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What Can Be Learned from Classical Inventory Models? A

Cross-Industry Exploratory Investigation
Sergey Rumyantsev, Serguei Netessine,

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Sergey Rumyantsev, Serguei Netessine, (2007) What Can Be Learned from Classical Inventory Models? A Cross-Industry
Exploratory Investigation. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9(4):409-429.

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Vol. 9, No. 4, Fall 2007, pp. 409–429 doi 10.1287/msom.1070.0166

issn 1523-4614  eissn 1526-5498  07  0904  0409 © 2007 INFORMS

What Can Be Learned from Classical Inventory

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Models? A Cross-Industry Exploratory Investigation

Sergey Rumyantsev
Citigroup Global Markets, Inc., 390 Greenwich Street, Fourth Floor, New York, New York 10013,

Serguei Netessine
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 3730 Walnut Street, Suite 500,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-6636,

C lassical inventory models offer a variety of insights into the optimal way to manage inventories of indi-
vidual products. However, top managers and industry analysts are often concerned with the aggregate
macroscopic view of a firm’s inventory rather than with the inventories of individual products. Given that clas-
sical inventory models often do not account for many practical considerations that a company’s management
faces (e.g., competition, industry dynamics, business cycles, the financial state of the company and of the econ-
omy, etc.) and that they are derived at the product level and not the firm level, can insights from these models
be used to explain the inventory dynamics of entire companies? This exploratory study aims to address this
issue using empirical data.
We analyze absolute and relative inventories using a quarterly data panel that contains 722 public U.S. com-
panies for the period 1992–2002. We have chosen companies that are not widely diversified and whose business
in large part relies on inventory management to concentrate on empirically testing hypotheses derived from a
variety of classical inventory models (economic order quantity (EOQ), [Q r], newsvendor, periodic review, etc.).
We find empirical evidence that firms operating with more uncertain demand, longer lead times, and higher
gross margins have larger inventories. Furthermore, larger companies appear to benefit from economies of scale
and therefore have relatively less inventory than smaller companies. We obtain mixed evidence on the relation-
ship between inventory levels and inventory holding costs. We also analyze the breakdown of data into eight
segments—oil and gas, electronics, wholesale, retail, machinery, hardware, food, and chemicals—and find that,
with a few notable exceptions, our hypotheses are supported within the segments as well. Overall, our results
demonstrate that many of the predictions from classical inventory models extend beyond individual products
to the aggregate firm level; hence, these models can help with high-level strategic choices in addition to tactical
Key words: econometrics; panel data; regression analysis; inventory
History: Received: April 14, 2005; accepted: February 2, 2007.

1. Introduction may not reflect business realities because they may

Inventory management theory is mostly concerned not (and typically do not) account for competition,
with finding the optimal way to manage inven- business cycles, industry trends, a company’s finan-
tories given exogenous and usually static business cial distress, etc. Additionally, most of the models are
environments. As a result, most of the classical inven- derived for specific product(s)/echelon(s) and ignore
tory models are normative in nature, because they the complexity of supply chains encountered in prac-
prescribe how rational agents must behave. Modeling tice. Hence, it is not clear if high-level managers
and analysis typically occur at the microscopic level and industry analysts can benefit from understanding
of a representative product or group of products, so classical inventory models (which are typically taught
that the entire firm is analogous to a “black box” and to MBA students), because their concern is aggregate
the analysis is conducted “inside the black box.” The inventory behavior at the firm level, which can be
potential flaw of the inside-the-black-box approach dominated by effects other than those accounted for
is that simplified assumptions made by the modeler in inventory models.
Rumyantsev and Netessine: A Cross-Industry Exploratory Investigation
410 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9(4), pp. 409–429, © 2007 INFORMS

