7 Day Journal Prompts

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7 Day

1. Write in a quiet, comfortable space
2. There's no right or wrong way to journal; it’s a personal process.

DAY 1 - Reflection on Self
Reflect on the person you are today. What events have shaped you
the most, and how do they affect your daily life?

Self-Care Activity: Draw a warm bath with soothing salts or bath

bombs, light some candles, and allow yourself to relax fully in the
water. If a bath isn't possible, a warm shower with your favorite body
wash or scents can also be very soothing. Take this time to be with
yourself and with your thoughts, letting the warmth of the water be a
gentle reminder to treat yourself kindly.

Self-care is not Selfish

DAY 2 - Overcoming Challenges
Write about a challenge you're currently facing and how you're
planning to overcome it. Reflect on what strength means to you in
this context.
Self-Care Activity: Engage in a physical activity that you enjoy and
that makes you feel strong.

Self-care is not Selfish

DAY 3 - Gratitude and Joy
List out at least five things in your life that you're grateful for and
describe how they bring you joy.
Self-Care Activity: Do something that makes you happy, whether it's
listening to your favorite music, dancing, or enjoying ypur favourite

Self-care is not Selfish

DAY 4 - Understanding Emotions
Choose an emotion you’ve felt recently and explore it in depth. Where
do you feel it in your body? What thoughts are associated with it?
Self-Care Activity: Practice deep breathing exercises to connect your
emotional and physical state.

Self-care is not Selfish

DAY 5 - Forgiveness and Letting Go
Forgiveness and Letting Go Prompt: Write a letter of forgiveness to
yourself or someone else, even if you never send it. Explore the
feelings and the peace that can come from forgiveness.
Self-Care Activity: Take a peaceful walk, preferably in nature, to clear
your mind. As you walk, with each step, imagine releasing any
feelings of hurt or anger that weigh you down.

Self-care is not Selfish

DAY 6 - -Love and Relationships

Reflect on your current relationships. How do they enrich your life,

and how can you nurture them more?
Self-Care Activity: Reach out to a loved one for a heartfelt

Self-care is not Selfish

DAY 7 - Visions and Goals
What are your hopes and dreams for your future self? Set one small
goal that aligns with your and God’s vision and plan the first step.
Self-Care Activity: Create a vision board that represents your

Self-care is not Selfish

Reflections and lessons from this week
What did you learn about yourself this week?
What do you want to change?
Were you comfortable with your emotions?
How can you make more time for you?

Self-care is not Selfish

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