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Zola Bantu Class 27

The fall of the first human civilization

It’s consequences on planet earth

By Arvy Ngayaka Ngala-Ngala

Conscience Awaker & Founder of ZB

Date: 10.08.2022


1. Ladies and gentlemen we promised you in the last class 26 that in this episode we are
going to speak of the fall of the first civilization, and its consequences on planet earth.

2. In the last episode we spoke about the first civilization. We told you that in the
first civilization the earth was one compacted mass, people lived in a space where there
were no continents like today, people lived in a compacted earth, and they produced a
great civilization of light (society of love, purity & Justice).

3. When we say people lived a great civilization of light, in truth it means people lived in
love, in divine justice, and in respect of the laws of creation (Purity). And they also
respected these laws in usage of the 7 envelopes (bodies) that they received.

4. So, don’t get all confused when we speak of light, when we speak of light it is a
spiritual language that simply means love, justice and purity. We speak of all that is
noble and all that shows the reflection of the spiritual kingdom.

5. Ladies and gentlemen to be able to understand the fall, first you to understand how
people lived when they were in communion with God. Because it would be absolutely
crazy to think (We are addressing the Christians) that God created Adam and Eve, and
in the first generation the two fell into sin immediately. If this is the case, then the
creator didn’t do a perfect job.

6. In the first civilization people lived in light (love, purity & justice). People
experimented their liaison (connection) with the MOST HIGH. People lived what
master Yeshua said, resumed in two commandments found in Luke 10:27, Matthew
23:37, “Love God with all your heart, mind, body, soul and strength, and love your
neighbour as yourself”. It means do to others as you would have them do for you.

7. The Adamanic and Eve human civilization lived this. The Adamic and Eve humans
civilization attained the peak of living this way. We cannot speak of the fall if there
was no normal life before. In the beginning man lived in liaison and harmony with the

8. The fall that is mentioned by fellow Christians fueled by a misunderstanding of Bible

texts is deceptive and gives birth to dogmas and precepts. We are addressing mostly
Christians in these teachings as many African people and humanity are locked in mental
prisons by this religion. We teach this to help them to arrive at an understanding of
things in a simple manner. Spirituality is very simple, with some of the information in
the bible, if you are someone of a good will you cannot be misled, that is why the
teachings of Zola Bantu is addressed first of as a priority to men and women of a good

9. So, today ladies and gentlemen, first we will like to give you the goal of these
teachings. What are we voicing out here at Zola Bantu? What are we trying to pass
through to your ears, heart and mind? We are giving you keys on how to live with the
light (kingdom/character) of God that is in you. Because every human on earth has the
intensil/the bios/the spirit/the consciousness/the energy of the will of MOST HIGH
in him or her. Your nucleus is a spiritual nucleus. Even though some people are dead in
spirit, it means they don’t live spiritually anymore, a situation where the intensil of
MOST HIGH that is in them is dead completely. And instead it is the animal man
(physical body) that is living and profiting from the radiation of the light of MOST
HIGH, permit me to say; this animal is leading a life of ultimate stupidity and
10. Please suffer, we tell you things in simple terms. To tell you things in a simple
manner means to tell you the truth. Acts of foolishness here at zola bantu we will not
tolerate it, or address it. Because if we twist our words to make people feel nice, the
more we will lead people to death. Simplicity is to tell things as it is presented.

11. Because messages or information that is simple, information that tells the truth,
seems so complicated to a man that is full of unnecessary information in his head. But
for a person who is a child, information or messages of truth, messages of simplicity, it
is something that is embraced warmly. And we have chosen in these teachings to tell
you things in a simple manner, so we will give you indices and notions hoping to provoke
in you an awakening.

12. Because when you are not awakened, it is like a dog that hears some noise, it raises
its head to be sure if it really heard something, and as this noise persists the dog
wakes up. Spiritual awakening is only possible when you ask yourself existential
questions, and these questions will lead you slowly by slowly to search for the right
direction, to look for the best path, to search for truth. John 8:32, “Then you will
know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

13. And this truth in the voicing out that we are doing, we are bringing you to a good
understanding of the structure of creation, and the principles that hold the structure
of creation.

14. Ladies and gentlemen, 2 thing,

we are in a big house, that is this physical
kingdom. It is sad to live in a house where you do not know the structure, how are you
going to navigate in this house? How are you going to understand the routes in this

15. So it is important for men and women of goodwill, that really want to discover the
truth, they need to know the structure of creation. It is absolutely crazy and
impossible to travel from Lusaka, Zambia to Johannesburg, South Africa if you do not
have the map or GPS (Global positioning system), to have an idea of the path/map that
will take you up to Johannesburg. You will navigate for life; you will not get to your
16. Currently the spirituality that is being taught today has no destination, why?
Because before teaching whatsoever in spirituality, you need to understand creation.
There are others that do not even know that there are 7 universes or 7 constellations
in our cosmos, that we have 7 parallel universes. You do not know the structure of
creation. You don’t know where your human spirits came from. You do not even know
your journey, how you descended up to here, into this physical kingdom, but you are
completely lost, total chaos.
17. How are you going to live in a house that you are ignoring, and have no understanding
of? You do not know where the rooms are, if you want to use the toilet, you do not know
where the toilet is. You don’t know where the kitchen is found. You have no idea of the
architectural dimension of this physical kingdom. How are you going to Serve God in a
house that you do not know?

18. And again, your own body is constituted of all the 7 parts that you took from the
higher realms as you were descending up to here on earth. You wore the body of each
part of the material universe. Starting from the subtle universes up to here, all the 7
universes or constellations.

19. When the human spirit, the intensil of the will of THE MOST HIGH was passing by
all these universes to arrive here at the dense matter (physical earth). My friends we
wore the envelopes, the bodies of;
The body of the first kingdom of light
The body of the second kingdom of light
The body of the third kingdom of light
These 3 kingdoms make up the above.
And then we descended and wore the body of the archaic annals, and then we
descended to wear the mental body, then astral body and then lastly the physical body.
In total 7 bodies.