The field of macroeconomics takes an entirely dif- quarterly data containing 44 time points for each of
ferent view: It looks at firms from “outside the 722 companies from 1992 to 2002, representing about
black box” by analyzing the surrounding environ- 30% of U.S. manufacturing and retailing inventories.
ment and studying the aggregate behavior of the We find that our data are consistent with predictions
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economy/industry. The goal of macroeconomics is to from these models that higher inventory levels are
analyze the partial or general equilibrium in an indus- associated with higher demand uncertainty, longer
try or in the economy and to link various macroeco- lead times, higher margins, and lower economies of
nomic indicators by looking at the joint dynamics of scale. We also find mixed evidence of the relationship
their time series. However, without looking inside the between inventory levels and inventory holding costs.
black box, the macroeconomic approach is less useful In addition to the aggregate analysis, we test our
in describing drivers of individual firms’ inventory hypotheses across eight segments of the economy. We
behavior. For example, the macroeconomic approach find that most of the hypotheses are robustly sup-
cannot predict the relationship between lead times ported in split regressions as well, although there are
and inventories, whereas classical inventory models a few notable exceptions.
do offer the necessary intuition. Our second contribution is to quantify the associa-
Our goal in this paper is to analyze whether the tion between the environmental variables and inven-
insights from inside-the-black-box analytical mod- tories at the firm level. Namely, we estimate the
els developed by operations researchers are consis- elasticity of inventory levels to changes in mean
tent with outside-the-black-box macroeconomic data.
demand, demand uncertainty, earnings uncertainty,
Although classical inventory models are successfully
lead times, margins, inventory holding costs, and
applied in practice at the tactical level, the strategic
several other control variables. Hence, we evaluate
decisions of high-level managers are often segregated
empirically the magnitude of the comparative statics
from the tactical and data-driven operational deci-
that are often conducted in the inventory manage-
sions at the product and plant levels. By exploring the
ment literature. Using the absolute inventory model,
link between macroeconomic data and classical inven-
we find that cost of goods sold (COGS), demand
tory models, we contribute to the operations literature
uncertainty, margins, lead times, and the time trend
by demonstrating empirically that many insights from
explain approximately 70%, 7%, 5%, 2%, and 1% of
classical inventory models continue to hold at the
variance in inventories, respectively. Classical inven-
company level and therefore that understanding these
models can aid in the managerial decision-making tory models quantify the impact of environmental
process. variables on inventory only in a stylized setting that
We begin by describing our research methodology ignores many real-world effects. Moreover, classical
and by pointing out two crucial aspects of firm-level inventory models treat these environmental variables
empirical inventory analysis: the issue of time and as exogenous, whereas in practice many of them are
space aggregation and the difference between the pre- endogenously determined by the firm (e.g., COGS
scriptive nature of underlying inventory models (how and inventory are both decision variables for the
much to order) and the descriptive nature of observed firm). In contrast, our analysis estimates the relation-
parameters in practice. (“What is the inventory level ship between proxies for these variables and inven-
for a firm?”) We then formulate six hypotheses pos- tory across segments, as likely to be observed by man-
tulating monotone relationships between aggregate agement in practice. Thus, our results can be used by
inventory levels and variables such as mean demand management to budget inventory requirements by, for
and demand uncertainty, lead times, margins, inven- example, taking into account the relationship between
tory holding costs, and the extent of economies of scale economies and inventory. Although our study is
scale. All these hypotheses are formulated using exploratory in nature, it offers several fruitful direc-
well-known results from classical inventory models tions for future research that might shed additional
such as economic order quantity (EOQ), newsven- light on the behavior of inventories and the predictive
dor, [Q r], periodic review, and other models. We use power of classical inventory models at the firm level.
Rumyantsev and Netessine: A Cross-Industry Exploratory Investigation
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9(4), pp. 409–429, © 2007 INFORMS 411

