Primal Path - Path of Calamity

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Path of Calamity Ruinous Stomp

There is no wrath greater than that of a natural disaster: 6th-level Path of Calamity feature
senseless, destructive, and utterly cataclysmic. Those who When you enter a rage, you can unleash a mighty stomp as
follow the Path of Calamity tap into this immense power part of the same bonus action. The ground within 30 feet of
when they rage and act as harbingers of nature's you is turned into difficult terrain, and each creature standing
indiscriminant wrath. Where they walk, the ground shatters. within this area must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC
Where they focus their wrath, the tallest of walls crumble and equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier)
the mightiest buildings are reduced to ruin. And like an or be knocked prone.
earthquake, the sheer cataclysmic power of their rage can Each 5-foot-square portion of this difficult terrain requires
tear asunder the very earth until naught but rubble remains. an action to clear by hand. Since this difficult terrain is
caused by rubble and uneven terrain, your Ruin Walker
Destructive Fury feature allows you to ignore it.
3rd-level Path of Calamity feature
Your wrath embodies the indiscriminant destruction of a 10th-level Path of Calamity feature
natural disaster. You gain the following benefits while raging:
While you're raging, you can take the Dash action as a bonus
Shattering Strikes. The first time you hit a target with a action on your turn. If you do, your movement this turn
weapon attack on each of your turns, your strike creates a becomes nigh unstoppable by any barrier.
shockwave that damages the target's surroundings. Each Until the end of your current turn, you ignore difficult
other creature and object of your choice within 5 feet of the terrain; additionally, when you move into an object during this
target takes thunder damage equal to your Strength turn, it takes bludgeoning damage equal to three times your
modifier plus your rage damage bonus. The radius of this barbarian level. If the object is two or more sizes larger than
shockwave increases to 10 feet when you reach 10th level you, a portion of the object no more than one size larger than
in this class. you takes this damage instead. A single object or section
Siege Warrior. You deal double damage to objects and thereof can take this damage no more than once per turn.
structures with your weapon attacks. You can take this bonus action a number of times equal to
Ruin Walker
your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses upon finishing a
long rest.
3rd-level Path of Calamity feature
You are at home amidst the ruins and rubble of anarchy.
You ignore difficult terrain caused by uneven ground
or rubble, and you have advantage on saving throws
made against being forcefully moved
or knocked prone.
Quaking Stomp
14th-level Path of Calamity feature
When you use Ruinous Stomp, you can channel all of your
destructive power to tear open the ground and split the earth.
Instead of the usual effects of Ruinous Stomp, you cause the
effects of the earthquake spell for the next minute, centered
on yourself and moving with you. Strength is your
spellcasting ability for the purpose of calculating the spell's
save DC.
You are immune to the spell's effects and don't need to
concentrate on it. It doesn't create any fissures; instead, once
before your rage ends and while this effect is active, you can
tear into the ground as an action and create a fissure yourself.
This fissure extends in a direction of your choice, must share
a space with you, and is always 60 feet deep, but otherwise
follows the rules of the earthquake spell. You automatically
succeed on the saving throw to avoid falling into this fissure.
Taking this action counts as attacking a hostile creature for
the purpose of maintaining your rage.
This effect is not magical in nature and thus can't be
dispelled by dispel magic, nor suppressed by an antimagic
field or similar effects.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you
finish a long rest.

Art Credit
Hoarax Loux by @tokireii
Fissure by Sam Burely

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