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Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy

Virginia Dines and Andrea Kattah

Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are increasing in incidence and are major causes of maternal morbidity and mortality both
in the United States and worldwide. An understanding of these diseases is essential for the practicing nephrologist, as preex-
isting kidney disease is an important risk factor. In addition, the development of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy has impor-
tant implications for long-term risk of kidney disease and cardiovascular disease. The definition and diagnostic criteria has
changed in recent years as our understanding of the disease entity has progressed. Currently, proteinuria is no longer a neces-
sary diagnostic feature of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia and gestational hypertension may develop through multiple different
mechanisms. Current research suggests contributions of both placental factors and maternal factors contribute to the disease
and represent different phenotypic presentations of preeclampsia.
Q 2020 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
Key Words: Preeclampsia, Gestational hypertension, Hypertensive pregnancy disorders, Pregnancy, Chronic kidney disease

H ypertensive disorders in pregnancy, which include

gestational hypertension, chronic hypertension, pre-
eclampsia, eclampsia, and preeclampsia superimposed
States is African American relative to other regions. Afri-
can Americans have been shown to have increased risk
of preeclampsia, independent of other known risk factors.7
on chronic hypertension, are a major cause of maternal Data from the Center for Disease Control showed that in
morbidity and mortality.1 Preeclampsia can present in se- the United States, from 2011 to 2013, non-Hispanic black
vere forms and may affect multiple organ systems. Severe women were 3.4 times more likely to die of a pregnancy-
preeclampsia is defined by several factors, including the related complication than non-Hispanic white women.
severity of blood pressure (BP) elevation, presence of Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy accounted for 7.4%
neurologic symptoms, pulmonary edema, acute kidney of deaths during this time period.8
injury, thrombocytopenia, and evidence of liver dysfunc- To better understand the changes in prevalence rates of
tion. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy have signifi- preeclampsia, a US-based age-period-cohort study evalu-
cant implications for the fetus as well, such as ated the associations between maternal age, smoking,
intrauterine growth restriction and preterm birth.2 obesity, and the changes in prevalence rates.3 The study
Preeclampsia is estimated to complicate 3-6% of preg- found that overall rates of preeclampsia increased from
nancies3 and gestational hypertension complicates 5-10% 3.4% in 1980 to 3.8% in 2010, with increasing rates of severe
of pregnancies worldwide.4 Hypertensive disorders of cases across all age groups.3 Etiology of the increasing
pregnancy can have important effects on maternal health rates of preeclampsia is likely multifactorial but at least
in the prenatal and immediate perinatal period but also partially related to increasing prevalence of obesity,
are associated with long-term significant maternal health advanced maternal age, chronic kidney disease (CKD)
risks.1,3 An understanding of the pathogenesis, manage- and chronic hypertension.9
ment, and the associated long-term risks is essential for Chronic hypertension occurs in 1-15% of women of child-
the practicing nephrologist. bearing age, with incidence increasing with increased age.
In 2004, self-reported data indicated that 1.7% of pregnan-
EPIDEMIOLOGY cies were complicated by pre-existing hypertension, which
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are an important represented a 50% increase from estimated rates in 1998.
cause of maternal morbidity and mortality both in the As chronic hypertension rates increase, rates of superim-
United States and worldwide. The World Health Organi- posed preeclampsia also increase. Women with chronic
zation identifies hypertensive disorders of pregnancy as hypertension have a 20-25% risk of developing superim-
a leading cause of maternal death.5 Hypertensive disor- posed preeclampsia.3
ders of pregnancy made up 16.1% of deaths in developed Similar to other hypertensive disorders of pregnancy,
countries and 25.7% of deaths in Latin America and the gestational hypertension rates have also increased, with
Caribbean.5 In the United States, rates of hypertensive dis- 30.6 of 1000 pregnancies complicated by gestational hyper-
orders of pregnancy are increasing, with an increase in the tension in 2004. Women with gestational hypertension are
rate of both gestational hypertension and preeclampsia twice as likely to develop complications of pregnancy rela-
from 1987 to 2004.6 During this time period, the age- tive to women with normotensive pregnancies. These
adjusted incidence of gestational hypertension per 1000
births increased from 10.7 to 30.6. In addition, the age-
adjusted incidence rate of preeclampsia was noted to
increase from 23.6 to 29.4. The rates increased across US re- From the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
gions and maternal age groups; however, younger women Minnesota
Financial Disclosure: See Acknowledgment(s) on page 538.
(age , 25 years) and women delivering in the southern
Address correspondence to Andrea Kattah, MD, 200 First Street SW, Ro-
United States were at the greatest risk.6 The authors noted chester, MN, 55905. E-mail:
the increased risk for women in the southern United States Ó 2020 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
is potentially due to both obesity and racial disparities, as a 1548-5595/$36.00
larger proportion of the population of the southern United

Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2020;27(6):531-539 531

532 Dines and Kattah

women are at additional increased risk if they are later cations of these newer diagnostic criteria for preeclampsia
diagnosed with pre-eclampsia3; 15-25% of women diag- have been studied in multiple retrospective cohort studies.
nosed with gestational hypertension are subsequently Khan et. al investigated a cohort of 66,946 singleton preg-
diagnosed with preeclampsia during their pregnancy.10 nancies and compared the incidence rates of preeclampsia
by the older ACOG and ISSHP definitions with the inci-
DEFINITIONS dence rates based on the revised definitions.13 Based on
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy were first classified data availability, this study did not include evidence of
in 1972 by the American College of Obstetrics and Gyne- placental dysfunction or neurological complications.
cology (ACOG) into 4 categories: preeclampsia- Despite this, there was an increase in incidence rates of pre-
eclampsia, chronic hypertension, chronic hypertension eclampsia from 2.8% using the older ISSHP criteria to 3.4%
with superimposed preeclampsia, and gestational hyper- using the newer ISSHP criteria and 3.0% using the newer
tension. These main categories have remained consistent, ACOG criteria. Both the ACOG and ISSHP have recom-
although the diagnostic criteria have been modified as mended against classifying preeclampsia as mild owing
our understanding of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy to the rapidly evolving and progressive nature of pre-
has expanded.2 eclampsia.2,12 The ACOG has continued to include a defi-
In 2013, the ACOG released an updated report and exec- nition of severe preeclampsia (Table 1).
utive summary on hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, The Full Preeclampsia Integrated Estimate of Risk model
which reflects the most updated definitions of hyperten- for predicting adverse maternal outcomes in severe pre-
sive disorders of pregnancy. Preeclampsia is diagnosed eclampsia has been important in informing current diag-
by the presence of BP greater than or equal to 140 mm nostic criteria.14 Developed from a multicenter
Hg systolic or 90 mm Hg diastolic, on two occasions, after prospective study investigating women admitted with
20 weeks gestational age. preeclampsia, the criteria in
Along with hypertension, CLINICAL SUMMARY the Full Preeclampsia Inte-
preeclampsia also requires grated Estimate of Risk
the presence of proteinuria  Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are increasing in study included not only hy-
(defined as 300 mg or more incidence and are a significant cause or maternal pertension greater than or
of protein in 24 hours or a morbidity and mortality in the United States and equal to 140/90 mm Hg and
protein/creatinine ratio of at worldwide. proteinuria, but also hyper-
least 0.3 g/g Cr), thrombocy- tension in the setting of hy-
 Both maternal and placental factors can lead to
topenia, kidney insufficiency preeclampsia, and the pathogenesis may determine the
peruricemia or hemolysis,
(defined as serum creatinine phenotype of disease presentation and the risk of adverse elevated liver enzymes, and
of 1.1 mg/dL or greater or a outcomes. low platelets (HELLP) syn-
doubling of serum creati- drome without hypertension
nine), impaired liver func-  Patients with underlying kidney disease, previous kidney or proteinuria. The study
donation, or kidney transplant are at increased risk of
tion, pulmonary edema, or found the independent pre-
developing hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
cerebral or visual symptoms. dictors of adverse maternal
Proteinuria is no longer a  Women who develop hypertensive disorders of pregnancy outcomes were gestational
requirement for the diag- are at increased risk of long-term health effects including age, chest pain, shortness of
nosis of preeclampsia, if end-stage kidney disease and cardiovascular disease. breath, oxygen saturation,
other severe features are pre- platelet count, creatinine,
sent (Table 1).2 and elevated aspartate trans-
In 2014 and 2018, the International Society for Hyperten- aminases. Notably, BP was not found to be an independent
sion in Pregnancy (ISSHP) also revised their diagnostic predictor of adverse maternal outcomes. The authors sug-
criteria for preeclampsia.11 Similar to the revised ACOG gest this could be because of the availability of antihyper-
definitions, proteinuria was no necessary for diagnosis in tensive agents to treat BPs and modify this risk factor.14 BP
the presence of other severe features. The ISSHP criteria elevation to greater than or equal to 160/110 mm Hg re-
also expanded on ACOG criteria by including platelet count mains a criterion for severe preeclampsia by the ACOG
of less than or equal to 150,000 platelets per microliter (as definition.1,2 The Full Preeclampsia Integrated Estimate
opposed to 100,000 platelets per microliter) as the threshold of Risk model has been subsequently validated externally
for thrombocytopenia and adding evidence of uteroplacen- across multiple cohorts in other high-income countries.15
tal dysfunction as a criterion for diagnosis (Table 1). Recognition of severe features remains important as
One factor in the elimination of proteinuria as a neces- ACOG recommends delivery if presentation at 34 weeks
sary criterion for the diagnosis of preeclampsia stems gestational age or later. Before 34 weeks, delivery may
from the understanding that nonproteinuric preeclampsia also be indicated depending on the clinical scenario.1
is a different phenotype of the same disease process. Despite revisions in diagnostic criteria, several diag-
It is now widely accepted that preeclampsia is a multi- nostic challenges and controversies remain in hyperten-
system disease that has significant variability in presenta- sive disorders of pregnancy. Cerebral symptoms such as
tion.2,11,12 In addition, there was concern regarding false headache may be subjective and nonspecific.1 The presen-
negative rates for proteinuria and delayed diagnosis of tation of hypertension and proteinuria may represent pre-
this rapidly evolving, life-threatening disease.12 The impli- eclampsia; however, other diagnoses such as hemolytic

Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2020;27(6):531-539

Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2020;27(6):531-539

Table 1. Diagnostic Criteria for Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy as per American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2013 Guidelines2 and the International Society for
the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 2018 Guidelines10
International Society for the
American College of Obstetrics Study of Hypertension in
Disorder Point in Gestation Blood Pressure and Gynecology 2013 Pregnancy 2018
Gestational hypertension After 20 wk SBP $ 140 mm Hg or DBP Absence of proteinuria or other Same
$ 90 mm Hg greater severe features (see below).
than 4 h apart on at
least 2 occasions
Chronic hypertension Before pregnancy or 20 wk SBP $ 140 mm Hg or DBP Absent or stable proteinuria and Same. Recommend use of
$ 90 mm Hg greater no other severe features ambulatory BP and home
than 4 h apart on at monitoring to confirm the
least 2 occasions diagnosis of new
OR hypertension in pregnancy.
Normal blood pressure in

Hypertension in Pregnancy
the presence of
antihypertensive therapy
Preeclampsia-eclampsia After 20 wk SBP $ 140 mm Hg or DBP Proteinuria (.300 mg/24 h, Proteinuria (.11 or 30 mg/dL on
$ 90 mm Hg greater protein/Cr ratio . 0.3 g/g Cr or automated dipstick, followed
than 4 h apart on at 11 dipstick) by protein/Cr ratio . 0.3 g/g
least 2 occasions OR any severe features: Cr)
OR SBP $160 mm Hg or DBP OR any severe features:
SBP $ 160 mm Hg or DBP $110 mm Hg Acute kidney injury (Cr . 1 mg/
$ 110 mm Hg on 2 Platelets , 100,000/mL dL)
occasions in a shorter Elevated liver enzymes or Elevated liver enzymes with or
time interval (minutes) severe epigastric pain without epigastric pain
Acute kidney injury Neurologic disturbance
(Cr . 1.1 mg/dL or doubling of Hematologic complications:
baseline serum Cr) (Platelets , 150,000/mL,
Pulmonary edema disseminated intravascular
New neurologic or visual coagulation, or hemolysis)
disturbance Uteroplacental dysfunction
Preeclampsia superimposed After 20 wk Worsening blood Any of the severe features Any of the severe features
on chronic hypertension pressure or need for listed previously. aforementioned, with the
additional In women with proteinuria exception that IUGR can be
antihypertensive predating pregnancy, a part of chronic hypertension
therapy. significant and sustained and therefore cannot be used
increase in proteinuria may as a diagnostic criterion for
indicate the presence of superimposed preeclampsia.
superimposed preeclampsia.

SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; Cr, creatinine; IUGR, intrauterine growth restriction.

534 Dines and Kattah

uremic syndrome, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, and severe preeclampsia. Conversely, later onset pre-
or kidney parenchymal disease, such as glomerulone- eclampsia occurs in patients with a normal placenta and
phritis, should be considered. This is especially true in tends to result in less severe disease and more favorable
women presenting early in pregnancy when induction outcomes.18 We will explore the placental and maternal
and delivery would lead to significant fetal mortality and contributions in the following paragraphs to understand
morbidity.1 the complex pathogenesis of this disease.


Our understanding of the pathogenesis of hypertensive In normal placental development, extravillous fetal cyto-
disorders of pregnancy has largely stemmed from research trophoblasts invade the placental bed and spiral arteries,
in preeclampsia. Preeclampsia has become increasingly leading to arterial dilation and remodeling. In preeclamp-
recognized as a syndrome rather than a specific disease sia, there is abnormal trophoblast invasion and incomplete
state, with multiple potential pathways of pathogenesis remodeling of these arteries, leading to perfusion abnor-
(Fig 1).16 Placental development has been an area of inves- malities, which damage placental tissue, leading to an
tigation, as the placenta is necessary for the development imbalance in proangiogenic and antiangiogenic factors
of preeclampsia. It is thought that preeclampsia can be that lead to systemic endothelial dysfunction and pre-
divided into placental vs maternal phenotypes (Table 2). eclampsia.16,17,18 Vascular endothelial growth factor
Placental preeclampsia is caused by the development of (VEGF) is an angiogenic factor with a role in regulation
an abnormal placenta interacting with normal maternal of BP, maintenance of the glomerular filtration barrier,
substrate, whereas maternal preeclampsia is thought to and an essential signaling molecule for placental angio-
be secondary to pre-existing abnormal maternal vascula- genesis.16,19 Several studies have shown the role of an
ture interacting with a normal placenta.17 In reality, there imbalance in VEGF and other angiogenic and antiangio-
is significant overlap of these phenotypes, but it is a useful genic factors as a major cause of preeclampsia.16 Soluble
construct for thinking about the pathogenesis of disease. fms-like tyrosine kinase receptor-1 (sFlt-1) is a soluble re-
Preeclampsia can also be divided into early onset (before ceptor for VEGF, which is released from the placenta in
34 weeks gestational age) and late onset preeclampsia (on response to ischemia, and has been shown to be elevated
or after 34 weeks gestational age), as the timing of disease in certain patients with preeclampsia.16,20 Increased
onset is associated with different clinical outcomes. Early sFlt-1 binds to VEGF and thus decreases VEGF availability
onset preeclampsia is thought to be secondary to abnormal for normal placental development.16 Exogenous adminis-
placentation and is more often associated with adverse tration of sFlt-1 in animal studies induces hypertension
fetal and maternal outcomes, such as low birth weight and glomerular endotheliosis via antagonism of VEGF.20

