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I. Rewrite the sentences below, changing the verbs to nouns.

Do not change the meaning of the sentences, but

make grammatical changes if necessary.

1. I diagnosed that the patient had a heart condition. My diagnosis was that the patient had a heart condition.
2. I examined the patient fully. I made a full ...
3. I prescribed a course of antibiotics. I wrote a ...
4. He suffered very little. He experienced very little ...
5. We operated immediately. The ...
6. This disease cannot be cured. There is no ...
7. He has recovered fully. He has made a ...
8. The lab analysed the blood sample. The lab made an ...
9. We found that the tissue was infected. We found an ...
10. Ten percent of the population are thought to carry the bacteria. Ten per cent of the population are thought to be ...
11. We replaced the patient's hip. The patient was given a hip ...
12. His condition has degenerated. There has been a ...
13. The patient was referred to a specialist. The patient was given a ...
14. His arm was paralysed after the stroke. He suffered ...
15. The artery was obstructed by a blood clot. The blood clot was forming an ...

II. The words listed in the table below are nouns. What are the verb forms of these nouns?
1. abuse 11. immunisation 21. registration
2. admission 12. implant 22. regurgitation
3. bandage 13. maceration 23. rehabilitation
4. blood 14. management 24. reproduction
5. breath 15. occurrence 25. resuscitation
6. coagulation 16. perspiration 26. sedation
7. consultation 17. preparation 27. stammer
8. convalescence 18. provision 28. stitch
9. fertilisation 19. reabsorption 29. suppression
10. identification 20. regeneration 30. sweat

III. Match the comments with the supplies that are needed:
1 I can't catch my breath. a table and head-rest paper
2 Prepare the examining table for the next patient. b thermometer
3 We'll have to get a blood sample. c oxygen mask
4 I need to sterilize the wound. d hypodermic needle
5 We'll have to feed him with liquids. e bandage scissors
6 Let's find out your weight. f scales
7 I need to examine the patient in private. g eye chart
8 Let's check your vision. h antiseptic
9 Let's see if you are running a fever. i IV bag
10 Can you cut this gauze for me? j privacy screen

IV. The following words are verbs. What are the noun forms?
Diagnose, examine, prescribe, suffer, operate, cure, recover, analyse, infect, carry, replace, degenerate, refer, paralyse.

V. Puneţi verbele din paranteze la Present Simple sau la Present Continuous:

1. I (not go) for a walk because it (snow).
2. What you (do) this evening?
3. He usually (like) orage juice but now he (drink) water.
4. He (smoke) a pack of cigarettes a day. Why you (smoke) so much?
5. She (not like) that boy.
6. He usually (speak) so quickly that I (not understand) him.
7. You (like) this book?
8. You (dream) at night?
9. I can’t answer the phone now because I (cook).
10. How you usually (get) to work? I usually (go) by bus, but now I (take) a taxi because I am late.
11. The manager can’t receive you now as he (have) an interview.
12. You (write) to John now? Yes, I (be). I always (write) to him on his birthday.
13. Where you (hurry)? To the theatre, as I (not want) to miss the first act.
14. She always (borrow) books from me and never (remember) to give them back.
15. My aunt (cook) delicious cakes. In fact, she (cook) one for me at this very moment.
16. You (go) to work every day? Yes, of course, except Saturdays and Sundays.
17. Who you (wait) for? I (wait) for John, but he is late, as usual.
18. I always (have) a rest after lunch.
19. What you (think) of? I (think) of my mother just now.
20. You (know) what time is it?

Completaţi spaţiile goale; alegeţi între Simple Present / Present Continuous:

1. Every Monday, Sally (drive) … her kids to football practice.
2. Usually, I (work) … as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I (study) … French at a language school in Paris. That
is why I am in Paris.
3. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep) … .
4. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It (rain) … .
5. I hate living in Seattle because it (rain, always) … .
6. I'm sorry I can't hear what you (say) … because everybody (talk) … so loudly.
7. Justin (write, currently) … a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can find a good publisher when he is
8. Jim: Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?
Denise: Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I (go) … to a movie tonight with some friends.
9. The business cards (be, normally ) … printed by a company in New York. Their prices (be) … inexpensive, yet the
quality of their work is quite good.
10. This delicious chocolate (be) … made by a small chocolatier in Zurich, Switzerland.

Idiomatic expressions
1. Oh, I forgot to buy bread - I've got a brain like a sieve these days!
2. He's an impressive player to watch, but he's all brawn and no brain.
3. Stop talking about golf. You've got golf on the brain!
4. Could we have lunch together? I'd like to pick your brains about something.
5. Christmas is always a hassle for me. I have to rack my brains every year to find ideas for presents.
6. I need a translation of that report urgently, so wrap your brain around it fast!
7. The police have arrested a man believed to be the brains behind the bank robbery.
1. What's wrong with Jenny? Is she having a bad hair day?
2. A slate fell off the roof and missed the child by a hair's breadth.
3. I'd finish the report more quickly if my colleague wasn't getting in my hair all the time!
4. Come on! We're not in the office now. You can let your hair down!
5. Just the thought of getting on a plane makes my hair stand on end.
6. Angela is always impeccably dressed - never a hair out of place!
7. I've been tearing my hair out all morning trying to find the error!
8. If we start splitting hairs, we'll never reach an agreement!
1. Julie's message was so confusing, I couldn't make head or tail of it!
2. The problem came to a head yesterday, when rioting broke out in the streets.
3. When she heard Emily warning her little brother to stay out of trouble, her mum thought : "That's an old head on
young shoulders".
4. I accepted to organize the festival, but I quickly realized that I was in over my head.
5. Don't worry about him.. He's adventurous but he's got his head screwed on.
6. All through the hijacking the pilot kept a level head.
7. It is a sad fact that fascism is rearing its ugly head again in some countries.
8. Larry's promotion has given him a swelled head!
9. When his first child was born, Tom invited his colleagues to a local bar to wet the baby's head.

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