with thc middle lamellae the last to be degraded. These were ex­
traordinary observations for the late 19th century, and unfortunately, they
remained relatively unknown until they were rediscovered with the aid of
electron microscopy approximately 100 years later.
Many different categories have been used to classify wood decay by
white-rot fungi,including the terms white rot, corrosive rot,simultaneous rot,
pocket rot, and uniform rot (11, 44, 65, 74, 87, 97). The most appropriate
terminology appears to be the grouping of all species in the Basidiomycotina
that have the capacity to degrade lignin in the broad category of white-rot
fungi (22). Within this group, fungi may (a) selectively delignify wood, (b)
simultaneously degrade lignin and wood polysaccharides throughout the de­
cayed wood, or (c) cause a combination of selective delignification and
simultaneous decay within the same substrate. The terms simultaneous degra­
dation and selective (or preferential) delignification to describe the two forms
of white rot have been widely accepted (3,14,22, 38, 58, 69,97,106,126).
The proportion of selectively delignified and simultaneous decayed wood
varies among the different species of white-rot fungi and within isolates of the
same species. Table 1 shows the great diversity that exists among a few
representative white-rot fungi.

Table 1 Percent weight, lignin, and sugar residues in wood polysaccharides lost in Betula
papyrifera after 1 2 weeks of decay by white-rot fungi"

% loss in
Fungus Weight Lignin b GlucoseC Xylosed

Dichomitus squalens 44 71 44 43
Ganoderma colossum 35 46 19 45
Heterobasidion annosum 24 55 4 26
Perenniporia medulla-panis 31 73 0 32
Phanerochaete chrysosporium
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BKM-F- 1 767 39 73 15 55
Fp 1 02 1 69 55 60 55 66
HHB - 1 I741 46 51 48 58
ME- I O 33 41 24 34
by University of Edinburgh on 05/31/12. For personal use only.

Phellinus pini 17 54 5 13
Phlebia tremellosa 34 75 4 39
Trametes versicolor 65 64 65 68

'Sound Betula contains 20% lignin, 47% glucose, and 24% xylose.
bKlason lignin determination using 72% sulfuric acid.
cGlucose residue represents hydrolized cellulose from wood.
"Xylose residue represents hydrolized xylan from wood.


All white-rot fungi can cause lignin degradation but some can selectively
remove lignin leaving large concentrations of cellulose. These areas of cellu­
lose appear as bright, white zones in the heartwood of living trccs or in
sapwood and heartwood of downed timber (Figure 2). A well-known fungus,
Phellinus pini, causes extensive decay in living conifers throughout the
world. The decay consists of spindle-shaped pockets of white, delignified
wood. It is not surprising that this type of decay, with its striking appearance
of white pockets scattered throughout the dark-colored heartwood, was one of
the first investigated (56), and continued to receive considerable attention (9,
11, 13, 38, 65, 85-87). Many of the most serious decay-causing fungi result
in selective delignification of wood (e. g. Ganoderma lucidum, Heterobasid­
ion annosum, Inonotus tomentosus, Inonotus dryadeus, Phellinus nigroiimi­
tatus, Phellinus weirii) (5, 16, 3S).
The fossil record also shows that wood with a white-pocket rot, containing
spindle-shaped zones of delignified wood, occurred as early as the Triassic in
Araucarioxylon (117; Figure 2). These samples represent some of the oldest
known examples of decay, and demonstrate that little change has occurred in
decay patterns over millions of years (11S). Since these early gymnosperms
most likely had high lignin contents and large concentrations of extractives, it
is not surprising to find the decay fungi present were those with the capacity to
cause extensive lignin degradation.

In addition to small scattered pockets of delignified wood, large zones of

delignification also may occur in wood. Kawase (66) was one of the first
investigators to analyze the chemical components of naturally decayed wood.
He collected several samples of decayed wood from the forest and found that
the cellulose content was exceedingly high and lignin concentration low. In
the temperate rain forests of southern Chile, Philippi (103) described a type of
decayed wood called palo podrido, that was commonly used as a forage feed
for cattle and oxen by farmers of the region. The decayed wood apparently
was also eaten by the native South Americans (103). Logs, left from clearing
Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 1991.29:381-403. Downloaded from

forests for pasture, gradually decayed, and during the winter months of
subsequent years, farmers split these logs open giving livestock access to the
huge concentrations of digestible fiber. This procedure is still practiced today
by University of Edinburgh on 05/31/12. For personal use only.