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In §2 has improved due to the introduction of just-in-
we review the literature on related research in opera- time (JIT) practices and information technology sys-
tions management and economics. In §3 we formulate tem implementations. Using a large sample of firms
hypotheses to be tested, and in §4 we describe data. from the U.S. Census Bureau, including both private
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In §5 we define the variables of the regressions, and and public companies, they find that material and
in §6 we specify the econometric model. We present work-in-process inventories decreased in the major-
results in §7, and we conclude the paper in §8 with a ity of two-digit standard industrial classification (SIC)
discussion of results, limitations, alternative explana- industries from 1961 to 1994. Furthermore, in some
tions, and directions for future research. segments there were greater improvements after the
1980s, when JIT practices were adopted. Rajagopalan
2. Literature Review and Malhotra (2001) also find that inventories of
Inventory modeling has been an area of intense in- finished goods decreased in only a few industry
quiry in operations management. Starting from a segments.
simple deterministic EOQ model dating from more Chen et al. (2005, 2007) analyze inventory trends for
than a century ago, the field of operations manage- US public companies in the manufacturing and retail-
ment has developed much more advanced inven- ing sectors. They find that between 1981 and 2001
tory models that incorporate stochastic and correlated median manufacturing inventory levels declined from
demands, multiple products, and multiple echelons 96 to 81 days, with an average rate of reduction of
of inventory. Some widely used inventory models are 2% per year. In the retail and wholesale segments, the
described in Silver et al. (1998), Zipkin (2000), Porteus median inventory levels decreased from 72 to 52 days.
(2002), and Cachon and Terwiesch (2005). Moreover, Chen et al. (2005, 2007) show that pub-
Wagner (2002) underscores the issues of aggrega- lic companies with abnormally high inventory levels
tion and data availability. He points out that product- have experienced abnormally low levels of financial
level theoretical modeling historically dominated the
returns, but on average lower inventory levels are not
field of operations research, whereas industry-level
associated with higher financial returns. Lai (2006)
data modeling was widely used in economics. As a
reports evidence that, when the market downgrades
result, there are few if any implementable solutions
high-inventory firms, firms decrease inventory, and
at the product level and even fewer at the firm level
vice versa.
of aggregation. Wagner also suggests that the field of
Gaur et al. (2005) examine firm-level inventory
inventory management started getting more attention
behavior in retailing companies. They propose a
when more product-level and firm-level data became
model to explain differences in inventory turns across
available at the stock-keeping unit (SKU) level and
when effects that are very often beyond the scope companies and create an adjusted measure of inven-
of classical inventory models became obvious (e.g., tory turns that is better suited to gauging the opera-
skewness and discontinuity of demand, promotions, tional metrics of retailers. Gaur et al. (2005) also find
competition, etc.). Wagner suggests that the pure that inventory turnover for retail firms positively cor-
operations research model “is blind to data issues” relates with capital intensity and sales surprise and,
(p. 223) and that “the objective should be stocking similar to our result, negatively correlates with gross
and replenishing logic that is driven by such data” margins. Gaur et al. (1999) demonstrate that the finan-
(p. 223). cial excellence of retail companies comes from various
At the same time, only a few papers in oper- operational strategies that may involve low or high
ations management empirically analyze inventories product margins and low or high inventory turns in
and try to reconcile the inventory behavior observed different retailing segments. Although all these stud-
in practice with the behavior predicted by the mod- ies deal with aggregate companies’ inventories, they
els. Rajagopalan and Malhotra (2001) study trends pursue different goals and, with the exception of one
in inventory levels at U.S. firms over time to test hypothesis in Gaur et al. (2005), do not test the impli-
the widely held belief that inventory management cations stemming from classical inventory models.
Rumyantsev and Netessine: A Cross-Industry Exploratory Investigation
412 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9(4), pp. 409–429, © 2007 INFORMS

