Nanci Trivellato - Astral Projection A Primer

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Nanci Trivellato, MSc

a primer
Nanci Trivellato, MSc

a primer

An introduction to
out-of-body experience

2nd Ed. May 2023

Astral Projection: a primer – An introduction to Out-of-Body

Second Edition, expanded. May 2023

Electronic book. 10,449 words; 62,482 characters.

Cover Art from Unsplash. Credits goes to Gavin Spear.

Cover image © 2021 Nanci Trivellato

All proceeds will be dedicated to support the much-needed

ecological initiatives of the International Academy of
Consciousness at the IAC Campus, located in a protected area
in Alentejo, Portugal. Donations are welcome.

Copyright © 2021 / 2023 Nanci Trivellato, MSc

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be
reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the
express written permission of the publisher except for the use of
brief quotations in a book review.

ISBN 1-934079-12-X

Published by Nanci Trivellato Initiative

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ..........................................................................9

2. Seven Things You Need to Have to Fully Master

the Astral Projection ........................................................... 11

3. When to Do Energy Exercises for Astral

Projection ................................................................................. 19

4. Astral Traveler’s Block .................................................. 27

5. How to Learn Astral Travel from Other Peoples’

Accounts ................................................................................... 33

6. The Stages of Disconnection ....................................... 41

7. Observing the Physical World During Astral

Travel ......................................................................................... 49

8. Personalized Technique to Facilitate the Out-of-

Body Experience ................................................................... 56

Next Steps ................................................................................ 77

About the Author .................................................................. 78

1. Introduction

A lucid out-of-body experience can bring

many transformative and life enhancing
benefits. It allows a firsthand observation
that life extends beyond the physical
reality. It is also an excellent tool to
discover more about yourself, which helps
put life’s challenges into perspective.

In the following pages, I will attempt to

clarify the workings of out-of-body
experiences so that you may enjoy it with
greater ease, gain control over your
personal evolution as a spirit and find true
happiness in this lifetime.

What I have observed is that frequently

individuals who have had these experiences
do not understand them. I have also met
many that were or currently are very
sensitive to the non-physical reality but are
afraid to master and understand their
psychic abilities. This fear stems from a
misconception that studying and practicing
these experiences will make them more
open, more vulnerable and eventually
overwhelmed. However, my research
points to quite the opposite. The more
knowledge you have and the more you
practice well-devised techniques, with
appropriate guidance, the more you will be
able to control what type of experiences you
have and how to react to them.

Note: in this book, the terms out-of-body

experience (OBE), astral travel, and astral
projection are often used interchangeably
to refer to the consciousness’ lucid
experience out of the body, in the non-
physical dimension.

2. Seven Things You Need to Have to
Fully Master the Astral Projection

Inducing astral projections at will can be

challenging. Even though this is a natural
ability we all possess, if you want to fully
master it you may need to improve some
aspects, such as the control of your subtle
energy, your capacity to willfully relax, and

To help you identify which area you need to

work more on, I have listed below seven
aspects you need to gain control over in
order to have willful out-of-body
experiences. They are in a progressive
sequence to help you easily to recognize
with ease if any of them are hindering the
development of the subsequent ones.

Sometimes a single key aspect you may be

lacking can be responsible for blocking the
experience of astral projection. In turn, this
means that if you improve the aspect you
are missing, you will drastically increase
your chances of successfully inducing the
out-of-body experience at will. The seven
key aspects are:

1. Energy looseness and activation

Unblocking your chakras and loosening up

your energy “body” are vital to those who
wish to trigger the separation of the astral
body at will.

Your chakras and your energy field

constitute the energetic interface between
your physical and your astral body.
Therefore, the looser your energy is, the
better chances you have of disconnecting
from the physical body at will.

In some instances, the ideal energetic

conditions happen spontaneously. None-
theless, you can learn techniques to control
your energetic interface. They will
empower you to apply the appropriate
energy procedures to bring about the
results that you are looking for.

7 Things you Need to Have
to Fully Master the Astral
2. Deep relaxation

It is vital that you take time to deepen your

relaxation practice. You should be able to
reach a point of relaxation at which you no
longer sense your body or your breathing.

When you feel relaxed but are still aware of

your physical body, this can make it harder
for you to be able to focus exclusively on
your astral body.

3. Lucidity with reduced brain activity

You want to establish and maintain a good

balance between your brain activity and
your awareness. In other words, you need
to learn how to reduce your brain activity
and bring your brain waves down, all while
you remain conscious. This can be trained.

4. Suitable technique

With time you will know how you react to

each phase of the astral projection, which,

in turn, will enable you to choose the
appropriate projective technique for you.

There are many different techniques to

leave the body. This is because none of
them is infallible or suits everyone.
Therefore, you need to know yourself well
enough so that the techniques you chose
are the ones with which you will have
higher chances of succeeding.

An in-depth understanding of the

mechanism of each phase of the out-of-
body experience is also incredibly helpful in
selecting the right technique. The
technique should be chosen based on
which phase is the trickiest for you and
which is your forte.

5. Getting used to the sensations

Give yourself time to get used to the

sensations that may occur when the
disconnection from the body starts.
Sensations may vary considerably.

7 Things you Need to Have
to Fully Master the Astral
There are dozens of different sensations
often reported by astral projectors. A large
OBE Survey I conducted with Wagner
Alegretti, provided deep insights into the
types of sensations and how people react to

Some of these sensations may be more

common to you, but bear in mind they will
always vary. Each projection is unique and
each time you experience it, it will happen
in a different way. Therefore, you have to be
prepared for unexpected sensations.

Still, you want to get especially used to

those that are more common to you. In this
way, whenever they happen, you will not be
taken by surprise and they will not take you
out of your state of mind, physical
relaxation, and overall balance and focus.
Hence, you need to reach a point in which
you allow yourself to sense whatever
sensation comes, without letting it disturb
the process.

6. Absence of fear or apprehension

This aspect is next in the sequence because,

it is only when you feel these precursory
sensations of leaving the body, where you
may realize there still might be an
underlying conditioning or fear. Bear in
mind that these can be conscious or

Therefore, it is here that you have the

opportunity to identify if you have any fears
of astral projecting. In case you do, find its
cause, study the subject, and make a plan to
help you overcome it. An expert mentor or
coach may be able to help you find its roots
and devise customized strategies.

Any fear or conditioning will block your

capacity to master the astral projection.
This is why some projectors fail at the last
phase, noticing they are close, but cannot
complete the takeoff.