by farmers in southern Chile and it is common to find reamed-out logs

scattered over the countryside after cattle have eaten the decayed wood.
Recently, palo podrido has been characterized and found to consist of ex­
tensively delignified wood (6, 37, 52, 128). In some logs, all of the wood
except a small outer zonc around the circumference was delignified and
consisted of 97% cellulose and only 0.9% lignin (6). The term palo blanco
has been used by farmers to describe this remarkably white wood, whereas
palo podrido refers to all forms of delignified wood. Collections of decayed
wood from this region have shown that there are varying amounts of de­
lignified wood within different logs and that gradations of the two forms of
white rot exist, ranging from completely delignified wood to a pocket-rot type
of degradation (R. A. Blanchette & E. Agosin, unpublished data).
The temperate rain forests of southern Chile are one of the few areas where
exceedingly large amounts of delignified wood are common, and where
people have learned to use the resource. Although this phenomenon does not
appear to be as prevalent in other regions of the world, there are many
examples of large quantities of delignified wood occurring in other forest
ecosystems (14, 15, 38, 55, 66). Often, this decay has a mottled appearance,
and consists of varying amounts of selectively delignified and simultaneous
decayed wood (Figure 3). There are many factors that appear to govern the
abundance of each type of decay.


Anatomical Considerations

Some species of white-rot fungi, such as Phellinus pini and Ganoderma

tsugae, always cause selective delignification in certain woods. The an­
atomical and chemical composition of wood, however, appears to influence
the distribution and extent of deJignified zones. Phellinus pini is restricted to
the heartwood of living conifers, but may delignify sapwood once the tree

dies ( 13). The pockets of delignified wood are often first associated with
latewood regions of annual rings, and elongate within an individual growth
ring. In contrast, Ganoderma tsugae preferentially degrades the earlywood
cells, but not latewood cells (14). In hardwood species, such as Quercus, the
latewood fibers and rays form borders between pockets of delignification
caused by Inonotus dryophilus (94). Phellinus nigrolimitatus produces large
pockets of delignified wood that may form across several annual rings, and
decay is not restricted to latewood or earlywood zones. Pockets of delignifica­
tion also form in tropical species, such as those caused by Phellinus kawaka­
Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 1991.29:381-403. Downloaded from

mii in Acacia koa. where no annual rings are formed in the tree (23).
Although the reason for the formation of localized pockets of delignified
wood remains unknown, it should be possible to obtain a better understanding
by University of Edinburgh on 05/31/12. For personal use only.

of the processes that may be involved with additional investigation. To

accomplish this, research should focus on the (a) identification of chemical
constituents in various wood cells between pockets, (b) determination of the
spatial distribution and availability of nutrients or elements essential for
delignification, (c) characterization of accumulated degradation products that
may act as enzyme inhibitors, and (c) elucidation of the enzymes produced by
the fungus and sequence of enzymes within woody substrates that results in
selective delignification.
Some fungi that cause white-pocket rots, such as Trichaptum biforme
(Hirschioporus pargamenus) and Xylobolus frustulatum, remove the residual
cellulose soon after delignification has occurred, leaving the wood with a
pitted or honeycomb appearance (95, 96). Often, only incipient stages of
decay reveal the presence of delignified cells. Although no definitive studies
have been completed, this process also appears to take place in wood decayed
by Phellinus weirii. Trichaptum abietinum. Inonotus tomentosus and others.
For many of the most severe root and trunk rot fungi of trees, little is known
about the basic patterns and dynamics of wood decomposition in natural
Greater knowledge of decay mechanisms will provide important insights
into fungal colonization strategies and mechanisms used by the fungus to
allow it to remain dominant within substrates for long periods of time. This
should lead to more effective control procedures. A good example is provided
from results of recent basic biochemical studies involving Heterobasidion
annosum that indicated toxic phenols, produced during wood decomposition,
inhibited the fungus (61). This information has led to new strategies that use
the toxic features of the phenols to possibly control the fungus in living trees.