Several studies analyze inventories in the auto- the supply chain structure to the type of product vari-
motive industry. Fisher and Ittner (1999) study the ety results in higher financial performance of compa-
impact of product variety on automotive assem- nies in the American bicycle industry. Randall et al.
bly plant operations and find that increased option (2006) find that Internet retailers selecting supply
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content variability in car assembly has an adverse chain structures in accordance with classical inven-
effect on plants’ operational performance, which is tory models are less likely to go bankrupt. Cachon
manifested in higher total labor hours, overhead et al. (2007) find evidence that demand variability is
hours, downtime hours, rework, and inventory lev- often higher in the lower echelons of the supply chain
els. Lieberman and Asaba (1997) and Lieberman than in the higher echelons, which is contrary to pre-
and Demeester (1999) compare inventory manage- dictions based on the widely cited bullwhip effect.
ment and JIT practices in the Japanese and U.S. auto The last related stream of operations literature
industries. They find that Japanese companies are attempts to estimate empirically the parameters that
leaner and that the introduction of JIT systems in companies use to make decisions using the classical
U.S. companies has helped them to become leaner newsvendor inventory model. Cohen et al. (2003) use
as well. Lieberman et al. (1999) study the dynam- data on demand forecasting, actual orders, produc-
ics of inventory levels for automotive suppliers in tion lead times, and delivery dates for a semiconduc-
North America. They use a combined survey and tor supply chain to show that the supplier perceives
secondary plant-level data to show that technologi- the cost of order cancellation to be about two times
higher and the holding cost about three times higher
cal and managerial factors both affect inventory lev-
than the delay cost. Olivares et al. (2004) show how
els in a manner consistent with classical inventory
to estimate overage and underage costs using data for
theory. Namely, they show that inventory levels at
operating room capacity reservations at hospitals. In
selected plants increase with setup costs, per-unit item
our paper we do not attempt to estimate the parame-
costs, and production lead times and that inventories
ters used by managers in practice, for we believe that
are lower for plants in which the workforce engages
the aggregate company data with which we are work-
in making process improvements. Surprisingly, the
ing are too crude for these purposes.
plants of Japanese companies in North America hold
Finally, inventory has long been a focus of research
no less inventory than the plants of American com-
in the field of macroeconomics, mostly from the view-
panies. This study is, perhaps, the closest to ours in
point of aggregate economy dynamics. Kahn (1987,
that some of the hypotheses tested follow directly 1992), Kahn and Bils (2000), and Blinder and Maccini
from classical inventory models. However, we study (1991) indicate that inventory investments (changes
a more diverse set of companies that belong to eight in inventory levels) have been the main source for
different industrial segments and test several relation- U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) fluctuations, so
ships not investigated by Lieberman et al. (1999). We understanding inventories would help us understand
also extend our analysis to quantify the elasticities of the behavior of the economy in general. Amihud
inventory as a decision variable with respect to other and Mendelson (1989) examine the empirical relation
operating variables and find differences across seg- between the market power expressed either by the
ments that can aid in managerial decision making. market share or by Lerner’s index and demonstrate
Several other papers do not study inventories di- that both are positively related to mean inventory lev-
rectly but focus on issues related to supply chain els and their volatility. This finding is consistent with
management and are therefore relevant to our work. predictions from economic models. (We refer to eco-
Hendricks and Singhal (2005) show that supply nomic models here because classical inventory mod-
chain disruptions are very costly to public compa- els ignore competition.)
nies because they cause a substantial loss in market Blinder and Maccini (1991) provide a detailed sum-
value. Randall and Ulrich (2001) investigate the rela- mary of inventory research in economics, which dried
tionships among product variety, supply chain struc- out somewhat in the late 1980s. As Ramey and West
ture, and firm performance. They show that matching (1999) summarize, economists have proposed stock
Rumyantsev and Netessine: A Cross-Industry Exploratory Investigation
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9(4), pp. 409–429, © 2007 INFORMS 413

adjustment, production smoothing, and other mod- larger inventory and production costs. Empirical evi-
els to link inventory with production, sales, and dence related to product variety is mixed and limited
GDP to explain two main stylized facts about inven- because of the difficulties inherent in measuring prod-
tory behavior: (i) the procyclical nature of aggregate uct variety. Kekre and Srinivasan (1990) find that
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economy-level inventory dynamics and (ii) the per- larger product variety is associated with a larger
sistence in the relationship among sales, production, sales/market share; they do not find any evidence
and inventory in the form of production smoothing that larger product variety translates into higher costs.
(i.e., lower variability of production than variability Bayus and Putsis (1999), on the other hand, find that
of sales and the stabilizing role of inventory). the costs (including inventory and production costs)
To date, little evidence consistent with these models of wider product lines outweigh any benefits. Cachon
has been found. Instead, the data seem to indicate that et al. (2005) find that product variety is associated
(i) based on the deseasonalized data, in the U.S. pro- with greater finished goods inventory and increased
duction has been more volatile than sales (see Kahn sales but not with higher profit margins.
1992), which contradicts the linear-quadratic stock-
adjustment model in Ramey and West (1999) and (ii)
the imputed speed of inventory adjustments based
3. Formulation of Research
on linear-quadratic models is unrealistically low (see Hypotheses
Blinder 1986, Blinder and Maccini 1991). Moreover, Firms hold inventories for at least one of the follow-
there is some evidence that the S s inventory model ing reasons: Production typically does not occur at
(introduced in Arrow et al. 1951 and extended in the same time and place as demand (in other words,
numerous operations research papers) may better there are procurement lead times); production capac-
explain inventory behavior (see Blinder and Maccini ity might be rigid, but demand is typically variable;
1991). there are economies of scale in handling inventories;
Caplin (1985) demonstrates that the S s model, or there is nonstationarity (seasonality, stochasticity)
even after aggregation over multiple firms, captures in demand and/or supply. In this paper we touch
the fact that production is more volatile than sales on each of these reasons to hold inventories; how-
in the U.S. retail industry. Mosser (1991) finds empir- ever, our analysis is limited by data availability, so we
ical support for the S s model by showing that might be unable to account for all drivers of invento-
industry-level sales and inventory data support the ries that exist in practice.
S s model and not the linear-quadratic model. Both To use classical inventory models to guide our
Caplin (1985) and Mosser (1991) make important con- analysis of inventories at the firm level, we need
tributions by addressing the data-aggregation issue. to address at least two major methodological chal-
In most economics papers the analysis is done at lenges. First, we need to understand what insights
the industry level using the linear-quadratic model, from classical inventory models—if any—might con-
with few attempts to disaggregate this approach to tinue to hold after aggregating data across time and
the firm-level data. However, most of the classical space (e.g., multiple products/echelons). We need to
inventory models are derived at the product level, so address this issue because classical inventory models
there is a challenge in product-to-firm aggregation, are typically formulated at the single-product level,
the issue that Caplin (1985) partially addresses. although there are multiproduct extensions. We argue
Finally, several studies consider the relationship that many structural properties of inventory models
between product variety and other variables. We do will not survive aggregation because there is no way
not account for product variety in our work, but, to identify statistically product-specific lead times
because its impact is potentially important, it is use- and cost and revenue parameters as well as demand
ful to understand the effects that omitting product parameters unless we make an unrealistic assumption
variety may impose on our results. Extant theory that products are perfectly homogeneous (in the space
postulates that larger product variety allows firms of the model parameters) and that the inventory con-
to increase sales and profit margins but results in trol system is synchronized across products.
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414 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9(4), pp. 409–429, © 2007 INFORMS