20. You do not even know the spiritual biology of your body, then how do you call
yourself a servant of God, how do you call yourself a servant of God.

21. In our introduction for class no. 27 today, we would like to address you so called
servants of God, we have come in a blessing, we have not come to step down on you or to
embarrass you. We know that for over 2,000 years we have lived in a deep sleep and
spiritual laziness. We inherited all these trafficked bible texts from the council of
Nicaea, consul of Constantinople. We have a lot of reforms around all these
manipulations, and we are completely lost. If we do not help you, you will not have the
capacity to navigate well today. Especially now that we are at the end of the time of

22. Third, we have come to help you. God did not leave you as orphans. At this time
of the end of nations where THE MOST HIGH wants to return to the true Israelites,
the Bantu people and through this Israelites, the bantus, he will organise them and give
them wisdom, format them, so that men and women of a good will those that vibrate in
Ubuntu can lead the world through the reign of peace on earth.

23. Because it is through Israel, the Bantus, not the impostors that are colonising
Palestine today. We speak of the true Israel. The fake Israel of today are the nations,
who have encapsulated the word of God, they have rejected it, and false prophets
(anti-Christ) have birthed from this to transfer teachings that are simply dogmas and

The Anti-Christ
24. One day we shall speak to you about false prophets (anti-christ). Because many
people think that (anti-christ) it is the catholic church, some say it is the protestant
church, it is Jew that will come, it is this and that, oh it’s the European union, No!

25. When THE MOST HIGH speaks he speaks always in present time, and present
tense. When God spoke about false prophets (anti-Christ), from the very moment he
spoke of false prophets, false prophets were there. The false prophet (anti-christ) is
your intellect. It is your reasoning; it is your animal intelligence. Yes, this animal
intelligence can make the metro, and other sophisticated technologies, but this
intellect also can traffic and manipulate all sorts of things.

26. The anti-spirit is the animal brain that is not controlled by the spirit,
the Cain that opposes Abel, that is the antichrist. And today we live under the
intellectual power of the anti-Christ. Anti-Christ means the light of the human intellect
that is not re-aligned to God, that has created today a lot of chaos.

27. In the level of organisation of the world and humans, in the scientific level, and
even in the level of the world, the antichrist has transformed the word of God to a
religion. Others say anti-, in Greek it means in the inside, interior, why because the
animal came before man. The antichrist is the human brain that has become
uncontrollable, and has become a virus that does anything, and the entire earth is in
admiration of the antichrist.

28. The antichrist is not an organisation because organisations are temporary and keen
to evolve, maybe tomorrow the European union will exist no more, what will you say
then? Because others see the anti-Christ as the European union, others saw a man or a
beast. The antichrist is any reasoning that is not founded on the light of the word of
God, the light of THE MOST HIGH. And today the humans have built a civilization, and
society of the antichrist. We will return to this with explanations.

29. Friends we have spoken of the highest, Brother Paul says, “Who alone is immortal
and who lives in unapproachable light (inaccessible light) whom no one has seen or
can see. To him be honour and might forever. Amen.” And later he manifested
himself in the form of the holy spirit, 1 Timothy 6:16.

30. He created the planets of light, planets of pure beauty, planets full of love where
our elders (glorified ancestors) work full of love, our elders work in justice and ecology,
they have peace with the creator, there is no sickness in the spiritual kingdom, because
sickness is nothing but a disequilibrium. Disequilibrium has been caused by infiltrators
who are manipulating the laws of the universe here on earth.

The Spiritual Kingdom

31. In the spiritual kingdom, there is no disequilibrium, here we are speaking of the
spiritual kingdom, Mazulu Sambwadi. In the spiritual kingdom there is no sickness.
There is no disequilibrium that can provoke sickness. Because people of the spiritual
kingdom are not matter of a physical nature. They live on planets where all the actions
that they do, are in conformity with the laws of nature, the laws of a spiritual nature.

32. All that they do is in conformity with divine nature, they have peace with THE
MOST HIGH. True peace is peace with THE MOST HIGH. Having that relationship
with the creator. Not like here on earth, kill and steal as long as you have a few zeros
after a whole number in your bank account then you claim to feel peaceful. That is no
peace, peace is to be connected to God.
33. We insist in the spiritual kingdom there is no sickness, there is no oldness,
everything is harmonious, everything is in equilibrium. The spiritual world is in auto-
equilibrium for an indefinite time. Because it is governed by the holy spirit, THE MOST
HIGH, the first man, the ancient of days. Daniel says of him in Daniel 7:9
“I watched till thrones were put in place, And the Ancient of Days was seated; he
is the king of the spiritual kingdom”

34. So, the ancient days are rulers in the spiritual kingdom, the spiritual kingdom is
managed by the primordial spirits, and the spirits created auto-conscious, and other
entities of the spiritual world, that are the servants of THE MOST HIGH.

35. So, relationships in the spiritual kingdom are not relationships of domination. The
relations over there are relations of exchanges in a diversity and not in uniformity or
Different positions are useful, but it is not submission. Everyone has their place,
everyone does things freely, with an uninterested love, everyone belongs to a family.

36. And in the last level of the spiritual kingdom, we have the gems of spirits, that are
potential spirits, but they also need to engage in a joyous labour to arrive at spiritual
maturity. So that by the time they will regain (return) the spiritual planet, we mean
return to the spiritual kingdom. When they will regain that spiritual body, that
Christians call a glorified body.

A Glorified Body
37. When they speak of a glorified body, in truth they speak of a spiritual body.
Brother Paul says in 1st Corinthians 15: 42-44 “Our earthly bodies are planted in the
ground when we die, but they will be raised to live forever. 43 Our bodies are
buried in brokenness, but they will be raised in glory. They are buried in
weakness, but they will be raised in strength. 44 They are buried as natural
human bodies, but they will be raised as spiritual bodies. For just as there are
natural bodies, there are also spiritual bodies.