Chemical and Ecophysiological Factors

Other factors that influence delignification include chemical composition of
the wood and ecophysiological requirements of the fungi. Using palo podrido
as a model system for studying the factors responsible for delignification, Dill

& Kraepelin (37) concluded that the extremely low nitrogen content of the
wood was the primary cause for delignification. Several other ecological
factors, including relatively low temperatures (8 to 13°C during the entire
year) and high humidity also appeared to favor delignification. Nutrient
nitrogen has been found to play a crucial role in wood decay (32, 84, 90).
Low levels of nitrogen have been shown to stimulate lignin degradation by
several different white-rot fungi, whereas high nitrogen concentrations stimu­
late polysaccharide degradation (45,78,108). Ligninolytic activity of some
white-rot fungi, however, is not affected by nitrogen concentrations (81,
Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 1991.29:381-403. Downloaded from

Oxygen concentrations also affect lignin degradation. In general, most
investigations have shown that the greatest ligninolytic activity in shake flask
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cultures of fungi is usually associated with high (100%) oxygen con­

centrations (78, 110, 127). Oxygen concentrations within tree trunks, howev­
er, are extremely low (63), and decomposing logs in a rain forest would not be
expected to have an environment of high oxygen. Since fungi apparently do
not possess any unique system to tolerate low oxygen concentrations (59),
some mechanism must be operative that delivers necessary oxygen for oxida­
tive reactions involved in lignin degradation. What mechanisms fungi use to
accomplish this are not known.
Moisture has significant effects on growth of wood decay fungi (25, 26,
106). In a rain forest, decayed wood may be expected to absorb excess
moisture and become saturated. However, this does not occur. Instead,
pseudosclerotiaJ plates are produced by the fungus around the exterior por­
tions of the decaying wood that regulate the moisture content and apparently
limit the entrance of excess water (6). These same structures function to
maintain adequate moisture by restricting water loss from decaying wood in
regions of low to moderate rainfall (1, 2, 14, 38). The wet environment of
southern Chile undoubtedly contributes to the rate and extent of fungal
colonization and decay, but its influencing role on selective delignification is
questionable. The ability of fungi, once they h'ave colonized a substrate, to
prevent desiccation or entrance of excess moisture, suggests that they can
partially regulate conditions that are conducive for their continued degrada­
tion processes and survival.
The factors that appear most decisive in governing delignification in south­
ern Chile are the quantity and type of lignin present in the native tree species
(6). Investigations of wood decayed in the field indicate extensive delignifica­
tion has been found primarily in Nothofagus dombeyi and Eucryphia cordifo­
lia, whereas only a simultaneous type of white rot occurred in wood of
Laurelia phillipiana. The major differences among these trees is that Notho­
fagus dombeyi and Eucryphia cordifolia have the lowest lignin contents,
largest amount of f3-aryl ether bonds in lignin and the highest syringyll

guaiacyl ratio of all the native woods tested. Indeed, Nothofagus dombeyi has
one of the highest syringyl lignin contents reported for any wood (6). In vitro
decay studies,using a species of Ganoderma isolated from delignified wood
of palo podrido and native woods of southern Chile,confirmed field observa­
tions that selective delignification occurred in wood of Nothofagus dombeyi,
whereas a simultaneous rot was always found in wood of Laurelia phillipiana
(R. A. Blanchette & E. Agosin, unpublished results).
The lignin of angiosperms contains varying ratios of syringyJ (S) to
guaiacyl (G) phenylpropane monomer units. Nothofagus dombeyi has a S/G
Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 1991.29:381-403. Downloaded from

ratio of 2.73, whereas the ratio for Laurelia phillipiana is 0.35 (6; a correction
factor of 2.3 has been used to compare the thioacidolysis determination to the
nitrobenzene assay for S/G ratios). The ratio for Acer saccharum and Tilia
by University of Edinburgh on 05/31/12. For personal use only.

americana, for comparison, is approximately 0.75 (23). The lignin composi­

tion of native trees from southern Chile helps to explain why delignification is
so extensive in some woods of this geographic location and not in others. This
is not, however, a universal factor that governs all fungal delignification
systems. Many fungi can delignify wood of gymnosperms that have high
lignin contents and have lignin composed exclusively of guaiacyl phenylpro­
pane units(93). Apparently, these fungi have evolved ligninolytic systems for
selective delignification in conifers. When mycelia from some of these fungi
were used to inoculate wood blocks of angiosperms in the laboratory,exten­
sive delignification occurred (5, 21, 98). In nature, these fungi probably
would not normally colonize these angiosperm substrates due to the inability
of spores to germinate on the substrate (89), or because of fungal inhibition
from wood extractives,inappropriate pH,or other unfavorable microenviron­
mental conditions (06).

