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Chapter 1 OB.

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OB - is concerned with the Understanding, OB element Individual Group Organisation

Prediction and Control of human behaviour Perception Relation Core value
in organization. Today “People is Business” Under Personality Team type Goodwill
Callahan - “OB is subset of management Stand attitude Dynamics Culture
activities concerned with understanding, Behaviour Power politic GW impact
predicting & influencing individual behaviour Predict Emotions Team spirit ppl Unity
in organizational setting” Response Loyalty Mkt status
S.P.Robbins - field of study - investigate indv Training Defined goals Goal-value
grp & str impact - in org - to apply knowledge Control Salary PKG Mng relation Planning
Communi. Grp incentive changes
In improving organizational effectiveness.

OB Features OB as science - Rely on scientific OB Determinants/Multidimension Conceptual framework of OB

- A field of study - human behave method to build, evaluate & people
By Dubrin- 4 core proposition
- Analysis, Understand, predict & modify behave in organization. 1.Follow human behave princi
control bhv- at ind, grp, org level Like prediction & observation.But 2. OB is situational
- Concern for org effectiveness not fully precise so “soft science” 3. Based on system approach-
- Science & art for human behave OB & field of management - both
ORG inter related & inter locking
- Inter disciplinary approach seems synonymous but not so. Structure Technology subsystems having functional
- A human tool to satisfy needs off OB is narrower as behavioural Interaction of ppl,str & tech with & dysfunctional interactions
employee through org activity approach of management. OB is envt determine OB in organisatn -Constant interaction between
-Feedback process to mng people not whole management Also called dimension of OB structure & process variable

Objective/Adv/Significance Limitations of OB Challenges of OB- Due to Org Behavior Org Theory

-Motivated/satisfied worker -Descriptive not prescriptive dynamic field of OB as follows -Micro analysis -Macro analysis
- Improved communication - More theoritical & based on - Globalisation of business -Interpersonal -envt & structure
- Better org design/Hierachy principle,unable to solve issue - Work force diversity -Human relationist -Classist approach
- Changes & development - Has managerial bias - Highly aspirational workers -Socio-psycho -Socio - technical
- Better mgr worker relation - Based on poor assumptions - Empowered employees
- Effective working climate like people lack self discipline - Competition for quality OB Management
- Understanding self & other - Overemphasis UPC - Innovation & change mgt People behave only Wider scope as do
Like individual inter personal - Narrow - only human aspect - Facilitating work life balance So narrow scope PODSCORB
& group behaviour - Can’t supplement mismgt - Promoting ethical behaviour Behavioural science Social physical scie.

Behavioral Contribution Level of Fundamental Assumption/ OB is situational - 7 SOBC Model of OB - is a micro

Science analysis situational factors that
principle of OB Model give a sequence to u/s
Motivation 1.Existence of ind difference make OB dynamic human behave.Where behave
Learning 2.Perception difference Individual character (IC) is fn of controllable factors
Emotion Individual 3.Work & home relates Organisational str (OS)
Psycho Perception Techno influences (TI) Organism( Stimulus
Attitude 4.Caused Behaviour Individual) (Cause)
Peer grp pressure(PGP)
Job satisfy 5.Desire of role play in ppl
Superior leadershp (SLS) is not just economic Org climate (OC)
Behave chng
Social Attitude chng entity or commodity Cultural Influences (CI) Behaviour Consequence
Communicatn 7.Mutuality of intt exist
Grp process OB = f(IC,OS,TI,PGP…..) (Action) (Result)
Conflict Group ORG Rational economic man-assumes Self Actuating man
Cognitive Framework
Sociology behaviour
OB is out of internal - Man primarily motivated by -Self Actualiz -ultimate goal
Org Tech feeling & needs of ppl. Economic incentives -Immature to mature by time
Org culture
Org Change No role of mgr & envt. - Org control eco. Incentive so -Self Motivated & controlled
Eg. Leaders are Born control & manipulate people -Mgr should use theory ‘Y’
Comparative Organisation Behaviorist framework - People are irrational & no Complex Man - Assumptions
values &
attitude OB is result of inter per conflict of interest with org -Complex & vary to situation
Anthropo sonal stimul & response Organisational man model -Capable of learning new
Org culture OB is inter disciplinary -Ind by himself is meaningless motives. - motives are diff. In
Org envt not just congnitive. Eg
As depicted in picture
5 behavioural science
BF skinner reinf model. Creative only when in group diff. Org/sub org within org
impact process of OB. Social cognitive FW -Lastly want belongingness -Ppl can respond many diff
Political Conflict Scope/level of analysis OB is result of whole -Goal of belongingness is strategies of mgt.
Science Coalition
As depicted in picture social system & not just acheiveg with science Social Man model -Assume
Individual, group,Org of internal & inter prsnl -There is no conflict of same as howthrone studies
OB model - Behavioural science contri & Analysis level Society make behaviour interest btw ind & org So mgt behaves accordingly

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