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Vol. x, No. x, Month xxxx, pp.

x-x || ISSN xxxx-xxxx

Learning Mufradat in Personal Education Context : Challenge and

Opportunity in Learning Mufradat
Wiliani 1 a , Ibnu Burdah 2 b , Yayan Nurbayan 3 c
State Islamic Universities Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta; Indonesia

Indonesian University of Education
a, b, c

Article History: Abstract:
Received : Study This aim give outlook deep about challenge at a time give view
xx-xx- xxxx positive to potency And opportunity learning mufradat in context
Revised: personal education . method study use approach qualitative And
xx-xx- xxxx spreadlay model data analysis . Challenge main ones encountered is
Accepted : limitations time in curriculum , lack of support administrative , and
xx-xx- xxxx difficulty in evaluation And monitoring progress student
individually. Study This explore impact limitations This to
_______ implementation learning mufradat personally, identify constraint in
Keywords: provide experience appropriate learning _ with need unique every
Learning Mufradat , Personal student . Temporary that's an opportunity appear in form
Education , Challenges And Op- differentiation learning, utilization technology education,
portunity Learning Mufradat participation active students , and development Skills life . Personal
education provides room for teachers to designing strategy more
learning _ responsive And adaptive , exploiting potency technology ,
_______________________ and push participation active as well as development independence
*Correspondence Address: student . Implications findings study This can become base For development policy education , teacher training , and development
more curriculum _ adaptive And responsive to need student in
learning mufradat .

This is an open-access article under the CC–BY-SA license.

Introduction ( ‫) مقدمة‬

Personal education has a very important role in learning (Fitriani, 2019) , because it
provides a more intensive focus on the unique needs and characteristics of each individual. In
this context, personal education is not only about understanding learning material individually,
but also recognizing cognitive, emotional and psychological differences between one student
and another (Olimov, 2020) . This allows for more in-depth attention to the mufradat elements
that form the basis of learning, thereby creating a more meaningful and relevant learning

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Importance personal education in learning mufradat Also related tightly with draft
differentiation learning (Deunk et al., 2018) . With personal approach , teachers can adapt
method teaching , materials , and evaluation in accordance with need each student . In matter
learning mufradat , confession to difference ability And interest individual can become key For
maximizing understanding And mastery to elements ( Subekti , 2020) . With Thus , personal
education provides strong foundation _ For create environment inclusive learning _ And
empowering .
Besides that is , deep personal education context learning mufradat can inspiring
motivation intrinsic students (Phillips et al., 2008) . When student feel recognized And
empowered as individual who owns role in the learning process , they tend more motivated For
dig more in concepts mufradat (Johnson, 2021) . Personal education creates supportive climate _
development interest And motivation student to learning , so they more active And enthusiastic
in explore elements mufradat .
Importance personal education in learning mufradat Also related with empowerment
student in develop Skills independent (Sundari, 2015) . Through approach here , students
invited For recognize strength And weakness they yourself , as well develop strategy study
accordingly _ with style Study individual (Mirdad, 2020) . This matter No only prepare they For
face material mufradat with more OK , but Also equip they with valuable skills _ For
development personal period long .
Importance personal education in learning mufradat create solid foundation _ For
experience learn more _ Empower And means (Fitriani, 2019) . With focus on uniqueness every
individual , personal education is not only increase understanding to elements mufradat ,
however Also give impact positive on motivation , independence , and development personal
students (Sugiyono, 2014) . By Because that , paper This want to see challenge And opportunity
learning mufrodat in context personal education as aspects that are not inseparable in effort
increase effectiveness learning mufradat .

Method _ _

Design Study Studies Case (Sukardi, 2021) , researcher do election School or Institution
Education , selected school _ is MTs N Tanjungpinang . Research Data Collection This use
observation class And interview with teachers and students , as well analysis document related
curriculum And guidelines learning (Sugiyono, 2016) . Population study This are the teachers
involved in learning mufradat And Students who follow learning mufradat . Sample research :
first , researcher choose representing schools / institutions _ variation in application method
learning mufradat . Second , determine sample teachers and student purposively for _ get deep
view . _
Instrument Research used _ in study This in the form of list Question Interview 1. For
teachers: Investigate understanding And application learning mufradat as well as integration
draft personal education . 2. For students : Evaluate experience learning , perception to personal
approach , and impact on understanding mufradat . Temporary Observation done researchers
inside _ Class For observe activity learning mufradat And implementation inner personal
aspect class . Analysis Document used For review curriculum , plan implementation learning ,
and related teaching materials mufradat And personal education .
Data Analysis Model used by researcher is Spredley model analysis (Dr, 2008) 1. Identify
theme And pattern from interviews , observations , and analysis document . 2. Create
conclusion And interpretation related challenge And opportunity in learning mufradat with
personal approach .