Variation Among Fungi

Of the 1600-1700 species of North American wood-rooting fungi, 94% are
white-rotters (48). Most of these species occur on angiosperms,but many, as
previously mentioned,degrade gymnosperms. The diversity in decay patterns
that exist among different species is great. Furthermore,the diversity in decay
also can be extraordinarily large among isolates of an individual species
(Table 1; 21, 79). There is apparently tremendous genetic diversity in de­
lignification capacity among the fungi found in nature. Methods to screen
species and isolates of naturally occurring fungi have included a wide variety
of techniques, including chemical and morphological procedures (6, 8, 16,
24,40,50,70,77,92,99,114). The results from these investigations have
provided many superb isolates for experimental purposes with superior capac­
ity for degrading lignin.
Cross-breeding studies of selected homokaryotic strains of Phanerochaete
chrysosporium indicate that new strains can be obtained with even higher

lignin-degrading capacity than the original wild type (64). Several recent
studies have examined the genetic factors influencing lignin peroxidase activ­
ity (see section on Ligninolytic Systems; 102, 104, 105). Using 53 single
basidiospore-derived strains of Phanerochaete chrysosporium, lignin per­
oxidase activity was determined for each monokaryotic isolate and compared
to the activity of the parent dikaryon (105). The variation in lignin peroxidase
activity varied with many of the haploid progeny exhibiting superior
ligninolytic activity to that of the parent. In a study using 20 monokaryotic
isolates of Dichomitus squalens, a similar experimental procedure was used,
Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 1991.29:381-403. Downloaded from

but in addition to lignin peroxidase activity, cellulolytic activity also was

assayed (102). In that study, all of the haploid isolates had reduced growth
rate when compared to the dikaryotic parent, but lignin peroxidase activity
by University of Edinburgh on 05/31/12. For personal use only.

and cellulolytic activity varied greatly. Several isolates had low cellulolytic
activity while others displayed high ligninolytic activity. It appears possible
that significant improvements in ligninolytic activity could be achieved for
industrial purposes by selection and cross-breeding of haploid strains.



Lignin is distributed throughout the wood cell wall layers, but the greatest
concentrations are in the compound middle lamella and cell comer regions
(Figure 4). To visualize lignin with electron microscopy, KMn04 is often
used as a fixative and lignin stain to identify the relative distribution of lignin
in wood (12, 24). The most lignified layer, the middle lamella, has the
greatest electron density. Other methods used to precisely determine the
ultrastructural localization of lignin have confirmed the distribution patterns
previously determined by KMn04 staining,and have been used to quantify
lignin concentrations in different types of cells as well as within various cell
wall layers (38, 99, 1 1 1, 123a).
Decay fungi colonize wood via the anatomical paths of least resistance,and
quickly move into areas containing easily assimilated nutrients. Ray pa­
renchyma cells are frequently the first to be colonized (31, 124). Movement
through pit apertures or direct penetration of cell walls by bore holes allows
the fungus to proliferate throughout the wood. With relatively few hyphae
within individual xylary cells (i. e. one or two per cell) lignin degradation
begins. Lignin degradation by hyphae in cell lumina causes a diffuse reduc­
tion in KMn04 electron density within the secondary wall layers immediately
adjacent to the fungus (Figure 4). Gradually, the entire secondary wall
becomes less electron dense. The process of lignin removal occurs from the
cell lumen toward the middle lamella (Figure 4). Once lignin is removed from
the SI and S2 layers of the secondary walls, the middle lamella between cells
Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 1991.29:381-403. Downloaded from
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Figure 1 Drawing by Robert Hartig (1878) showing two forms of white rot in wood of Pinus
sylvestris decayed by Heterobasidion annosum. On the left, incipient to advanced stages of
selective delignification is shown. Lignin (stippled ateas) is progressively removed from tracheid
cell walls, resulting in cells void of middle lamellae. Once lignin was removed, cellulolytic
activity gradually degraded the delignified secondary wall. On the right a simultaneous decay of
all cell wall components is presented. This form of white rot resulted in cell wall erosion of
secondary walls followed by portions of the middle lamellae. The last ateas to be degraded are the
lignified middle lamellae. This drawing represents the first observations showing selective
de lignification in wood , and demonstrates that white rot fungi can cause different forms of
Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 1991.29:381-403. Downloaded from
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Figure 2 White-pocket rot in living trees, with spindle-shaped areas of delignified wood
separated by nondecayed wood. A Drawing of a split open section of a conifer showing
white-pocket rot within the heartwood. B The white-pockets consist of delignified cells where
lignin has been completely removed leaving the white, cellulose-rich tracheids remaining. Areas
of apparently unaltered wood occur between the pockets. C Transverse section and light
microscopy micrograph of a white pocket in a deciduous wood (Betula papyrijera) inoculated
with Phellinus pini. Delignified cells (arrows indicate edge of the white pocket) lack middle
lamella and are detached from adjacent cells. The hyphae (one or two per cell) can be seen within
the deJignified cells as well as in nondecayed cells between pockets. D Fossilized Araucarioxylon
wood, a silicified gymnosperm genus from the Triassic age, found in the Fremouw Peak locality,
Antarctica. The fossil wood contains a white-pocket rot with spindle-shaped pockets of de­
lignified wood. Bar = 1 cm in A and D, 50/-Lm in C. (A reproduced by courtesy of Alex Shigo,
US Forest Service, D reproduced by courtesy of T.N. Taylor, Ohio State University).
Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 1991.29:381-403. Downloaded from
by University of Edinburgh on 05/31/12. For personal use only.