Maternal Factors
• Age
• Race
• Parity
• Hypertension
• Obesity
• Sleep apnea
• Insulin Resistance/Diabetes
• Chronic Kidney Disease
• Autoimmune disease
• Gene cs

Placental Factors
Physiologic Changes of
• Placental ischemia
• Imbalance of angiogenic
• Increased coagulability factors
• Complement Ac va on • Failure of spiral artery
• Inflamma on forma on
• T-Helper 2 cell polariza on • Mul ple gesta on

Figure 1. Contributing factors to the development of preeclampsia.

Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2020;27(6):531-539

Hypertension in Pregnancy 535

Table 2. The Maternal and Placental Phenotype Paradigm

Onset (Gestational Angiogenic Uterine Artery
Phenotype weeks) Underlying Etiology Markers Doppler Fetal Outcomes
Placental ,34 Abnormal placentation Markedly elevated Abnormal Fetal growth restriction and
sFlt-1/PLGF ratio poor neonatal outcomes
Maternal .34 Underlying endothelial Mildly elevated Normal Growth restriction rare and
dysfunction sFlt-1/PLGF ratio better neonatal outcomes

sFlt, soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase; PLGF, placental growth factor.

Placental growth factor (PLGF) is a proangiogenic This is thought to occur due to underlying maternal
growth factor that is expressed by placental trophoblasts.21 endothelial dysfunction, such as in women with preexist-
In comparing women with preeclampsia and normoten- ing hypertension or obesity. The physiological changes of
sive control patients, patients with preeclampsia have pregnancy cause an exacerbation of underlying maternal
been shown to have significantly lower PLGF and higher endothelial dysfunction, leading to preeclampsia.16
sflt-1.21 The ratio of sFlt-1/PLGF is a promising biomarker The role of maternal immunity has been increasingly
for the rule out of preeclampsia in the short term,22 though recognized as having an important role in pathogenesis
is not yet widely available in clinical practice. These bio- of preeclampsia. Paternal alloantigens are present on
markers may also play a role in differentiating glomerulo- trophoblast cells, and abnormal maternal immune toler-
nephritis or worsening CKD from preeclampsia, a difficult ance to these alloantigens may affect placental develop-
clinical diagnostic dilemma.23 In a prospective study of ment. Several immune cells have also been found to be
women with suspected preeclampsia, a cutoff value for abnormal in preeclampsia relative to normal pregnancy,
the ratio of sFlt-1/PLGF of 38 was found to be highly predic- including helper T cells, regulatory T cells, regulatory B
tive of the presence of preeclampsia with a positive predic- cells, dendritic cells, and natural killer cells. In addition,
tive value of 36.7%, compared with 20% for clinical factors the complement system may have an important role in
alone.24 However, these angiogenic markers may only pathogenesis of preeclampsia.27
identify a subset of women with preeclampsia. The differ- In normal pregnancy, there is an increase in T helper 2
ences in PLGF and sFlt-1 levels are most notable in patients (TH2) cell activity, termed TH2 polarization, and a decrease
with preterm preeclampsia relative to patients with later- in TH1 cell activity; however in preeclampsia, there is more