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 Result ( ‫) نتائج‬

Mufradat learning in the context of personal education is the focus of this research.
Personalized education emphasizes recognition of individual differences, and the combination
with mufradat can have a positive impact on learning effectiveness. The research background
illustrates the importance of integrating personal aspects in the mufradat learning process to
provide a more meaningful learning experience. The research describes a general picture of the
implementation of mufradat learning in a personal context. Several schools and educational
institutions are involved in implementing this method, offering insight into the diversity of
approaches used and the extent to which personalized education is integrated into mufradat
learning. The following are opportunities and challenges in developing Mufradat Learning in
the Personal Education Context;
1. Challenges in Mufradat Learning in the Context of Personal Education have many
things related to teacher readiness, individual student differences, administrative sup-
port, time constraints, etc. Here are some aspects of opportunities that arise in this con-
a) Teacher Readiness
In integrating mufradat learning with a personal approach, one of the
main challenges faced by teachers is the lack of optimal preparation. Personal-
ized education requires a deep understanding of each student, and to achieve
this, teachers need to prepare themselves with supportive skills, knowledge and
attitudes. Unpreparedness can involve several aspects, ranging from understand-
ing students' individual needs to skills in managing the very diverse learning
One of the main problems is the teacher's limited knowledge and under-
standing of the personal approach. Understanding each student's cognitive, emo-
tional, and social needs requires careful training. Many teachers may not be fa-
miliar with the concept of personalized education or have in-depth knowledge of
how to identify and respond to individual differences in the classroom.
Teachers are often faced with a lack of adequate training in integrating
personal education with mufradat learning. Inadequate training can hinder a
teacher's ability to manage diversity in the classroom, design appropriate teach-
ing strategies, and create an environment that supports individual student
Another challenge is managing a diverse class, where each student has
different needs and learning styles. Implementing a personalized approach re-
quires higher skills in learning differentiation and time management so that each
student can receive sufficient attention.
Lack of support from educational institutions and school policies can also
be a barrier. Without adequate support, teachers may struggle to implement
changes in their learning approaches. Lack of resources, time, and guidance from
the school can reduce teacher motivation to develop skills in the context of per-
sonalized education.

b) Support Administrative
The unavailability of administrative support and guidance can be a sig-

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nificant obstacle in implementing mufradat in a personalized approach in the ed-

ucational context. Administrative support plays an important role in shaping
school culture and providing necessary direction to educators. This unavailabil-
ity can include unsupportive policies, lack of training, and lack of resources that
can hinder teachers' efforts to provide personalized learning that meets the needs
of each student.
The unavailability of administrative support is often seen in the lack of
school policies that explicitly support the implementation of a personalized ap-
proach to mufradat learning. In some cases, unclear or even conflicting policies
can make teachers hesitant to try new methods, especially if it requires signifi-
cant adjustments in their approach.
Inadequate administrative support is also reflected in a lack of teacher
training and development. Teachers need special skills and knowledge to inte-
grate mufradat with a personal approach. If support in the form of quality train-
ing is not available, teachers may feel unprepared or unsure about implementing
changes to their teaching methods.
The unavailability of administrative support often results in limited re-
sources, both human and financial resources. A lack of support from the admin-
istrative level can result in teachers not having access to the help they need to
create more personalized learning experiences. This includes learning tools, tech-
nology and teaching materials that support a personalized approach.
Inadequate guidance and evaluation from the administrative side can
hinder the progress of implementing mufradat with a personal approach. Teach-
ers may feel they lack constructive feedback, in-depth guidance, or a clear under-
standing of how they can continually improve their personal approach. This may
result in confusion and uncertainty in their efforts.

c) Variety Need Student

The challenges faced by teachers in adapting a personal approach to each
student is a complex problem in the world of education. With each student hav-
ing different needs, a one-size-fits-all approach cannot meet the unique learning
needs of each individual. This creates a challenge for teachers to develop relevant
and in-depth learning strategies, considering factors such as learning styles, lev-
els of understanding and student interests.

One of the main barriers is uncertainty in fully understanding each stu-

dent's individual needs. Teachers may be faced with difficulties in assessing
these factors accurately, especially in heterogeneously diverse classes. Under-
standing student needs requires a holistic approach and often involves signifi-
cant time and effort.
Implementing learning differentiation to adapt a personalized approach
to each student is also a challenge. Teachers need to design learning that allows
for a deep understanding of mufradat and provides opportunities for each stu-
dent to grow according to their pace and learning style. This requires careful dif-
ferentiation skills and effective classroom management, which can be a challeng-
ing task in a large class environment.