Figure 3 A mottled-rot caused by Ganoderma tsugae showing two different fonns of white rot,
selective delignification and simultaneous decay of all cell wall components, in Tsuga
canadensis. A Mottled appearance of the wood results from a combination of delignified cells (dl)
and simultaneous decayed cells (sd). Within the simultaneously decayed zones, large voids were
fonned that were filled with white fungal mycelia (m). In delignified areas, manganese dioxide
deposits were common, appearing as large black zones (arrows). B and C Wood from the white,
delignified zones contained tracheids that lacked middle lamellae and cells easily detached from
adjacent cells. D and E Wood from simultaneously decayed areas had cells with erosion troughs
and holes evident within the cell walls. In some areas, large voids fonned and were filled with
fungal mycelia (14).
Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 1991.29:381-403. Downloaded from
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Figure 4 Transmission electron micrographs showing the progressive stages of selective de­
lignification in cell walls of Nothofagus dombeyi by Ganoderma sp. Wood was fixed with
KMn04 to stain lignin within cell walls. A 50und wood showing fiber (F) and vessel (V) w it h
electron-dense cell wall layer s . The secondary wall layers (5" 52. and 53) and middle lamella
(ml) are evident. The middle lamella between cells and in cell corners (CC) appear the most
electron dense. B Incipient stages of delignification showing an electron lucid zone within the 52
layer of the secondary wall. There is a progressive loss of electron density from the lumen toward
the middle lamella (arrows). The area where no stain is apparent represents delignified regions of
the cell wall. C A more advanced stage shows a cell where secondary wall layers have been
delignified and the middle lamella between cells has been degraded (arrows). Other cells show
loss of lignin from the S2 layer of the secondary walls but delignification had not reached the S I
layer or middle lamella. D Advanced stage of delignified wood with lignin removed from the
secondary wall layers and middle lamellae completely degraded. Bar = 2 /Lm (from (6)).
Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 1991.29:381-403. Downloaded from
by University of Edinburgh on 05/31/12. For personal use only.

Figure 5 Scanning electron micrographs of advanced stages of delignified wood. A Tangential

section of wuud frum Quercus sp. delignified by Ganoderma colossum showing delignified
vessels (V) fibers (F) and ray parenchyma cells (R). All cells are detached and separate from
adjacent cells. Delignified vessels separate at perforation plates and ray cells appear as individual
cells. B Radial section of Quercus sp. delignified by Ganoderma sp. RLG16162 showing the
separation of ray cells and detached fibers. C Tangential section of wood frum Pinus sp. decayed
by Phellinus pini. Tracheids are deJignified and ray parenchyma cells are completely removed
(arrowheads). D Transverse section of wood from Betula sp. delignified by Phlebia tremellosa
showing the residual secondary wall layers remain intact even after the middle lamellae has been
removed. The cellulose-rich secondary walls without middle lamellae readily separate frum one
another. Bar = 50 �m in A, B, and Cj 10 �m in D. (A and B from (5), C frum (13)).

