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Task 1

 Read the statements. Then read the advertisements and find which statement corresponds to
which advertisement. Next to each statement write a letter (A-H). Some advertisements
correspond to more than one statement.
 Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

1. Your friend wants to buy a small house where he can spend the weekends. The house should have a good
view of the mountains and it should not take long to drive there. ______

2. Your elder brother is a writer and he often looks for information on the Internet. He wants to buy a flat
which would be on the top floor and have a good Internet connection. ______

3. You love flowers. You would like to have a house or a flat which would have a nice garden with a lot of
rare flowers in it. You prefer a quiet place far from the town centre. ______

4. Your father wants to buy a flat or a house which has a good view of the mountains. Your mother is a good
cook and she insists on having a big kitchen. ______

5. You have decided to buy a house in the mountains and close to Tbilisi, which is heated by means of a big
wood stove. ______

6. You are a cinema lover and never miss a chance to see a new film. Your parents are going to buy a flat
and you are asking them to buy one near the cinema. ______

7. Your cousin has just got married. He is looking for a flat or a house which wouldn’t cost him a lot. He
wants to have just one bedroom and a fireplace in the flat. ______

8. Your neighbours have decided to buy a summer house in a seaside town. The house shouldn’t be big and
it should have a view of the sea. ______

9. Your sister is a historian and works in an open-air museum. She is looking for a flat or a house which
would be close to the museum. ______

10. Your elder brother wants to buy a flat where he and his family could spend their summer holidays. He
prefers a quiet place by the sea. ______

11. Your uncle has four small children and he and his wife both work. They want to buy a house which
would not be in the centre and would have a kindergarten nearby. ______

12. Your relatives would like to buy a two-bedroom flat or house near a nice park where they could go with
their small sons. ______

Special offers

A. E.
We are offering a beautiful one-storey house On offer is a two-room apartment in the centre
on the outskirts of the city, with a view on a with a nice view of the mountains and the
park with entertainment facilities for children. river. Ideal for a newly-married couple. Not
The house has two bedrooms, a living room fully furnished. One bedroom with a small
and a small study. A beautiful small garden closet, living room with a fireplace. No
with exotic evergreen trees and flowers. separate dining room. Good Internet
Want to buy a house in the mountains? Our F.
agency The Winter Line is here to help you. Looking for a house near the sea? Our agency
We are offering a small house just one hour’s The Sunshine is here to help you. We are
drive from Tbilisi. Good view of snowy peaks offering a small single-storey house in the
and large wood stove available. Newly- lively centre of Batumi. A small yard in the
married couples might be interested. Contact front with exotic subtropical flowers and
us at: evergreen plants. Good view of the sea.

C. G.
We offer a four-room apartment in a newly We offer a four-room flat in the lively centre
built house in the centre. 120 sq. m. living of a seaside town, next to a newly opened
space. Top floor with a good view of newly movie-theatre. Top floor with a good view of a
opened swimming pool and lots of cafes and newly established open-air museum with lots
small shops for adults as well as for children. of entertainment facilities for grown-ups and
Internet connection available. children. No Internet connection available.

D. H.
Want to buy a flat? Our agency The Sun Lane We are offering a three-storey house just out
is here to help you. We have on offer a three- of town with a view of the mountains in the
room flat in a block by the sea. Third floor. distance. The house has three bedrooms, a
Quiet neighbourhood and a big park nearby. living room, and a spacious kitchen.
Good for sea-lovers and holiday makers. Surrounded by a small garden though with no
Kindergarten only fifteen minutes’ drive flowers so far. Good for family with children.
away. Five minutes’ walk to the nearest kindergarten.

Task 2

 Read the text. Then read the statements below and decide whether they are True (T) or
False (F). Circle the right answer.
 Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

Everest - where the earth meets the sky

Mount Everest, the highest peak in the Himalayas and the highest point on Earth, has many names.
Tibetans call it Chomolungma, meaning ‘Mother Goddess of the World’ and the Nepalese call it
Sagarmatha, meaning ‘Goddess of the Sky’. Others call it the ‘Roof of the World’. In English the
mountain is named after a Welsh geographer Sir George Everest, who lived between 1790-1866. George
Everest was a scientist and a researcher, who for many years and despite numerous hardships, carried out
geographical research about India and Nepal and drew maps of these territories.

The great Himalayas, the highest mountain range in the world, extend 2,400 kilometres along four
countries of Asia: China, India, Nepal and Pakistan. Mount Everest, which is on the border of Tibet and
Nepal, is 8,848 metres high, almost twice as high as Mount Elbrus which, at 5,642 metres, is the highest
point in the Caucasus Mountains and in Europe.

Everest, with its inspiring power and beauty, has always attracted courageous adventurers and climbers.
George Mallory, a British climber, was the first to explore a practical route up the mountain in 1921.
Later, in 1924, Mallory and his climbing partner Andrew Irvine disappeared during their attempt to make
the first climb up Everest. It was only after 75 years, in 1999, that Mallory’s body was finally discovered
by an expedition that had set out to search for the climbers’ bodies. Whether or not Mallory and Irvine
reached the summit of Everest before they died is still unknown and this is a subject of debate and
continuing research.

Such unlucky histories never frightened brave climbers, among whom Sir Edmund Hillary, a New
Zealander, and Tenzing Norgay from Nepal, were the luckiest. We say the luckiest, because they were the
first to reach the summit of Everest in 1953. Since then more than two thousand and five hundred men and
women have stood there. More than two hundred have died in attempts to make it to the top. They were all
brave people who were not afraid of cold, hunger and death. In 1980 a famous climber Rein Hold Mesner
reached the summit alone without oxygen. Before that, in 1963, Barry Bishop, from National Geographic,
climbed Everest as a member of the First American Expedition. Each of these expeditions established new
routes and produced better maps, thus making things easier for the next generations.

Nepal is both lucky and unlucky to have Everest on its territory. Lucky, because they have the ‘Roof
of the World’ and unlucky because this ‘Roof of the World’ attracts too many tourists. The Nepalese
people joke: ‘We have three religions - Hinduism, Buddhism and Tourism. Tourism lays golden eggs but
it spoils the nest’. The Nepalese realize that the Himalaya is much, much more than the highest point. It is
true dazzling beauty and people have to take care of it.

