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Yiqiu Shang

E-mail: Tel: 402-580-6734 Address: 1029 BARTON DR APT 108 ANN ARBOR MI 48105-1254
Education Background
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI, US Aug. 2022 - May 2024
● Master of Public Health: Nutritional Sciences Dietetics, Maternal & Child Nutrition GC
● GPA: 4/4
● Honors/Awards: International NSF Award (2022-2024)
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, US Sept. 2021 - May 2022
● Bachelor of Science: Food Science and Technology
● GPA: 3.83/4
● Honors/Awards: Deans' List at Nebraska (2021-2022)
Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China Sept. 2018 - June 2021
● Bachelor of Engineering: Food Science and Engineering
● GPA: 3.89/4
● Honors/Awards: The President's Scholarship (2019-2020), The First-Class Scholarship (2018-2021)
Professional Experience
Lori’s Hand, Volunteer Jan. 2024 - Present
● Actively engaging with community members living with chronic illness, gaining valuable insights into the human
experience of chronic disease through weekly visits, demonstrating empathy for their experiences, and contributing to
enhanced holistic health within the local community
● Assisting clients with personalized grocery shopping, ensuring access to nutritious food, and collaborated in meal
preparation to promote healthier eating habits
● Acquiring practical knowledge through job shadowing, enhancing awareness of various healthcare disciplines like
home-based physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and nursing, enriching understanding of holistic
patient care
NS Peer to Peer Counseling Clinic (P2P NCC), Dietetic Counselor Aug. 2023 - Present
● Delivering individualized nutrition counseling to U of M students, employing motivational interviewing techniques and
collaborating closely with an RD preceptor to facilitate clients in achieving their dietary and wellness objectives
● Strengthening understanding of eating disorders, weight control, dietary improvement, postpartum health, etc. through
deeper interviews and goal setting with clients
● Applying practical skills in crafting Problem, Etiology, and Signs and Symptoms (PES) statements during clinic
note-taking, contributing to a comprehensive and nuanced approach in addressing clients' nutritional concerns
PUBHLTH 511 Nutrition and Public Health, University of Michigan, Grader Oct. 2023 - Dec. 2023
● Assessed and graded students' assignments, particularly their four deliverables, requiring strong writing skills and a
profound understanding of public health concepts
● Provided detailed and constructive feedback to students, emphasizing clarity, evidence-based arguments, and the
formulation of compelling solutions to public health nutrition problems
● Tailored final paper evaluations to meet the expectations of an identified community partner or organization,
considering the practical applicability of proposed programs or interventions in real-world settings such as public health
departments, non-profit agencies, school districts, healthcare systems, or for-profit entities
Ann Arbor YMCA, Nutrition Specialist May 2023 - Aug. 2023
● Designed a comprehensive series of Healthy Eating Workshop, and tailored content to resonate with children aged 5 to
12, encompassing detailed lesson plans, engaging slides, and tangible resources
● Initiated and executed a comprehensive Recipe Book Making program, guiding children aged 5 to 12 through a
three-day curriculum involving an introduction, recipe selection, cooking demonstration, recipe page creation, book
assembly, and a final presentation with an awards ceremony, fostering creativity and healthy eating habits in
participating children
Towsley Children's House, Teachers Assistant July 2022 - Aug. 2022
● Collaborated with lead teachers to create engaging and educational activities for preschoolers, resulting in increased
participation and positive feedback from families
● Effectively communicated with children, families, and coworkers from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and abilities,
creating an inclusive and welcoming environment
● Gained knowledge about the early childhood profession
Hangzhou Market Supervision Administration, Intern Dec. 2020 - Feb. 2021
● Responded to a high volume of phone calls about complaints and reports on food safety issues in the jurisdiction
● Organized the supervision files of food and medicine in the jurisdiction, ensuring accurate record keeping and easy
access to information
● Actively participated in the daily inspection of food and drug safety, quickly learning and adhering to regulations and
procedures to identify and address safety hazards
Hangzhou Wei Chuan Foods Co., LTD, Intern of Quality Control Department Dec. 2019 - Feb. 2020
● Conducted on-site visits to the manufacturing workshop to gain insight into the steps of milk drinks production and
workshop safety and hygiene requirements
● Measured the mechanical and chemical properties of the drinks in the laboratory using precision instruments
● Collecting and compiling statistical quality data of each batch of drinks using Excel
Campus Leadership Involvement
Intercultural Leadership Seminar (ILS), Certificate Pursuing Member Nov. 2023 - Dec. 2023
● Participated in a range of activities, including lectures, group discussions, experiential learning, and collaborative work
to enhance intercultural leadership skills and foster effective communication in a global context
● Accomplished a leadership reflection and were awarded a certificate of completion
Qing Yun Chinese Music Ensemble, Director of Publicity & Performer Sept. 2023 - Present
● Contributing as a dedicated pipa performer, showcasing traditional and contemporary Chinese music both within the
campus and at various external venues
● Successfully organized diverse events, including DEI traditional Asian art exhibitions
● Managed multiple social media platforms to effectively promote the organization's message and events
Public Health Student Assembly (PHSA), International Representative Aug. 2023 - Present
● Serving as a vital intermediary between students within the School of Public Health and the Nutritional Science
program and the PHSA Senate, effectively communicating concerns and ideas from the student subsets
● Collaborating with fellow PHSA or NSSA Senate members and demonstrating a strong commitment to teamwork by
planning and organizing school events such as PHSA Fall Fest, Yost Ice Skating, etc.
Nutritional Science Student Assembly (NSSA), International Representative Sept. 2023 - Present
● Advocated for the needs and concerns of international students in Nutritional Sciences during NSSA meetings
● Collaborated with the U-M International Center to gather and disseminate information on resources for international
● Organized and hosted community-building events throughout the academic year to promote knowledge sharing and
support within the global Nutritional Sciences student community
Maternal and Child Health Student Association (MCHSA), Active member Aug. 2023 - Present
● Actively contributing to event organization and community-building effort, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and
promoting sexual and reproductive health awareness within the University of Michigan community
Helping Hands at the University of Michigan, High School Leadership Counselor March 2023 - Present
● Facilitating the mentorship program for Lincoln High School students, including designing program structure and
curriculum, scheduling and coordinating sessions, and providing mentorship and guidance to students
● Providing professional development training to students on stress management, time management, communication
skills, and other relevant topics, utilizing your strong communication and organizational skills
Peer Mentor in the NS Mentorship Program, Peer Mentor June 2023 - Present
● Offering continuous support by assisting mentees with academic and personal inquiries, including course selection,
study strategies, and serving as a reliable source for them to discuss their experiences and challenges
● Conducting regular biweekly meetings, creating a platform for mentees to seek advice, ask questions, and discuss any
concerns, ensuring their academic and personal needs were addressed
● Proactively organizing and leading online meetings before the start of the academic year, facilitating discussions on
upcoming challenges and offering valuable tips for success

