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Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 2

Chapter1:Andrean and Tarean

Welcome my creeps to the world of men. Where anything can be changed and nothing is against the rules when it comes to financial gain. Now forgive me my creeps because this might come as a shock to you. For in this world is not only men but women too. Yes as you may know this book contains straights, Lesbians, as well as homos, but we will get to that later. What's that you say. You can't wait. Be patient my little alligator. All will come in due time. But until then, let's head in to Esker's lane. Where a little boy lives with a mom but not a dad. A house where all they have is each other this boy with his mother, without a sister or a brother, but reader beware for all is not exactly fair for Andrean and his mother Tarean. It is the year of the dragon or so they say. Mother moon has certainly blessed them today. While the little boy plays with his toys his mother has a date with the past. She looks around opens her mouth and spits out the cum. Her baby is asleep while her husband reacts without restraint and beats her senseless just like she deserves. "What's wrong with my cum." He says rather glum and beats her again with the butt of the gun. She says "Nothing my love but you said spit it out." he replied by beating her again and with a smack he said "Don't be a smart ass and don't talk back." Then he said "I meant the gum." She tried to think of a clever pun, that she could use to squirm her ass out of this one. As she thought quickly. he made up his mind that it will always be too late. She said "I'm sorry my love, my master, and my king. He beat her till she dropped to her knees. He promised to teach her a lesson. Then he said "Open your legs please." When she

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 3 refused to apply he beat her again, but she wasn't stupid. She knew what he would want. He would beat her again if she obliged too fast. He would beat her like he did in the past. The third time he asked, she tried her luck, and wow did he give her a really good fuck. While he harshly drove his eleven inch dick in and out her tight swollen pussy. Her sweet and delicious juices ran from her pussy to her legs. she screams with ecstasy and pain as well as fear of her husband. When she screamed one more time. "no please stop!!" her son shook her when she woke with a start. "What's wrong ma?" Andrean said to his mother in the chair. "Nothing my distinctive child it was just a dream." Knowing that wasn't completely right he asked "what kind of a dream." she explained that it was more of a memory really about what happened when you were your young. You know what happened at dead man's lane" "Don't worry mom." he said. " It won't ever happened again." "But that is what I'm afraid of. " his mother said with a pout "it must happen again" she said as the fire went out. Her son started to put away his toys and said "You said it can only happen if you have a boy, so I won't get you pregnant. I promise you that". said the little boy as he pet his favorite cat. Sebashition purred, as Tarean said " Sweet heart Jestino is dead. You are our only son. Our only key to the throne, you know what you have to do to keep us alive. Please my sweet please be wise." "Oh mother you worry too much. Don't you know mother. It was just a thought." Now the boy has little to do but the mother has to get wise. She wonders how much longer she has with her son. Hoping the same thing she had hoped in dead man's lane. Hoping a little girl came first, so they can live in peace. Now my dear reader as we leave mother alone with her thoughts. Let's go to my favorite place. Across town in other state is dead man's lane. Readers you can turn back now it's not too late. I turn back now if I were you.

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 4 Chapter 2: Imortella and Imortel and the blood red club So we head over to dead man's lane were a young girl was discovered dead. No skin, only bones without the skull or as you would call it her head. Who she was is unimportant for all we know she could have been a whore. No who she was doesn't matter it wouldn't be nothing but a bore, so I'm just going to skip past the police and the neighbors dog to look at the house. The one built with logs. Inside you will find Andrean's godfather/uncle Imortel. Imortel is standing along side Imortella. The twins of chaos those two. Like I said, who the girl was won't interest you but who killed the girl and why should interest you and it really would too. You see Imortel and his little sister have a cousin younger than them. His name is Josephono and boy doesn't he get hungry!!! Well anyway they had just came home from the club. "The blood red club" of course. The hottest joint in all the land,so of course the two hottest demons had to be there. Well they left because Imortella was getting a little too hot with the owner 's daughter. Yes you heard me Imortella was caught in the rest room with the owner's daughter, by the owner who happens to be the wife of a minister ironic uh? I don't even know why I call her the owner. Nothing in this land is really owned by a female. Only her husband or her man. if she has neither she must give her profits to her lover or her father. Even though it doesn't matter who owns the club. only what happened in it. I thought you should get the facts. Well anyway Imortel entered the club wearing his long cape like black leather jacket with his red devil wife beater and tight leather pants tight enough to let you see what he was packing and trust me when I say brother was hung. Anyway lets not get a head of our selves. We must get back to

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 5 his dress code. So where did we leave off? Oh yeah his leather pants he also had on his signature glasses with the red lens. His sister Imortella had on a sexy red hot tube top, with the see through red veil hanging on her, and the tight black leather pants. That was one of her favorites, as well as her signature glasses however black unlike her twins which are red. Both twins walked one after another just like always. Imortel came first with his tan like Egyptian body and his white stormy hair with his stormy cat eyes with the white iris. His sister came after him hogging all of the attention from the men and most of the women. But then again the twins always were the hottest demons. Every since they were little ones they were the center of attention. Anyway you always could tell when they were up to something, and today they were up to having a contest but a contest of what is the question. When Imortel walked in the girls swooned liked usual but this time he paid no attention. Then Imortella walked in and the men swooned as usual but this time she paid them no attention. The people were baffled no one could remember the last time they both turned down the cute men and sexy women in the room at the same time. Then all of the sudden out the door came the fliest brother in the room. This brother had a two tone body wearing all red, red hot jacket with, red hot tight pants, and red hot sunglasses. He wasn't wearing any type of shirt at all, so his shoulder pecks as well as his eight pack was showing with his tan brazen like Egyptian body looking like a beautiful god inside the lighting of the club. He walk with precision and the people were baffled once again who was this beautiful man? And why was he here? Said the ladies with a tear. No one knew the beautiful man walking near Imortella, the princess of them all. Then the girl from before came looking so young and so