1. Mount Everest has more than one name. …………………………………………….. T F

2. The Nepalese and Tibetan names of Everest mean the same. …………………….….. T F

3. George Everest climbed the mountain which was later named after him…………..… T F

4. The Himalayas stretch through several Asian countries. ………………………….…. T F

5. Mount Elbrus is only slightly lower than Mount Everest.……………………….….… T F

6. Mallory and Irvine didn’t return home from their expedition to Mount Everest. ….… T F

7. There is no doubt that Mallory and Irvine got to the top of Everest. ………………… T F

8. Hillary and Norgay were fortunate enough to climb the highest point on Earth….….. T F

9. More than 200 people have lost their lives while trying to reach the top of Everest. ... T F

10. An American climber, Barry Bishop, followed the route taken by Mesner. ……….. T F

11. Nepalese people think that tourism does some harm to their country. …………….. T F

12. The text is about different routes to climb Mount Everest. ……………………….… T F

Task 3

 Read the text. Then match the headings (A-H) with the paragraphs (1-6). There are two
extra headings, which you do not need to use.
 Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

A. Tourism brings income E. Travelling for hunting purposes

B. Why have some animals disappeared? F. What puts animals in danger?
C. More people, more pollution G. New home can be good
D. Changing homes may cause problems H. Expensive items

Why are animals in danger?

A million years ago there were a lot more different kinds of animals than there are now. Since then, some
animal species have disappeared because of natural accidents or climate change. But in the modern world
animals are disappearing because of various human activities and their behaviour which has a harmful
effect on animals. We cannot protect animals from environmental problems or changing weather, but we
can think about our behaviour and change it when it does harm to animals.

People do many things that are bad for animals. We put new buildings in parks or on riversides. We make
new roads through forests. We divert rivers, so that they become dry, or make them flow in other
directions. We cut down trees and take them away. And we do all these things without thinking about the
animals that might live there. In fact, all these activities put them in danger as they might be killed or
harmed by what we have done.

Sometimes we take animals from their natural home to another part of the country, the continent or even
the world. In this new home, the animals that already live there do not know the new-comer and are not
afraid of it. For this reason, when black rats were transported from Asia to the Galapagos Islands in the
Pacific Ocean, they killed many different species of bird. This happened because the birds couldn’t
recognize rats as their enemies and didn’t fly away. Those birds had always lived on the Galapagos
Islands and they didn’t exist anywhere else. But after the rats came they disappeared for ever.

Tourism can also be harmful to animals. Some visitors to new places like to take pictures of animals, but
there are others who hunt and kill them. And they do not kill animals for food, but just because they like
hunting. Tourists like to travel to exotic countries to see animals in their natural environment, but there are
also people who visit these countries just to hunt and kill animals.

In many countries people can also make a lot of money from animals. Elephants are killed because people
want their ivory to make beautiful objects, such as ornamental figures and women’s bracelets, that can be
sold at a high price. Rhinoceroses die because their horns are very valuable. Many animals, like leopards
for instance, are in danger simply because their coats are beautiful and some people would like to have
them on the walls and the floors of their houses or even have bags and wear shoes made from their skin.

6. ______
The world’s population is growing and the number of cities is growing too. Bigger populations and bigger
cities produce more pollution. Pollution of the land, the water and the air is getting worse and worse. Our
world is becoming a dirtier place every day and we are making it harder and harder for animals, and
ourselves, to live in. And we are taking animals’ homes away from them. When they have lost their
homes, where can they go? Often the answer is ‘nowhere’. And so animals die.

Task 4

 Read the text and the questions below. For each question, mark the letter next to the correct
answer A, B, C or D.
 Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

I’ll never forget the day when my three school friends and I, all students of the Carl Hayden High
School, beat some of the best schools in the country, including MIT - Massachusetts Institute of
Technology - to win the national underwater robot championship. Looking back, I think it was the
happiest day of my life! What makes this competition so unique for us is who we were competing
with, what we were competing for and who won.
Our school had been invited to the University of Santa Barbara in California, to take part in the
competition together with some of the top colleges and universities of the USA and Canada. The
school that could build the best machine would be the winner. Many students came from schools
which were able to give them lots of money and support for this particular competition. Our small
team of four, however, had hardly any support and very little money which we had collected from
people in our home town of Phoenix, Arizona. Our total budget ended up being just 800 USD,
compared to 11,000 USD for the MIT team.
So we had to build our robot in a cheap way and in just three days. We used pipes, cameras, computer
parts, off-the-shelf electronics and whatever we could find. We worked together day and night on the
strange electric machine, strongly encouraged by our teacher Allan Cameron. In the end our machine
looked like a very small submarine which was remotely operated from outside the swimming pool and
which could move around a swimming pool and find objects 15 metres under the water and bring them
to the surface.
The competition was held on a hot summer day in June, 2010. It was really a big day for all of us, four
poor Mexican boys from Carl Hayden High School. The big moment finally arrived and we started our
machine. When the students saw it some of them laughed. We had called our machine ‘Stinky’
because it had a very strong smell. But, when the competition started, they saw that Stinky was no
joke. It did better than all the other machines, including MIT’s, and it took first place in the
competition. In addition to the top prize, we ended up with the awards for the best design and the best
technical writing.
We were absolutely delighted. It was hard to believe we could do it, we could beat such a strong team
as MIT traditionally has! We immediately became very popular all over the USA. People even offered
us money for college, and a movie producer asked us if it was OK to make a movie to tell our story.

1. The article is about a great

A. adventure.
B. failure.
C. achievement.
D. experiment.

2. Carl Hayden boys won
A. even though the other teams were better.
B. despite little support and a limited budget.
C. despite being the youngest participants.
D. even though they were not very motivated.

3. How long did it take the boys to build the machine?

A. Half a year.
B. Just a few weeks.
C. Several months
D. Just a few days.

4. The boys couldn’t have achieved this without the special encouragement from
A. their parents.
B. their teacher.
C. their friends.
D. their fans.

5. The boys’ underwater machine was

A. controlled from outside the pool.
B. controlled from the surface of the pool.
C. built to move on the bottom of the sea.
D. like an enormous submarine.

6. When the students saw the machine some of them

A. were interested.
B. were jealous.
C. made fun of it.
D. built the same one.

7. According to the author it was

A. not a fair competition.
B. easy to beat MIT.
C. impossible to compete with MIT.
D. very difficult to beat MIT.

8. Which of the following would be the best title for the article?
A. Four unlucky Mexican boys
B. Stinky: the underwater robot
C. Carl Hayden boys beat MIT
D. Carl Hayden School loses a competition

Task 5

 Read the text and fill the gaps with the words given below. Use each word only once. Two
words are extra.
 Mark the corresponding letter (A-N) on the answer sheet. Do not copy the words from the
text on the answer sheet.

allowed (A) half (F) required (K)

content (B) hurt (G) show (L)
discussed (C) messages (H) search (M)
either (D) officials (I) truthful (N)
freedom (E) religions (J)

American teenagers and freedom

American teenagers’ lives always appear to be so much fun in the movies. The USA is proud of its
citizens' .…….. (1). But just how 'free' are American teenagers? Personal freedom is a subject that is much
.……... (2) in American schools as it affects their daily lives. Almost ……… (3) of all high schools have
‘students’ codes of conduct', which say that students cannot wear particular colours or particular kinds of
clothes. For example, girls cannot wear short skirts and T-shirts which …....... (4) their stomachs.
Teenagers don’t feel free at schools ……… (5). School officials can ..….… (6) students lockers - small
private wardrobes - and see whether they keep guns and drugs in them. Many sportsmen are ….…… (7)
to have drug tests in order to prove they don’t use drugs. Many books are not allowed to be taken from
school libraries because of their .….… (8). School newspapers are also examined but this is usually to
make sure they are not spreading .….… (9) of racism or hatred and to be certain that nobody is ….…...
(10) by a newspaper article. In American schools public prayer is not allowed as there are many students
with different ….…... (11). So American movies are not always …….. (12) enough.