7 Things you Need to Have
to Fully Master the Astral
7. Surrender to the experience

Here comes the most critical point, which

is to let go and surrender to the experience.
You should not hold or exert excessive
control in this phase.

There will come a moment in which you are

semi-disconnected from your physical body
and aware of some energy sensations. This
means the process is developing and the
energetic interface between your physical
and astral bodies is loosening. This is where
the last chapter on the customized
projective technique comes into play.

However, you may end up exerting

excessive control at the very instant you are
completely detaching from the body, which
will block the projection at the last stage.

Your inner posture should be appropriate

to this phase of the projection. Make sure
you are not tense, eager, or too observant;
otherwise, you may end up interfering with
the non-alignment of the bodies.

Therefore, if you are not experienced in
inducing the conscious disconnection of
the astral body, it is best not to interfere
and just let it happen as it would. With
time, you will be able to identify how each
specific astral projection is developing.
Consequently, you will know how to be
more proactive in the exact moment of the
separation of the bodies.

Going further

These are the seven things you need to fully

master astral projection. Make sure you
include and practice each step, in order to
give yourself the best chance at inducing
out-of-body experiences. Of course, if you
realize you are missing any of them, you
will then know what exactly you need to
work on.

For an encompassing, full-length course that

covers all these aspects I recommend IAC’s
Consciousness Development Program.

3. When to Do Energy Exercises for
Astral Projection

If you have been trying to induce and

master your conscious out-of-body
experience, you probably know the
importance of controlling your energy,
which is the element that creates the
interface between your physical and non-
physical bodies. This is why, at the IAC, we
like to call it energetic interface. The
energetic interface is popularly known as
energy body or etheric double.

Having the energetic interface in the right

frequency and proper flexibility can allow
you to induce your astral projections more
easily. However, what is an appropriate
energy technique and what is the best
moment to do it? Below is a brief
description of the main techniques.
VELO technique

The tool I recommend the most is VELO,

which stands for voluntary energetic
longitudinal oscillation. I developed the
VELO method inspired on classical
techniques. The term VELO was coined in
2008, in a research paper I wrote about this
energy practice.

The method and the components that need

to be present to obtain results have been
established throughout my 15 years of
research examining how to induce the
vibrational state.

The origins of the VELO date back to

ancient times. Yogis used a method
resembling the VELO in the Vipassana
meditation. It was also mentioned by well-
known conscious projector Silvan Muldoon
in 1920, and others after him. If you want to
know the practical aspects and in-depth
research on the VELO technique, you can
find it in my book Vibrational State and
Energy Resonance. You may also enjoy my

When to Do Energy Exercise
for Astral Projection
on-demand online course on VELO, which
informs you of all the steps to properly
perform the technique.

VELO consists of moving your energy

inside of your body in upward and
downward cycles, inducing a powerful
loosening and aligning of your chakra’s
energies, something that usually take place
while you are detaching from your body.

This technique can also produce the

vibrational state, which is often associated
with certain degrees of the nonalignment of
the physical and non-physical bodies. This
is why the VELO is the ideal technique to
produce – or create the conditions for
inducing an out-of-body experience.

There are other energy techniques that may

be applied for specific cases, such as the
emission of energy.

A mistake while doing VELO to leave the

A common mistake is when you are already

in the process of leaving the body, feeling
that the projection is about to happen at
any moment, and then start doing a VELO
to try and accelerate the takeoff.

VELO may help you detach or return to the

body. This happens because it directly
affects the myriad of energetic threads —
the energetic interface — which connects
your physical and non-physical bodies. So,
if you are going through the final stages of
disconnection (see chapter 6), doing VELO
may realign your bodies. Thus, it is not an
effective time to do this technique.

For those who are well experienced with

lucid takeoffs and the vibratory states
related to the out-of-body experience,
especially the vibrational state, you may try
to directly adjust the frequency of your
vibrational state.

When to Do Energy Exercise
for Astral Projection
Another point to consider is that some
people, while doing the VELO, tense up
their muscles, alter their breathing rhythm,
and focus too much on the physical body.
This is not the most effective way to
perform VELO, especially prior to leaving
the body. Tension and excessive attention
on the body are not conducive to a
conscious astral projection.

In other words, you can and should do

VELO when you are relaxed and getting
ready to practice a technique to leave your
body. However, you want to make sure that
your focus is solely on the energy of your
energetic interface. And keep in mind that
you do not need to tense up your body
while performing VELO.

When to practice VELO

The best method is to practice VELO

several times a day, in sessions spread out
through the day so that you condition the
balance and vibratory frequency of your
energetic interface, adjusting it to a
higher degree of looseness, which facili-
tates the OBE.

Another much recommended approach is

to do VELO before attempting to leave the
body. Try to make a longer VELO session at
this moment. Let us say between 30 to 90
minutes in duration, depending on how
lose your energy is on that day.

This longer VELO session can be done right

before applying your projective technique
or you can program to conclude it one
hour before the time you will try to
project. You will have to try and see which
works best for you.

Sometimes it takes a while for your

energetic interface to get flexible or
loosened up. Thus, it is ideal to apply the
strategy above for longer periods of time,
until you manage to reach the lucid
disconnection from your body.

Because VELO reduces the rigidity of your

energetic interface, it makes any OBE

When to Do Energy Exercise
for Astral Projection
technique more effective. It will also help
you activate and heighten the frequency of
your energy, cleanse your aura, unblock
your chakras, as well as increase your ability
for self-defense, which is crucial.

Emission of Energy

Another technique that you can use is the

emission of energy. Since this technique
consists of you sending energy out, it is
commonly used to improve the energetic
quality of the environment around you.

For example, if you sense that the energy

around you is not agreeable nor
comforting, or if you sense an unbalanced
spiritual presence, you may emit energy
towards it.

Emitting energy is relatively easy and you

should trust your capacity to do it when
necessary. Having said that, I would like to
mention that there are a number of
applications, parameters, nuances and

characteristics of the energy emitted which
need to be taken into consideration.

4. Astral Traveler’s Block

There are several different reasons and

many variables that can impede astral
projection. This may be frustrating, causing
the aspiring projector to feel that it is
difficult to induce the phenomenon. And,
in some sense, it is.

Understanding and mastering astral

projection is a skill to be cherished and
developed to even further degrees. I suggest
you take time to reflect on the variables
affecting your OBEs so that you can identify
which factors contribute to making them
happen more easily.