38. So, a glorified spiritual body is not the transmission of physical body to a
spiritual body no!
Like how many misunderstand the verse 1 Thessalonians 4:17
After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with
them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord
You will fly where with that material body?? Hehe

39. The physical body is matter and matter has envelopes that we use to live here. We
shall work with these 7 envelopes, and the goal is that when our bios (our spirit)
becomes conscious, and becomes auto-conscious. Well, we return to the spiritual
kingdom, that is what it means to be glorified, activating all your 7 chakras, then you
are baptised by the holy spirit. Not the cinema that you do in churches on Sunday,

40. Well, we return to the spiritual kingdom with our spiritual body, and leave all the
envelopes that we wore behind. We also leave behind the envelopes of the subtle light
matter (first 3 kingdoms of light bodies) and also dense heavy matter that we are
wearing at the moment, the body of an animal.

Living in an Animal Body

41. We would like to open a bracket and close it right away, when we say we live in an
animal body, we don’t mean the spirit lives in animality, we are not animals. Please
exercise some maturity because some people are too lazy and they think when we say
we live in the animal body it means we are animals. When you enter a car to get to town,
have you now become a car? When you climb a donkey are you now a donkey? The spirit
lives inside the body of the animal like a driver in the car. It means a certain species of
animals borrowed us their body,

42. In the language of the bible, it is said God killed an animal and dressed them,
Genesis 3:21 “And the LORD God made clothing from animal skins for Adam and his
wife”. The animal lent us an envelope (body). It is because of this envelope that we live
here on earth, but we do not have the soul of the animal, our soul (bios/nucleus) is
spiritual. If you want to enter into water and you don’t have a suit
(vessel/body/envelope) that can help you survive in water, how are you going to explore
the water body??

43. So for the spiritual soul to live in this dense heavy matter (the physical dimension)
they had to borrow him a body. The body of the animal species that they called the
first Adam, pulled from the soil. The first Adam is pulled from the soil, it means made
from the soil. Genesis 2:7 “Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the
ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a
living being.”.

44. So there was a junction between the spiritual soul, and this animal body, that is why
there was a need for a long time, for the spirit to ennoble, and master the body that he
took from the animal. You don’t enter a car for the very first time and become Lewis
Hamilton, you will die.

45. So the spirit had to elevate this body to a configuration that is comfortable for
him. This adjustment of the spirit to master the body took him over 10 million years. 10
million years for this proconsul to become Australopithecus Afarensis. From
Australopithecus to a Homo habilis and from Homo Habilis he had to become a Homo
erectus. And from homo erectus to a homo sapien that we are today.

46. Now there is something very important that you have to understand here. We are
not in the theory of Charles Darwin, listen to us carefully; to better understand how
the Luciferians beings have polluted the principle of evolution.

We did not evolve to become White

47. First point, we did not evolve to become white, no, this is where many black
people shut the theory of evolution because Darwin tells you we evolved to become
white. Second point; the error that many evolutionary theorists make, these so-
called people that drive the theory of evolution in an evil way, they think that man is
the product of evolution without the intervention of the hand of God, no. They claim we
were a bunch of animals and we became smart just like that, no. There was a spiritual
intervention, the sons of God came to marry the daughters of men, Bana ba zulu
married bana ba ntonto. Genesis 6:2 “the sons of God saw that the daughters of
humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.”

48. Spiritual man when God said let there be light, he got out of light. But to evolve in
the physical dimension he has a need of a physical body and it is that body that was
made from the dust of the ground. This process was controlled by the essentials, the
servants of God up to when the animal became sort of a primate. Our ancestors of
baluba in Kongo called them bana ba ntami or ban aba ntonto. Bana ba ntonto means, men
created from the soil, pulled from the soil.

49. The zulu tribe in SA believe that their ancestors came from the stars, they speak
of this fusion, this marriage. So there was a need of a good architecture controlled by
the army of the lord the entities during the act of sex of these primates, that bana ba
zulu (spiritual man) should incarnate instead of the soul of the animal primate, so that a
human being is what?, it is a spirit lives in a body of an animal.

We came to do what?
So we came and do what?
50. We incarnated the physical body, and we spent 10 million years to ennoble it. There
are 3 dimensions that are at the foundation of our purpose here on earth as we thrive
to become the image and resemblance of our creator. We have the colour blue, colour
red, and colour yellow. Blue vibration means to live the love of God, Red means to govern
the earth well. Colour is only a vibration, ladies and gentlemen, and finally colour yellow,
the ability to study the earth well to produce goods and services that reflect well the
grandeur of God.

51. We therefore need to be worshipers, in our actions. To worship the creator is not
to go to a building surrounded by walls and to scream hallelujah amen. To worship God is
to put these 3 vibrations to practice, practically. We are People that need to bring
beauty into this universe.

52. Why do we have to bring beauty into this universe? Because we have spiritual
talents in us. The spirit comes with fruits, that it needs to manifest these 3
dimensions; charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity,
gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity”. But we didn’t have the
possibility to experiment in the spiritual kingdom because of the force that was in the
spiritual kingdom. That is why we came to earth and this post creation was prepared by
essential beings. And we came to deploy the talents that are in us, here on earth

52. So spirituality has 3 branches, the symbol of the pyramid. There is the blue
branch, the branch of wisdom, of the love of the creator. So that we can do things with
love, so that our life can be a blessing for humanity, so that our life can be a blessing
for our current generation, so that our life can be a blessing for the army of the lord,
the simbis, so that our life can be a blessing for the ecosystem, the environment,
animals, so through this joyous labour, when we shall manifest love, in creation. That is
how we become more and more conscious of our spiritual dimension, and we begin
ascending slowly by slowly.

53. We do not only need to manifest love, we have to manifest justice. Justice in the
governing of nations. Justice in the international organisations that exist. Justice in
the way a man should live with a woman. Justice in the way we raise our kids. Justice in
entrepreneurship. So, it’s an entire experience, everyone in what concerns him/her in
his/her place of birth and where he/she lives we have to exercise ourselves to better
understand this word of God. It means the laws of creation, but there is so much
misunderstanding of the word of God. For others it’s a book of 66 books. For others it
is the bible. Others it’s the Quran. Others it is the Tripitaka. Others it’s the Veda,

What is the Word of God?