Task 6

 Read the text and fill the gaps with one of the following: an article, a preposition, a
conjunction or a relative pronoun. Note that in each space you should insert only ONE
 Write the answers on the answer sheet. Do not copy the words from the text on the answer

School dinners in Britain

Everyone likes fresh meat and fruit sometimes, but …….. (1) British schools, kids eat junk food every
day. This means big health problems ….…. (2) the future. It’s Monday lunch time in a school canteen.
Kids are waiting for sausages, burgers ….…... (3) chicken sandwiches. They walk past the salad, ….…....
(4) they don’t usually eat, and take chips. Other kids buy chocolate and coca-cola from a special machine.
This is how school dinners are in Britain. Today’s school dinners are high in fat …...…. (5) low in
vitamins. The result is ………. (6) the British kids are too fat and therefore often have health problems.
Thirty-seven percent ……….. (7) 15-year-old kids are too heavy. They risk having health problems in the
future. Jamie Oliver, a famous British chef, knows everything ………. (8) the problems related to eating
unhealthy food. He has his TV programme called ‘Jamie’s School Dinners’. He goes ..….… (9) schools
and shows his programme to students. He often makes healthy food with the school cooks. British schools
spend very little money ……….. (10) school meals and Jamie Oliver has asked …....... (11) Prime
Minister to give him some money to provide schools with healthy meals. Now the British government has
a 280 million pound budget ….…... (12) healthy meals at schools.

Task 7

 Read the texts and put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
 Write your answers on the answer sheet. Do not copy words from the text on the answer

Kate is my best friend and she (1) ……………………. (live) in New York. Last Sunday she decided to
have a party. She (2) ……………………. (just/finish) school and wanted to celebrate the occasion with a
big party. She invited all her friends and (3) ………………….. (buy) lots of food and drink. When the
first guest rang the bell, Kate (4) …………………… (prepare) a pizza in the kitchen. She ran to open the
door and suddenly (5) ……………………. (fall) over the bag of fruit, which she (6) ……………………
(leave) in the hall, and (7) …..…….……….. (hurt) her leg badly. When at last Kate managed to open the
door, she saw that her friend Donald (8) …………………… (stand) there. Kate and Donald (9)
………………….. (be) friends since they were ten years old. Donald looked at Kate’s leg and face and
said: ‘You look terrible. I think you (10) ……………..……. (break) your leg. I would call the emergency
service if I (11) .………………….... (be) you.’ Kate didn’t want to call the emergency service but Donald
(12)…..………….. (insist) and soon Kate (13) ………………...…. (take) to the nearest hospital. Three
hours later, when Kate left the hospital, she was walking on one leg as the other one (14) …..…………..
(bandage). All the friends she had invited to her house (15) ………………….. (wait) for her outside the
hospital. When Kate remembers all this, she (16)….……………. (wish) she didn’t have this terrible

Task 8

 Read the essay task and write between 120 - 150 words.

Some people think that teaching is the best profession ever. Do you agree or disagree with this
opinion? State your opinion and support it with reasons and examples.

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I Variant Answer Key

Task 1
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. H
5. B
6. G
7. E
8. F
9. G
10. D
11. H
12. A

Task 2
1. T
2. F
3. F
4. T
5. F
6. T
7. F
8. T
9. T
10. F
11. T
12. F

Task 3
1. B
2. F
3. D
4. E
5. H
6. C
Task 4
1. C
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. D
8. C

Task 5
1. Freedom (E)
2. Discussed (C)
3. Half (F)
4. Show (L)
5. Either (D)
6. Search (M)
7. Required (K)
8. Content (B)
9. Messages (H)
10. Hurt (G)
11. Religion (J)
12. Truthful (N)

Task 6
1. In/ at
2. In
3. and/or
4. which/that
5. and/ or/but
6. that
7. of
8. about
9. to
10. on
11. the
12. for
Task 7
1. lives/is living
2. has just finished/ just finished/ finished
3. bought
4. was preparing
5. fell
6. had left
7. hurt
8. was standing
9. have been
10. have broken/ broke
11. were/ was
12. insisted
13. was taken
14. had been bandaged/ was bandaged
15. were waiting
16. wishes
Task 1

 Read the statements. Then read the advertisements and find which statement corresponds to
which advertisement. Next to each statement write a letter (A-H). Some advertisements
correspond to more than one statement.
 Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

1. You want to get away from the noise of the city traffic. You would also like your children to grow up in
a good neighbourhood with a park, shops and cafés._____

2. Your younger brother is an online newspaper reporter and he is planning to move into a smaller flat in the
city centre. He often works from home and sends his articles via the Internet.______

3. You love flowers. You would like to buy a house or a flat which has a beautiful garden with a lot of exotic
plants in it. You prefer a quiet and peaceful place. ______

4. You have been offered a new temporary job in a seaside town and you want to rent a flat in a nice part of
the town. You’d also like to have access to good sports facilities.______

5. You are a young artist. You take a special interest in different types of flowers and plants which you like
to paint. You want to buy a small flat in a block not far from the city centre. _____

6. You are thinking of buying a house in the countryside because you love peace. Your favourite pastimes
are fishing and hiking. ______

7. Your cousin has just got married. He wants to find a quiet place by the seaside to enjoy being alone with
his newly married wife. ______

8. Your father wants to buy a country house. Your mother has always been a keen gardener so she insists on
having a big garden.______

9. Your relatives want to buy a house in the suburbs and they think that living near a local school would be
very convenient for their two small daughters. ______

10. You want to rent a flat near the sea and within a short walking distance from the beach. You would like
to keep in touch with your family and friends via the Internet.______

11. You have just got married. You would like to rent a comfortable apartment in the central part of the city.
An Internet connection would be an advantage.______

12. Your grandparents want to rent a house at the seaside. They would like to go swimming and enjoy long
walks along the beach.______

Special offers

A. E.
We are pleased to offer a charming little house We offer a modern apartment in the city centre
in the suburbs of the city. The house has three next to a fitness club. Top floor with a
bedrooms, a dining room and a big kitchen. beautiful view. Good for a young person or a
The house has also got a lovely back yard with couple. Fully furnished. One bedroom with a
a small fountain. Just right for a family with small built-in wardrobe, a spacious living room
children. A primary school within five with a fireplace. Internet connection available.
minutes’ walk.
B. Want to buy a summer house in the mountains?
Want to rent a house by the seaside? We are Here is a two-storey red-brick house with a big
here to help you. We are offering a single- front garden. The house is located in an
storey house in a quiet coastal village very attractive village with a great view of green
close to a beautiful sandy beach. 20 minutes’ fields and mountains and with a lake nearby.
drive from Batumi. Ideal for a peaceful holiday Ideal for people who enjoy a peaceful
or a romantic honeymoon. atmosphere.