On the other hand, we argue that monotone (or Therefore, when formulating research hypotheses,
comparative statics) properties of inventory mod- we will often refer to aggregate levels of variables,
els will survive aggregation across time (from daily implying aggregation across time and space (multiple
inventory decisions to quarterly data) and space (from products).
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the product level to the firm level). For example, if we Throughout the paper we refer to our findings as
believe that the inventory of every product decreases associations and do not try to test/impose causality,
when inventory holding cost increases, then the same because it is hard to do so using only realizations
will be true for an inventory that combines millions (sample paths) of variables instead of the true pop-
of products. Thus, we hope to see those monotone ulation and the underlying data available for the
properties in the aggregate data despite all the noise decision-making process. Our hypotheses rely on the
of aggregating across differently managed product assumption that firms behave rationally and make
lines. Conceptually, this argument is similar to that inventory decisions to maximize expected profits (or
of Caplin (1985), who demonstrates that a particu- to minimize expected costs, as is the case in many
lar property of the S s model (i.e., amplification of classical inventory models). Hence, firms’ behavior
demand uncertainty) survives aggregation, as later is manifested in the relationship among such opera-
confirmed empirically by Mosser (1991) using aggre- tional variables as inventory, sales, margins, demand
gate industry-level analysis. uncertainty, lead times, and inventory holding costs,
Inventory, unlike sales, is one of the few variables which should be consistent with classical inventory
that are largely (but not completely) determined by models. Clearly, there are many variations of classi-
internal decision makers. Thus, the second method- cal inventory models, accounting for the various phe-
ological challenge is to understand the relationship nomena observed in practice. Understandably, some
between observations of operational variables (inven- of our hypotheses may not be consistent with certain
tory, sales, etc.) over the course of a firm’s operations variations of these models. Thus, when discussing
and the decision-making process within the firm. results following from classical inventory models, we
Indeed, prescriptive inventory models typically pro- refer to the most traditional formulations. For exam-
vide us with optimal inventory positions at the begin- ple, it is assumed throughout the paper that demand
ning of the replenishment cycle, whereas firm-level is stationary and independent across time periods in
data allow us only to observe inventories at the end the periodic review models. We do, however, intro-
of certain periods (months, quarters, years), which do duce control variables and proxies that account for
not necessarily coincide with either the beginning or behavioral aspects of inventory management and do
the end of the inventory replenishment cycle. not rely on classical inventory models.
However, we argue that we can use even these Our first hypothesis comes from the combination
snapshots of aggregate inventories to analyze mono- of the classical EOQ model and stochastic inventory
tone properties derived from classical inventory models (see Silver et al. 1998) and relates absolute
models, because these properties apply equally to inventories and mean demand. The EOQ model eval-
optimal inventory decisions as well as to observa- uates a trade-off between fixed ordering costs and
tions of inventory positions at random points during inventory holding costs, resulting in an expression
the review period. For example, longer lead times are for the optimal order quantity (which is proportional
associated with higher order-up-to levels in the peri- to inventory) that exhibits a square-root dependence
odic review model and hence with a higher inven- with respect to demand. This simple inventory model
tory position throughout the review period. Thus, it is has proven its reliability in a variety of applica-
methodologically feasible to measure stochastic time tions in part because it is very robust to parameter
series realizations of variables over discrete points changes and in part because it has been adopted in
of time and to relate them to each other. A similar environments with stochastic demand. For example,
logic applies to many other empirical studies in the Johnson and Montgomery (1974, p. 59) demonstrate
social sciences, such as those that observe stock price that when demand is stochastic (stationary), inven-
dynamics to judge investor expectations in finance. tory is reviewed continuously and the policy is to
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Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9(4), pp. 409–429, © 2007 INFORMS 415

