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62 Comuatunity READY TO BE SENT Gl thar lease GG the nanvestis abundant but te laborers are few; 50 ask tne master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest. Go on your way: behold | am sending you like lambs among wolves. 599 Luke 10: 2-3 (NABRE) WY the Grace nb Seek We ask for the grace to always be ready to go on mission wherever, whenever, and however God calls us. PR “etiety Before the topic cliscussion, ask each member to think of three places they want to go on mission to. Ask them to explain their choices. Q we ‘As a CFC member, our mission is to embrace service to others, even if it means leaving our comfort zones to do so. This attitude of mission and service has led us to reach out and spread God's message to over 100 countries since 1981. Indeed, mission is part of our community Ife. Vwhen was the last time we went ‘on mission? Are we ready if God calls us to go? Let us be reminded of the very words of Christ when He appointed and sent out the 72 on mission. He was clear about the stakes involved - it would not be easy because He was sending them out Ike lambs among wolves. He required of the 72 total depencience on Goc's provision by asking them to bring nothing ‘on the journey. This resonates with us missionaries. More than preparing physically, we are reminded to be ready mentally, emotionally, and spiritually because of the unseen battle that es ahead of us. We take to heart Jesus" acimonition to the 72: *...first say, “Peace to this household,” Indeed, our greeting of peace is what we should bring to other people's homes, if we are to mirror God's peace and love to them. Let us focus on His basic words and instructions. Wenead to adopt the posture ‘of openness, readiness and faithfulness to trust at all times. Even though the Pandemic has resticted our physical movements, let us be inspired by the ‘dynamism of the Holy Spirit. God's Word is forever moving and can never be ‘contained. Hence, we ought to move with the Spirit and proclaim Gods message ino matter the circumstance. Let us embrace the mission of Couples for Christ. At all times and! in all cieumstances, God is fist! 9 tibet What worries/obstacles hinder o you from saying yes to.go out on mission? 2. What gifts can you offer Key Takeweu to the commanty ee, a9 a couple on mission? when God calls us mission Ho aveys equps, sustain, Rie Eee % Catholic Toit — “Every Ghristian is a missionary to the extent that he or she has encountered the love of God in Christ Jesus: we no longer say that we are disciples and missionaries, but rather that we are always disciples.” — Pope Francis, Evangel Gaudium 120 63

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