C. G.
A four-room flat on offer in a newly built We are pleased to offer a two-bedroom flat on
house in a quiet suburb of the city. 130 sq. m. the top floor of a modern residence located on
total living space. Top floor with a wonderful the outskirts of a coastal town. Overlooking the
view of a local park. Within walking distance sea and a golden beach. Access to a fully-
from local cafés, small shops and other equipped gym, an indoor swimming pool and
facilities. Good Internet connection. other sports facilities. Internet connection
Looking to buy an apartment? Our agency H.
Dream Property is here to help you. We have We are offering a comfortable two-storey
on offer a small apartment on the seventh floor house, with a superb view of the mountains
of a modern high-rise building. Nice balcony and the river. The house has three bedrooms
overlooking the botanical gardens. Five and a small kitchen. Lovely small garden with
minutes’ drive from the city centre. Ideal for a rare plants and flowers. Beautiful and peaceful
single person. surroundings.

Task 2

 Read the text. Then read the statements below and decide whether they are True (T) or
False (F). Circle the right answer.
 Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

Robbery of the century

Precious stones are found in different parts of the world. Burma, a country located in south-east Asia, has
been one of the most important precious stone producing countries for many centuries. Burmese rubies* in
particular have often surprised the experts with their clarity and size. Some of them were so amazing that
they were given special names. For example, a 100-carat ruby discovered at the beginning of the twentieth
century was named the De Long Star Ruby after one of its owners. In terms of size, the De Long Star
Ruby is the second largest star ruby in the world after the Rosser Reeves Star Ruby. Star rubies reflect a
six point star on the surface. The star effect is best seen in the sunlight or when the stone is examined
under an artificial source of light.

The De Long Ruby has an interesting history. In the 1930s, a businessman called Martin Leo Ehrmann
bought this unusual ruby and in 1937 he sold it to Mrs. Edith De Long for 21,400 dollars. Mrs. De Long
then gifted it to the American Museum of Natural History in the same year. The museum exhibited the
extraordinary ruby together with another famous precious stone, the Star of India, which is a light blue
sapphire. The two stones were displayed in the Morgan Hall of Precious Stones and became two of the
most popular exhibits in the collection.

In 1964, several valuable stones, including the De Long Star Ruby, were stolen by a famous surfer Jack
Murphy and two of his companions. The robbers stole precious stones and left the museum without being
noticed, which was possible because one of the windows on the second floor was regularly left open.
Murphy and his partners climbed in through that open window. It was amazing that no one had tried to
burgle the museum before.

The value of the stolen stones was more than four hundred thousand dollars, making this the largest
robbery ever at the time. The news media called it the Robbery of the Century. Three of the stones were
so famous that they would be impossible to sell, so the museum authorities managed to pay money to the
burglars and got the precious stones back. Some sources say that the robbers left the stones in a phone
booth in Florida, others claim that they were left in a storeroom at a bus station in Miami. Jack Murphy
and both of his partners, Alan Kuhn and Roger Clark, were arrested two days after the stones were found
and they were sentenced to three years in prison. The robbery later became the subject of a popular
Hollywood movie shot in 1975 and named ‘Murph the Surf’. The movie was directed by Marvin
Chomsky and it starred Don Stroud as Murphy.

*ruby: lalis qva

1. The De Long Star Ruby was discovered in Burma. ..…………………….……….….. T F

2. All the rubies found in Burma are given special names. .………………………….…. T F

3. The De Long Star Ruby is the largest ruby in the world. ……………….…..………… T F

4. This unusual ruby had more than one owner……………………….……………..…… T F

5. The American Museum of Natural History received the Star Ruby as a present……… T F

6. The Star of India and the De Long Star are the same kind of stones…..……..……… T F

7. Murphy, a burglar, stole the Star Ruby from the museum without anyone’s help……. T F

8. It was the first time that the museum had been robbed………………….……………. T F

9. The museum paid money to get the ruby and other stones back. …………………….. T F

10. Everyone thought that the robbers left the stones in a phone booth. ….…………….. T F

11. The robbers were arrested soon after the stones were found. .……………………… T F

12. Murphy himself played in the movie that was shot based on this robbery. ………… T F

Task 3

 Read the text. Then match the headings (A-H) with the paragraphs (1-6). There are two
extra headings, which you do not need to use.
 Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

A. Material for weaving E. Tribal women’s main activity

B. One variety of carpet F. Ancient types of carpets
C. Commercial goals G. Kilim traders
D. Carpets in museums H. Reasons for kilim weaving

Handmade carpets

World culture knows a great variety of carpets and rugs. The technique as well as patterns of carpets are
diverse. One type of carpet that has been popular for centuries is kilim - a thin handmade carpet. It has
different names in different languages: in Ukraine it is called Palas, in Syria and Lebanon it is called
Chilim and in Iran - Gelim. We find descriptions of carpet weaving or carpet making in such historical
sources as Homer’s Iliad and the Bible.

When people of Africa and Central Asia migrated from one part to another, they needed dry tents and
warm beds to sleep. And handmade thin carpets were ideal for their way of life. It should be noted,
though, that the hardships of desert life have had no effect on these beautiful pieces of art. When we look
at Scandinavian, Polish-Romanian and Hungarian kilims, it is hard to believe that this tradition of making
handmade carpets started in the deserts of Africa and Central Asia.

Sheep, goats, horses and camels provided the materials for carpet weaving. The thread became more and
more colourful as the people discovered new plants to be used for colouring. The woolen thread used in
kilim weaving made it more flexible and specially fine and smooth. Weavers or carpet makers used
different wooden tools to make carpets. If archaeologists found such tools, they could easily estimate the
real age of the carpets. Unfortunately, this is impossible because the wooden tools have been destroyed by

During excavations on the territory of the ancient civilization of Anatolia, which existed in the 6th century
BC, archaeologists discovered exceptional examples of the ancient craft. The discoveries tell us that
Anatolian population not only made carpets but they also developed new styles of weaving them. Efforts
are still being made to find out how they processed thread or what colourings they used because these
examples of the oldest craft continue to impress us with their beauty.

Seljuks, Ottomans, Mongols, Mamluks, and Barbarians from North Africa were supporters of this art. In
those centuries, carpet weaving played an important role in women’s life. After getting married, women
brought carpets to their husbands’ families in addition to other goods given to them by their parents. So
brides had to learn this craft. Weaving was not practised only by women, but it was definitely one of their
major activities in those countries.