Sometimes the variables involved in the

process are adjusted well enough to bring
spontaneous projections about, even for
those with no previous knowledge. That
is why there are cases where the
projection is induced quite easily and
surprisingly fast. This can last for many
months or even years.
In a number of cases, however, one or more
variables — usually unknown to the
projector — may change, thus resulting in
a frequent astral projector no longer having
out-of-body experiences. The technical
term for this condition is projective recess.

The projective recess

Having lucid out-of-body experiences make

our life richer by encompassing a broader
reality. Lucid projectors who undergo a
projective recess may go through a
disheartening phase for it is like losing a
part of their life or a powerful ability.

Similarly, experiencing the freedom and

awareness that is common in fully lucid
projections may become an integral part of
the projector’s life. Therefore, for a truly
experienced and lucid projector, it can be
painful to stop being able to experience this
multidimensional broader reality. A chunk
of one’s life and manifestation is missing.

Astral Traveler’s Block
Research study

A projective recess is a relatively common

occurrence. A survey study (OBE Survey,
Trivellato and Alegretti, 1999) suggests that
most spontaneous projections happen to
individuals under 30 years of age. This is yet
another incentive to learning to master the
disconnection from the body. By
mastering how to leave the body, instead
of only ‘hoping it happens’, you can
actually induce it.

According to substantial data I have

collected over almost three decades of
experience as an instructor and coach for
lucid out-of-body experiences, the
projective recess can be a temporary
cessation of one’s usual projective activity.
It usually takes some self-research, self-
discovery, and proactive measures by the
projector to revert this condition.

Most cases of projective recess are of people

who had their spontaneous OBEs when
they were in their youth. Statistically
speaking, according to the aforementioned
OBE survey, the majority of the projectors
experience their first astral projection
between 6 and 18 years of age, after which
there is a decline in the frequency of the

I should emphasize that I am referring to

the occurrence of spontaneous projections.
Besides, statistics present a value that does
not mean that all individuals fall in the
same category. Learning to induce out-of-
body experience is possible at any age.


Putting an end to a real projective recess is

doable, but it may require some effort. For
many, if something is not done about it,
they may not have another fully conscious
out-of-body experience in this lifetime. [No
worries. You will reset for the next lifetime.]

Keep in mind that the next lifetime sounds

like a long time right now, but it is a short

Astral Traveler’s Block
period of time when taking our entire
evolutionary process into consideration.

Overcoming the astral traveler’s block is

similar to developing the capacity to astral
project. I have had cases of people who were
great projectors but were in recess for as
long as forty years and they managed to
overcome it. So, if this is your condition,
just face the challenge as if you were a
novice trying to experience your first OBE.

I cannot stress strongly enough that it is

possible to remove this block. This is why a
recess is never absolute, but rather a matter
of time.

A key point in the recovery process is to

examine what factors have led to it. Only
then is it possible, in most cases, to work
around and adjust the variables that
prevent the ideal setting. In the vast
majority of cases, it requires energy
exercises to bring the energetic interface
into a more malleable state, free of any
contamination. One of the key exercises for
this purpose is the VELO practice,
mentioned above.

So, if you are experiencing astral traveler’s

block, remember that it is never a
permanent or full recess.

5. How to Learn Astral Travel from
Other Peoples’ Accounts

Do you enjoy listening to cases of out-of-

body experiences? What precautions
should you take so that these accounts do
not end up interfering with your own

Each experience is different

When you try to learn about the OBE based

on accounts from another individual, you
naturally end up “seeing” what the other
person experienced as they recount it. They
place emphasis on the aspects they deem
relevant, based on their own knowledge of
the phenomenon and awareness during the
experience. Therefore, you are most
probably not learning the mechanism of the
OBE, but how that individual experienced
it in that instance.
Many different aspects can influence your
OBEs. Every day is different. Actually, even
when having more than one lucid OBE in
the same night you can go to different
dimensions, have different degrees of
density in your non-physical (astral) body,
experience different levels of acuity of your
non-physical vision (paravision), etc.

What is the point here? Well, when you

hear one, two, three, or thirty OBE stories,
you have to keep in mind that you are
hearing one, two, three, or thirty possible
situations, which in no way will reflect
precisely each aspect of what you will
experience in your own OBE. Even if the
situation is identical, your energy, your
previous experience, your multi-
dimensional context, and past lives’ history
are different.

Having said that, I want to emphasize that

it is productive to read and listen to other’s
experiences; however, they cannot be taken
as the explanation of the mechanism in

How to Learn Astral Travel
from Other Peoples’ Accounts

place, nor a definition of how your experi-

ence will be.

Ideal learning strategy

The best way to learn about the non-

physical world and how the out-of-body
experience develops is to understand why
each situation happens, what causes it, and
what variable would change that situation.

That is why I strive to do research and share

knowledge on the many angles, the whys
and the hows of the phenomenon, rather
than just talk about cases.

OBE accounts are valuable research tools;

however, when it comes to learning about
the phenomenon, they should serve only as
an illustration of the situation discussed.

Meeting a non-physical consciousness

(spirit, person between lives) outside the
body adds another layer to complexity to
this phenomenon, because each
consciousness is unique and will act and
react in a particular way, just as it happens
in the physical world. So, factors beyond
your own state and the non-physical
environment where you project to affect
the type and quality of the experience you
will have.

A very common mistake projectors make is

to assume that whomever they meet is
negative and as such, they try to protect
themselves. On the other hand, they can
also erroneously assume everyone they
meet is positive and only has good

In many cases, the projector jumps to a pre-

established standard of behavior and
thinks, for instance “if I see someone
outside the body, I should transmit
energies”, or “I have to communicate with
those I encounter”, or “the situation A is
difficult”, or “the situation B is positive.”

None of the experiences have a fixed

standard of behavior. It all depends on the
context. However, jumping to conclusions
How to Learn Astral Travel
from Other Peoples’ Accounts

without thoroughly examining the

situation may happen when someone bases
their reasoning during their out-of-body
experience on others’ accounts.

Instead of being guided by the experiences

of others, I suggest you study paraphysics,
parasociology, and paraecology.

I use these expressions to make a point. As

you would understand the laws of physics
and the context of social groups in the
physical dimension, you can learn and
understand how the non-physical
dimension works and what the character-
istics of the social relations of those who
inhabit there are. This is more appropriate
than basing your experiences only on the
interpretation of someone else’s unique

Use others’ experiences to study

possibilities of events rather than as a guide
of how OBEs work and how you should
behave in such cases. Examine the
consistencies and inconsistencies of their
experiences. Examine your own experiences.
Look for substantiated knowledge.