54. But what exactly is the Word of God?

Here we would like to open up a bracket to say the ‘WORD”. The word of God are laws
that bind the visible and the invisible creation of our creator. It is not what is written
in what so ever book. The sacred authors were inspired, they tried each, with their own
spiritual levels with their own historical context, with the scientific means that they
had, they tried to translate this WORD that is inscribed in nature in their own
language, with the weakness or richness of their language.

55. But the only true WORD of God are laws inscribed in nature.
God did not speak in Hebrew.
God did not speak in Kikongo.
The WORD of God, it is the principle that governs the visible and invisible universe,
that is what we call the VERB. The WORD of God is inscribed in nature. Men have
studied nature to learn from it the WORD of God. When master Yeshua was saying, we
do not mock God, all that you sow you will reap. Galatians 6:7-9 “Be not deceived; God
is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” He saw it in

56. When we say that matter has 4 phases, matter is born, we see it in nature.
Matter evolves, or grows, we see It in nature.
Matter arrives at maturation; we see it in nature.
And matter decomposes, we see it eagerly in nature.
So, in nature is found crystallised the only and unique WORD of God.

57. Well there are people who tried to compile it into 66 books, others made the
Quran. Everyone in their civilization, in his/her culture, they have tried to seize in
their culture that WORD.
God did not speak in French.
God did not speak in Lingala.
I see some people standing up when reading the bible with solemnity, thinking they are
doing something noble, these are religious people, the WORD of God is found in nature.
That is why master Yeshua used to say doesn’t nature teach you these things?
58. When Christians want to verify everything we tell them here at zola bantu in the
writings of the bible. Was master Yeshua verifying in the writings of Samson? You
remember when master Yeshua used to say, Moses told you that, but I tell you this,
Remember, in Matthew 5:27-28, master Yeshua said, “27 “The laws of Moses said,
‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I say: Anyone who even looks at a woman with
lust in his eye has already committed adultery with her in his heart.’

59. So he had to verify what the words or writings of Moses?? Verify in the only and
true writing of God, that is nature. Master Yeshua was recommending people, not to
what you call old testament today, he was telling people to observe nature. Because
nature expressed the wisdom of God. Nature expresses the justice of God. Nature
expresses the purity of God. Because, this nature was made by the army of the Lord
and we told you that entities vibrate only in the will of God.

60. All the materials came from the spiritual kingdom; architecture plans came from
the spiritual kingdom. So, nature can teach us the thoughts of GOD. The thoughts of
God are not revealed by Zola Bantu. That is why master Yeshua used to say, “you
observe things, but not what is essential”. You know how to observe the moon, but
you cannot see time. He said in Luke 12:56 “Hypocrites! You know how to interpret
the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don’t know how to
interpret this present time?”

61. Everything we are teaching you here at zola bantu verify it in nature. Now you know
what we meant when we said, verify all in the writings of God. We don’t send you to
things that were modified in the council of Nicaea and council of Constantinople.
Writings that are now confusing, everyone has their own interpretation, and we are left
confused and we can’t find ourselves. We ask you to verify everything in nature. And
you also are an element of nature. Because in you, you have 7 bodies of different nature
that exist in you, but you are in ignorance.

62. Ladies and gentlemen we are in this post creation of a heavy matter to grow our
bios so that this bios can give us the perfect stature of Christ. Christ is the bios,
or the spirit, the inner you. Master Yeshua was the Christ of God and we are eagerly
called to be the Christ of God. It means men who live not according to the animal man,
the antichrist. Anti-christ is the human intellect. Any reasoning that is not sourced
from the creator is the antichrist.
63. When the intellect takes over and begins to control the things of God, that is the
antichrist. Now when a large group of people are being led by the intellect, then you will
see a mass total manifestation of the antichrist, a world of materialism and egotism as
we see it today, a civilization of material consumption. Because those that drive this
materialistic civilization have no interest in spirituality. The nations are so called great
philosophers, theologians, materialistic intellectuals that have driven the things of God
according to human comprehension and they have created dogmas, they have created
doctrines that are contrary to the teachings of nature.

64. And man does not even observe what nature teaches him. Does matter teach you
that a dense physical body can on its own rise and fly to Jupiter? Can a material body
withstand a speed of 300,000 kilometres per hour? Without breaking into pieces, or
pulverise? This is the teaching of nature and if nature does not teach you that, you
have to revisit your teachings on the rapture and resurrection.

our feelings, our emotions

65. Ladies and gentlemen, our feelings, our emotions. They have prepared for us
this post creation. At that time people had feelings that were in appetence to light,
they knew that they came to earth to serve light and because they had an astral body
that transformed their thoughts to feelings and emotions, they had noble feelings.
All that you are seeing on tv where they show people of the past eating animals and
being like cannibals, it is nonsense, it is not true. When man became a homo sapien, with
his spiritual self-awakened he was not a meat consumer that we see on tv today. That is
a result of the theory of evolutionists. Man was in relation with God.
66. A man in the mental world had a good comprehension of God. He was a man who was
in the wisdom of God, in the love of God, he lived simply, but he was not savage, wild.
We did not move from a wild state to a civilised state, contrary we have moved from a
civilised state to a wild state. We have the impression that it is the man of today that
has evolved, it is false.

67. Man (Spirit) in the first civilization when he ennobled and mastered his physical
body, especially the man who had chosen the femine activity, she was in a direct
relationship with our elders. She had a just intuition, she transmitted the reception of
the thoughts of light to her husband or the men of the day. And the men transformed
the society accordingly. Men that were fully in purity that they spoke with the
essential beings of nature, because they came from the spiritual kingdom. A realm that
is superior to the army of the lord, the kingdom of the simbi’s. So, the essential beings
of nature obeyed him. We lived in justice. We lived in formidable societies. People ate
bio foods.