Kilims have greatly changed over the centuries. As marriages among different tribes gradually became
common, different styles and patterns of carpet weaving tended to be mixed together. It is obvious that the
purpose of carpet weaving and its styles have greatly changed in recent years. If before the focus was on
cultural motives and traditional patterns of weaving, today more emphasis is put on their commercial
value. But a glance at various carpets from different regions, either old or new, shows that the original
kilims have their own special place, as before.

Task 4

 Read the text and the questions below. For each question, mark the letter next to the correct
answer: A, B, C or D.
 Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

Dear Manager,

I started to work for your company as a guide about six months ago. I know that it’s my job to make
sure that everything goes well for the tourists and I do what I can to make them feel safe and
comfortable. But something quite unpleasant happened to me last weekend, though I don’t think I must
be blamed for this.
Last Saturday I met a group of Spanish tourists at the airport and took them to the bus. The bus driver
has been working for our company for about ten years. He is quite an experienced and patient person
but this time he was a bit annoyed. The reason was that the flight was two hours late and the driver had
to wait longer than usual. But it wasn’t far to the hotel and the tourists were looking forward to their
dinner as they were very tired and hungry. We normally take our tourists to The Sunshine hotel, but
this time it was hosting an international conference and was fully booked. So I took the group to
another hotel called The Edelweiss which I had booked two days before and was sure my tourists
would get rooms there as well as late dinner.

I hadn’t used The Edelweiss hotel before and didn’t quite know what kind of service they had. When I
announced our arrival at the reception desk, they said the hotel was full and didn’t have a single place
for our group. Although I had booked rooms for the group beforehand, the manager said that somebody
phoned a day before and said that we didn’t need the rooms any more. The manager insisted that he
recognized my voice and that it was I who made the phone call and cancelled the order. We had a bit of
an argument but obviously the real reason was that the hotel was full and couldn’t have more guests. In
the end the manager phoned other hotels in the town and found rooms for my tourists, but in four
different hotels. By this time the bus driver had gone so we had to get taxis and some of the tourists
started to get very angry with me. I still don’t know who made that phone call but it definitely wasn’t
me. I hope you will understand the situation and won’t blame me for what happened that day. I’ve
learnt a lot while working at your company and would like to continue doing the job.


Sophia Blake

1. Sophia is writing to the manager because she wants to

A. speak about her work experience.
B. tell the manager how she is enjoying the job.
C. say that The Edelweiss hotel had a bad service.
D. say that what had happened was not her fault.

2. The bus driver was not happy because
A. the hotel was a long way to drive.
B. the flight was late.
C. the tourists were tired and hungry.
D. the guide treated him badly.

3. The Edelweiss hotel couldn’t receive the guests because

A. it didn’t have any free rooms.
B. they had a conference.
C. they didn’t like the guide.
D. it was too late.

4. Some of the tourists were angry because

A. the hotel was so far away.
B. the guide had left them.
C. the driver was not attentive.
D. they had to take taxis.

5. In the end who found the rooms for the tourists?

A. The guide herself
B. The manager of The Edelweiss hotel
C. The manager of The Sunshine hotel
D. The driver

6. What is the writer trying to do?

A. argue
B. apologize
C. explain
D. complain

7. The writer probably feels

A. worried.
B. happy.
C. tired.
D. busy.

8. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A. Sophia’s worst day
B. Sophia’s mistake
C. Not Sophia’s fault
D. The best job for Sophia

Task 5

 Read the text and fill the gaps with the words given below. Use each word only once. Two
words are extra.
 Mark the corresponding letter (A-N) on the answer sheet. Do not copy the words from the
text on the answer sheet.

actress (A) early (F) money (K)

conquered (B) famous (G) popularity (L)
cares (C) gave (H) poster (M)
crazy (D) getting (I) wanted (N)
earns (E) holidays (J)

Keira Knightley - a young actress

Keira Knightley, the teenage star of the films Star Wars and Pirates of the Caribbean, was only
eighteen when she ..….… (1) Hollywood. Then she appeared on our screens again in Love Actually.
Despite her ……… (2) Keira Knightley is a modest girl. Fame at such an ……… (3) age can make
people snobbish but not Keira. She ……… (4) about what people think about her. She admits she is
still amazed when she meets ……… (5) actors. But Keira does love being famous. She even stood
next to the ……… (6) for Love Actually so that people would recognize her.
To become a full-time ……… (7), Keira had to give up studying at school. She has ……… (8) to be
a famous actor since she was three years old. Her parents, who are both actors, agreed to help her find
acting jobs, but only if she worked hard at school. Her parents were amazed when she started
……..… (9) roles. When Keira first went to Hollywood, she found it both scary and exciting. She
was worried that the glamorous lifestyle of Hollywood would make her overtired and ………… (10).
But it’s to her credit that a lot of money and fame didn’t change her much and though she ………..
(11) more money than she could ever spend, Keira is quite stingy. She says that she needs to be
careful with ……… (12) in case the acting jobs stop coming up. Thankfully, there doesn’t seem
much danger of that happening.

Task 6

 Read the text and fill the gaps with one of the following: an article, a preposition, a
conjunction or a relative pronoun. Note that in each space you should insert only ONE
 Write the answers on the answer sheet. Do not copy any words from the text on the
answer sheet.

Maria in Britain

I received another letter from my daughter, Maria, today …….… (1) which she tells me all about her first
impressions of living and studying ……… (2) Britain. The first thing she says in ……….. (3) letter is that
she is settling down quite nicely. After her first week, she was complaining ……… (4) the weather was
cold and the people were unfriendly. Indeed, she wondered why it always seemed to be dark ………. (5)
whether the British people ever saw the sun. Now in her letter she says that she has got used to the
‘British’ weather. She also says that, although she is enjoying doing drama ……….. (6) the university, she
still finds the social life ……… (7) bit boring. I warned her before she left not to expect life in Britain to
be ……… (8) exciting as it is here. I explained that most pubs …...… (9) cafes close at eleven and people
go home. Maria told me in her first letter, ……… (10) I received a week ago, that she had made friends
with someone ……… (11) Spain, who had also come to Britain to study. We were pleased to hear this. In
fact I had advised her to make as many friends as she could because I believe this is ……… (12) best way
to avoid feeling lonely and to overcome culture shock.

Task 7

 Read the texts and put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
 Write your answers on the answer sheet. Do not copy words from the text on the answer

When my friend Sandro was five years old, he and his family had one of the most strange New Year
Days I (1) ………………………. (ever/hear) about. On 31st December my friend and his parents (2)
………………………. (decide) to buy a New Year tree. It was late already but still the market was full
of people. Sandro and his father were trying to get a big New Year tree, while his mother and grandmother
(3) ………………………. (lay) the table at home. His father was very enthusiastic about buying a tree
and (4) ………………………. (run) from one shop to another to choose the best one. He was so excited
that he completely (5) ……………………. (forget) about his little son and after having bought a New
Year tree, he drove home alone. When Sandro’s father got home, he realized that he (6) ………………….
(lose) his son. That night all the family (7) ………………………. (look) for my friend in the market and
nearby places. Eventually, my poor friend (8) ………………………. (find) in one of the Police Stations
so luckily the story had a happy end.