Research Experience
Development of dbCAN Follow-up Tools and Database Establishment
Supervisor: Prof. Yanbin Yin from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Jan. 2021 - May 2022
● Collected CAZyme and substrate-related information through different databases such as CAZy, Brenda, ExPASy
● Participated in the development of tools such as eCAMI, dbcan-PUL, dbCAN-sub, etc.
Evolutionary Dynamics of Resistance to Cephalosporin in Foodborne Salmonella
Supervisor: Prof. Baowei Yang from Northwest A&F University Sept. 2019 - Nov. 2021
● As the group leader, collaborated with a group of peers and external consultants to use the database to annotate the
serotypes, drug resistance genes and plasmid types of Salmonella and analyze their correlation
● Learned to use multiple bioinformatics analysis software like Seqsero, FastTree v1.4.3, iTOL, Prokka, Roary, R, etc.
● In charge of the End-of- Project Defense, presented research using PowerPoint to various professors
Intermittent Fasting Alleviates Cognitive Deficits Via the Gut-brain Axis in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease
Supervisor: Prof. Xuebo Liu from Northwest A&F University March 2019 - Sep. 2021
● Learned various behavioral test methods and molecular biology test methods, proficient in complex experimental
● Undertook a thorough literature search by going through 30+ relevant papers to develop a sound understanding of the
research development in this field
Improvement of Stability and Lipophilicity of Pelargonidin-3-glucoside by Enzymatic Acylation with Aliphatic
Dicarboxylic Acid
Supervisor: Prof. Wei Chen from Zhejiang University Jan. 2021 - Aug. 2021
● Instructed on and actively participated in the research proposal process and academic writing
● Conducted statistical analysis using Excel and R

Software Skills
Nutrition Data System for Research (NDSR), Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Adobe Premiere Pro, Photoshop, R
studio, SAS, Canva, Google Suite

Publications & Papers

Xie, J., Hao, X., Shang, Y., Chen, W. "Improvement of Stability and Lipophilicity of Pelargonidin-3- glucoside by 1
Enzymatic Acylation with Aliphatic Dicarboxylic Acid”. Published in Zhejiang University on Sep. 30th, 2022.
Jia, M., Shi, L, Zho, Y., Hu, X., Zhao, J., Ding, C., Shang, Y., Li, X., Jin, X., Dai, X., Liu, X., Liu, Z. "Intermittent Fasting
Mitigates Cognitive Deficits in Alzheimer’s Disease Via the Gut-brain Axis”. Published in Northwest A&F University on May
15th, 2022.

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