68. Man from the start was vegetarian. Man did not eat animals. Like how they show you
on tv on the history of humanity, it is false. It is completely false, that information. It
is a story that is fabricated by evolutionists that do not understand that from the
start, the animal body was created and the spirits incarnated. We were the body of an
animal but we come from the spiritual kingdom. We are potentially in the image and
resemblance of God. It means man has moral and spiritual values. We are not animals,
when we entered into the post creation, man felt the need to cover his body.

69. Today women of the post creation have become animals. You dress like you are going
to sleep. Where is the nobility as a woman? Nudity everywhere. The first civilization
did not know these things. The people lived according to the will of God. It means, they
respect the principle that governs the visible and invisible universe. And they built
their society according to the models that respected the ecosystem, that respected
their relationship with God. And that respects the relationship among them, it means a
cross of equal branches.

The Cross
70. That is why master Yeshua was saying if you do not carry this cross, it means you
do not serve the creator with all your force, with all your soul, the vertical dimension.
And if you don’t have peace with those around you,, the horizontal dimension.
He says, “you are not worthy to serve me”. It is symbolic. Matthew 16:24-26.

71. He is not speaking of the cross of Golgotha, that is the tradition of Romans in their
culture. If someone had done evil they killed evil people by hanging them on the cross,
this used to happen way before Master Yeshua was Born. They killed them on a cross,
but it has nothing to do with the cross that master Yeshua was speaking of. Master
Yeshua was speaking of the cross of truth. That is your relationship with God, vertical
branch and you have to manifest that relationship on how you live with others,
horizontal branch.

72. And the men of the first civilization seized this. They lived and had a conscience,
Of their appetence to the spiritual kingdom. It means they knew they were foreigners
on earth, this earth is a school. We do not stay in school all our life. You learn so that
one day you can go to the society to apply what you learnt.
73. So we live in this school. So that we can learn the love of God. To learn divine
justice. To learn the word of God, the laws of creation. You understand the word of
God. Man shall not only live by bread alone, but the word that proceeds from the mouth
of God and it is not the songs of Solomon that is the word that came out from the word
of God. It is not what I am telling, we are not the mouth of God, the mouth of God
manifested in a human body, it happened only twice; Master Yeshua and The Son of Man
(Mfumu Kimbangu). But his word is found in nature, in the invisible and visible creation.
And you are elements of nature, So, it means you have the word in you.

74. What we are doing now, it is an awakening, to wake you up, the bios is found in each
of you. You don’t need to go and look for the word of God from Arvy, from an
archbishop or a pastor, or anywhere, it is because you live in laziness of the spirit. You
do not ask yourself existential questions.

75. But we have come to a time if you remain like this you will miss out on the reign of a
thousand years, that is why God in his sovereignty has sent beings that come from the
kingdom of lights to come and help you, so you can wake up. It is personal work. You
refuse, we pass on. You accept we are there to help you, but the awakening it is you
that will do it. By looking at the cross, your relationship with God and your relationship
with your neighbour, your community, your country on how you will dispose of what you
have learnt about God, in your environment, that is what it means to carry your cross.
And if you are not carriers of the cross, you will not inherit the kingdom above,
76. But see how religion has turned your upside down to the cross of the romans, and
they told you, it is that cross that saved you. When we speak like this, we do not deny
the Lordship of Master Yeshua, but we simply tell you that you have understood
nothing. You did not understand, master Yeshua was not speaking of his death, he was
saying if you have love among you, that is how they will know you are my disciples. Love
one another. Master Yeshua was bringing people back to 3 principles that guide the
manifestation of God; Love, Purity and justice.

77. See where he appeared to Peter, what did he tell him? He said “Peter, do you love
me sheep?” He never said peter, if you love me, look to the cross of Golgotha. Mary
Magdalene, when she came to see him at the tomb, we shall speak of it. She saw the
apparition (vision) of master Yeshua. And he said, “Why search for me among the
dead, he who lives?” “Do not look for me in these material things, I already wear
a glorified body. I conquered darkness, the darkness of matter, well follow my
path and you too will succeed”. And the first civilization lived like this in all domains
of life.

Reproduction & Family

78. We wear the animal body, but we don’t reproduce children like animals, because we
are not animals. A child is made in the context of a family. When you make a child out
of the context of a family it is fornication. It is sexual immorality, and impudicity, it is
adultery, because we are spiritual beings. Beings that found a family and a family is God
himself that instituted it. Man shall leave his father and his mother, and man shall
attach to his wife. And each people have a culture to manifest that attachment. It is
not in fornication Mister. It is not in so-called liberty what you are doing now. We do
not pick a woman on the street, we are spiritual, we shall ask for a woman in the house
of her parents.

Clans & Tribes

79. The clans also need to be organised in light, even languages. There is a need for
language academies to take our languages to excellence. An animal man speaks like an
animal, but a spiritual person brings nobleness in his way of speaking. We don’t use what
they call today as big words, we speak in a simple manner. We need to bring our
languages to understand all scientific concepts of the world. Our languages need to
integrate the word of God that exists and is crystalized in nature, it is work. There is a
need of Panzu’s (scientists) people that are singularly consecrated to that. Is that the
society of today?
79. Our languages have become fra-lingala, pidgin, crazy things, and we are happy at
that. Where is the development? When you bring the languages to educate your
children that come from the streets. You take it even to church. Pastors begin to speak
like gangsters, and you like that, and scream amen. You see this is decay, and total
destruction. Here we give you the elements of the fall, but we have not yet explained
the cause of the fall, we are getting to it, how that arrived. You are already
understanding that we are men and women who have fallen, decayed.

Social Organisations
80. Yes as men evolved they had created social organisation, yes these existed but
adapted to what is happening in light, in the spiritual kingdom. Today we have
organisations of terrorists, like the CIA, bokoharam, Alshabad, Alqaida etc. People who
are ready to place their bombs everywhere, some wear bombs and go and blast
themselves in the metro. See the evil of the heart. If you want to kill yourself, wear
your bomb at home and blast yourself, why go to the train where people are going about
their business? We have responsible people who want to go to work, real worshippers of
the highest.