The Consciousness Development Program

(CDP), a part of IAC’s curriculum that I co-
authored, provides an encompassing, full-
length course that covers all these aspects.

Experience vs. theory

There are studies on the out-of-body

experience that have been conducted by
people who have only had experiences or
claim to have had them. On the other hand,
other studies are done by individuals who
only do research, but have never had
firsthand experience. The ideal is to have
both experience and theory.

When someone does not have personal

experiences, they lack the lived experience
of the paraphysics, parasociology,
paraecology, parageography, etc. Hence,
cannot properly analyze the OBE cases they
are researching.

How to Learn Astral Travel
from Other Peoples’ Accounts

This is why I suggest a continued study and

research while at the same time seeking to
have actual experiences to support your
research. In this way, the knowledge
derived from your studies will further your
experiences, and there will enrich your

Do not compare experiences

Basing your learning only on the experience

of others makes it very hard for you to avoid
comparing your experiences to theirs.

Most projection beginners tend to evaluate

their experiences like: “it was not as good as
xxx’s,” or “it was not as lucid as so and so”,
or “I wish I had felt the disconnection from
the body as xxx felt.”

This type of comparison is not appropriate.

All of us are developing. All of us are
learning, including myself. All of us may
have some experiences that worked well
and others that were not as exemplary as we
would have liked them to be.
It is very natural that we all will have
different skills and abilities, even in terms
of our out-of-body experiences. Some
people may be very good at concentrating,
while others are going to be better at
sensing the energy effect. Some will feel
confident when meeting someone in a less
balanced state, while others will be better at
telepathic communication, etc.

This is natural. Value the experiences you

have. If you just sense a partial projection of
your para-arm (the arm of the non-physical
or astral body) disconnecting, value this
experience. It is actually amazing how
much a “simple” experience such as this can
teach us and prepare us for more complex
ones. Learning to value your own
experiences is key in furthering your

6. The Stages of Disconnection

You might think of the disconnection of

your nonphysical body as a single event, as
if you were in the body one moment and
out the next. This is not an accurate
approach, as there are several phenomena
that take place in the disconnection phase.

Let me first mention that a conscious OBE

has five very distinct phases, which are:

1. The pre-projection phase, which

involves what you do before you lie
down or while you are relaxing and
waiting for your OBE activity to

2. The disconnection phase, that is,

from the moment when the process
of separation from your body begins
until the moment when you
completely detach from it. In this
article, I argue that this phase
actually involves three stages, which
should be studied separately;
3. The nonphysical phase, or when
you are outside your body;

4. The reconnection phase, that is,

the return to your body;

5. The post-projection phase, which

consists of the events that occur after
you return to your body.

Achieving a conscious and controlled sepa-

ration from the body is a major challenge
for most aspiring astral projectors.

To assist those of you who are committed

to experiencing a conscious takeoff, I have
divided the phase of disconnection into
three stages. I will describe them below.

If you want to have a clearer understanding

and greater control of your separation from
the physical body, it is important to
distinguish these stages rather than
lumping them into one occurrence.

The Stages of Disconnection

Being aware of the three stages will help

you master the production of astral
projections at will. You will know which
strategy to apply at each stage to ensure
that your experience progresses toward a
conscious separation from the body.

On some occasions, the disconnection

process can develop at a faster pace, as if
you quickly went through the three stages,
or as if they were taking place simulta-

Some degree of overlap between these

stages is natural; however, the more clearly
you can distinguish and experience each of
them, the more control you will develop
over the disconnection process.

1st Stage: Loosening of the energy body

This is where the disconnection begins to

take place. During this stage, you are
typically relaxed and may feel sensations
such as pulsing, loss of awareness of your
body’s shape, buzzing, rocking, swaying,
lightness, heaviness, activation of the
chakras, temperature changes, and
ballooning, among others.

At this point, most people having these

sensations naturally assume they are
leaving the body and attempt to produce or
accelerate the disconnection. Usually, they
try things like pushing to get out, rolling to
the side, sitting up, standing up, etc.

However, this is not the time to be

proactive in that sense, because the
projection is not happening just yet. What
is taking place is merely the loosening of
the energy, which is the first stage of the
disconnection. This means that although
your energetic interface is loosening up,
you are still inside the body.

Taking action or mentally focusing on

exerting your will too early may interfere
with the progress of the disconnection. It’s
no coincidence; many people only reach
this phase and can’t go any further. The best
thing to do at this point is to relax and keep
The Stages of Disconnection

your mind absolutely calm while

maintaining the intention of being outside
the body, without taking any direct action.

If you want to optimize your chances of

reaching this point and successfully going
beyond it, you may want to do a VELO
session before the process. Even a VELO
performed a couple of hours before will
improve your odds.

2nd Stage: Loosening of the nonphysical


In this stage, your astral body goes from

being completely aligned and attached to
the physical body to becoming loose while
still in it. In other words, you are inside your
body, but your astral body is no longer as
“glued” to the physical body.

Since this is a critical moment for achieving

conscious takeoff, you must apply the
appropriate level of concentration and
mental approach at this time. You also want
to be mindful of your thoughts. If you pay
too much attention to what is going on with
your body, or are too eager or anxious to
take off, one of two things will most likely
happen: you end up holding on to your
lucidity but get stuck at this point, or you
completely lose awareness and fall asleep.
The ideal at this stage is to consciously “go
with the flow”. This is the best time to apply
the techniques I present in Chapter 8.

The sensations typically felt in the first

stage mentioned above can be felt here on
a much more intense level.

Due to the dynamic changes taking place in

the energetic interface, full-blown
vibrational states may occur at this stage.
Keep in mind, however, that the vibrational
state, when related to the onset of an out-
of-body experience, can occur at any of the
three stages.

As I mentioned in Chapter 3, now is not the

best time to do VELO, as it will most
probably alter the dynamics I just
The Stages of Disconnection

3rd Stage: The takeoff

This is the stage at which you actually

separate from your body. This can happen
instantly or over the course of minutes—in
some cases, even an hour.

In the case of an instant takeoff, there are

usually few to no sensations of separation.
Otherwise, you may experience sensations
such as floating, sinking, falling, sleep
paralysis, partial disconnection (separation
of parts of your nonphysical body, as
described in Chapter 5), the "Velcro"
sensation (as if your astral body were
peeling off), and other typical sensations of
this stage.


