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Manuscript ID: modelling-2643458

Reviewer # 2
Reviewer’s Comment Author’s Response Location
The paper presents a numerical study The authors appreciate the re-
about perforated steel members under viewer’s comments, thus more
blast loading. This is the research pre- information and discussion of
sented in [1] and the authors added the blast resistance of perforated
some more results about the columns. steel members was added.
article/pii/S2352012422003125#f0050). An explicit analysis was simu-
The authors should make clear that their lated using “LS-Dyna” FEA tool
previous paper investigated the behavior which become an alternative
of perforated steel beams, while the cur- economical and safety tool in-
rent study extends their research to col- stead of experimental works. In
umns. addition, damage assessments
were addressed and based on dif-
ferent damage criteria to extend
the comparative analysis that
were used in previous work.
all comments provided by the re-
viewer were addressed in the re-
vised manuscript, and a sum-
mary is given below:

1) The methodology presented in sec- Section 2.4 illustrate the blast Section 2.4
tion 2.4 is not adequately described. The loading not just during the direct
scientific soundness of this section is blast loading but also takes into
low. account the residual capacities
under the serviceability loading.
This section was supported sci-
entifically by previous reviewed
researches that as mentioned in
ref. no [24].

2) In Section 2.5 (Damage and Fail- Section 2.5 listed some damage Section 5.1
ure criteria), the authors propose a spe- indices that described the resid-
cialized damage index. Is this the same ual capacities according to some
with the one proposed in ref “Numerical previous studies in addition to
derivation of pressure–impulse diagrams
for prediction of RC column damage to the damage failures of structures
blast loads”? under direct blast shot depend on
3) Although the authors are suggest- the ductility ratio (μ) according
ing a new damage index, this index is to UFC standards which are used
not used to describe the results. in the current study at the results
and discussions section.
4) The results are presented in terms As reviewers recommended, the Lines 307:313
of toughness. How is toughness is calcu- toughness calculations was ex-
lated? There is no explanation. plained before the results discus-
5) The paper should focus on the be- As reviewer requested, More -Table 4 and
havior of columns. The section “results” clarifications and results of col- Figures 15 and
must be revised in order to include the umns and beams were added at 16.
results concerning the columns and the sections 5.1 and5.4 , 5.5 to briefly
appropriate justification. The results discuss the behavior of Perforated
concerning the beams can be omitted. steel members under different blast 5.2,5.3,5.4 and
Alternatively, a new section can be scenarios. 5.5
added to briefly discuss the behavior of

Sections 1 (Introduction) and 2 (Numer- Authors apologize for the errors,

ical modeling) are not well written. thus more proof-readings were
Moderate editing of English language is performed to correct grammar,
required. In the other sections minor spelling and punctuation in the
editing is needed. manuscript.
- A thorough spell-check
was performed to correct other
possible misspellings.

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