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Q2) Fill in the blank:

1.Well control means assurance of formation fluids that does not flow

2.An unexpected entry of formation fluids into the wellbore is know as………

3.Technology used to control the fluid invasion and to maintain a balance between
Well control system
borehole pressure and formation pressure is known as..........................................

4.The...............the porosity and permeability of the formation are, the greater the
potential for a severe kick is.

Bottom-hole pressure
5.The............................................of the well at all times must remain above the
pore pressure of the formation to prevent additional influx of the formation fluids.

Overpressured zone , ………………………....and........................................

6 …………………….. Gas cutting of the mud Water contamination are the
reasons for low mud weight in wellbore.

200-300 psi
7. The normal industry practice is to keep the overbalance pressure at around......................

Rate of Penetration
8. Large amount of overbalance reduces the....................................

9 .Seepage of gas from the formation into the circulating mud produces a dramatic
Mud Weight at surface.
reduction in the..........................

10 .A process where drillpipe acts like a piston is known as…………...

11.The opposite effect of swabbing process is known as……………
Lost Circulation occurs.
12.When a fractured formation is drilled,............................

13.The magnitude of the pressure in the pores of a formation is known as

Pore Pressure

High permability formation

14.................................................increases the chances of stuck pipe and well control

15. If the formation pressure is greater than the mud pressure, there is the possibility to
have a............

16. Due to the communication with the formation and surface, the pore pressure
gradient is a.....................
Q) Fill in the blank:
1-When the discrepancy value in trip sheet was positive that mean…………..

2-The part of pressure losses acts against formation pressure……………….......................

3-The well was drill with a high circulation pressure the mud losses in well
Total loss or partial

flow back or
4-Volume of mud flow out of the well when pump is shut off called……………

Secondary Indicate
5- The significance torque, drag and fill for kick is……………………..

Abnormal formation
6- When the ROP increased that mean the bit enters ………………………

7-The relationship between D exponent and rock strength is…………

8-BOPs can not be used when shallow gas defines

if the well is shut in, the shut-in pressure can fracture the very weak formation
around the shoe, causing an underground blowout

KRP Sidpp
9-Initial circulation pressure is equal………plus………

Positive Pressure test applied against the flow

10-……………………………………..…………...direction should a barrier be test for
check its integrity.

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