In my childhood, parents used to spend more time with their children. Today everyone in the family (9)
…………..…… (be) busy. Most of the time children are left to themselves. As a result they spend a lot of
time in front of the TV or a computer. I think it is their parents’ fault. If parents regularly told stories to
their children, they (10) ………………….. (spend) more time reading books than playing on computers.
I (11) ………………….. (be) fond of reading since my early childhood. This comes from my granny who
(12) ………………….. (be) a great book-lover and a marvelous story-teller. When I was small I (13)
……………..…….. (look) forward to bedtime because I knew my granny (14) ……………………..
(read) another unforgettable fairy tale to me. Now I am a young mother and I want my children to love
books. I (15) ……………..….. (read) to my children as many stories as possible as they are growing up.
After they (16) ……….....……... (get) into the habit of listening to stories, they will love reading more.

Task 8

 Read the essay task and write between 120 - 150 words.

Some people think that every person who finishes school should get university education. Do you
agree or disagree with this opinion? State your opinion and support it with reasons and examples.

saboloo varianti gadaitaneT pasuxebis furcelze.

II Variant Answer Key

Task 1
1. C
2. E
3. H
4. G
5. D
6. F
7. B
8. F
9. A
10. G
11. E
12. B

Task 2
1. T
2. F
3. F
4. T
5. T
6. F
7. F
8. T
9. T
10. F
11. T
12. F

Task 3
1. B
2. H
3. A
4. F
5. E
6. C
Task 4
1. D
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. C

Task 5
1. conquered (B)
2. popularity (L)
3. early (F)
4. cares (C)
5. famous (G)
6. poster (M)
7. actress (A)
8. wanted (N)
9. getting (I)
10. crazy (D)
11. earns (E)
12. money (K)

Task 6
1. in
2. in
3. the/ her/this
4. that
5. and/ or
6. at/ in
7. a
8. as/so
9. and
10. that/ which
11. from
12. the
Task 7
1. have (ever) heard
2. decided
3. were laying
4. was running/ ran
5. forgot
6. had lost
7. was looking/were looking
8. was found/had been found
9. is
10. would spend
11. have been
12. was/is
13. was looking/ looked
14. would read/ was going to read
15. am reading/ read
16. get/ have got
Task 1

 Read the statements. Then read the advertisements and find which statement corresponds to
which advertisement. Next to each statement write a letter (A-H). Some advertisements
correspond to more than one statement.
 Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

1. You have got a new job in a seaside town. You have to move there, but hot weather may be a problem in
summer. You are looking for a flat which can offer maximum comfort._____

2. You are a young architect. You are looking for a flat which you could renovate and change to match your
artistic taste. A good view would be an advantage. ______

3. You are very worried by the rising crime rate in your city. You are looking for a secure house or flat
where you would feel safe. _____

4. You want to buy a house or a flat near the sea. Your favourite pastimes are sailing and fishing. You are
also thinking of taking up yachting. ______

5. Your grandparents are going to retire soon and are looking for a comfortable house to move to. They
would like to have a big nice garden to keep themselves busy. _____

6. You do exercises every day to keep fit. You want to buy a small house in the quiet suburbs not too far
from a park to enjoy your early morning run. _____

7. You live in a small flat in an inconvenient area. You are thinking of moving into a bigger and more
comfortable flat. But you would rather furnish the flat yourself._____

8. Your cousin is a single mother of two. She wants to move to a flat in a quiet neighbourhood away from
the busy city centre. She likes to take long walks in green parks and gardens._____

9. Your elder sister wants to buy a house. She loves cooking and gardening. Her number one priority is a
big kitchen full of modern electrical appliances and a small garden. _____

10. Your Italian friend wants to visit your town in winter. He has asked you to help him find a flat. He does
not mind the cost but he wants the flat to be comfortable and warm. _____

11. Your aunt is looking for a flat in peaceful surroundings. She would like to be able to take her little son
and her dog for long walks out of town far from traffic and pollution. _____

12. You like nightlife and entertainment. You feel bored living in the suburbs. You want to rent a flat or a
house in the heart of the city closer to the entertainment places. _____

Special offers

A. E.
We are pleased to offer this one-bedroom This modern, furnished, 2-bedroom house
terraced house with a large beautiful sunny located on the outskirts of the city with a view
garden with lots of flowers and exotic plants. of a park would suit a young person, or a small
Ideally located within walking distance from family. Close to very good sports facilities for
transport and shops. Newly decorated and those who enjoy sport. No smokers or pets
refurbished to a high standard. allowed by contract.

B. F.
We offer a spacious apartment just opposite We are offering a charming one-storey house
a beautiful park. The apartment needs a new, with two bedrooms, a spacious and well-
more modern design. Those who are interested equipped kitchen, a nice bathroom and a
in redesigning the apartment according to their small, nice garden. Very close to shops, banks
personal taste please call 004 002 537 or email and central supermarket. A car parking space
us at available.

C. G.
An attractive two-bedroom fully furnished We offer a comfortable flat with full gas
apartment offering stunning views of the sea. central heating to keep you warm in the cold
Within walking distance from a popular yacht winter months. Unfurnished so you can put in
club. With brand new bathroom. Air- your own furniture as you want. Situated in a
conditioned to keep the apartment cool during fashionable and expensive area with lots of
very hot summer days. clubs and cafes around.

D. H.
We are pleased to offer a light, spacious We are looking for a small family to take up
apartment in a private building with a security residence in this quiet pollution-free
alarm system and cameras to help prevent neighbourhood surrounded by the rich
crime. Close to shops, night clubs, bars, greenery of grass and trees. This newly
theatres and discos. 5-minute walk to the renovated flat has a nice small kitchen and
dynamic and lively city centre. two bedrooms, including one for kids.

Task 2

 Read the text. Then read the statements below and decide whether they are True (T) or
False (F). Circle the right answer.
 Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

Where’s that music coming from?

What is your favourite type of music? Do you know anything about its history? Over the years, as people
have moved or travelled, they have taken with them the music of their cultures – Celtic folk from Ireland
and the U.K., flamenco from Spain, or bhangra from India. As a result, a lot of present day popular music
has originated from the traditional songs and rhythms heard in various countries around the world. For
decades, musicians have adapted traditional musical styles to make them more appealing to ordinary
people. Bob Marley made reggae, previously unique to Jamaica, popular around the world in the 1970s
and 1980s, with hits like ‘No Woman, No Cry’. Now, this rhythm can still be heard on beaches across the

Bhangra, a traditional music originally played to celebrate harvests or weddings in Indian villages, was
brought to the U.K. by Indian immigrants. It became popular in the 1980s as the Indian immigrant
population grew. This lively, energetic, drum-based beat has been mixed with other musical genres such
as jazz and rock. Bhangra influence can now be heard on dance floors in the cities like London and
Singapore, where a high percentage of the population comes from Indian immigrant families.