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 6 pure. She said "Josephono is that you by the door? He replied "yes it is me" to the girl so pure, and everyone was baffled once more but no one dare say a word in fear they will be cursed. "We have to hurry." the princess said. "we have one hour if we are late it will be my head." Just then the prettiest female in the club(not more prettier then Imortella herself of course.) walked by. Imortel assumed she was for him so he said "hey pretty lady want to walk this way" "Imortel I wouldn't walk your way, even if you paid me." The pretty lady said with a shout. Imortel got mad, and was about to punch her in the mouth,and would have done it too. If it wasn't for Josephono interrupting Imortel with his laughs and shouts. "Oh Imortel your such a kid. That's not the way you talk to a lady, and stop staring at her tits."how do you know how to talk to a bitch? You are fresh out the crib. You think you could do better then me, the future king. "I do" "Then try your best kid. Put your money where your mouth is." "Yes I agree said Imortella with a smirk " How did you get pass our mind barrier? You jerk. This is a private conversation. How rude indeed. Especially for someone who is suppose to be the future queen." " I just couldn't help myself. Knowing I am the most powerful one here."she said to her brother with a smirk." "Go ahead" Imortel said with a grin "Leave me alone with this jerk" he said to Josephono feeling, like his heart was full of sin. You see there is something going on between the two twins of chaos which we will get into when Josephono walks up to girl. "Okay" said Josephono with his eyes on the prize thinking about something not too wise.

"You know" Imortel said "our dear bothers from downtown wish us well, and wants us to come down." "Well our brothers from up here are starting to finally realize something about us is queer

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 7 daddy." "My love, does it matter? I think not and if I must tell you again to call me by my proper name!!!" "I'm sorry Dejiere for once you are right." "Would you like to be whipped for being rude my dear" "No Dejiere. I'm sorry" "Give me a kiss." "Like this Dejiere? Oh yes baby exactly like this." "Excuse me miss, I noticed you from across the way, and I liked the way you moved so I thought you might want to how did you put it lame-o- walk this way with me instead of a stiff one like him the pretty girl said about Imortel "What did u call me? Bitch." "You heard me" said the girl. "Okay I'll go." said Imortella. Imortel screamed "No" "You better let her go" "She's mine. Bitch." "Dejiere please." "What did you say? get to your knees." I 'm sorry, Dejiere. I didn't mean to be rude. I'm just asking for sometime for me and her." "What about me and you? and you weren't rude." "Can you and I have some free time later?" Then she whispered in his ear. "May I have a threesome with you and her Dejiere?" My bitch is in your hands. Have her here in an hour, and rule number one is no men follow this and you will be my friend." "Yes your majesty, your wish is my command." With that she took Imortella by the hand. "Whats up Josephono" Imortel said "yo you know the girl you sent me to talk to?" "yeah,What about her? I think she is a shrew. I tried to talk to her other's tried too. "I should have known when I failed. The girl's a dike," said Imortel "That's why" What do you mean by that." "She just took Imortella to the bathroom by herself." "Without you?" "Yup." "Wow." said Josephono with a shock. "Too bad" he said to his cock. "Well we better get to work. The sacrifices aren't gonna find them selves." The two finally completed their work when they heard this woman shriek "Get away from her, you freak. Where's your owner? where's your leash? Never mind. You demon. You nasty Lesbian bitch. Get out of my club and don't come back again and take your

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 8 friends with you. you disgusting slut." "Call me" said the pretty girl above her mothers shouts "Threesome tomorrow night." Imortella cried out. "Whatever you want Dejiere of mine." "Come on my dears let us escape this awful fate." They left the club. "You got your sacrifices Imortella said to the two. "I got mine babe as usual. I'm at peace" "you got yours and i have two." said Josephono showing off "slow your roll. Little cousin you may be new. but no reason to have the other's mad at you. Besides these girls are hard to find save it for another time." Then Imortel's smile turned into a frown. if you don't know what a frown is it is a smile turned up side down. "Why did that lady not want us around?" he asked Imortella. Josephono didn't make a sound. "Don't worry about her. she's feeling kind of sour. She just found out her daughter's a lesbian, we were fucking for an hour. how did she find that out? Imortel asked not waiting for the answer "Did you tell her?" "No" said Imortella "She caught us in the bathroom." "What exactly were you doing? Josephono asked "I was tonguing her down" "All that for kissing?" "I'm not that band we all like. It wasn't her mouth I was kissing" "oh shit" Imortel said with a laugh. "yo I'm hungry" Josephono said. Imortel said "I could eat" Imortella said "Let's have a snack. Come let's find a young girl to attack" "Why a girl?" asked young Josephono "Because" said Imortel "I won't feed off a male" "Well why young?" asked young Josephono naive still "Because" Imortel said "There are two reasons as you will see one reason is my god son the other is me." "Well that explains all." Josephono said knowing very well Imortel likes young blood and his godson is a cannibal. "Well I think I found one" said Imortel "Assume the position Imortella." "Yes Dejiere." With that his little sister transformed into a battered woman and ran into the woman screaming "Help