If you detach but remain very close to the

physical body, you may still get a sense of
its presence. For this reason, it is a bit tricky
to distinguish stage three from a projection
with a small degree of nonalignment of the
The best approach to figuring this out is
through practice, gradually gaining the
experience to distinguish between these
states more effectively.

It's worth noting that all individuals,

including experienced projectors, may
occasionally confuse these stages. There are
times when you might think you are in
stage three, but you are already
disconnected, albeit close to your body, or
believe you are fully disconnected when
you are still aligned with your physical

As you move further from the physical

body, your silver cord starts getting shaped.
Hence, you will either be less aware of your
physical body or lose all notion of your
body’s presence.

7. Observing the Physical World
During Astral Travel

How do you see the physical environment

when you are outside your body? Does it
look identical to what you normally see in
the physical world?

The key to answering these questions is to

understand how the physical and
nonphysical dimensions interact, how your
paravision works, and how your brain
interprets what you see.

Here are some pointers to help you make

sense of such an interwoven reality.

Interpreting perceptions during an out-

of-body experience

Unexperienced projectors may find it

challenging to interpret certain perceptions
while outside the body.
Although during the OBE you are not using
the physical body, you will find that you
“interpret” your experience in an analogous
way to your usual physical senses, e.g.,
visual, olfactory, or auditory perceptions.
This helps us [our brain] to make sense of
the non-physical experience. Yet,
sometimes this can complicate the
interpretation of what you remember from
the experience.

Mixed perceptions

In this chapter, I will focus on how you “see”

the physical dimension when you are
outside of your body. A classic example of
this is when you see your own body and
bedroom while projected. So, let us stick to
this example to keep it simple.

But before moving on, let me clarify that

sometimes you may have a projection
where you may be in a dimensional
“frequency” that is far enough from the
physical dimension to make it impossible to
see the physical dimension. As a
Observing the Physical World
During the Astral Travel
consequence, you would not see your
bedroom or its physical objects when you
project. This means that in an experience
such as this one, what you see is the actual
non-physical environment, or astral
dimension if you will.

However, in some experiences, you can pick

up from both dimensions at the same time,
as two superimposed worlds. This is where
the complexity arises.

In other words, in some projections in

which your non-physical body is at a certain
density, at a specific dimensional level, and
undergoing a certain type of experience, you
may be able to “interact” with the physical
dimension. In such cases and on certain
occasions, you can see both dimensions, i.e.,
the physical and the non-physical
environment at the same time.

In those cases, your non-physical vision can

tune in to each of the dimensions at
different degrees. Let us say that in a given
experience your visual perception would
pick 60% the physical dimension and 40%
the non-physical dimension. Or 30% the
physical world and 70% of the energetic
and non-physical reality. The proportions
can vary.

What does this mean in practice?

When your vision is more tuned into the

physical dimension, what you see is closer
in appearance to the usual physical
environment that you are familiar with. But
when your vision is more adjusted to
perceive the subtler reality, you end up
seeing more of the energetic and non-
physical environment. As a result, during
an experience you may see an environment
that is not necessarily identical to your
bedroom because now you are also seeing
non-physical elements.

Let’s say that you are projected in your

bedroom at a level where you largely see the
non-physical reality. In this case, you would
recognize the place and know you are in

Observing the Physical World
During the Astral Travel
your bedroom; however, you may see things
slightly or majorly different.

A common occurrence while projected is to

perceive that your bedroom looks way
bigger from the usual physical
environment. This perception is amplified
when you see structures or elements, like
“objects” (thought forms), that only exist in
the non-physical environment.

In other cases, it may seem as if there were

fog in the place. Obviously, there is no
physical fog in your bedroom. This “fog”
you clearly see is actually energy (you are
witnessing the energetic dimension), which
is all over. From your point of view then, your
room may resemble a foggy road on a cold
humid day.

There are also instances while projected in

which you may try to see tiny details in the
physical world, for example, reading a book
or checking the time on a clock; however,
the astral body’s vision does not manage to
focus enough to pick up that level of detail.
Having said that, I would like to mention
that this is not a definite outcome. There
are projections in which details such as
these can be observed. Still, the point here
is to make you aware that there are aspects
of the physical environment that are not so
easy to see while projected.

All this makes some astral projectors very

confused, because they assume they will
always see the physical environment
precisely as they would see it with their
physical body’s vision.

The surprise and sense of confusion that

may come when not understanding why
your bedroom looks different may be
detrimental not only to your lucidity during
the projection but also to the recollection of
the experience.

In summary, although it is possible to see

the physical dimension very clearly during
the projection, this is not always the case.
Actually, the majority of the time this will
not happen.
Observing the Physical World
During the Astral Travel
These examples of how the non-physical
body “senses” its environment, illustrate the
importance of understanding how the non-
physical body works and what “natural laws”
operate in the non-physical dimension.

8. Personalized Technique to
Facilitate the Out-of-Body

Customized Astral Projection Strategy

I developed this method for myself in my

youth and have been using it since then. I
informally call it “Nanci’s OBE technique”. It
can be individually customized; therefore,
once you learn how it works, you can adjust
it to your needs and apply it as well.

Ideal Technique

Finding the right technique to induce the

out-of-body experience at will is indeed a
challenge. You need to learn how each
technique works and how you react to each
phase of the OBE to see which technique
has a better chance of working for you.

When trying to induce the projection at

will, one can feel quite frustrated because
there are times when you try techniques
Personalized Technique
to Facilitate the Out-of-Body Experience

again and again, but still do not manage to

detach consciously from your body. If you
find yourself in this situation, trust me, you
are not alone.

What I want to share with you here is not a

technique to push your non-physical body
out, but rather a method that will allow you
to take advantage of the phase when the
natural process of detaching from the body
takes place.

Bear in mind that you can use the technique

described here by itself or combined with

Natural non-alignment of the bodies

You can take advantage of the moment

when the energetic connection with your
physical body is naturally loosened up.

To do this, you need to keep yourself lucid

enough for long enough to witness the
beginning of the natural process of non-

alignment of the bodies: a phase that
arguably we all experience every night.

When trying to leave the body you may

become aware of the initial non-alignment
sensations and, yet, not be able to take the
last step out of your physical body. This is
when you apply this technique, aiming at
increasing the degree of non-alignment,
until you fully disconnect.

The sensations you may notice at the

beginning of this separation are your
brain’s natural interpretations of what is
happening in your energetic interface.