order the same batch Q when inventory drops below Our third hypothesis postulates the relationship
reorder point r, the dependence between inventory between inventory and demand uncertainty. Many
and mean demand is still governed by the square- classical inventory models lead to the well-known
root formula (both under lost-sales and back-ordering result that inventory levels increase with demand
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assumptions). On the other hand, if inventory order- uncertainty, i.e., that firms buffer inventories against
ing costs are minimal (as in, e.g., the newsvendor demand uncertainty. The single-period newsvendor
or the order-up-to models in Cachon and Terwiesch inventory model leads to this result when the cost
2005), the relationship between inventory and the of having too little inventory is lower than the cost
optimal order quantity is linear. When we aggregate of having too much inventory; this is the situation
over various products utilizing variants of models encountered in the vast majority of practical situa-
with and without ordering costs, we expect to see a tions.1 This result holds regardless of problem param-
concave relationship between expected demand and eters for the end-of-period inventory in periodic
average inventory levels (i.e., somewhere between lin- review inventory models (see Cachon and Terwiesch
ear and square-root functions). Therefore: 2005, p. 259), multiechelon inventory models, and
many other models. The underlying intuition for this
Hypothesis 1. Aggregate inventory level is positively result is that firms need more slack (in the form of
associated with aggregate mean demand through a concave spare inventory or safety stock) to be able to respond
function. to large swings in demand. Hence, in line with the
Hypothesis 1 can be generalized somewhat. Inven- extant inventory theory, we hypothesize that:
tory management is typically subject to economies Hypothesis 3. Aggregate inventory level is positively
of scale because manufacturing and distribution associated with aggregate demand uncertainty.
tasks involve significant fixed costs. The EOQ model
Similar to buffering inventory against demand un-
accounts for fixed inventory ordering costs and certainty, companies should buffer inventory against
demonstrates that inventory is increasing more slowly longer lead times. Longer lead times increase the in-
than demand because of the fixed costs of placing tervals between product deliveries and hence require
replenishment orders. Moreover, there are also sta- more inventory to satisfy demand while awaiting
tistical economies of scale in inventory management. replenishment. Several classical inventory models
For example, in a stochastic environment (e.g., in demonstrate this effect. Cachon and Terwiesch (2005)
the newsvendor model), higher mean demand typi- discuss periodic review inventory models with deter-
cally corresponds to a higher standard deviation of ministic lead times and demonstrate that the longer
demand. However, if we increase both mean demand the lead time, the higher the inventory level. Similarly,
and standard deviation of demand while holding in models with stochastic lead times (see, e.g., Zipkin
their ratio fixed, it is easy to verify that inventory will 2000), both the mean and variance of the lead time
increase more slowly than mean demand will. Hence, increase the amount of inventory the company needs
a larger firm (a firm facing larger mean demand) to hold. Lieberman et al. (1999) propose the same
should enjoy economies of scale in inventory man- hypothesis. In line with these results, we hypothesize
agement. Eppen (1979) generalized this notion under that:
the umbrella of risk pooling: A larger firm can
Hypothesis 4. Aggregate inventory level is positively
pool together demand from many locations/stores/
associated with aggregate procurement lead times.
warehouses/products, resulting in less inventory in
relative terms. Hence, whether Hypothesis 1 holds or Most classical stochastic inventory models focus on
not, it should still be the case that larger companies the trade-off between underage costs (the cost of hav-
are able to hold relatively less inventory. Thus: ing too little inventory) and overage costs (the cost

