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ililil|||ilillililililil1lllilil]1ilfiililffillililiiiifllt 040212057/0802

lV Semester 3 Years Semester 5 Years B.A.LL.B./B.B.A,LL.ts./

VIll Semester 5 Years B.A.LL.B. {Maj.-Min. System)
Exarni nation, Mareh/A pril 2A21

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100

lnstructions : 1. Answer Q. No. I and any five of the remaining

2. Q. l$o.9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions
carry 15 marks eaeh.
3. Answers should be written completely either in
English or in Kannada completely.

Q. No. 1. What is meant by Ht;man Rights ? Discuss the development of

Human Flights Law in lndia. Marks : 16
dsdd ddgdd: .rodded: ? qroddde_ ajsdd ddidd mdnCd
dddrdrlo$q ddrao. o

Q. No. 2" Explain the importance and contents of Universal Declaration

of Human Rights. Marks : 16
dDd# d{dd nadrgd d,oed#oJ: agd::$rd mado
erdd.Dn&h eodddJ:4 ado:,.

Q. No. 3. Discussthe implerpentation procedure of the rights provided under

the lnternational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966.
Marks : 16
eroddor.tgeo$ oarlod d:dt oceg8eo$ C#*dd z,dou6d, 1966 dCI
z"Cntd:# d#*d#q asrortraexbd dgcfu o$S: z3zSrao.

Q. No. 4. Explain the implementation procedure of the African Charter

on Human and People's Rights. Marks : 16
ugaad *add *ts-.dd d:.dl xdd d*.dd ddd$ *acilrdodrloqier
ii < 'i
edr* dgotu*Jrq a*oal
Q. No. 5. Explain the various writs available underthe lndian Constitution
for the protection of Human Rights. Marks : 16
dDSd ddgdej ioCd*drnn zpDdgecJ: ioe6add0_ a"dnx,C:#
^'-- e^urddd:.i"ioEdaan .)dotu.

a4o2l2o57la8a2 I iufi illlt llilt lllil ilffi llfi 1 ilIil lllll Iilil illll lilll lllll ltil lfi I

Q. No. 6. Explain the irnportant provisions of Protection of Human

Rights Act, 1993. 16
1993 C dndd ddg nodd*ma ee&o5:d:d dc::$ u$r^:ofrddd1

Q. No. 7. Explain the Rights of the Child guaranteed under the Convention
on the Rights of the Child. 16
) :";u
C^/C^J L., AJ.

Q. No. 8. Write short notes on any two of the following : Marks .2x8=16
d-Jnd oJn$mddta .rdd{ e;-"pu u:-'u1ed a:dou:o:

(a) National Human Rights Commission

oEfu*o3: dsdd dd,:odd esoSoerl
(b) Amnesty lnternational lnstitute
eoddoa.:geC; ed.:g dod
(c) Flights of aged persons.
vw9 ^

Q. No. 9. Solve any two of the following problems : Marks : 2x10=20

ddnd Cndnadd,o add> i${derl doaad eetuo:
(a) The under-trial prisoners in.iail are handcuffed during transit
between the jail and the court for trial. ls there any violation
of their Human Flights ?

€OdeJ$d *ro:"e.:o3:d, dddd:aad

{poedd: zieadddl ma* dddd:eorod. di seadd *add dd?dd
we;_oSdoJnndC:e ?
(b) A person aged about 24 years was detained by the
sub-inspector of police at a police out post on the charge of
theft. Later, his dead body, with wounds was found near a
Flailway Station Flyover. Allthe evidence indicated custodial
death. The man's father has filed a writ petition against the
government and police for monetary compensation. ls he
entitled to get compensation ?
I lllfiffifl il1l ilfil ililt llllllllll llilI ffiil tilil filllltil ilti llll a4aa2a57la8a2
24 do$ad ddosq d{dd t:doedd ;beeJ {p0ex"
dDto$ ded ir-"as"ndfdd& ddd* drid:docd*. dddodd
u dEo::, naoS:deod dnad Cadded {o: dedd idrC_Ojd
C:eeJdedrd a3-:eeJ &&d:. aen_ Sloadddo ed do0edd dddd_e
;od$1*{ddldrax-asdd. ecdd dod dp0end> *dl ddadd
t$q dm*r:,d dooadrqn aad d.roc:qd. erd doaad
ddw:e-:: eajr=de ?

(c) Mr. Flangappa, a coolie, working in Bangalore Urban, *

resident of Chamarajpet, underwent Covid-19 RTPCR Test
conducted by Corporator of Chamarajpet ward no. 144. His
Covid-19 RTPCR Test report was positive. lmmediately, he
was taken to various Govt. Hospitals, but he was denied
medical treatment due to non-availability of beds and
ventilator on 9-4:2020. He had registered under Ayushman
Bharath, Health Scheme in associatlon with State and
Central Govt., Universal Health Coverage. Later he was
admitted to a Pvt. Hospitalfor medicaltreatment, where he
had to spend Rs. 1 lakh for his treatment, He claims that
amount from the Government. Decide the liabiiiiy of the
dorld aos:odCd,:, z3orldodo dr(dd0_ do0aadmfidc,
zsodtcnxdegJ &il:rCJdRdoqd. a{oredeo:oo dd,rC1
esCoedtuej ered:ocxdeuS a?rasr- do. 144 Covid-1g
RTPCR 0;*+ Azndde)_ doed* dnad;aqtEd. edd Covid-1 9
(RTPCR Test) u34 dOaod m::u3atr (positive) uoDd:sd.
ddrade, eddcb eded iaro t:-^ld. J-o /)v rl dddootudad. esdd
9-4-2A2A dod: *aturq $dl do*deulef eddrt'd "add *rCeaeod

{drseod: as*d tur{Oe; " dodid5, es o3::m"or rpdd, decqi d:d:

GB* irard dooSnedd u&ae{ o3,oexd ;odr$d udoe{
d{d uao3:e}_ dneoC# dsadJEd" dcd{dQ ssdn o#ri
deoi d,CEecJ:
zSEd deaienor:d:. sr zsidrDfl esdd; 1 a.J
n ..1

dnmos: slzd:r dnad>qd. u drad$ ddo$s:

adJd. N.oJne.:cJ:C Cod &aefloa_d. dmrdd do#naodcid)
6Jadr U\IJ^1.

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