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Succession Chd - Tobl lnt4stacy
Any. Fmcis Joseph H. Ampil

Different Comhinations

2 Legitimde children Entixe eshte divided equally

-eglflmaxe ctulfien Entirc eshte divided equally

sqhF <h,re,e lF,ifinaia.hild
One legrfima& child D
SuflivinE sDoue l)
Lcgu,HE c0xucn Entle shte divided equally
Swiving spoue Sme shde d legitimate phild
l/2 shrre of mh lesitime child
6 alone Entire eshte divided

8 1/)

9 Legitimate prents or 6cendmts 112

Legiimat pdents or dcendmb 1t2
Swiving spoNe 114
ll lllegitimab children aloo€ Entire esbte divided equally (includes

t2 Illegitimate children , ,4 (includos I /6 &ee rcfrim)

Suwiving spouse l/2 (includes 1/6 fr@ portion)
- 1/3 fiee ponion divided equally and

Sun iving spo@ r/l trncruoes r/4 lre proonl

Illegitimate p&DtS 1,2 (includes 1/4 ft@ podion)
. l/2 free.6di^n divided ednall!
l5 Swiving spouse 1D
LegitiMre brotheE ild si$er md nephews md 1/2 (they get the f@ podion)
nieces (full blood : half blood= 2:l) - if mmiage of swiving spoue is in
diculo mods reduce 1,2 share to 1/3
ed add .emainder b ti€e Dofrion
l6 Sufliving spoBe
Illegitimate brotheE md sisbre md rcphews ild I /2 (they get the froe portion)
nieces (full blood i halfblood = 2:1) - This presumses thd d€cedent is also

Eate pftnb done Entire estate fthev eet the fte€

Illegitimate pegnt
Children ofmv kind Entire estate divided eqully among
legitimate children md illegitimate
childre, get l/2 shre of that of a
lesitimate child
Legitimde broflers md sisters alone Bntrre estate divided equally (fbllow
full blood: hall bl6d = 2:l)
20 Legiti bmthere md sistss md nephev/s md Lntre e$to diudd €qdly (tollow
fullblood :half blood= 2:1)
- If nephews md ni@s inlierit by.ight
ofrepresentdion - per stir?es
- Ifnephews dd Die@s inierit because
of predecede of b.othe6 md sisters -

Nephews md nreces Entire esm (per capia)

Uncles md aub None (excluded by nephews md
- full blood: half blm.l = ,:l
22 Illegitimate brothes md siftm md nephews ed Entire esbt divided equelly (follow
nic..c tuI] blood : half bl6od = 2:1)

- This presuppo$ thnl

illegitinde .iild
- Ifnephew ed rlffi inhuit by righr
of repMfftati@ - lq ltirpe
- If rephe* {d ni@ iihqit
of pred@e of bml,h6 ed sirtqs *

esEE in equl sbs6

- No distirEli$ Hwfi full bl@d or
- No right of epr!60tafio
- Nffi excludes mrc Mde


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