Hypothesis 2. Aggregate relative inventory level (i.e., 1

In the newsvendor model with symmetric demand distribution,
the ratio of inventory to sales) is negatively associated with the sufficient condition for this relationship is a critical ratio that is
company size. higher than 0.5.
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of having too much inventory). This trade-off is best obliged to provide operational and financial informa-
reflected in the solution to the newsvendor model tion following generally accepted accounting princi-
postulating that the optimal order quantity is located ples standards to ensure that investors have access
at the fractile of demand distribution that is equal to data regarding their performance dynamics. The
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to the ratio of underage cost to the sum of under- choice of public companies keeps our findings from
age and overage costs (Cachon and Terwiesch 2005). being representative of the whole U.S. economy. How-
Many of the more elaborate inventory models, includ- ever, because of the lack of reliable operational data
ing periodic review (S s), (Q r), and multiechelon for private companies, we focus on public companies
models, follow the same logic. Hence, all else being alone.
equal, larger underage costs lead to higher inven- We use quarterly data containing 44 time points
tory levels in these models (see Silver et al. 1998). between 1992 and 2002 for every company in our
In the newsvendor model the underage cost is typi- sample. The 1992 cutoff is somewhat arbitrary, but
cally taken as the product’s gross margin. The same it allows us to analyze the most recent data that is
assumption is often made in multiperiod models with less affected by such factors as price inflation and
lost sales. Even in multiperiod models with full back changing industry structure. This period also helps
ordering, the penalty for stocking out is likely to us to minimize panel attrition. We utilize quar-
terly rather than annual data to account for sea-
be correlated with the product’s margin (see Cachon
sonal inventory fluctuations within a given year
and Terwiesch 2005): Customers buying high-margin
(i.e., demand/inventory shifts across quarters), which
products are likely to be more sensitive to stock-
has a major and statistically significant impact in
outs. Hence, we hypothesize that more inventory will
many industries. Moreover, quarterly data allow us to
be associated with higher product margins, because
obtain more accurate estimates of demand uncertainty
higher margins correspond to a higher cost of under-
than annual data. We use calendar quarters instead
age (see Gaur et al. 2005 for a similar hypothesis with
of fiscal quarters because companies have different
respect to inventory turnover). Thus:
fiscal periods (i.e., fiscal periods starting in different
Hypothesis 5. Aggregate inventory level is positively quarters, which leads to different codifying). Using
associated with aggregate product margins. quarterly data we cannot obtain separate informa-
tion on different inventory types (raw materials, work
Our final hypothesis concerns inventory holding in process, finished goods), whereas this informa-
costs. In the EOQ model the level of inventory de- tion is available in the annual data (see Rajagopalan
creases in the inventory holding cost parameter, an and Malhotra 2001). However, we do not perceive
intuitive proposition, because the amount of inven- this issue to be significant, because our goal is to
tory should be decreased as holding inventories study inventories at the aggregate company level, and
becomes more expensive. In stochastic multiperiod our hypotheses would not differ by inventory types.
inventory models, the inventory holding cost appears Although more frequent (say, monthly or weekly)
as the cost of overage. Hence, once again, the higher data may seem a good alternative to quarterly data,
the cost of overage, the less the inventory that should the monthly survey data provided by the US Census
be stocked. Consistent with these observations, we are insufficient for our analysis, because they do not
hypothesize that: track revenues and costs.
Working with a panel of data allows us to be cer-
Hypothesis 6. Aggregate inventory level is negatively
tain that the statistical relations we obtain are nei-
associated with aggregate inventory holding costs.
ther applicable at only a single point of time (the
cross-sectional aspect of analysis) nor driven by a
4. Data Description single company (the time series aspect of analysis).
We use a representative sample of public U.S. We use pooled and segment-specific estimations to
companies obtained from the Compustat financial test whether our hypotheses hold within certain seg-
database (Standard and Poor’s 2003) through Whar- ments, and we ensure that possible biases are reduced
ton Research Data Services. Public companies are through proper panel data estimation.
Rumyantsev and Netessine: A Cross-Industry Exploratory Investigation
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9(4), pp. 409–429, © 2007 INFORMS 417