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 9 me my husband is trying to kill me." then Imortel came up and said "Come here bitch or your punishment will be worst." And the girl said "Back off creep I have pepper spray in my purse. You came out on the wrong day." when she found out what was going on it was already too late. Imortella was already biting down on the lady's neck. The last thing she heard before everything went black was Josephono saying "No lady it was you, who picked the wrong day to come out." and with that he bit down on her breast and Imortel soon joined them and when they had their fill they skimmed the skin off her body making sure not to leave a string. Then Imortel cut off her head and tied some ribbon to it as if to wrap up a birthday present. Now you know how and you now who and later we will get to the why. No one would blame you if you escaped this zoo. Oh my dear reader How I wish I were you, because I can't escape this zoo like you. Chapter 3.The visit to the werewolves

"we must go to the ball Dejiere" said Imortella with wide eyes. "We are not going and that is final woman remember you are mine" "But Dejiere please" "I said no!! now pack your bags so we can go." "Yes Dejiere." Imortella did as she was told as she reminded herself he was only sixteen years old and was trying his best. "Dejiere where are we going?" "Away from here" "But where? Dejiere where?" "Our brothers across town" "Oh. The werewolves, how druel." "Get over here now" said Imortel rather cruel. Imortella did as she was told with much regret. "What is the matter with you woman? Have you no respect? I have plenty. I was just stating a fact please tell me Dejiere, What is wrong with that?" "Listen bitch I will let that slide just for tonight, but after that you better be wise. We are going to take a short trip with no humans at all I'm leaving Joeana behind so you will be the apple of my eye." "Dejiere" "Yes?" "Who are we

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 10 going to see?" "The Farange family." The whole clan? "No one member. Jeron. he just mated with this boy name fevear. Listen Imortella you know how he is. While me and you are together we are not to discuss kids." "But Dejiere I want some. Please?" "we will talk about this later" "Yes Dejiere" "Now while I talk with Jeron you may play with fevear. Understood?" "Yes Dejiere." Off they went across town into a house filled with what Imortella would consider clowns. "hello Jeron." "Bitch sit down." said Imortel with a frown. "I'm sorry Dejiere," "Imortel it's okay." said Frofed who at first looked dead. Sebashition came from behind the stairs, and said "all bitches go in there." Imortella left with a smile, when Imortel said "I promise it's only for a little while." "I'm sorry about that, my friends she is angry that's all. she wanted to show up to the ball, but I wanted to come see you all. Since you all had such an urgent message." "yes we do. Someone has been killing kyrad soldiers, and the king thought it was you." "No, not I. Though I surely could try." "Well someone has been knocking them down by the dozen." "Well that is a good thing isn't?" "Of course it is cousin, but that is not all. Whoever does this for us has a mental issue, and the king is saying he wants them to go through a mental evaluation." "Well what did they do that would be the cause for that?" "Well it seems they tear them limb for limb and leave them to die a slow and agonizing death." "Well what if it is none of us?" "Then the king proposes for us to find them, and offer them to join our army. So that we may pay them for their handy work. Of course he must take a mental evaluation first, like all soldiers." "What happens if he is a she?" Imortella asked although it was suppose to be a thought. "What did you say?" asked Fevear "Well..." "Imortella come here." "Look I'll tell you later. Imortel is calling." "Coming Dejiere." "Good girl." Imortel said when she first arrived. "You got it right on

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 11 the first try." "Thank you Dejiere" "Bitch shut up. Now bitch this is what's up: we know you have some friends who like to shoot shit up, so if your bitch ass don't come clean I'll have you on your knees." "Come clean about what Dejiere?" "Is one of your friends the kyrad solider killer?" "No Dejiere if he were I would have told you. You know that." "Okay go run and play." "Dejiere may I go outside today?" "Yes, if Fevear is allowed to go with you." "Yes he is be back before dark. If the moon sets in before you guys walk in this door, you will never go out to play again I'm sure." "Yes of course back before dark." "Come Fevear let's go now before they change their mind." "Okay princess." "So tell me Fevear, how is being mated to the alpha males of alpha males among werewolves?" "Terrible but it could be worst. I mean; all he wants is sex, and it hurts, and I cannot be with the female I adore. I'm barely even with my friends anymore. How about you being with a vampyer must be a dream." "Oh if you mean a nightmare then yeah. It's worst then yours, because it's not me he adores. I mean he claimed me yeah, but he also claimed a human. To make matters worst he beats me, and it hurts but not all the time. Only when we are around other kinds of demons not around mine." "What about children?" "Not allowed to speak of them. You?" "We are going to adopt." "A human?" "No a cub." "Are you kidding? He won't even allow me to speak of humans. When I requested that he leave me human, you know what he said?" "Let me guess he said he rather you be dead." "How did you know?" "Imortel said it. When I asked can we adopt this cute little human, or get me implanted with human DNA. He said no, and if he found out I did it any way he strike me dead where I stood. "Oh wow what a wonderful man." fevear said sarcastically.