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Another challenge is difficulty accessing additional resources that may be

needed to support a personalized approach. Teachers may need additional teach-
ing materials, educational technology, or even additional support from educa-
tional specialists to help students with special needs. Limited access to these re-
sources can be a significant barrier to implementing an effective personalized ap-
Tailoring a personal approach to each student can also create additional
responsibilities for teachers. Teachers must plan, implement, and evaluate learn-
ing in a more individualistic manner, which can take extra time and energy. This
can be an additional burden amidst other demands such as administration, meet-
ings with parents, and exam preparation.
Overcoming these challenges requires close collaboration between teach-
ers, school staff, and education specialists. Continuous professional development
is also key, with opportunities to learn and share best practice in responding to
students' diverse learning needs. With ongoing collaboration and development,
teachers can become better prepared and skilled at adapting a personalized ap-
proach to each student. .
d) Time Constraints
One of the serious challenges in integrating mufradat with a personal
approach is the lack of time in the curriculum. The curriculum is often filled with
a large amount of learning material that teachers must cover, and this can hinder
their ability to give full attention to the mufradat and personal aspects of
learning. This challenge creates a dilemma in which teachers must find a balance
between a deep understanding of each student and completing the curriculum as
a whole.
Lack of time in the curriculum creates additional pressure on teachers to
achieve the curriculum objectives that have been set by educational institutions
or regulatory authorities. Teachers may feel burdened to cover all the scheduled
material, leaving little room for in-depth exploration of mufradat or the
application of a personalized approach. This can lead to a tendency to prioritize
achieving curriculum targets rather than providing the necessary individual
attention to each student.
A tightly structured curriculum and inflexibility in scheduling can add to
the challenge. Teachers may not have the flexibility to take advantage of the
additional time needed to understand mufradat in depth or provide a more
intensive, personalized approach. This lack of flexibility can be detrimental to
creativity and innovation in learning approaches.
Teachers are often faced with a dilemma between quality and quantity in
learning. Although they may want to give full attention to mufradat and
personal aspects, the pressure to complete the curriculum can lead to sacrifices in
the quality of teaching. Deep understanding of the concept of mufradat and
implementation of a personalized approach takes time, and lack of time can be a
major obstacle.
Addressing the lack of time requires a change in curriculum and
assessment paradigms. Educators and policy makers need to rethink the
curriculum to make room for an approach that is more adaptive and responsive

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to student needs. In addition, a more holistic and creative evaluation needs to be

considered, not only focusing on academic achievement but also on the student's
personal development and mufradat abilities. By combining these approaches,
there may be room to give full attention to mufradat and a personal approach
without harming other aspects of the curriculum.
e) Individual Evaluation and Monitoring
The main challenge in the process of evaluating and monitoring
individual student progress is the need for greater resources. Comprehensive
evaluation and effective monitoring require an investment of time, effort, and
resources, which often exceeds what is available in many educational contexts.
These challenges limit the ability of schools and teachers to pay adequate
attention to the individual progress of each student, hindering efforts to integrate
mufradat and personal aspects of learning.
A thorough evaluation process requires active teacher involvement in
developing and implementing assessment methods that are relevant to each
student. However, limited teacher time and energy are often the main obstacles.
Teachers have heavy responsibilities in teaching, preparing materials, and
engaging in administrative tasks, which makes it difficult to set aside enough
time for in-depth evaluation.
Monitoring individual student progress requires comprehensive and
regular data collection. However, collecting this data can be a complex and time-
consuming task. Limited resources, both in terms of technological devices and
personnel, can hinder a school's ability to access and collect needed data
Apart from data collection, data analysis also requires special skills and
knowledge. Difficulty understanding and analyzing student progress data can be
a major obstacle. Teachers may need additional training to be able to use data
effectively to support individual learning decisions.
Financial challenges are also a significant factor. Investment in
technology and learning information systems that can support the process of
evaluating and monitoring individual student progress requires an adequate
budget. Schools or educational systems facing financial constraints may have
difficulty acquiring or maintaining the necessary infrastructure.
To overcome this challenge, innovation in evaluation and monitoring
methods is needed. The use of technology, such as digital learning management
systems or student progress monitoring applications, can help overcome time
and resource constraints. Collaboration between teachers, school staff, and even
with parents can also help gather more comprehensive information about
student progress. With innovative approaches and effective collaboration, there
may be a way to improve evaluation and monitoring processes without
sacrificing significant resources.
2. Opportunities in Mufradat Learning in the Context of Personal Education pave the way
for increasing the effectiveness and relevance of education. Here are some aspects of op-
portunities that arise in this context:
a) Learning Differentiation: Enables more effective learning differentiation.
Personalized education allows teachers to identify a student's learning style, pace of