Recognize your sensations

Any one of us who has been trying to leave

the body, has had some degree of these
sensations, even though you may not have
realized exactly what was going on at the

When you are experiencing a deep level of

relaxation and your mind is still lucid and
Personalized Technique
to Facilitate the Out-of-Body Experience

conscious, your energetic interface and

your chakras’ energy start to loosen up. This
causes your non-physical body to also
become looser inside of your physical body,
as with a less rigid connection. We could
say that your non-physical body becomes
slightly separated from your body, without
completely detaching.

This partial separation (nonalignment)

produces many different reactions. Some of
them can be changes in your state of
consciousness, specific sensations,
magnified perceptions, and so on. With this
technique, we want to focus on the
sensations during this natural phase of the
projection. Some of the sensations are quite
common and can feel very concrete, as if
they were physical sensations. Those are
the ones you especially want to take
advantage of.

As mentioned above, it does not matter if

you have already practiced the technique
up to that point or if the sensation(s)
emerged spontaneously. You can always
use those specific sensations to detach

If during this phase, you happen to have

different sensations from those I described,
you want to use those you are having. It all
depends on how your experience unfolds.

I suggest you try to remember which of

these sensations you have felt more often.
Remember also any sensations you may
have felt when you were a kid. Those should
be natural to you. So, use them!

How to put it into practice

As examples, I list below six of these

sensations, which are relatively common.

1. Rocking or swaying sensation

Sensations of rocking, swaying, or

undulation are common for many people. I
remember thinking, when I was a child “is
my bed moving?,” because I could feel it

Personalized Technique
to Facilitate the Out-of-Body Experience

going from side to side, as if I were swaying

with the waves in a boat.

It was pleasant, but since the sensation was

very objective, I could not distinguish
whether it was a physical or a non-physical
movement. I had this experience almost
every night. I did not know it was associated
with the separation from the body.

Later in my life, when I found out on my

own what that sensation meant, I would use
it as a technique to project out of my body.

Here is what I used to do: instead of trying

to detach from the body by sitting up or
standing up, as most tend to do when trying
to leave the body, I would just make that
swaying a bit stronger and clearer.

By doing this I would reinforce my rapport

with the non-physical dimension and
awareness of the energetic interface.

In a very simplified way, it is as if each cell

of your body were connected to its

corresponding part of the non-physical
body. Then, the increased swaying or
rocking helps the myriad of energy links
that bond the physical body to the non-
physical one become less rigid. With time,
you start feeling more freedom from the
restriction of your physical vessel.

You may also feel waves or movements of

energy around you, rather than inside of
you. Being less “locked” in the physical
body, you sense the non-physical reality
more. So, this sensation of undulation
usually happens when you are having some
level of perception of the non-physical

Sometimes it is so intense that you may feel

as if you were spinning your way out of your
body. If this happens, go for it. Enjoy and
concentrate on your sensation, without
interfering with it.

Completely letting go of your physical life’s

awareness is not always easy, especially
because it operates as an instinct. Let us
Personalized Technique
to Facilitate the Out-of-Body Experience

imagine that you try to leave the body, but

remain conscious of your body, your
position, your breathing, your geographical
location, the room you are in, and so forth.
So, you are trying to get out of your body
yet the focus or locality of your
consciousness is inside of your body/brain.

This is why you want your mind to focus

more and more on your non-physical body
and energy. By focusing and intensifying
the sensation of non-alignment — which in
this example would cause an undulation
sensation — you are allowing your mind to
break off the automatic conditioning which
is programed to pay attention to the
physical reality.

You want to take advantage of the natural

separation that is taking place. Just increase
the sensation and it will lead to a fuller

2. Ballooning or swelling sensation

The second sensation that I think is

common enough to include here, is
ballooning or the sensation of swelling of
the body.

To explain it in simple terms, what happens

in the case of this sensation is that your
energy body (i.e., your energetic interface)
expands, as if it were inflated. Technically
speaking it is a bit more complex than just
an expanded energy body, but what matters
for the purpose of this technique is how you
feel it and how it will affect your OBE. Thus,
when related to the out-of-body
experience, this is how you can interpret
this sensation.

The ballooning sensation is more than just

a sensation of being light and expanded. It
is a perception as if your physical body were
indeed swollen. It can feel like a very
objective thing. For instance, if you feel the
ballooning of your hand’s energy, you
perceive it as if your physical hand were
Personalized Technique
to Facilitate the Out-of-Body Experience

actually bigger, which causes the brain to

interpret it as a swelling of your hand. You
lose the notion of the “size” of your body.

When you willfully or unconsciously focus

on your energy [which is expanded beyond
your body] rather than on your body, it
creates an increased awareness of your
energy field, thus the swelling sensation. In
other words, at that moment you have
greater clarity of sensing your energetic
interface than your physical body.

This sensation can be generalized, i.e., it

can be felt in the whole body, or in specific
body parts. Whichever you experience, take
advantage of it. Pay full attention to the
sensation of the “expanded part” of your
body, at the external border of this
expanded area. Simply put, concentrate on
the sensation of the pseudo skin, at the
outer border of that “swollen” part.

Aim to expand even more, as if you wanted

to increase the “swelling”. You do not need
to visualize it. You are sensing it; therefore,
you can and want to concentrate on the
sensation to slowly make it even more clear
to you. The more you notice your energy
field in a tangible way as mentioned above,
the more the energy intensifies and the
better the technique works.

Losing the sense of being locked in the

physical body is important for you to have
greater chances of detaching consciously
from the body.

The ballooning sensation can happen for a

brief moment or persist for many minutes.
Always make sure you have no physical
condition provoking the sensation. Your
position to practice the astral projection
techniques should be one that is natural
and healthy to your body.

3. Floating sensation

The sensation of weightlessness or floating

above the body is a simple, but very
common and strong one. If you happen to
sense it, just focus on floating higher and
Personalized Technique
to Facilitate the Out-of-Body Experience

higher. Do not push or try to force the

process. At this point, when using this
strategy, what matters is your strong
intention of floating higher, not your direct
action. Since the floating sensation came
spontaneously — and this is what this
technique is about — it means that you
were already in the process of detaching
from the body. So, let the sensation be, stay
with it, enjoy it, and maintain the inner
desire to float higher.

Sometimes, when having the floating

sensation, you may notice that your para-
face is very close to the ceiling. If this is the
case, this is not the technique for you as it
means you have a greater degree of
disconnection from the body or are already
completely nonaligned.