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 12 "How I wish there was a way I could have a child without him saying no." "I think I know a way. I was going to talk to Jeron, about this woman who's husband was killed by the kyrad soldiers. She has six cubs, who are not claimed. She must get rid of them by the eighth full moon or risk exile. I told her I would ask for permission to take them in, but i am going to let you have them." "why? Why would you do that for me I mean I would do the same for you, but we are talking about six babies." "Yes, and I'll tell you why. It is because you would do it for me, and because you and I both know that Imortel cannot turn down a werewolf cub in front of Jeron. Just like Jeron cannot turn down a vampyer baby in front of Imortel." "Oh that gives me an idea, Fevear hurry up and get the woman. I'll make the call, we might get punished for this so we better make this worth it. how many kids do you want?" "Just give me triplets if you can. You?" "All six." "Okay princess I will be right back." Imortella makes a phone call to the other side while Fevear looks for the woman. "Look your highness." says the lady on the phone "I understand you want triplets, but we only have girls, and you might not be able to have that due to your lover." "Look lady just send the girls to werewolves paradise please." "Yes of course your highness." While we wait for the kids to arrive. Why don't we see how Fevear is doing in the cave. "Are you sure you want six?" "Yes I understand my friend is not a werewolf, but she is a very powerful witch, and soon to be queen. She really wants to pay you for your pain and suffering, and she says it can be an open adoption as well as her paying handsomely for the cubs." "No I could not make her pay for my cubs. I would be eternally grateful for seeing them a few nights every month." "You have my word now lets go."

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 13 Fevear and Fronda went to where the princess was waiting with three girls all wearing black dresses. All had pale skin, black hair, and blue eyes. The infants were only two days old. They were discovered in a park by themselves. Their mother was discovered dead. Killed by a soldier of kyrad. Their father killed himself due to sorrow. "Okay fevear time to go. You too Fronda." "Okay princess your right lets head back." The three headed back to the house. "Welcome back. You have company?" "Yes her name is..." "Fronda" Jeron interruptted Imortella. "To what do we owe this pleasure?" "how about dinner first uh?" Imortella asked around the room "Imortel handle your bitch." "what did I say? Heel bitch. On your knees. "Yes Dejiere" "Why are you getting mad Jeron? She just asked if you would like your dinner first, before you talk to our guest." "Fevear, stop." "No he needs to hear this Imortella. She offers to cook, and you shut her up? What type of alpha male are you?" Then out of no where came a slap. "bitch what did she say? Didn't she tell you to stop? You should have listened bitch. Now fetch me the whip." "No" "Now" "I said no" another blow came down on Fevear's face which made him wince with pain as tears streaked down his face. "If I have to ask someone else it'll be worst." "Just get it Fevear. One blow, two tops. Then you say I'm sorry and it'll be alright. If you wait, and he ask for it from somebody else..." "bitch shut up" Then there came a blow across Imortella's face. "I'm sorry Dejiere" "No Imortel let her talk" "Go ahead" Imortel said "What happens if he ask you?" "You wouldn't be able to have the triplets." with ./that fevear ran and grabbed the whip off the top shelf, and said "I'm sorry Jeron I have no idea what got into me." "bitch don't worry you soon will. No children privileges." "No!!! please." "Too late." "But..." "No!! In fact the infants can stay. You just can't take care of them,but Imortella can. Right Imortel?" "Yes she can. She may have the cubs. right Jeron?" "On one condition right

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 14 Sebashition?" "Of course. Matter of fact make it two." "What's that?" "Teach fevear the rules, and come clean." "Yes of course Dejiere. It is I who killed the soldiers. I did not lie when I said it was not my friend. I would have told you the truth but you didn't ask me if I did it. Only if it was my friend." "Good night Imortella. I'll handle you with care. Take the kids, and I will see you later okay?" "Yes Dejiere" "Goodnight fevear" "No princess don't talk to him. He is in trouble, and you might be too. Of course may I address you?" "You may." "Good night Jeron" "Good night Imortella." "May I address Sebashition, Dejiere?" "Yes you may." "Good night sir." "Good night Imortella." With that she said goodnight to Fronda, and was sent to bed without her evening meal. Fevear was made to cook the food and sent to bed after he washed the dishes. He did not have dinner, and was sentenced to be without his triplets for five months. "What should we do? "About what?" "Imortella." "We tell the king the truth, and see what he wants us to do." "How are you going to handle your bitch?" "How about leave her alone Imortel. I mean she did good didn't she?" asked Warlock "Yes she did, but she stepped out of line. She didn't tell him, and put her self in danger. right Warlock?" "Your right as usual, but if she wants to help us. let her help us." "We will talk about this later. Time for bed. I'm in the mood for sex are you not?" "yeah we are going to wait because our bitches are still eating." "alright goodnight."

meanwhile imortella saw fevear in the hall way and stop to talk "they have no right "fevear shut up do you want to get caught princess you should leave fevear please princess you are the only one i want to take care of my babies yes of course listen every night at midnight imortel leaves he flies doing what ever he pleases that is usally the time i leave i go out to kill kyrad soldiers for

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 15 my next meal if you want i'll stay here for you so you can visit the infants too fronda is coming at that time too will you do that for me yes i will worry not but here comes imortel hurry up go to your room before you get caught what was that what dejiere don't give me that Dejiere bullshit my dear how dare you be so rude no dejiere i wasn't being rude just because i was telling the truth the truth is that what you call it ten minutes that's all you got ten minutes for what to get dress we are leaving red and black that is all turns out the were wolves will attend the ball yes im sorry i must stop off and pick up a friend who fevear im afraid he is getting dressed dress the girls and the cubs but they look like wolves bitch shut up she found the most perfect thing to wear it was long and perfect for her attire red and black long adjire expensive thing cost as much as two engagement rings perfect don't you think?" It's Perfect alright. He thought perfect enough to see the king. He couldn't do it. Wouldn't do it. Had to do it. She was his. He wouldn't give her up. He couldn't give her up, but would have to if the king allowed her to join the army... his army. No he couldn't do it. Would not let go of his claim. She was his, just like the human but she was worth more. She was his sister. The most powerful being, his beloved. He only treated her this way, only made her call him Dejiere to protect her. To make no other man want what his mother said was rightfully his. If he had to give her up, and he lost her. The country would lose him too."Ready babe?" he asked. "Yes Dejiere." "Not tonight. Tonight I'm just Imortel." "As you wish Imortel." as he wish uh? Didn't sound half bad. He liked that. No matter of fact he loved it. Nothing could have sounded better. Maybe he wouldn't lose her after all. "Imortella" he said sounding so sweet. "Yes, Imortel?" "Whatever you do, be rude." "You mean like myself?" "Yes exactly. Be you and nothing but you nothing more nothing less.