is degraded. This layer becomes progressively degraded from the centrally

located regions toward the cell comers. The cell comers are the last to be
degraded. After most of the middle lamella is degraded, the residual cell walls
separate and become detached from adjacent cells. These residual cells are
composed of cellulose-rich secondary wall layers (Figure 4). During de­
lignification, hemicelluloses also are degraded. The close spatial relationship
of the lignin and hemicellulose matrix apparently necessitates the removal of
some hemicelluloses when lignin is removed. Hemicelluloses also appear to
provide the energy source for the decay fungi, since lignin alone apparently
Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 1991.29:381-403. Downloaded from

cannot serve as a growth substrate (75).

Recent studies using colloidal gold cytochemistry with cellulases and
xylanases have demonstrated the distribution of cellulose and xylan in sound
by University of Edinburgh on 05/31/12. For personal use only.

wood and in wood decayed by fungi ( 18, 20). In wood cells delignified by
fungi, colloidal gold coupled to endo-l, 4-I3-glucanase II (EG-II) or l,4-I3-D­
glue an cellobiohydrolase I (CBHI) labeled intensely residual cell walls in a
pattern similar to that of sound wood, indicating crystalline and amorphous
cellulose were still present in large concentrations. Examination of cell walls
labeled with endo-l, 4-I3-xylanase, however, showed that substantial amounts
of xylan had been removed. In another investigation, gold-labeled lignin
peroxidase was used to locate lignin within the cell walls of sound and
delignified wood ( 19). In delignified cells, no gold labeling was apparent,
except for some in the residual cell comer regions that had maintained a high
lignin content. Fluorescence microscopy also has been useful in monitoring
the lignin distribution in wood since lignified cell walls fluoresce in UV light
of certain wavelengths (9, 47). In a study of Quercus wood decayed by
Lentinula edodes, the Shiitake fungus, delignification was apparent in cells
that did not fluoresce (126). In that study, a similar pattern of lignin removal
was found as described above. Secondary cell wall layers were progressively
delignified from cell lumina toward the middle lamella, followed by degrada­
tion of middle lamella between cells, and finally attack of the cell comer
regions. Between delignified zones in the wood, a simultaneous type of white
rot was evident. Lentinula edodes, therefore, appears to be a white-rot fungus
exhibiting considerable diversity in delignification capacity among different
strains, since previous studies have indicated that this fungus causes only a
nonselective attack on the cell wall (R. A. Blanchette, unpublished data;
In addition to differences in delignification observed in various regions of
the xylem (latewood vs earlywood), there appears to be a great deal of
variability in the types of cells that are delignified by different white-rot fungi.
Some fungal species delignify all the different types of cells that occur in
angiosperms, including vessels, fibers, and ray parenchyma cells (Figure 5).
However, delignification may not occur in vessels of some woods, such as

Acacia koa, where sound vessels occur among completely delignified fibers
(23). In decay of Quercus species by Inonotus dryophilus, the latewood fibers
remain free of degradation while earlywood fibers are delignified (94). Fibers
delignified by Ganoderma zonatum may not be uniformly affected, and
irregular zones of lignin may remain in parts of the secondary wall (5). In
conifers, it is common to find delignified tracheids among totally degraded
ray parenchyma cells (Figure 5). In palm wood, delignification is apparent in
the vessel elements but is not observed in other cells (4). Additional studies of
delignification processes should provide insight into the factors that allow
Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 1991.29:381-403. Downloaded from

some cells to resist degradative actions, while others easily succumb to

ligninolytic action. The type of lignin occurring within some types of cells
and the microfibrillar orientation of the cell wall polymers may explain some
by University of Edinburgh on 05/31/12. For personal use only.

of these variations in patterns of resistance and susceptibility to delignification



