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Faculty of Engineering

Mechatronics Systems Engineering Program

MSE 355 – Sensors, Measurements, and Data Acquisition System
Fall 2023

Tutorial 1
1. What are main components of a measurement system?

2. What are the main applications of measurement systems?

3. Explain what is meant by:

ˆ Active instruments;
ˆ Passive instruments.

Give examples of each and discuss the relative merits of these two classes of instruments.

4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of null and deflection types of measuring instruments. What
are null types of instruments mainly used for and why?

5. Explain the concept of a transducer and how it relates to sensors. Give examples of transducers
commonly used in sensor technology.

6. What are the differences between analogue and digital instruments? What advantages do digital
instruments have over analogue ones?

7. What is the main basic principle of resistive sensors? Give some examples of resistive sensors

8. Compare between the advantages and disadvantages of capacitive and piezoelectric sensors.

9. An outdoor thermometer uses a bimetal strip to sense and display temperature. It is based on the
fact that different metals expand at different rates in response to temperature, hence the strip bends
at a rate that depends on the temperature. This property is used to move a dial that displays the

ˆ Is the device active or passive?

ˆ Is the device analog or digital?
ˆ What is (are) the transduction mechanism(s) that allow the device to function? Explain.

10. Describe the classification of sensors based on their operating principles, such as resistive, capacitive,
inductive, and optical sensors. Provide real-world examples for each category.

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