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 16 Chapter4. Adreans Birthday Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to me. The little boy was being sung too but wanted to join in. It was a very important day for him. It was his thirteenth birthday. The day he became a man. The day his turning would happen. The day he would be able to walk during the day. He hated night school. He never even saw the sun. The poor boy knew his fate. It was getting much too late. Avoiding his mother would not change his fate. Though he hoped it would, delaying it as much as he could. His mother was his sister. The last of his kind only had two eggs left. If he gave her a boy she kill him and raise him by herself just like she did to his father/grandfather. His first memory was his father standing over him, saying he was the greatest baby he ever help bore. What was that moist in his father's eyes? Tears. He know knew his father had been crying, saying he was sorry he failed and now his son shared his fate. The little boy didn't know what he meant of course. Then the little boy's mother came with an ax. It was obvious now that she was beaten of course. She told him his father's last request was sex. Jestino just kept saying Please let me try again. She refused, and with good reason too. She only had three eggs left. Their females biggest flaw was that they had little or no eggs, and had to switch between males every since the war thousands of years ago according to his mother. Then again you could never trust a female. Then his father asked for something that was quite a surprise. One more minute with his son was what he asked for sixty seconds was his claim. When she asked why? He wanted him to get wise was his reply. surely she could do that? She said Yes of course not to offend the male.

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 17 Okay she's gone. he said Now listen up I'm going to give you a gift. Show this to them, and you will get two wishes. Boy if you see a cat, any cat take them in immediately. Especially if they are on the bridge of starvation. Now I'm going to do something because she would surely see this in your head, and I think she wants me dead. You won't remember this until you are thirteen, but don't worry son. You will see me again and I will be your best friend. About the cat don't worry about that when you see him your subconscious will kick in. So long for now. That's when his mother came back in. That cow. She killed him in front of him. He begged her not to even said Let's go into another room. The ax came down hard and the blood sprayed on him in his black crib. He begins to cry. Then there was a bright light. His mother got scared, but the dead body remains the same. Now Adrian knew that fateful day, his father took his mind away. His mother grabbed him; he remembered and told him the story he knew all too well. The story of his father when he was young; but the boy always thought of it not but a tale. The tale was all too familiar and it went like this: Distinctive child why do you kill to survive? Do you even know you are alive? Or do you just look forward to your next meal? Oh my poor child do you even know what you eating was still alive when your mother cooked it do you know that it had a name, children, grandchildren, and much more and the desert you are eating did you know it used to be a whore before it was what your mother calls a canibuli pie? And the drink you drink and smile after a gulp each time, it belonged to something it was its blood yes mamas homemade fruit punch and for lunch mama feeds you like a vulture yes mamas little vulture pecking away at what you believe is chit lens that hideous film your swallowing gets stuck to your throat but mamas punch will wash it down. Next you try mamas

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 18 next victimspaghetti. Mamas spaghetti is packed up with way too much of mamas special sauce but you dont mind because the sauce is extremely thick all red almost black your instinct is to eat the worm skin like substance not only to eat it but to slurp it up watching it slither around in your mouth mama didnt kill it all the way you say she knows I like it dead but you eat it any way. After you thank mama for the delicious meal telling her it was at her best, your mom tells you to stay out of the cemetery because the dead should rest mom they are resting in my stomach you think but dare not say out loud you want Jenny to come and play and have supper at your house. Momma yes baby she says as she gives you a playful slap whats for supper? Thats my baby never full, I dont know why dont you bring a friend from school? I already did mama. Jenny is on her way. Wow my baby is smart today! But she knows you are always prepared its better that way since daddy is not here said the boy almost with a tear but mama said we were supposed to do that she said it so its true. She said one day one of your kids is going to do it to you too. Mama!! the villain screamed aloud what? said mama as she muffled the sound. Why do we have to keep moving around? Because said mama people will start to suspect by the way are you all packed yet? Yes mama, is Jenny dead yet? Almost baby mama said last supper in this house. Tomorrow we will have a new house, a new school, and a new bed. Why did that tale come to him? He wanted to know, but couldn't because when the answer came to him Imortella being her rude self-interrupted him so, Asking the fifteen birthday question; What is your wish nephew? Imortella asked. The gods have to know He looked up and said I wish to have a girl brought unto me, but she can't be any girl. She must carry my D.N.A so if I

