Library Proj

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Tanauan Institute Library Application

Inventory System

A Research Proposal presented to the

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Tanauan Institute Inc.

In partial fulfillment of

the requirements for Software Engineering 1


Libed Christian E


November 2023

Table of Contents

Title Page.......................................................................................................................1

Table of Contents.........................................................................................................2


Project Context ............................................................................................................4

Purpose and Description .............................................................................................5

Objectives of the Study................................................................................................6

General Objectives.......................................................................................................6

Specific Objectives........................................................................................................7

Scope and Limitation ..................................................................................................8


Library is the place to gain knowledge and some person they use library as passing time

during free hours and some are making their homework but in modern days libraries are rarely

used because most of information may see in the internet and also it is easy to use for searching

the exact article that users are looking for so in that case libraries are not convenient to learn or

to improve knowledge also if you don’t know what books you are supposed to read and

sometimes it takes some time to look the book on the bookshelf because of the arrangement so in

the end of the day user may decide to use google to get the answer. base of the observation even

the librarian is having a hard time to look at the book and checking who is the author of the


Project context

This program contains valuable information about libraries nowadays through the internet

library becomes not convenient to many users so in that issue the researcher proposed this

program that contains some valuable features to use, and it separately defends on their category

like book of history, psychology, criminology, education, computer science, journalism, and

book of mythology. This program is application based, that users may encounter a system that

has book registration where admin input the book information that contains the title of book,

author, categories, and what rows has should place, and date issued. Next is book update where

the admin may change the book information if it needed to change and also inside of book

update the admin may organize the book status if it borrowed by student or teachers so in that

case the person who will want to read the book, they may view the current status if it’s on library

or it’s borrowed by someone. The following is it has book categories that display all books that

have been registered by their category and lastly it has about section library where the user may

read the creator of the application, rules and regulations of the program and for better experience

user may saw the search bar where users search the book they are looking exactly or search by

their category if user success the system display the book information including author, category,

date release, and placement of it in book shelf also the book status if its available or not. If user

search unregistered book the program display that is not available or it’s not been listed.

The features of book registered, book update, book delete are only shown to

administrator for securing the true information and safety of the user this program will ask the

user if they are administrator or student only admin is required to log in the email and password

otherwise the student may proceed by choosing student on the selection for ensuring the entering


Purpose and Description

The purpose of this system is to make a new feature and experience to the users. Using

this kind of platform users can reach out what they are looking and searching even without

internet this platform can be used on android mobile application.

To use this kind of platform it can access the book covered by selected libraries of this

application there’s a navigation in each feature that contains different category such as book for

Criminology, Education, Computer Science, History, Psychology, Journalism, and for

Mythology. Each category contains the book that listed on it and the information given to it will

display on main screen. For fast searching there’s a search bar on top side if the user input

succeeds the book will show otherwise it display ‘book is not available or not registered.

This platform on the first approach will ask the user to log in their identity like putting

email and password only admin are required to log in their email other user may proceed by

selecting student in the choices to check if they are student or the administrator the reason for it

is to clarify the system who are going to use because the extra features will give and only admin

are applicable to use it. This feature called book registering, book update and book delete to

maintain the security and information of the system so in that case there are no student or strange

person will give the wrong information and this way the program guaranteed the information and

security is safe and true.

Objective of the Study

The objective of this project is to create a system that will manage the activities in the

library by giving librarians and library users simple access to library usage, as well as by

assisting librarians in keeping track of library data, etc. Additionally, this application will give

librarians storage options and aid in the management of library data.

General objective

Giving an aid that may be possible to help the Tanauan Institute student and the librarian

for searching the book automatically this system will provide an informative way of

searching that focusing on key details such as author and title, and develop the program with

the capacity to save thousands of registered books, optimizing efficiency and usability for the

long term.

Providing a support to a librarian by implementing a book registration section where she

can manually encode book information and ensuring that registered book is searchable and,

she can monitor what books are been in the library.

Specific objectives

These specific objectives focus on creating a program that optimizes book retrieval,

acknowledges and works within limitations, encourages manual registration for enhanced search

capabilities, and ensures long-term usability and efficiency.

 Efficient book retrieval

 Limited information handling

 Manual arrangements support

 Book registration system

 Capacity management

 Limited content information

Scope and limitations


This program will allow librarians to organize books based on the information available

in the platform and will also implement a program that can be used to manually register books by

making them searchable within the platform. The program will focus on implementing an

efficient search and retrieval system, improving the user's ability to locate books quickly and

having limited information such as title, author, and date of release providing user with a

relevant detail about book information.


 This system is under the development and recommendation of platform to perform as a

role model for library application this may have advantage and disadvantage to the user.

 This may need a proper maintenance to use it smoothly.

 Error in the system may still happen if the user experience this it should be reported.

 The system contains limited information about books such as tittle, author, and release


 The program is design to handle thousand of registered books there may be practical

limitations to its capacity, and exceeding these limits could affect performance.

 Only administrator is required to in code the data for true information and safety of the

other student to avoid the misleading information or being used for harassing and

bullying to student.

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