The complex structural features of lignin dictate unusual constraints on

biological degradation systems (75). Degradation of lignin has been referred
to as "enzymatic combustion", consisting of nonspecific enzyme-catalyzed
burning of lignin (75). Biochemical investigations using Phanerochaete
chrysosporium have shown that two heme peroxidases are associated with
lignin degradation, lignin peroxidase (LiP) (43, 49, 72, 119, 120) and Mn­
dependent peroxidase (MnP) (43, 51, 62, 80, 101). Lignin peroxidases are
H202-dependent enzymes that degrade lignin by a simple initiating reaction:
removal of a single electron from aromatic nuclei, producing aryl cation
radical species, which undergo nonenzymatic reactions as radicals and as
cations. These reactions result in polymer cleavages (54, 68). Mn-dependent
peroxidases function to oxidize Mn II to Mn III, which can oxidize phenolic
substructures in lignin (46, 51, 100). Although MnP can oxidize phenolic
compounds, they have not been demonstrated to mediate degradation of
nonphenolic units that dominate in lignin (75). During recent years, both LiP
and MnP have been found in extracellular filtrates of many different white-rot
fungi (38, 75, 123). Both enzymes have been found in white-rot fungi that
simultaneously decay wood cell walls (e. g. Trametes versicolor), and in
those that selectively remove lignin (e. g. Phanerochaete chrysosporium
BKM-F-1767). The molecular weight of these enzymes suggests that they do
not readily penetrate into sound wood, since the pores of the cell wall would
not be large enough for penetration by the enzymes (116). Observations of
electron micrographs showing delignification (Figure 4) suggest that whatever
the initial agent of delignification is, it must be able to diffuse into the wood
cell walls. An enzymatically generated oxidized manganese species (Mn III)

would be able to diffuse into wood, and recent studies suggest that Mn III
under certain conditions is capable of ligninolytic activity (46). Other low
molecular weight compounds, such as the modified porphyrins, also diffuse
into wood and degrade lignin. Since LiP is a heme protein containing pro­
toporphyrin IX, various researchers have used synthetic metalloporphyrins to
degrade lignin model compounds as well as lignin in wood. Low molecular
weight porphyrins appear to mimic the activities of lignin peroxidase and
cause delignification in a manner similar to selective delignification by white­
rot fungi (34, 101, 115). Some porphryins readily diffuse into the wood and
Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 1991.29:381-403. Downloaded from

cause an oxidation of lignin. A biomimetic system, such as the one presented

by Paszczynski et al ( 10 1), provides a model system to study aspects of
selective delignification. In such a system, only 1 to 2 days are required to
by University of Edinburgh on 05/31/12. For personal use only.

reach the same levels of wood cell wall delignification that usually requires 2
to 3 months of laboratory degradation by white-rot fungi.
It may not be absolutely essential for initial delignification agents to be low
molecular weight compounds. Some enzymes, such as the hemicellulases, are
produced early in the decay process, and are associated with lignin degrada­
tion ( 17, 38). Hemicellulases may gradually degrade hemicelluloses in the
wall immediately adjacent to the lumen and progressively move into the
secondary wall. As some of the hemicelluloses are degraded, channels of
sufficient size should open, allowing access to LiP and MnP. Immunocyto­
chemical investigations using gold-labeled LiP-antisera and sections of white­
rotted wood have shown that LiP does occur in areas of the cell wall
undergoing delignification (20,35,36). In partially delignified wood decayed
by Phellinus pini or Phanerochaete chrysosporium, LiP was localized within
the wall at the edge of electron-dense regions that still contained lignin. The
ultrastructural localization of xylanase in decayed wood from Betula also was
within the cell wall, and apparently in advance of zones showing lignin
removal (20). Purified preparations of both LiP and MnP have been infiltrated
into white-rotted wood followed by immunogold labeling and were found
within cell walls that had a loose, open fibrillar structure (36). No diffusion
occurred in nondecayed cell walls.
Many other enzymes (including polyphenol oxidases, laccases, H20z­
producing enzymes and quinone-reducing enzymes) are also thought to be
important for lignin degradation. (For recent reviews that provide detailed
coverage of the enzymes involved in lignin degradation see 30, 38, 60, 72,
73, 75, 1 19.) Also of interest are the factors that regulate both enzyme
production and activity. Manganese, which can be found in exceedingly large
concentrations in delignified wood ( 15; Figure 3), appears to regulate LiP and
MnP production (27). In low concentrations of MnII, extracellular LiP pre­
dominates, whereas in the presence of higher concentrations of Mn II, MnP is

Regulation of cellulases is another important aspect, since these enzymes

are repressed during selective delignification by some white-rot fungi. Many
factors influence various cellulases, for example the presence of cellobiose,
glucose and other wood sugars, phenols, and proteases (38). However, very
little information is available on the factors involved in regulating cellulases
during delignification processes. There are many different avenues that future
research can pursue to increase our understanding of the enzymes and in­
teractions associated with lignin breakdown. Although it is clear that our
current knowledge of delignification processes is incomplete, the potential for
Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 1991.29:381-403. Downloaded from

using these fungi, or their enzymes, in biotechnological applications is so

great that they are already being suggested for industrial applications (28, 38,
42, 43a, 76, 108).
by University of Edinburgh on 05/31/12. For personal use only.