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 19 fail with my mom, I can try one more time. Excellent wish, my son. Wait a minute, I'm not done yet. But...said Imortella I have been given the power this year to grant your wish, and you already gave me one. That's when he remembered he had that medallion. He showed her the medallion, and princess looked shocked. She grabbed the medallion, and said Excuse me birthday boy. took his mother aside, and said something he couldn't hear. Put me down. a voice said it seemed to be coming from his cat. He didn't think anybody else heard him, so he said in a whisper Sebashition is that you? Yes my friend, my son of thine daughter and thine self. You would like me too listen to your mother for you do you not? You mean spy? Yes my friend, spy. She would never know. Okay go, hurry don't get caught. Never my friend never again. As he left the boy wondered what he meant, but did not say a word wondering if his father was still here. The cat walked by and jumped on a loose perch, where he heard the conversation between the mother, the princess, and the nurse. Where did he get that? How could he obtain it? I dont know. I did not give it to him. Did you? I, a lonely wet nurse? I have

no connection with the gods. That is for the royals only. Well this is a special gift. To reject this would be a curse. We have to reject it. What he may ask for might hurt. Okay I'll see what I can do. Jestino became frantic as he searched for his son. He said My friend, you can't let it happen not to me. You must use that wish to set me free. The boy said I know tell me, what you heard. The cat said their whole conversation word from word, and told the boy he needed to pray. The boy took him to the temple, where the princess lay and the cat sat and prayed. My lords. Who be there? It is I the King of the Katz Jestino son of Fron late husband of Tarean father of Tarean father of Andrean beloved of no one Dejiere of Faishawna. Oh for what reasons have you

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 20 chose to grace me with your presence? My lords I have asked you for my son. I have given him the medallion just as you have instructed, but the princess dares to question your judgment? If it your will and only your will reject your princess Imortella of Stormellas, and my daughter of Katz. Yes of course I will see what I can do? Don't move, another wishes to talk to me. Never my lords will I be rude to your temple, and leave such a disgrace. So mote it be What is it you acquire princess? My lords, my nephew gave me a medallion but I have no power to grant this wish. His mother refuses to help. I have no idea where he got it. I would like to know the story. Only if it is your will and your will alone. It is not. Yes my lords I shall grant you the power, that you may grant him his wish. On no condition can you reject him. Your future depends on what he asks for. He gets two chances to get it right but on no condition may you or anybody else help the boy. The decision is his and his alone. Yes my lords. Now leave us, and go onto the boy. You shall find your strength Yes my lords. The gods returned to the cat and said You have what you asked for now go back to the boy. He has two chances, you may not help him nor may anyone else. Yes my lords Now leave this temple. Yes my lords. The cat ran back to the boy. What did they say? You have two chances to get it right, but alas I can't help you but the good news is your mother can't help you ether. I think I know what I want. Are you ready to be a man? This will be your first big decision Andrean. You have two wishes. I would have the first one now. I want a female with my D.N.A that I can mate with if I fail, my mother. She must grant me a girl. If the gods will it, and only if they will it. They do and it shall be granted. You are to have Fevers first born. She will give you a girl. The others will deliver twin boys. Which one would she be, is the trick. I shall give you one minute. That is sixty seconds boy. You will choose when I come back. What will I do? If I get it wrong, there

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 21 is a fifty percent chance I will be killed. I will help you. But I thought you couldn't. This isn't the one I can't help with. How do you know? The medallion isn't glowing goldish yellow. Now the little boy remembered that was the light, his mother saw, the light that startled her so. Okay, but what could you do? I can smell. But I can smell too. But my nose is wise, while yours is young and naive still. Okay Sebashition try your best. 'I will son I promise Your time is up nephew of mine. Here is a rag, so that you will be blind. He looked and asked Why? Wait who turned off the lights. It has to be this way my prince of Katz. I am not the prince of Katz, my father is. Choose the left. the cat said quickly so none could hear. It was going well so far. Enough of this!! said his mother You are the prince of Katz. Your father is dead. Soon I am dead, as well mother. Who be prince next. No talk, choose!! Yes, my nephew I agree. Choose so we could get to the second agreement. Yes of course. I choose the girl on the left. So be it. She would be your wife, and a great wife she would be to grant you a son. Nah just kidding!! She would grant you a set of twins. Both will be girls with a twist, they will live a life better than this. If the gods will it and only if they will it. I will have the second wish now, nephew. Imortella said as the medallion started to glow. Imortella yes Imortel? Five minutes until. She was upset for she knew not his surprise. She wanted to stay at the ball, and later she ask him so. Until then she pray to the gods, he didn't say no. So what is your wish, nephew of mine. I wish to have my father back. Freed from this cat in heart body soul and mind. If the gods will it and only if they alone will it. So mote it be. They do. It shall be granted. Then the cat exploded and turned into a man.

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 22 Chapter 5:The Truth Comes Out Adrean's father looked at him and said "you've done well son" "king of Katz" they all said Sebashition Imortella asked "Yes it must be I because Jestino is dead and I will have you lock up for this." he said to his daughter/ wife "but I did what is right." "No you gave me strife. You killed me because I knew not because I failed you. You killed me because of a lie. Your own father. Flesh of my flesh. Blood of my blood. For a kyrad? No for love. Love? Kyrad Soldiers love no one. Especially a Katz. Don't you remember Vampyers are in this mess because of us, and what of Stormellas don't you know a kyrad rather love your cousin other then a hoe. You think you stand a chance? Didn't your mother ever tell you never to trust a man." "He is the prince not a common soldier. He loves me. "I tell you what if he does. Tell him to call off this war. If he does not you will for ever be known as a common whore." "I will go to him. He will call it off I'm sure." "Good because until then you are no longer a Katz." "Okay Adrian lets go." " No my son stays with me. We no longer need your eggs. We have the babe." "You are right dad, We do. He is right. We really don't need you." "What are you saying son?" "Is it true? Were you planing to kill me too?" "I do what I have to do for my love." "Your love? What of your son. How dare you? You bastard. You it. You bitch. You ever think of your kid?" "What are you saying of course I do. Do you have any idea how much I love you." "Get out of here dumb bitch, make him stop This war if you love me so much. With tears she cried and felt like she died and appeared before the prince and said "Your right he didn't understand. I may ask you for one thing if you are my man, and you truly love me stop this war let it go. "No I will not." "please." "No, the devils suck on my neck and yours. The Katz hunt on my children and yours." "I am a Katz." "What?" "Yes it's true,my father thinks you knew but it