81. If you want to blast yourself, take poison at home and die. An evil heart.We have
arrived at appoint where people dive in front of the metro in the name of God and
people applaud this, and some combatants say it is high time many Africans start doing
such stupid things on the continent. No respect for life. Life was borrowed to us to
cultivate a personality that corresponds to light.

Healthcare Systems
82. My mothers, fathers and dear children of Africa, the civilizations of light of the
time also developed healthcare systems and how to treat ourselves. Because living in
the post creation we are exposed to possibilities of being hurt physically. It is not
useless that in nature we have natural substances whose active principle serve in
treating of sores, or cuts. In this experience in nature, some people may be hurt
physical, so medicine and healthcare is important. All this is not because of sin.
83. You will come to see that you lived for a long time in religion. Especially now that we
shall speak to you about the fall and its consequences. The fall also reached the level of
the matter but it is mostly on our relationship with God and the kingdoms of light. Here
we are trying to tell you how our ancestors lived, because this all took place in one

84. In the beginning the earth was one compacted mass. The separation of the
continents, came with fall, we spoke to you about this in the last class in detail.

ID’S (Identification)
85. Identification, you think of the phenomenon of identification (issuing of ID’s),
identity cards, it is something new, no, there is nothing new under the sun. There is no
civilization now on earth that can say, they attained the peak of development like the
first civilization in Ethiopia, no one. Even in the Scandinavian countries, they did not
attain the light of the first civilization. Whether in the dimension of the wisdom of
God, in science, or in governance. And all this happened on the equator, Ntimasi. In the
basin of central Africa. That is where the first civilization was, not what we are taught
by white people of people who look like monkeys.

86. We speak of men and women that lived 200, 300 years dressed in the wisdom of
the most high. In the master of the law. They lived in the Ma’at, they organised
themselves in families, there was no immorality. People asked the hand of a woman for
union of activities that we call marriage. There were criteria to choose a wife. Women
were evolved, they were not the microbes that we see today, vermin that we see today,
that dress up all naked, and you will hear them say, “oh it feels good, its hot’. And they
exposed all their nudity. Women who have not understood anything. Decay beings and
sexual pits. That only expresses the fall of humanity.

87. We are praying that the most high raises a woman to bring to her polluted sisters
the word of the most high. Women who dress up like that in the church! and they call
the assembly of the saints, where they are congregating with demons and fathoms.
And that is what you call today adoration?

88. Ladies and gentlemen, it is a simple language, but I know this language is very
difficult for you. We know. Because you are no longer in the will of God. But those of
you that have a good will, will recognise from the sound of the message here at Zola
Bantu the message the most high is trying to tell you coming from the eternal gospel,
that the Son of Man (Mfumu Kimbangu) brought in 1887.

Respecting Laws
89. They governed the universe in respecting the simbis, the army of the lord.
Today, there is no respect.
To have a child we begin to play games, because we have understood the science of
nature, we go and buy sperms where we do not know its origin. We later use it to
fertilise and ovule, and we place in the womb of a surrogate mother, and we call that a
child? Do you know where these children come from? You hear them, “Oh God has
blessed me”, with things like in vitro fertilisation. You no longer respect the laws of
nature. You say oh “it is God that gives children”, because you do not understand the
laws of creation.

90. You have no understanding of the process of evolution of children, during pregnancy
and at birth. You have fun in your science. A surrogate mother is Indian; she is paid to
carry a foetus that she did not generate. And that foetus comes from an egg fertilised
by sperm bought from a sperm bank. Is this modernity? Is this what you call modern
society? Well let’s teach you, that the first civilization of light of the time was not like

91. Education was initiation.
Children were initiated to life from a young age. They were taught obedience of older
people, serviceability, and polite language. See today, you will see in some tribes in
Africa, when a young girl wants to greet an elder, she bows, they were taught this in
initiation. When a woman is passing before men, she puts herself in a position of
nobility and humility because she is the guardian of the sacred flame. But today? Hmm
we have left the education of our children to the government. Because we are all
chasing money, once you are pregnant you immediately register your kids to a
kindergarten. And you abandon your kids in kindergarten, you give the first 7 years of
your child to the government and TV. And you are shocked one day, you are not in a
relationship with your child, because of so much love for money.

Mental Health
92. Mental health.
Today we have sick mental people all over. Even at the level of our leaders, people who
lead us today are sick mentally. Leaders that negotiate with NGOs for their people to
eat genetically modified food. In our nation it is even worse, we accept money to be
bins/waste disposal zones and receivers of nuclear wastes.

93.The first civilization produced electricity, oh yes! Not the lie we are told of Thomas
Edison. We never produced electricity via nuclear energy. Today I think you are in
shock, What? We had electricity in the first civilization? Yes! We have regressed,
We have not developed, we are at the bottom of the ladder, bottom of the pit.

94. We eat anyhow today; we do not even know how to market our food (Alimentation).
We have been given a mind to know how to select the best food to consume and how to
prepare it. It is part of initiation, they taught people how to aliment and how to prepare

95. We were taught how to speak in public, when and at what moment and what to say.
You will find notions of these things in African traditions.

96. System of governance.
How did people govern in the first civilization? They arrived in a school (Earth). Are
they the ones that need to decide who will be the principal of the school? Are they the
ones who will decide who will be the professor of the school? We are speaking to you
about democracy. Today you have democracy and it pleases you, but it is liberty. It is
absolutely nonsense. Instead you are seduced because it has produced in the level of
the animal man some systems that we have today, yet they have taken 80% of the
riches of the world and given it and consecrated it to only 20% of humanity and you
think we can live like this? The other 80% of humanity live in misery, in precarity, in
extreme poverty. And they (the 20%) impose on what sort of government the remaining
0805 should have. Have you reflected on the sense of democracy? It seems nice. Will
democracy lead you to light? Can democracy help you to attain consciousness? To
understand that immorality is wrong?