In the technique I am discussing here, you

are still inside the physical body, but your
non-physical body is either just “loose” or
slightly disconnected. Therefore, you are
prone to, or on the way towards, detaching
from your body.
In other words, because you are either
“loose” or in the beginning of the process of
detaching, you can feel a strong floating
sensation. You feel this because your mind
focuses – spontaneously or willfully – on the
non-physical body, which is loose or
slightly nonaligned. This is what is
important here, how you are sensing the
experience, how it is developing, and how
you are reacting to it.

When the floating sensation is very sudden,

it can cause you to react in a way that causes
you to instantly realign with your body
instead of going further. In some instances,
this can produce a hypnic jerk. The more
you are prepared to sense it and the more
you get used to the sensation, the more you
can use it in your favor.

Use this technique according to the

experience and perception you are having
at that moment. Again, you should
customize it to suit your individual case.
See how it goes in each case.

Personalized Technique
to Facilitate the Out-of-Body Experience

4. Sinking sensation

The sinking sensation operates in similar

ways to the previously discussed floating
sensation. I mention it here because many
do not recognize it; therefore, instead of
allowing the out-of-body experience to take
place when the sensation emerges, they
fight it.

I refer to the sensation of heaviness, which

causes an impression of going down instead
of going up. It is the opposite of being light
and floating. You may feel as if you weigh a
ton and are sinking.

What should you do at this moment? Just

enjoy it! Remember this is part of the
disconnection from the body; it is a phase
of the out-of-body experience that is taking
place at that moment.

How the non-physical body detaches from

the body is not important, what matters is
how conscious and balanced you are at that

moment. So, if it happens to you, take
advantage of it and learn from it.

5. Partial non-alignment

The fifth strategy I want to propose to you

is based on the non-alignment of parts of
your non-physical body, which characterize
a partial projection. In most cases this
happens when you are very relaxed, usually
lying down. In many instances, it happens

An example of this is when you are lying

down and vividly feel that your legs are
going up. In a case like this, if your non-
physical legs get fully nonaligned, you will
not sense the physical legs. Your physical
legs are there lying on the bed; what you are
sensing are the legs of the non-physical
body, or your para-legs. You almost feel as
if you were upside down.

In other cases, you may have laid down with

your arms in a certain position, and at

Personalized Technique
to Facilitate the Out-of-Body Experience

certain point you feel as if one of your arms

or both of them are in a different position.

Most people would react to that by

thinking “is this the position my arm was
in when I laid down? This is not the way I
remember it”. Then they focus their attention
on the physical body to verify their position,
which causes an instant realignment. The
realignment usually happens so instantane-
ously that it may cause you doubt whether
you truly felt the para-arm(s) disconnected
from your arm(s) at all.

What you want to do in this case is

concentrate on the sensation of the arm(s)
you feel is(are) in the “wrong” position; that
is, your para-arm(s). Focus your will on
making them float.

Since this technique can be customized, as

soon as you sense it, focus on whichever
part of your body you feel is nonaligned.
The more mindful you become of the
nonaligned body part, the better, because
you also become aware of the non-physical
dimension, which furthers your degree of
disconnection from the body.

You may get to a point where there is just a

tiny thread of energy still holding you to
your physical body. This makes it much
easier to go all the way to a conscious out-
of-body experience, either spontaneously,
or by using a proper technique for
conditions like this.

This is a very nice way to detach from the

body because you have the opportunity to
observe the separation in detail, step-by-
step or area-by-area of your body.

Some takeoffs are instantaneous and

happen so fast that you do not get to sense
each step of the process. So, if you project
with progressive partial non-alignments as
described here, learn from it, take
advantage of it, enjoy, and do what you can
to gain control of the non-physical part that
is disconnected from your body.

Personalized Technique
to Facilitate the Out-of-Body Experience

6. Vibrations and the vibrational state

The last example I want to discuss is the

vibratory sensation. It can happen in
different ways and mean different things. In
relation to the OBE, you may feel, for
instance, electricity going through the
body; sometimes a generalized buzz inside
of your body; or you can sense as if the
vibrations are like liquid nitrogen (i.e., very
cold) going through your whole body or
through your spine. Other times you can
feel a pleasant but intense vibration, as if
your body is shaking or as if your cells are
in a frenzy of vibration. This intensity and
energetic characteristics most probably
indicate a vibrational state. This varied
spectrum of sensations of this type is

Why does this happen? Both the physical

and non-physical bodies are completely
aligned initially, connected by energy —
the energetic interface. When the
nonalignment of the bodies begins, these
energy connections are readjusted. This
readjustment can be felt in many ways.
Usually, they are felt as movements or
waves passing by, and sometimes it is
almost as if we can hear its frequency and

In some instances, these vibrations reach a

peak frequency and create a resonance
effect among all energy centers (chakras).
This phenomenon is called the vibrational
state. It is important to understand it, as it
is deeply associated with the activation of
the energy centers and the nonalignment of
the bodies, in other words, with the out-of-
body experience.

What should you do if you feel these

vibrations? Firstly, enjoy and let the
sensation be. You may be experiencing the
vibrational state, which is characterized by
an intense internal vibration in the whole
energy body. It can feel very powerful, as if
your cells were in a pleasant frenzy of
activation. Bear in mind that this is not a
physical occurrence, but rather an
energetic one.
Personalized Technique
to Facilitate the Out-of-Body Experience

If you sense the vibrational state as part of

the process of detaching from the body, you
can try to adjust its frequency to “eject”
yourself outside your body. This procedure
requires experience, because you could
unwillingly end up reducing the resonance
phenomenon, instead of increasing it. So, it
is a good idea to get familiar with the VS to
be able to have more control over its
frequency before trying this.

Concluding comments

When applying this method, make sure you

do not allow any sense of anxiety or hurry
to detach quickly to take place. Just enjoy!

The more you practice this strategy, the

more your mind will focus on the non-
physical sensations. In turn, it will make it
easier for your energetic interface to loosen
up and the non-physical body to detach.

Bear in mind that there are dozens of

sensations related to the disconnection
from the body. What you want is to find out
which ones are more common to you, when
they tend to happen, and how you can use
them in your favor as a customized astral
projection technique.

Next Steps

To go further, first and foremost you need

to practice, find substantiated and reliable
information, and trust your capacity to
consciously project out of your body.

If you would like coaching and mentoring

to progress even further, you can consider
enjoying private sessions.

I also offer an exclusive, life-altering 10-day

private retreat — the VIP Training — at the
amazing IAC Campus in Portugal. During
the retreat we both dedicate all my
knowledge and experience to help the
participant reach his/her goal in a very
customized way, suited to meet their
specific needs.