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 23 was for this I was afraid, but I am a Katz there I said it I am brave" "You are. For that confession I could have put you in your grave." "Kill me if you want. I kneel at your feet. Slay me if you want cause I lose not for what else is there to lose? My father thinks me a common whore. My son thinks me less. I can't even think what the others think of me" "No stop it isn't best" "You tell me what's best? I think not. I gave it all up for you, and you gave me what?" "Your life" "What was that" "I gave you the right to walk out of here alive pretend you never met me and I will do the same. But are you as cold and heartless as they say or are you wounded this way? I don't give a fuck about what people think about me. Not even I the one you claim to love. No not claim I do love you and that is why your betrayal is too much for me. Because I'm a Katz no because you ask me to give up the only thing I have what a silly war no not a silly war I told you the Katz hunted my family all I have left is revenge and you ask me to give up the one thing I have I will spare you and your child but only if you leave tonight. Are you serious as serious as

can be well then I guess they were right good bye love don't let this end on a sour note we can still be..."The king of Kyrad's begin to say as his voice faded "what friends how can we be friends when you refuse to end the war so allow me to do your job and with the sharp part of the blade she slit her own throat and her dead lifeless body hit the floor and her supposed to be exlover just kicked her body and said without a single tear well that's one less Katz. He gathered his troops and cut off his former lover's head and said "this bitch was a traitor to her lover whom was me I am ashamed to say she was a Katz in disguise as one of us lets show those Katz and immortals what happens when you send a spy to our camps let's kill the rest of the royal family no doubt they are waiting for this bitch so let's give them what they want. Mean while back at the castle the king was talking to imortella about her reckless actions. I would speak to my

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 24 daughter alone" He demanded every one left everyone except Imortel that is. Imortel go Now!!! The king demanded. I will not let her go. He replied, she is mine. She is not yours she belongs to me until I find her a husband. No need I will marry her. No You will marry someone else it is in the will The king's words were interrupted by the sight of the Kyrad king and his men riding up with the poor Kat female's head witnessed them and throw it unto to her son; the young Katz prince. Jestino drew his sword. Immortelle and immortelle sprang in to action never before did any one witness such a beautiful dance of death when Immortelle moved right Immortella moved left he was the lead and she was his beautiful partner this is what they were made for why they were called the twins of chaos what was supposed to be a coming of the age ceremony has quickly became a blood bath. Immortelle was so deep into the insides of his enemy that he didn't see his beautiful twin bent down over one of her targets trying to get a quick snack. Everyone was so into it so no one seen the birthday boy leave, running away from his last day on this planet. No one seen the soldier behind the princess Immortella take a knife and sliced her throat from behind. No one except for Immortelle at the last minute he let out a scream and ran to Immortella's attacker and cut his throat and let him bleed to death on the floor now filled with dead bodies and he grabbed Immortella and at that time there was no one there no one except the two of them no dead body's no warriors fighting no one screaming no one crying just the twins of chaos and in their world all Immortelle could think of was suicide live she said to him live and flourish no he said I want to die and grow pale with you this is my last wish she said you have to obey it you must live and flourish women must be saved and the children must be able to inherit something. Claim them as your own and the only wish I can have is to reunite you with your son. And she told him the secret that she has been harboring all this time that the son of

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 25 Jestino was really his own, and then she died. Then the wet nurse brought him a set of twins that was hidden away in case of something like this. There was a boy and a girl and her hair was white and when the young prince saw this he knew they were his and his fallen twin. And he grabbed them and named them Immortal and Shadow, "Get my son and bring him to me" sire said the wet nurse. "Yes?" said the young prince. "Well said the wet nurse he is gone Andran ran away in the heat of the battle and we have not seen him since." "Find him! Find him now!! if anything happens to my heir I will have a lot of heads." Yes sire and a lot of soldiers went with the wet nurse and tried to find the boy meanwhile the young prince quickly proved why he should be king he made an order to hang the dead bodies with their intestines over his city wall, something that even scared his father the king of torture. The Kyrad soldiers were retreating back to their castle amazed by their latest victory the one who killed so many of them is dead herself. They soon found the little prince Andran shaking and crying. They thought well won't the king be please if we bring back his head so they grabbed the prince and brutally raped him and then started to cut him they were just about to cut his head off while he was still alive when the young prince, the brother of the fallen twin came himself and found his son and what has befallen him and he sprang into action but sadly without is twin what was once a beautiful dance of death was now nothing but a sword fight and one that was disgraceful used to doing everything in twos the young prince now found that when he moved right the soldiers moved left and they were closing in on him and his son. At the stroke of midnight his son fell and when he rose again Immortella had taken over his body and now once again the twins of chaos were together at least for a moment and Immortelle moved right and this time his son moved left and when he moved left his son moved right and once again people saw the beautiful dance of death