97. Because today, they have given us laws on cohabitation.

Today you can even change your sex and gender. In Belgium a law was passed, a young
girl of 16, can go to the court and say ‘well from today I am no longer a girl, I am a
boy”. So, administratively they give her a masculine sex, or gender in her ID. Today
men can become pregnant and carry a child, it is democracy. You see where it is taking
us? We are seduced by things we do not understand the why, and how. We have no
master of the ins and outs, and why these things have come to our lands, ladies and
gentlemen, the times we are in are severe.

98. You see ladies and gentlemen, our methodology, we started with you on how our
ancestors lived, and at the same time we are bringing you to the present, so that you
can see the fall, how great we have fallen.
Feel your misery!
You should be ashamed of yourself, children of Africa.

99. You are driving your car that runs on petrol and you are polluting the environment.
Do you know the danger and problem you are causing? Where is intergenerational
solidarity? We are going to leave our kids inhabitable environments. We are leaving for
the future generation, polluted environments. Did our ancestors leave us polluted
environments? You build skyscrapers, you think that is modernity? These are bad
technologies, unsustainable designs. It blocks air circulation; it consumes so much
energy with the need of HVAC. Why not build a civilization of green spaces?

100. So, today in the first phase we explained to you the first civilization, placing it in
comparison with what we have today. To let you know that you are at the bottom of the
ladder. Europe, America, Asia, do not even speak of Africa. We are a disgrace to
humanity. There is absolutely nothing, that is why is there is a lot of suicides. A lot of
mentally sick people,

101. Our families are recomposed. We create a lot of perturbation and confusion on the
kids, and these kids that keep changing their nationalities. Kids that will be the leaders
of tomorrow, but what society will you have? How are you surprised that you have the
kind people you have today as heads of your states and leaders of your nation? It is
because we have fallen.
102 Ladies and gentlemen, how did this fall happen, what happened? It is a new
paradigm; it is not what you have been taught for over 2,000 years. Many people will be
shocked. To say Zola bantu is speaking whatsoever.

103 How did civilization fall?

When God decided, when we say God we don’t mean the source that is in an inaccessible
realm. We speak of the holy spirit, GOD The creator.
When the holy spirit decided for us to come here, to do an experience of love, justice
and purity. He gave us a very essential element that we call the free will. He placed
this element in us. Why?

104. Because the most high did not want us to follow good, without there being an
alternative, another thing. He really wanted us to really understand that it is only in
following the good, can we arrive at being happy. So he gave us a free will, a free
choice. Follow us carefully.

105. There is no free choice, there is no free will, if there are no two possibilities of
choice. If you are in a house, and there is only one door for getting out, you will say, I
have no choice.
But the most highly created man has a choice.
Genesis 1:26, ”And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and
let them have dominion”

106. In the bible it is said, I have placed before you good and evil.
Deuteronomy 30:15, “See, I set before you today Good and Evil”
“See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction”
Let us repeat, “I the highest, in your free will I place before you good and I also
place evil before,”
But choose good, but you are free,
Let's read the verses, 15 See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and
destruction. 16 For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in
obedience to him, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and
increase, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.

17 But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient, and if you are drawn away to
bow down to other gods and worship them, 18 I declare to you this day that you will
certainly be destroyed. You will not live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to
enter and possess.

19 This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set
before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your
children may live

20 and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him.
For the Lord is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give
to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

107. What does it mean to place good and evil before us?
Since the physical dimension was made by the army of the lord, the simbis, under the
control of the holy spirit, via the primordials and spirits created auto-conscious.
God detached in the divine kingdom, in his mantle. He detached an entity that needed
to be at the peak of the post creation so that good and evil can be before us.
The entity that was symbolising evil to permit man to have the free will, they used to
call him Lucifer.

108. Lucifer was therefore the archangel that symbolised the principle of evil, so that
the humans can make the choice. This is what it means, “I place before you good and
evil”. So Lucifer in his principle of evil, he was therefore a servant of God. We do not
speak of Satan here; we speak of Lucifer. Lucifer being the radiation that incarnate
evil, he served the most high. By radiating evil, he was radiating the love of God. This
was needed to help man in discernment of maturity, so that all the time he spends in
the physical dimension that he should make the best choice. And if he makes the wrong
choice, by the consequences of the choice he made, he can understand that he made an
error, and make a proper choice next time.

109. So, up to that, the first humanity lived with these 2 principles. And because they
depended on God, and the woman was doing her job well. The woman is configured to
receive the light of God coming from the kingdoms of light, coming from the spiritual
kingdom to finally help men in the transformation of the society from glory to glory and
victory to victory, to the image and resemblance of the most high.

110. What then happened?

Lucifer, who was charged to be the principle of evil in the physical to finally enable
humans to exercise a free will. It was a sacred geometry. Everything was at its place,
well defined. There was evil in the physical kingdom, and man by the experience and
choices, and by the return of these choices in his life, could adjust his behaviour going
forward, as he evolved.
It therefore required Lucifer to not move out of his position.
He could not influence.
He could not approach the principle of evil more than humans. He had to stay in the
first level of the physical dimension, in pemba kalunga.

111. But what did this entity do? He left his position of employment. He placed the
pressure of evil on the woman (feminine activity). He influenced the woman, who was
supposed to receive the instructions of light, he approached the woman, to switch off
her sacred flame. To corrupt her mental body, her mind. To corrupt her intuition. To
corrupt her position, because she was supposed to guide her man, educate her children,
and be a testimony of the light of God in the nation.