In the U.S., Rock and Roll has its roots in African-American culture and in traditional musical styles such
as Rhythm and Blues. By the mid-50s many white musicians, such as Elvis Presley, were singing and
playing music that was previously performed only by black artists. Many DJs in the U.S. also began
playing this ‘new’ music, now called Rock and Roll, on the radio stations. A sound that began in small
nightclubs in the U.S. was eventually exported to other parts of the world. Likewise, jazz is a style of
music that originated at the beginning of the 20th century in African-American communities in the
Southern United States. From its early development until the present, jazz has incorporated music from
19th and 20th century American popular music. The word ‘jazz’ (in early years also spelt ‘jass’) began as
a West Coast slang term and was first used to refer to music in Chicago in about 1915.

Language has helped to popularize music from different countries. The Japanese pop star Hikaru Utada
became famous in her native country, and around the world, by combining Japanese pop styles with lyrics
in English. Other artists, such as the Spaniard Enrique Iglesias, mix English lyrics with their native
languages and have also made a big impact on the world pop scene. Much of the pop music we hear today
is a mixture of styles from various parts of the world. With the ability now to share music using the
Internet, the musical styles we listen to may become even more appealing and diverse tomorrow.

1. Most of today’s pop music has its roots in music of different countries. ……………… T F

2. Musicians have changed traditional music to suit an average listener’s taste. ………… T F

3. Bob Marley’s hits are no longer played today. ……………………………………..….. T F

4. Bhangra has never influenced any other musical genre………...………….…………… T F

5. Rhythm and Blues developed from Rock and Roll. …………………………………… T F

6. White singers of the 1950s followed the music style of black musicians. …………….. T F

7. At first Rock and Roll was played in big concert halls of the U.S..…………………… T F

8. Jazz has its origin in African-American culture. ……………………………………….. T F

9. The word ‘jazz’ was used to refer to the music played in New York…………………... T F

10. Hikaru Utada sings in English but uses Japanese pop styles………………………….. T F

11. Enrique Iglesias sings only in English. ……………………………………………….. T F

12. Modern technology might make tomorrow’s music more interesting. ..……………… T F

Task 3

 Read the text. Then match the headings (A-H) with the paragraphs (1-6). There are two
extra headings, which you do not need to use.
 Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

A. How was it paid for? E. Governments’ decision

B. The date is unknown F. Only the rich could afford it
C. Setting international prices G. What followed the Romans’ system?
D. The first delivery system H. When were stamps invented?

The history of post

For as long as humans have existed there has been a need to keep in touch, to transfer information
between people in different places. The Romans created an organised system of mail delivery, called
Cursus Publicus. This was used by the Emperor and officials to spread information throughout the
Empire. This transmission system with horses and carriages meant that the messages could move quickly,
by using many riders instead of one. However the Romans were not the first in this. In 2000 BC the
Egyptians used a similar messenger system to keep people informed about different things.

After the Roman postal service disappeared, other systems were created, but never again as large as the
Romans’ system. Rulers of countries or regions and even the church created their own official mail
networks. It was also very important for business between countries that good communication existed;
international traders and many capital cities set up unofficial postal links. In the 14th century there was one
such link between the biggest trading cities - Venice and Constantinople.

Until the mid-1600s, in Europe, only official government messages could be carried by the state networks;
everyone else had to use less secure, unofficial networks. However, as more roads were built, unofficial
networks became safer, more reliable and very profitable. Realizing they could make money, governments
in most countries took control of their own public postal system, thus making the unofficial networks

Before the invention of the postage stamp, letters were ‘franked’. This meant that the letter was marked to
show that delivery had been paid for. This could have been either written or stamped. A post-mark was
also stamped on the letter. Invented in 1660 in England, this was a mark that showed when and where the
letter had been posted. It was used to see how long it took to deliver the letter, to make sure the service
was reliable.

A number of countries claim to have invented the idea of the ‘stamp,’ or the piece of paper on the letter
showing that the delivery had been paid for. But the first widely available stamp was the Penny Black,
introduced in Britain in 1840. It was a black stamp with a white picture of the Queen’s head on it. The
year before its introduction, about 75 million letters had been posted in Britain, and only 10 years later
over 340 million letters were sent using stamps. To buy the first edition of this stamp today can cost over
1000 pounds.

Until the 1870s it was very expensive to send mail to other countries. The universal Postal Union was
created in 1874 to help countries work together and set reasonable prices for international mail prices.
The universal Postal Union cannot tell individual countries how much to charge, but it encourages
cooperation. Its main aim is to make sure that all people have affordable and reliable access to postal

Task 4

 Read the text and the questions below. For each question, mark the letter next to the correct
answer: A, B, C or D.
 Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

This is a true story told by a 13-year-old American boy, Jordan Romero, who became the youngest
person ever to reach the top of Mount Everest.

‘May 22 in 2010 was a special day in my life – I reached the top of the world’s highest peak, Mount
Everest! I became the youngest person ever to make it to the top at the age of 13! The first thing I did
on the summit, on the very top of the mountain, was to call my mom. I told her that I was calling her
from the top of the world! It was a dream come true.
The climb was really difficult especially at the end when I got bad stomach pains. I was thinking: 'I
don't know if I'm going to make it because this is the worst pain I've ever felt’, but then, as we started
approaching the summit, it all just faded away. The climb was definitely harder than I'd expected, with
lots of problems along the way, but anyway, it was totally worth it! The feeling at the summit was like
no other feeling in my life! I wasn’t alone of course. I made my way up the mountain with my dad,
stepmom and three guides, who are all experienced mountaineers. I climbed Everest for a special
reason. I hoped this adventure would inspire young people around the world to do more physical
exercises and keep fit. However, I don’t think anyone younger than myself should attempt the climb.
It was a difficult mountain and it just took so much preparation.
I first got the idea to climb the world's highest mountains when I was nine. I was inspired by a painting
I saw in my California elementary school. It was a wall painting in the school hallway, which had
seven continents’ summits and they impressed me so much! Then, one day when my father picked me
up from school, I said to him: 'Dad, I want to climb the Seven Summits of the world.'

Since then I have put all my efforts into making this early childhood dream come true. So far I have
conquered the highest mountains on six of the world's seven continents. Now I’m closer to my dream
than ever before. I have just one more climb left. So the next stop is Antarctica. In December I’m
planning an expedition to climb Vinson Massif there. If I do that I’ll become the youngest person ever
to climb the tallest mountains, the Seven Summits, on each of the seven continents.’

1. The article is about

A. an outstanding achievement.
B. the young climber’s plans.
C. the world’s highest peak.
D. an unhappy climb.

2. The boy broke a record because he
A. climbed the highest peaks on seven continents.
B. was the youngest person ever to climb Mount Everest.
C. climbed Mount Everest in record time.
D. conquered Mount Everest all alone.