onset preeclampsia, consistent with the placental vs abundant TH1 activity, leading to increased proinflamma-
maternal paradigm (Table 2).21 In a cross-sectional study tory cytokines. Mesenchymal stem cells have been shown
of women with preeclampsia and normotensive pregnan- to have an important role in TH2 polarization as well as
cies, investigators found a reduction in the PLGF level other important effects such as decreased tumor necrosis
was seen from 15 to 25 weeks gestational age for women factor-alpha and increased interleukin-10, with overall
who developed preeclampsia, whereas elevated sflt-1 effect of proangiogenesis and anti-inflammatory effects.28
levels were notable from 25.1 weeks gestational age to Suvakov28et. al. examined mesenchymal stem cells har-
term. There was a subset of women who had low PLGF vested from adipose tissue from patients with preeclampsia
throughout gestation, as well. The differences in levels of and with normotensive pregnancies and found that women
biochemical markers were present before evident clinical with preeclampsia had fewer live viable mesenchymal
features of preeclampsia, but the biologic variability still stem cells, more senescent cells, and less angiogenic poten-
limits the routine use of these markers in practice at this tial. Importantly, exposure of the preeclampsia mesen-
time.21 In addition, there are other important mechanisms chymal stem cells with senolytic agent dasatinib led to a
to be considered in the pathogenesis of this disease. decrease in the number of senescent cells and increased
The presence of endotheliosis on kidney biopsy, as well angiogenic markers and potential. These findings suggest
as proteinuria in preeclampsia, has led to interest in podo- that stem cell activity may have a role in pathogenesis of
cyte dysfunction as a potential mechanism in preeclamp- preeclampsia and thus may provide an opportunity for
sia. The degree of proteinuria is associated with degree the development of future treatment options.
of podocyturia25 and may be an important mechanism in Abnormalities in complement activity may also have a
the development of proteinuria.26 Podocyturia may also role in pathogenesis of preeclampsia. Elevated levels of
have an important role in diagnosis of preeclampsia or C3a, C5a, and Bb have been identified early in pregnancy
HELLP syndrome as measured by the presence of in patients who later develop preeclampsia. C5a has been
podocin-positive cells in the urine.25 Women with pre- reported to be associated with increased BP and arterial
eclampsia may continue to shed podocytes in the post- stiffness and trophoblast dysfunction.27 There is evidence
partum period, which may reflect ongoing kidney injury.22 of terminal complement pathway activation in the serum
and urine of women with preeclampsia,29,30 and eculizu-
MATERNAL CONTRIBUTION TO DISEASE mab, a complement C5a inhibitor, has been used in a few
Preeclampsia that develops because of significant maternal women with HELLP syndrome, though data are
disease and risk factors is a well-recognized phenomenon. limited.31,32 Genetic studies have not identified a specific

Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2020;27(6):531-539

536 Dines and Kattah

genetic mutation in the complement system in women eclampsia in pregnancy.40 An Italian study from 2007
with preeclampsia.33 analyzed the maternal outcomes in women with nondia-
The pathogenesis of gestational hypertension is an area betic kidney disease and an estimated GFR (eGFR) ,
of active interest. Current evidence suggests that pre- 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 before pregnancy (n ¼ 49) and approx-
eclampsia and gestational hypertension are distinct clin- imately half had hypertension (54%) in pregnancy.41 One
ical entities. Approximately 15% of women initially remaining question is whether women with CKD have
diagnosed with gestational hypertension will go on to more deterioration in kidney function with pregnancy
develop preeclampsia.34 Women at high risk for progress- if preeclampsia develops. A 2010 study addressed this
ing to preeclampsia include women who develop hyper- question by evaluating women with biopsy-proven
tension at an earlier gestational age (,34 weeks) and kidney disease before pregnancy, and comparing the risk
women who have abnormal angiogenic markers.35 of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) in women with and
without preeclampsia.42 They found no significant in-
RISK FACTORS crease in the risk of ESKD after preeclamptic pregnancy,
There are several well-established risk factors for hyper- though there was limited power. Preterm birth, however,
tensive disorders of pregnancy (Fig 1). Patients with un- was associated with an increased relative risk of ESKD in
derlying chronic medical conditions, including chronic women with CKD (RR 2.4, 95% CI: 1.2-4.6).42
hypertension, pregestational diabetes, gestational dia- There are groups of women with kidney disease that are
betes, lupus, thrombophilia, obesity, and sleep apnea are particularly high risk of developing preeclampsia. Women
known to be at increased risk.1 In addition, having a previ- with systemic lupus erythematosus, especially those with
ous pregnancy affected by preeclampsia, a multifetal lupus nephritis, are at high risk for preeclampsia. A 2010
gestation, or pregnancy via reproductive technology are meta-analysis found that 7.6% of pregnancies in women
also known risk factors. Nulliparity has also been shown with systemic lupus erythematosus were complicated by
to be a risk factor, as has older maternal age (.35 years).1 preeclampsia and that prior nephritis was significantly
Particularly relevant to the practicing nephrologist is the associated with preeclampsia and hypertension in meta-
increased risk of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy after regression analysis.43 Women with type 1 diabetes and
kidney donation. This risk is likely due to reduced diabetic nephropathy are also at high risk, with approxi-
nephron number in the setting of normal physiologic mately 50% developing preeclampsia and the majority
changes of pregnancy. A study by Garg et. al evaluated requiring intensification of antihypertensive regimens in
the risk of pregnancy complications in living kidney do- pregnancy.44
nors.36 The study included 85 kidney donors and 510 non- Although these risk factors have been established and are
