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Background – this ancient temple was once part of a lost dwarven city eons ago.

An earthquake crushed
the city beneath the mountains, and the ruins of the city were lost to time. A narrow crevasse revealed
what remains of this long-buried temple.

The temple honors Abbathor, the God of Greed. The dwarves did not revere Abbathor, but they offered
sacrifices to him to ward off his evils. The priests of Abbathor’s Temple actually warned worshippers
against greed and avarice, and guided them in making gifts to appease Abbathor so that his spirits would
not poison them.

Without the constant tributes, Abbathor’s evil overwhelmed the temple. In death, the souls of the
priests were corrupted by Abbathor’s power, becoming deadly shadows. Adventurers lost within either
became shadows themselves or were transformed into Stone Cursed statutes. Both creature hunger to
transform more creatures and spread their curse.

Entrance – The canyon’s rocky walls rise to a height of 80 feet. Enormous stone statues, hewn from the
canyon wall, depict armor-clad warriors. Set into the mountain wall is a façade of black stone with a
broken stone gate carved into it. One stone door hanging precariously by a hinge and the other missing.
All is quiet.

The interior of the Temple is dark. Characters without dark vision will need a light source.

Hall – the entry way has the dead body of Thorin. Dazlyn and Norbus described seeing a shadow-
creature emerge from Thorin’s body when they tried to drag him out. Thorin’s body has standard mining
equipment and nothing else of interest. A light source and a Perception check (DC 13) reveals that
Throin’s body casts no shadow.

Main Chamber – This is the main worship area of the Temple. An altar sits at the front. A toppled obelisk
stands to one side.

Bas reliefs along the walls depict scenes of thievery: pick pocketing, robbery, burglary, culminating a
depiction of an emerald God surrounded by riches. Dwarvish inscriptions along the walls speak of
“Abbathor, Lord of Avarice. His power can infest hearts and poison souls. We offer our riches to appease
his hunger. Take this wealth but leave our souls.” It appears the Temple was dedicated to appeasing this
god to prevent the curse of greed spreading to its people.

 Hidden Door
Behind the altar is a secret doorway (Investigation DC 13) to the Hidden Hallway. In addition to
an investigation check, the heroes may see one or more Shadows disappear into the cracked
stonework around the hidden door. The door can be forced open with a Strength (DC 12) check.
Or they may notice the inscription on the altar: “Greed is Good” in Dwarvish. There is a single
stone coin upon the altar, of a currency long since lost to time. If anyone picks up the coin, it
vanishes and the secret door opens.
 Traps
There are two spiked pit traps, which are open and obvious. Less obvious is the spring platform
just beyond them, that can launch and push back into the pit. A check (Investigation DC 11) will
reveal the spring platform is not armed. It can be reset and activated by levers in Side Passage 1
and 2. The pits are only 5-feet deep, but do 2d6 piercing damage.
There are also two enchanted lightning glyphs (Investigation or Arcana DC 10) that launch from
either side of the walls, one just before the pit traps and one just after them. If activated, they
deal 2d6 lightning damage to anyone in their path. The traps are recognizable by faintly glowing
lightning rune set into the wall, but further examination will reveal the glyphs are not active.
Dispel magic will disarm the trap until reset, or they can be dodged (Dexterity DC 12) for half
damage. They can be activated by dials in Side Passage 1 and 2.
 Monsters
Three Shadows haunt this room. They will attack the heroes at the moment of their choosing,
gaining a surprise round. If threatened, they will use their bonus action to disengage or hide,
then slip through the cracks around the hidden door to the Hidden Hallway.

Side Passage 1 – This featureless room may have been used by priests in preparation of rituals. A lever
on the wall resets one of the two pit traps, and a dial resets one of the two lightning traps.

Side Passage 2 – This featureless room may have been used by priests in preparation of rituals. A lever
on the wall resets one of the two pit traps, and a dial resets one of the two lightning traps.

Hidden Hallway – Two statues standing to either side of this chamber look like adventurers. They are
frozen, their faces twisted in terror, their empty hands held up as if to defend themselves. They are both
staring at the doorway at the end of the all. [Hidden Gem Chamber] The statues are really Stone Cursed
that will spring to life and attack if the heroes take the Gem of Greed.

Hidden Gem Chamber – This room is dominated by a single statue of a handsome man, hair slicked back.
His face resembles that of the emerald god in the main chamber’s bas relief. A Perception or
Investigation check (DC 10) will reveal flecks of emerald green paint that have disintegrated over
centuries. It holds in an outstretched palm a golden chain, from which dangles an emerald gem. This is
the Gem of Greed. The gem is surrounded by a wrought gold nimbus engraved with “Greed is Good” in

If a hero touches the Gem of Greed or its chain, the statue’s hand snaps shut and all three Stone Cursed
attack with a surprise round. Any surviving Shadows have also retreated to this room and will likewise

Orc Raiders – After the temple is cleared, Dazlyn and Norbus rush inside, screaming for help. Orcs have
found the miners’ encampment, and now seek to loot it for treasure and food. Adventurers are both.

If the heroes think fast, they can reset the traps to help them defeat the orcs. Or the heroes can attempt
to negotiate safe passage out with the orcs. The orcs will demand either treasure (i.e., the Gem of
Greed) or food (i.e., leaving two people behind to be eaten).
Optionally, any orcs (or heroes) killed inside the Temple should arise as Shadows. This could make the
final battle far more challenging.

Lever Resets Pit Trap A

When activated, platform will push

anyone on space into Pit (2d6
piercing damage).

Crank Resets Lightning Trap A

When activated, platform will zap any

enemy in spaces (2d6 lightning
damage, DC 12 Dex save for half

Lever Resets Pit Trap B

When activated, platform will push

anyone on space into Pit (2d6
piercing damage).

Crank Resets Lightning Trap B

When activated, platform will zap any

enemy in spaces (2d6 lightning
damage, DC 12 Dex save for half

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