3. Once the boy reached the top of Mount Everest he called his
A. school.
B. teacher.
C. friend.
D. mother.

4. When the boy reached the summit he

A. was tired and disappointed.
B. felt pain in his stomach.
C. was happy and excited.
D. was hungry and exhausted.

5. The boy climbed Everest to

A. inspire children to read more.
B. encourage young people to exercise.
C. break a new mountaineering record.
D. become world famous.

6. The boy decided to climb the world’s highest peaks

A. three years ago.
B. at secondary school.
C. at the age of nine.
D. in his early teens.

7. What does the reader learn from the article?

A. The boy plans another climb by the end of the year.
B. The boy was too young for the climb.
C. The climb was easier than the boy had thought.
D. The boy is disappointed with the climb.

8. Which of the following would be the best title for the article?
A. Just one of the expeditions to Everest
B. A teenager climbs the Seven Summits
C. A boy goes on a dangerous mission all alone
D. A 13-year-old conquers Everest

Task 5

 Read the text and fill the gaps with the words given below. Use each word only once. Two
words are extra.
 Mark the corresponding letter (A-N) on the answer sheet. Do not copy the words from the
text on the answer sheet.

birth (A) freely (F) regions (K)

born (B) grown (G) symbol (L)
die (C) lonely (H) twins (M)
eat (D) means (I) world (N)
forests (E) more (J)


Giant Pandas are native to China and Tibet. Their common habitat is forest. The Chinese call the panda
‘Da xiong mao’, which ..……. (1) ‘a giant bear-cat’. The panda is a …..…… (2) of peace in China. In the
wild, giant pandas only live in some mountainous ….….... (3) in central and western China. Giant pandas
are very rare and they are becoming extinct. They ………. (4) bamboo and live in bamboo forests. There
are not many bamboo ….…… (5) in the world any more. China is the only place where giant pandas still
live …….… (6) in natural surroundings. Fewer than 1000 giant pandas live in such places in China.
Yuana is a giant panda who lives in a zoo in Beijing, China. Several years ago Yuana had two babies. The
baby pandas were …...…... (7) four hours apart. Yuana and the ……. (8) were all healthy. Scientists and
animal lovers all over the .………. (9) were very happy about Yuana’s baby pandas. Giant pandas do not
have babies in zoos very often. In fact, six out of ten giant panda babies ……..… (10) soon after birth.
So, this was an exceptional case. Scientists in China and the United States are trying to stop giant pandas
from becoming extinct. They are helping giant pandas to have ………… (11) babies. A zookeeper in
Beijing calls Yuana a ‘hero mother’ because she has given ……….. (12) to nine baby pandas over the

Task 6

 Read the text and fill the gaps with one of the following: an article, a preposition, a
conjunction or a relative pronoun. Note that in each space you should insert only ONE
 Write the answers on the answer sheet. Do not copy words from the text on the answer

Tips for swimming

Most Americans can swim, and almost everyone likes to jump ……... (1) play around in the waves
on ……….. (2) hot day at the beach. Knowing how to swim is important ……… (3) your safety, but
when you do it seriously, swimming is also one of ………. (4) best exercises for your body - and not only
for your body ………. (5) for your general health too. Besides a swimming cap ……… (6) a swimming
suit you don’t need much. Goggles, ……… (7) are special water glasses, keep the chlorinated water of
swimming-pools …….... (8) of your eyes and let you watch where you’re going. A swimming cap makes
you more streamlined while swimming and keeps your hair dry. Ear plugs keep the water out and prevent
air infections. To get in shape, start by swimming twenty minutes three times ………. (9) week. Add ten
minutes until you’re swimming for an hour each time ……….. (10) try not to swim more than an hour
each time. Otherwise you can become very tired ……….. (11) is not good for your health. So, swim
whenever and wherever you can ………. (12) try not to get overtired.

Task 7

 Read the texts and put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
 Write your answers on the answer sheet. Do not copy the words from the text on the answer

Dear Sue,

It’s hard to believe that I’ve been here in Georgia for a whole week now! I promised to write and tell you
how I (1) …………………… (get) on – so here it goes. When I (2) …………………… (arrive) here, at
first I just couldn’t get used to the slow pace of life! Now, though, I (3) …………………… (learn) to take
things easy – and I’m beginning to feel really at home. My first impression of the Georgians is that they
(4) …………………… (be) really, really friendly and helpful – and they certainly know how to enjoy
life! It’s so easy to deal with them. I (5) …………………… (manage) to rent a little cottage here near
Telavi. The place is marvelous and very green, because it (6) …………………… (rain) a lot since last
month. I (7) …………………… (already/make) friends with some of the young people from Telavi and
neighbouring villages. We (8) …………………… (spend) most evenings in a local bar where there is a
nice fireplace and an old wine cellar, of course. Maybe you don’t know that Georgian wine (9)
…………………… (say) to be one of the best all over the world. My friend Gocha (10) ……………….
(have) a party tomorrow night. Everything (11) …………………… (already/arrange). We are going to
taste some Georgian food and there will be a fantastic cake which we (12) ………………………. (order)
specially for Gocha a week ago. I hope we (13) …………………… (dance) a lot as well. Sorry, this letter
(14) …………………… (be) so short but you know how bad I am at writing letters! Write back when
you (15) …………………… (have) time. I miss you so much and I wish you (16) …...……………… (be)
here as well.

All my love,

Task 8

 Read the essay task and write between 120 - 150 words.

Some people think that it is important that children start using a computer in the first grade. Do you
agree or disagree with this opinion? State your opinion and support it with reasons and examples.

saboloo varianti gadaitaneT pasuxebis furcelze.

III Variant Answer Key
Task 1

1. C
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. E
7. G
8. H
9. F
10. G
11. H
12. D

Task 2

1. T
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. F
6. T
7. F
8. T
9. F
10. T
11. F
12. T

Task 3

1. D
2. G
3. E
4. A
5. H
6. C
Task 4

1. A
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. D

Task 5

1. means (I)
2. symbol (L)
3. regions (K)
4. eat (D)
5. forests (E)
6. freely (F)
7. born (B)
8. twins (M)
9. world (N)
10. die (C)
11. more (J)
12. birth (A)

Task 6

1. and/ or
2. a
3. for
4. the
5. but
6. and
7. which/ that
8. out
9. a
10. and
11. which/that
12. and/but
Task 7

1. am getting/was getting
2. arrived
3. am learning/have learnt (learned)/learned/learnt/have been learning
4. are
5. have managed/managed
6. has been raining/has rained
7. have (already) made/ made
8. spend/ are spending/ have been spending
9. is said
10. is having/is going to have
11. has (already) been arranged/is (already)arranged
12. ordered
13. will dance/will be dancing/dance
14. is
15. have
16. was/were

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