112: The bible says in a certain language that the woman was seduced by the ancient
serpent. This serpent was still a serpent when things went well. He played his role, but
he could have approached the feminine activity and put pressure on humanity.
Remember his words, “you can oppose the most high”.
“Woman, you are playing your role well in advising the entire humanity to respect
the principles of God, but you know what, you can also influence humanity to do
whatsoever it wants. Why do you have to rely on the most high all the time? Why
every time you have to set yourself in a certain level of vibration, frequency and
purity to receive the instructions from the most high via your intuition? You have a
brain, think for yourself, do what you want, be God for yourself, and since your
husband is programmed to listen to you, he will listen to you.”
And by this act, Lucifer was no longer a servant of God.
Because he broke and abused the free will.
113. But a woman has a nucleus (spirit), we all have a nucleus, we received the
instructions from the Most High, our bios are designed towards light. Instead we
followed ego, instead letting our decisions from our intuition, to guide our brain. We
chose to be centred on ourselves. We chose to build a civilization to the glory of man,

114. The first speech was done by a woman. A woman wanted for the man to serve her.
The woman now wanted to seduce the man. But instead the woman needed to guardian
the sacred flame, the flame of love. But She wanted to transform the love that this
man had for him, to a slave. And you can see today it has back fired on her, it is her
now that has become a slave. She is the one stripping and walking naked today

115. The woman said, why should we build a society in the image of how things are run in
the spiritual kingdom? We can build our own society that corresponds to how we want it
to be. Liberty which was back in the day, a submission to the most high, today, through
the woman, it is to do anything, and whatsoever. It is my life and my body, I choose to
do with it however I want, nobody should tell me anything.
That is not liberty.
That is the evil principle of Lucifer.

116. Lucifer was necessary, in the free will. But when he influenced the woman, the
woman then corrupted the whole of humanity. Because she is the one that was
educating the children, she is the one that is the transmittance of the celestial culture
and traditions of the most high to all humanity. She is the one that was teaching
children languages, she taught kids principles and history from the beginning.

117. This woman, wanted to make of this man, the servant of the most high, the prince
of God on earth her slave. But the man also had the bios of God, but he gave in because
of the fleshly love he had for her. As time went things began to fall. Man began to
think to himself in the brain instead of consulting the most high. A woman became
more of an instrument that was leading man in the principle of evil.
Marriage that was a union of activities, marriage became a sexual instrument, a place of
pleasure and fleshy desires.

118. A woman became bestialised. A woman became animalised. A woman was influenced
by darkness. A woman became darkness. The feminine activity took the world away to a
world that is detached from the most high and the kingdoms of light, because we were
in contact with light, through our intuition.
Intuition is the language of the spirit.

119. And because this principle of evil corrupted the woman. It means corruption of the
entire humanity. The earth got separated from the spiritual world. There was no more
connection between the physical kingdom and the spiritual kingdoms. Because by the low
of gravity, all that is evil weighs much heavier than all that is good. So the earth
dropped very low, and there was a big gap between the earth and the kingdoms of light.

120. That, after physical death, the spirit did not know how to return to the kingdoms
of light. Then the recycles began, reincarnations. The fall began.
Reincarnations did not begin because we had to return to learn. But because of the fall
and decay we became very heavy, we could no longer climb to the kingdoms of light. So,
we descended even lower in the lower astral world.

121. And we began wars, and the first world war, the bible says, “God descended, and
he saw (it is a spiritual and initiatic language).
“God descended and saw that the men were building the tower of babel, in the
glory of humans”. Genesis 11:1-9.
And God confused their languages, when they say God here, they mean laws.

122: The laws of the most high being auto-active, made that there was a return of all
the egregores they produced, and it led to the first world war.
Imagine by friends, a great civilization, that achieved a great peak of knowledge
spiritually and materially.
It was a great severe thermonuclear war, the tectonics plates divided. The earth which
had two satellites, it means two moons, that rotated around the earth. One moon got
hit and fell down. It was a terrible catastrophe. There is no war on earth that can be
compared to the war that took place at this time,

123. And this did not please the most high. The most high via angel Michael removed
Lucifer where he was. He changed, there is now another that plays that role, that you
do not know, we can tell his name, he is called Aphrodas. That is at the first level of
the physical kingdom. Because Lucifer was removed, and cast down, and locked in prison,
by Michael. And this removal produced the first catastrophe that we had, but the
principle of evil stayed.
Sin (luciferian ideas) remained in the universe.
And what is sin? It means the humans uprooted themselves from the most high.

124. It doesn’t mean men began now to die physically no. They died already physically,
but humanity separated from the most high. The feminine intuition was no longer as
high, there was not even the will to seek the most high. And darkness reigned on earth.

125. The tectonic plate is divided. There are others that went to North America that
they call The Apaches (Native Americans).
And other people went to South America, The Inca.
Others went towards Australia, by the Bermuda triangle. There was a grand society
there that they called Atlantis.
And others were left in central Africa, and the most high asked them to climb up to
build a second civilization, that will be the Egyptian civilization.

126. But in the meantime, they suffered a lot of genetic mutation, due to the nuclear
war. The duration and life expectancy was cut short, producing pygmies.
Men experience mutations.
Different people populated the 5 continents, but the rise in population occurred
because there were many deaths. It was the first cataclysm ((of a natural event) large-
scale and violent.). We are 37,000 years before master Yeshua, at the time, in the
Zodiac, in the time of Leo (Lion), civilization of the Nkosi’s (Kings). It is at 37,000
before master Yeshua.

128. See therefore ladies and gentlemen, the one (Lucifer) that had to ensure the
equilibrium between good and evil. Good that came from the spiritual kingdom, that the
woman was charged to guide humanity in the post creation. And Lucifer who had to
place good and evil before man, so that man can do his act freely in soul and by his
conscience. He slowly put weight and pressure in the heart of the woman, and the
woman saw that as being important, because she wanted to be served, she is supposed
to be the governor of the universe, she was cheated and she seduced her husband. This
is the decoded story of the fruit, there was no apple that was eaten. We ate the fruit
of personal auto-satisfaction, the fruit of egocentrism.
129. And you can see it had recuperations on the concept of the family, on the children,
on the goal and purpose of life.
They created money, we shall teach on this.
The consequences are terrible,
And today the outcome of these consequences has seduced humanity, it means the anti-
christ has led humanity. The human intellect built a society and the entire humanity of
the earth has been seduced.

130. So, it is high time that you stop, and ask yourself where are we going?
Our mothers rise up!
We cannot attend spiritual maturity if our women are down.
That is why all religious speeches that tend to shut the woman and keep her down are
luciferian speeches.
As long as the woman doesn’t rise, it will be hard to help humans.

Thank you.
Zola Bantu

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