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comprehension, and individual needs. With this knowledge, teachers can design
more appropriate and engaging learning experiences for each student, creating an
environment that supports classroom diversity.
b) Use of Educational Technology: This opportunity utilizes technology as a tool to
support personalized learning. Digital apps and platforms can help provide
additional resources, offer customized practice, and facilitate individual student
progress monitoring. Technology can also expand students' access to information
and open the door to independent learning.
c) Active Participation of Students: Personalized education encourages active
participation of students in the learning process. Students can be involved in setting
their personal learning goals, providing feedback on learning experiences, and
collaborating in creating a learning environment that supports their individual
needs. This builds students' motivation and responsibility for their own learning.
d) Life Skills Development: Mufradat learning in the context of personal education
provides opportunities to develop relevant life skills. Apart from understanding
mufradat in depth, students can also gain critical skills such as problem solving,
critical thinking, and interpersonal skills needed to face challenges in real life.
e) Development of Independence: Personalized learning promotes students'
independence in achieving their learning goals. Students can learn to manage their
own time, identify effective ways of learning, and take initiative in designing their
learning experiences. This can help students build a strong foundation for personal
and academic development.
f) Increased Parental Participation: This opportunity involves parents in the student's
learning process. By opening effective channels of communication between school
and home, parents can provide valuable insight into their child's needs and progress.
Collaboration between teachers and parents can create additional support for
student learning.
Utilizing these opportunities in the context of personalized mufradat learning can
produce educational experiences that are more meaningful, deeper, and tailored to each
student's unique needs.

Discussion _ _

Challenge main thing that appears from need For compile a personal approach is
limitations in evaluation individual . Teacher maybe face difficulty in understand fully need
Study each student . Too much judgment general Possible No reflect need Specific every
students , and teachers need develop method in -depth evaluation And relevant .
Differentiation Effective learning _ covers complexity in apply differentiation learning .
Teachers need identify style Study And level understanding student with carefully , and adapt
method teaching For match need every individual . This need Skills strong differentiation ,
which can become challenges , esp in class that has level high heterogeneity . _
Access To Source Power Addition Also highlighting difficulty in access source Power
additional support _ personal approach . Teacher maybe need additional teaching materials ,
technology , or support from specialist education . Limitations source Power This can limit
teacher's ability to give experience more personalized learning and _ effective .
Meanwhile , bear it answer addition for teachers who compose this personal approach

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covers planning , implementation , and evaluation learning in a way individualistic , which can
give rise to burden significant work . _ There is other demands such as administration And
meeting with parents _ make not quite enough answer extra for teachers.
Importance collaboration as solution For challenges faced by teachers _ considered .
Collaboration between teachers, staff school , and specialist education can create supportive
environment _ development effective personal approach . Share experience , strategy , and
source Power can become base For solve challenge together .
On the other hand, it is important development sustainable professionalism . _ Teachers
need own opportunity For Keep going increase Skills they in adapt personal approach to every
student . Training additional , workshops, and exchange of ideas can play role key in strengthen
teacher capacity .
Necessity more focus _ big on need unique every student in system education . Teachers
need own understanding deep about individual student differences And combine them to in
plan learning . With approach collaborative , development sustainable professionalism , and _
source adequate power , teachers can overcome challenge And give experience more
personalized learning and _ meaningful For every student .

Conclusion _ _

Study This highlighting complexity And dynamics in integrate mufradat with deep
personal approach context education . In study This is visible that although there is a number
significant challenges , there are Also possible opportunities _ utilized For increase effectiveness
learning mufradat. Challenges , such as limitations time in curriculum , lack of support
administrative , as well difficulty in evaluation And monitoring progress student individually ,
to be focus main . Study This underline importance development strategy And policy education
that supports teachers in overcome obstacles This . On the side others , research show exists
opportunities , like use technology in learning , application strategy differentiation learning ,
and involvement active student in the learning process . Opportunities This give room For
create environment more learning _ adaptive , responsive , and in accordance with individual
student needs .
Researchers' suggestions include; First , the use of technology, such as online learning
platforms, can help overcome time constraints and provide flexibility in mufradat learning with
a personal approach. second , Integrating methods that encourage active student involvement,
such as experience-based projects or the use of multimedia resources, can increase student
interest and encourage independent learning. Third , creating a curriculum that can be adjusted
and takes into account students' individual needs can be the basis for a personalized approach
to mufradat learning. Fourth , encourage teacher creativity in designing and implementing
mufradat learning strategies that suit the needs of each student. Fifth, take parents as partners in
personal education, by involving them in the learning process and getting input about their
children's needs.

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