In addition, if you want to take a course that

takes you into a deep exploration of topics
such as out-of-body experience, the spirit
world, subtle energy, survival of the
consciousness, spiritual evolution, and
associated psychic phenomena, the IAC’s
Consciousness Development Program
(CDP) offers an extremely comprehensive
and transformative body of information
and training.

The CDP was bestowed with an award for

Life Transformation. Its high-quality
content is delivered via streaming on
demand, through approximately 25 hours
of recorded classes and live group
mentoring sessions. It also includes several
guided practical exercises to develop your
personal energy control and to train
techniques for astral projection.

Check my TEDx Talk: How Out-of-Body

Experiences could Transform Yourself and

More resources on

Enjoy my YouTube channel.

Connect with me on LinkedIn, Instagram,

and Facebook.

About the Author

Nanci Trivellato
is a conscious-
ness researcher,
author, mentor
and educator.
Born in Brazil
and a descend-
ant of Italian
and Portuguese
immigrants, she
has mostly lived abroad. Early in her life,
Nanci followed a traditional path, earning
her undergraduate degree in languages and
literature and devoting part of her studies
and career to business administration.

For several years she worked in large multi-

national corporations such as SINGER and
IBM, but her interest in the field of non-
ordinary or psi human experiences inspired
her to leave Brazil in 1995. Nanci has a
master’s degree in Research Methods in

Due to the out-of-body experiences and

other non-ordinary phenomena she under-
went early in her life, Nanci became
interested in contributing to deepen
knowledge in this area. So, despite of her
conventional education and her natural
analytical and skeptical style, she followed
her instincts and decided to dedicate her
life to investigate this field further. She
believes that helping people to
understand multidimensional reality will
enrich their lives.

Her natural management skills and her

entrepreneurial energy, combined with her
passion for her work, have made her an
essential element in establishing and
expanding various organizations in the area
of the study of consciousness. Nanci is a
founding member of the International
Academy of Consciousness (IAC) and the
Institute of Applied Consciousness
Technologies (I-ACT). She started up the
About the Author
project Nanci Trivellato Initiative, a social
enterprise to serve as a portal to present
information about spirituality, with an
analytical, pragmatic, and non-sectarian

Her know-how in teaching parapsychic

phenomena and the non-physical/spiritual
reality is based on almost 30 years of
experience (ref. 2020). Nanci gives special
value to helping people understand the
mechanisms operating behind these
phenomena. She also strives to help
individuals distinguish mere brain
processes and fantasy from real paranormal
or psi experiences. This way they can
develop their multidimensional energy
awareness. Nanci designed and developed
several unique courses and workshops that
have inspired other organizations and
professionals in this area.

This experience has given her the

opportunity to mentor hundreds of people,
since 2002. This resulted in the

development of the techniques employed
in the Evolutionary Mentoring sessions.

Fluent in English, Spanish, and Portuguese,

Nanci has lectured in various parts of the
world such as Australia, Brazil, Canada,
Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Japan, Mexico,
Holland, Portugal, Romania, Spain,
Switzerland, UK, and USA. She also
lectured on multidimensional awareness
and out-of-body experience research in an
elective chair at Miami-Dade Community
College in Florida.

The international reach of her work

resulted in her participation in hundreds of
television and radio interviews, and in the
publication of stories about her studies in
more than 30 countries in the Americas,
Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania.

The publications where she has been

featured include The Chicago Tribune
(USA); Natural Spirit Magazine (Japan);
People (South Africa); The Miami Herald
(USA); Toronto Star (Canada); The Sun
About the Author
(USA); Revista Planeta (Brazil); Para-astro
(Belgium); Licht (Germany); Svjetlost
(Croatia); Mina Olën (Finland); De
Telegraaf (Netherlands); and many others.

Video and radio interviews where she has

appeared include the Beyond Belief (Gaia
TV), Eye Witness News Atlanta (Fox
channel 5, USA); The Scene Show (NBC
channel, USA); Deco Drive Show (Fox
channel, USA); Notícias da Tarde (Globo
channel, Brazil); Seven News Television
(CBS channel, USA); On the Edge of Science
(Croatia); KOA Radio Denver (USA); Tolmo
Show (Cyprus); Encontro Marcado (SIC
channel, Portugal); CBC Radio Vancouver
(Canada); and others.

From 1996 to 1999, Nanci taught a course

on Consciousness Research via the Out-of-
Body Experience at the Miami-Dade
Community College — a college that was
founded in 1960 and which has the largest
undergraduate enrollment of any U.S.
college or university. The course was
created by Nanci Trivellato in conjunction
with Wagner Alegretti. It was offered as
part of the College’s elective accredited
curriculum and continued through 2002
with other instructors trained by Wagner
and Nanci.

In 2003, Nanci contributed with the

University of Florida to develop the
syllabus of the PSY 4930 course on “Non-
Local Consciousness”, for the Psychology

Motivated by her personal commitment to

contribute to the development of science of
consciousness, Nanci founded the Journal
of Consciousness (JofC), of which she was
editor-in-chief for 15 years. Trivellato also
wrote the script and coproduced the DVD
“Out-of-Body Experience: A Glimpse of

In 2010, Nanci was awarded the IAC Global

Award for Contributions to Consciousness
Science for her work on identifying the
parameters of the VELO technique, which
aims to revitalize and clean the human
About the Author
aura. This area of research led her to write
the book "Vibrational State and Energy
Resonance: self-tune to a higher level of
consciousness”, a volume of 500 pages.

The author has also designed and conducted

research projects with different
methodologies, focused on the out-of-body
experience and the human energy field.

Currently, Nanci’s main research focus is

the occurrence of subtle energy sensitivity
and psychic phenomena during childhood.
She considers this study of paramount
importance to provide parents with
essential information to understand and
help children who may be having these

Nanci has presented her research work in a

number of events, such as the TSC –
Towards a Science for Consciousness, the
SSE – Society for Scientific Exploration
conference, the ICC – International
Conference on Consciousness, and others.

She has interviewed renowned scientists
such as Peter Fenwick, Brenda Dunne, Pim
van Lommel, Federico Faggin, Jim B.
Tucker, among others. These interviews are
available on her YouTube channel.

We invite you to watch her TEDx talk titled

How Out-of-Body Experiences Could
Transform Yourself and Society. Enjoy it
with subtitles in your preferred language.


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