donor control patients. Within the cohort, there were a important considerations in patient management, it is also
total of 919 pregnancies, 131 in donors, and 788 in nondo- important to consider that many cases of hypertensive dis-
nors. The kidney donors had an increased risk of gesta- orders of pregnancy occur in otherwise healthy patients
tional hypertension or preeclampsia relative to control without identifiable risk factors.1
patients, with an odds ratio of 2.4 (95% confidence interval
[CI]: 1.2-5.0; p ¼ 0.01). Absolute risk was 11% in the donor PREVENTION AND TREATMENT
patients vs 5% in the nondonor patients. This increased Currently, the only evidence-based recommendation for
risk of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy should be dis- the prevention of preeclampsia is the use of low-dose
cussed with potential living donors of childbearing age. aspirin beginning late in the first trimester for women at
Women who have received kidney transplants are also at high risk.2 This includes women with a previous history
high risk for developing preeclampsia. A recent meta- of preterm preeclampsia or multiple pregnancies with pre-
analysis of pregnancy outcomes in kidney transplant re- eclampsia, and those with hypertension, CKD, and kidney
cipients found that 21.5% of pregnancies were complicated transplants.
by preeclampsia and 24.1% were complicated by There is currently no treatment for preeclampsia, other
pregnancy-induced hypertension.37 than delivery. The decision to deliver takes into consider-
Previous kidney diseases, including both CKD and a his- ation gestational age, presence of severe features, and intra-
tory of resolved AKI, have been established as risk factors uterine growth restriction. Management of superimposed
for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. A retrospective preeclampsia is similar to management of preeclampsia.
study of pregnancy outcomes found that there was a sig- The 2013 ACOG guidelines do not recommend the use of
nificant increased risk of preeclampsia associated with a antihypertensive medications for women with new onset
history of resolved acute kidney injury, with an odds ratio gestational hypertension or preeclampsia if systolic BP
of 2.9 (95% CI: 1.9-4.4).38 is , 160 or diastolic BP is , 100 mm Hg owing to concern
CKD is one of several chronic diseases that can increase that excessive treatment may reduce placental perfusion
the risk of preeclampsia and gestational hypertension. In and cause growth restriction.45 The Control of Hypertension
a large meta-analysis, there was a significant increase in in Pregnancy Study of women with chronic hypertension in
risk of preeclampsia with CKD, with an odds ratio of pregnancy found that tight vs less tight control (diastolic BP
10.36 (95% CI: 6.28-19.1; p , 0.01).39 The risk of preeclamp- of 85 mm Hg vs 100 mm Hg) did not cause any adverse fetal
sia in women with CKD is strongly associated with pre- events but did prevent severe range BPs.46 This study was
pregnancy glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Nearly 50% reassuring and may set the stage for future guidelines. It is
of women with serum Cr . 1.4 mg/dL will develop pre- recommended that women with underlying chronic

Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2020;27(6):531-539

Hypertension in Pregnancy 537

hypertension have frequent monitoring and be placed on is growing evidence of long-term health risks associated
prophylactic aspirin late in the first trimester.2 Table 3 with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Preeclampsia
shows the preferred agents for use in the treatment of hyper- has been associated with adverse kidney outcomes including
tension in pregnancy and potential side effects. Preferred albuminuria and ESKD.48-52 Rates of albuminuria may be
agents for use include methyldopa, labetalol, hydralazine, elevated in patients with hypertensive disorders of
nifedipine, and thiazide diuretics. All agents are category pregnancy in the months and years after pregnancy.49,51
C by the Food and Drug Administration, except thiazides The estimated relative risk of developing ESKD after a first
which are considered category B. All have some risks and pregnancy with preeclampsia was found to be 4.7 (95% CI:
potential side effects. Methyldopa and labetalol have been 3.6-6.1) by Vikse et. al.48 This risk was increased for patients
most consistently demonstrated to be safe and efficacious with multiple pregnancies affected by preeclampsia and for
in pregnancy. Thiazides are particularly useful for patients pregnancies where preeclampsia resulted in preterm deliv-
with chronic hypertension, underlying CKD, and conges- ery or the birth of a low-birth-weight infant.48 It remains un-
tive heart failure. Caution must be taken to avoid volume known whether the increased risk of ESKD is due to
contraction and electrolyte abnormalities.47 Medication ad- common risk factors for both preeclampsia and kidney dis-
justments may need to be made during pregnancy, particu- ease.52 The imbalance in angiogenic and antiangiogenic fac-
larly midpregnancy as BP typically decreases. tors observed in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia may also
have a role in progression of CKD later in life.48 Podocyturia
LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF HYPERTENSIVE could also impact the risk of future kidney disease.15 Pre-
DISORDERS OF PREGNANCY eclampsia could also represent a clinically apparent exacer-
Although hypertensive disorders of pregnancy typically bation of subclinical kidney disease that was present before
resolve after delivery or the early postpartum period, there pregnancy.48,52

Table 3. Antihypertensive Therapy With Associated Risks and Benefits in Pregnancy

US Federal Drug
Medication Category Administration
and Agents Benefits Risks Risk Category*
Central Agents
Preferred Methyldopa Proven safety and efficacy Neurodepressant side effects B/C in injectable form
Alternative Clonidine Efficacy similar to methyldopa Unproven safety C
Beta blockers
Preferred Labetalol Safety and efficacy similar to Fetal bradycardia, neonatal C
methyldopa. May be used for hypoglycemia, decreased
hypertensive urgency. uteroplacental flow
Contraindicated Atenolol None compared with Labetalol Intrauterine growth retardation D
Calcium channel
Preferred Nifedipine Lowers blood pressure without Fetal distress, profound C
affecting umbilical artery flow hypotension with magnesium
Alternative Verapamil Similar efficacy to other oral Untested safety profile, risk of C
agents interaction with magnesium
Direct vasodilators
Preferred Hydralazine Most efficacious oral agent Maternal neuropathy, drug- C
induced lupus, neonatal
thrombocytopenia and lupus
Alternative Nitroprusside Effective in severe hypertension Cyanide and thiocyanate C
Preferred Thiazide Useful in chronic hypertension, Volume contraction, electrolyte B
kidney failure, congestive abnormalities
heart failure
Contraindicated Spironolactone None Possible fetal antiandrogen C
RAAS blockade
Contraindicated ACE inhibitors/ARBs None Associated with congenital D
heart and kidney defects
Contraindicated Aliskiren None Oligohydramnios and other D
defects associated with RAAS
blockade in the fetus

ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARBs, angiotensin II receptor blockers; RAAS, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
*Food and Drug Administration categories. A, controlled human studies show no risk; B, no evidence of risk in studies; C, risk cannot be ruled
out; D, positive evidence of risk. Adapted from Kattah et al, 2013.47

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