The surge of research activities in this area will continue, and we can
expect to see important new developments that utilize ligninolytic fungi for
many commercial purposes. Applications in tum should spur investigations
that will provide needed basic information on enzyme mechanisms involved
in microbial degradation of living trees and forest products.


White-rot fungi may cause a simultaneous type of attack that degrades all
wood cell wall components or preferential degradation of lignin. Selective
delignification may occur throughout the decayed wood (e. g. palo podrido,
palo blanco), in small localized pockets (e. g. decay by Phellinus pini) or in a
mottled-rot where delignified cells are surrounded by simultaneously decay­
ing wood (e. g. decay by Ganoderma tsugae, Heterobasidion annosum).
Fungi that delignify wood include some of our most serious root and butt rot
fungi (e. g. Ganoderma lucidum, Heterobasidion annosum, Inonotus tomen­
tosus, Phellinus weirii, Rigidoporus lignosus, Phellinus noxius) and trunk rot
fungi (e. g. Ganoderma applanatum, Inonotus dryophilus, Phellinus pini).
Information on basic biological processes, such as degradative mechanisms,
survival strategies, and ecological relationships is lacking, but is needed to
ascertain potential disease-control measures. Some of this information may
become available from investigations that are specifically designed for using
selective delignifying fungi for industrial applications.
The biotechnical potential of fungi that delignify wood is enormous. One
use currently being tested includes the pretreatment of wood chips with fungi
that selectively remove lignin for pulp and paper production. Pretreated chips
with selected strains of Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Ceriporiopsis sub­
vermispora, and other fungi improved paper strength properties while requir­
ing up to 68% less energy than standard mechanical pulping procedures (82,
83, 91). Another aspect of white-rot fungi that may be of significant use is

their ability to "bleach" wood to a white color. The effluents produced during
chemical bleaching of kraft pulping are major contributors to water pollution,
and new methods of bleaching wood pulp with fungi or their enzymes may
provide a viable substitute for some of the chemicals now used (30a, 37a, 39,
121). Delignification processes also may be used to modify wood or agri­
cultural byproducts to increase their nutritional value for ruminant animal
feed. The digestibility of straw, bagasse, and wood can be dramatically
increased when treated with various white-rot fungi, and have shown no
problems of palatability or toxicity (7, 30, 77, lO7, lO9). Of major signifi­
Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 1991.29:381-403. Downloaded from

cance are the recent investigations showing that fungi with high ligninolytic
activity are able to degrade environmental pollutants, such as PCB, DDT,
dioxins, industrial dyes, and chlorinated phenols (28-30, 33, 38, 39, 42, 53).
by University of Edinburgh on 05/31/12. For personal use only.

The use of these fungi as bioremedial treatments of toxic wastes has im­
mediate application. For example, Phanerochaete chrysoporium BKM-F-
1767 is currently being used in large scale ficld tests to detoxify soils (K.
Kirk, personal communication).
We can expect to see additional uses for fungi that de1ignify wood as our
knowledge of these organisms increases. One major benefit from these in­
vestigations will be the increased comprehension of white-rot degradation
mechanisms that will undoubtedly improve our understanding of pathological
relationships among decay fungi and living trees.

This article is contribution No. 18,588 of the Minnesota Agricultural Experi­
ment Station. The author thanks Andre Abad, Kory Cease, Marge Eerdmans
and Lewis Otjen for their contributions to research on selective delignification
of wood reported here, and to Drs. Kent Kirk, Roberta Farrell, Gary Leath­
am, and Jim Adaskaveg for their critical reviews of this manuscript. The work
of the author has been supported by NSF Grant INT-8900153, Repligen­
Sandoz Research Corp. , and the Biopulping Consortium. The consortium
consists of the University of Wisconsin Biotechnology Center, USDA Forest
Products Laboratory, Madison, WI, and 20 member companies involved in
pulp and paper production and associated fields.

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