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 26 and Imortel and his son was the grim reaper himself. They tore off the limbs of the enemy soldiers and even after the ghost of Immortella came out of her son he continued the beautiful dance of death in dedication to his mother fueled by the anger of what had happened to him and by the new found powers he has gotten from the help and prayers of his mother. Imortel knew his sister left him but yet the beautiful dance of death has continued that is when he said this is my heir. He must be protected at all cost. Young adrean laughed as he slit the throat of his last enemy the joy and excitement of seeing his son slaughter his enemy and tear his arms off worried the prince he knew his son had changed forever there was no more childlike quality about his life he was now forever a man. The prince hated the men who did that to his son he decided as he watched his son beat his enemy to a pulp with a smile on his face and then as he realized his enemy was dead he cried. his cries shook the royal garden it shook his father it even shook himself he grabbed imortel and cried and when he finished crying he said jestino isn't really my father is he and imortel said no he isn't now let's go wash that hair dye out of your hair. He grabbed the young prince and held him in his arms and realized this young man his son his hier should of died as he looked at the boy's neck he seen that they cut very deep in to it but without saying a word without looking too concern he raced the little boy to the doctor praying they could Save his life his neck and his trademark hair. They rode back to the castle and the wet nurse summon the royal doctor and he fixed the mark on the boy's neck and because the king himself had fallen with his daughter Immortella imortel was now king making adrean his heir it was now time for adrean to get the mark of a royal on his neck. The young prince had to stay perfectly still as the royal seal burners heated up the hot poker and stabbed it in to his neck and all the people in the room cheered all except jestino who was a bit confused. He wondered where

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 27 his kid was who were they and why were they hidden? Jestino was also worried for the young king he looked after the dead bodies of his mother and father and kept his dead twin in his bedroom even though it has been ten days since the death of Imortella. When he could he played with his son and hunted but still the kingdom questioned his sanity and the young prince was no better he was now known for his cruelty as well as his beauty. Adrean soon began his interest in sadism he took his young wet nurse and beat her and raped her till she was halfway dead folks say he did it with a smile on his face. Now if you think the young king and the young prince struck fear in the heart of their subjects you should see what it did to their enemy the kyrads. The king called a meeting among his kind and the were-wolves he stood there and with a voice like his fathers he explain his situation every one knew that he was no longer young in his mind nethier was he sane this was no longer the sexy demon that went to clubs and caught the women's eye no this was now a terrifying king that rumors were about there was even one about his human going missing and her bones being found on his bed with blood all over his person. But we will talk abou that later lets go back to the meeting and see what the king had to say "my loyal subjects my beautiful queen has been murdered and I want the people responsible dead" " your highness if I may" "yes feaver donot worry we are all friends here" "if you can get your princes back how would you feel? Would you still want their lives?" "I would love her back but that is not possible and even if it was she still be in danger so yes I would still take their lives" "good that is exactly what I want to hear " said fevear with a cheer then he walked out without a world mumbling to his self about necromancers said the king to his self "now that was absurd." To be continued....

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 28 I'm Sorry My Love

The floor is wet with tears from when I cried The day you lost your soul was the day I died The day you first beat me I didn't know why But you didn't care so I didn't cry You scared me and I asked why You didn't answer me so I said lie and you said I have to go goodbye And I said why You said you cheated on me and have the nerve to ask why I never cheated on you I never will Trust and believe that you must believe me Will He left me sitting there bruises and all I hurt so bad that I had to crawl so I couldn't fall The next couple of days happened the same way and eventually I didn't talk I just sat there and waited for the beating I knew you would soon deliver I am sorry my love I said and you walked a way And I knew that soon I would be dead But until then I must be good because my love it's not so bad I would be careful not to make you mad

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 29 The Girl Behind Me

The girl behind me screams for joy. The girl behind me just had a boy. The girl behind me is afraid. The girl behind me got sent to her grave. The girl behind got shot in the head. The girl behind me was pronounced dead. The girl behind me left a little boy behind. The son of the girl behind me is now mine. The killer of the girl behind me was never found. He just left her body on the ground. They never caught the killer so instead they framed the death on her boyfriend's head. The man who sat next to the girl behind me is now dead. He was executed, comdemned to fry for killing the girl behind me that just died. He didn't kill her. I knew the boy.

He didn't kill her you see. He was in love with joy just as your in love with me. The poor man behind me was killed because the love of his life was beautiful and once more.

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 30 The boy that is now mine was never once his because the girl behind made her bread at night and always slept with his kin. The girl behind me was killed by her pimp. Can you guess who she was? We didn't. The girl behind me made sure to hide it until the day she died.

The secret won't die with her. Although she wanted it I'm sure. But the poor girl behind me was a common whore.

The Bad Love

The love I have for you is strong The love you have for me is wrong

The person inside me want's a change But the person inside you is deranged

I'm scared of you night and day

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 31 The fear of you is here to stay

The day I die will be your fault Due to the beatings and the reason you were never caught

The Woods

The woods are dark. Theres something hairy here hiding behind the door the floor creeps below my ridged horse the winter's night eyes are glaring beneath springs warm thongs waiting for it's time to come along Why are you crouching on the floor so low said the great big owl Im afraid I'm afraid I replied of what he asked the eye in the sky wait you mean the sun why the sun? Its eye blows fire through my arm it hurts so bad worse then what human's call a sun burn my just dropped and fell to the floor I fear that soon I will be no more

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