The sample itself was selected as follows. We companies within the universe of companies oper-
excluded the service, construction, and transportation ating in the United States and is potentially subject
industries and focused only on the most inventory- to flaws such as survivorship bias and size bias. We
rich segments of the economy: minerals and min- proceeded to analyze the 722 sampled companies in
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ing (SIC codes 1000–1499), manufacturing (SIC codes the hope of obtaining robust and reproducible results
2000–3999), and wholesale and retail (SIC codes 5000– across different yet not-too-numerous segments that
5999). Furthermore, we decided to focus on eight would indicate that the sample properties are repre-
industry segments (oil and gas, wholesale, retail, con- sentative of the properties of the population. Using
sumer electronics, food, chemicals, hardware, and a limited number of segments allows us to compare
machinery) in which the importance of inventory is segment-specific results; otherwise the potential num-
particularly obvious. We then selected at random sev- ber of segments would be too large to fit within
eral two-digit SIC codes within these eight segments one paper. For that reason, previous studies often
of the economy. From those SIC codes we further focused on the retailing/wholesaling/manufacturing
selected all companies that were active in the period segments only (see Gaur et al. 2005; Chen et al. 2005,
between 1992 and 2002 and that have not merged 2007).
or been acquired. Next, we excluded companies that The obvious disadvantage of using Compustat as
had fewer than $5 million in sales cumulatively over a source of information for testing hypotheses about
10 years and those that had zero sales and inventory inventory models is that financial accounting (espe-
for the first three years of data, even if they were oth- cially after aggregation) may only crudely reflect
erwise active. The filtering process aimed to ensure actual processes within a company. For example, at
that the final sample contained only companies that the industry level one can use consumer price indexes
had been actively operating in inventory-related busi- to express everything in constant dollar terms, an
ness activities: manufacturing, distribution, or retail- approach that is not applicable for firm-level data. It
ing. Although it is possible to control explicitly for is a typical practice in empirical research (see Blinder
exits and entrances and to analyze their effects on et al. 1981, Kahn 1992) to use deflators while work-
inventories, these effects are outside the scope of our ing with economy-level or industry-level data but not
study. We did not delete missing data after construct- to use deflators (e.g., inflation indexes for specific
ing the final sample but instead relied on the sta- industries) for firm-level analysis, because deflators
tistical procedures “xtreg” and “xtregar” in STATA are not a valid proxy for capturing firm-level price
that handle partially complete panel data automat- effects. We partially control for inflation by using vari-
ically by disregarding all observations that have a ables expressed in the same price terms—inventory
missing value for the dependent variable or miss- and COGS (sales in inventory prices). Price inflation
ing values for any of the independent variables. This has historically been a smaller source of dollar output
method is known as “listwise deletion” and is statis- fluctuations, compared with unit output fluctuations
tically appropriate only if the missing values are “at in the United States (see Blinder and Maccini 1991).
random.” As discussed earlier, another potential problem is
We obtained a final sample of 722 companies, that the data are aggregated across product lines
including 233 S&P500 companies. To ensure that our and production units and time within a company,
sample was representative of the U.S. economy as a such that different processes with potentially differ-
whole, we verified that the total inventory in our sam- ent operational structures are merged. Although this
ple represented 30% of the total U.S. manufacturing practice may lead to biases caused by differences in
and retailing business inventory and, moreover, that it product variety, we, as explained above, expect that
was strongly correlated with the total U.S. inventory the direction of effects should be preserved even at
(Pearson r = 091, p < 0001). We also could have used the aggregate level so that conceptually it is pos-
the total Compustat inventory-related data popula- sible to capture product-level operational effects in
tion, but Compustat itself is only a sample of public firm-level data. A follow-up to our exploratory study
Rumyantsev and Netessine: A Cross-Industry Exploratory Investigation
418 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9(4), pp. 409–429, © 2007 INFORMS

Table 1 Descriptive Statistics on Sample (All Data Quarterly in $M, 1992–2002 Period) and Within Segments
Firms in Firms in Number of Mean Mean Inv/COGS, mean Capital intensity, ROA, mean
Segment SIC codes two-digit SIC sample data points inventory, $M COGS, $M (median, st. dev.) mean (median, st. dev.) (median, st. dev.)
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Oil and gas 1311, 1381, 2911 333 86 3226 559 1343 0.42 (0.23, 2.30) 0.93 (0.96, 0.08) −000052 (0.008, 0.068)
Electronics 3630, 3651, 314 190 7151 168 173 1.22 (0.89, 3.06) 0.52 (0.51, 0.23) −0015 (0.0053, 0.14)
3663, 3672, 3674
Wholesale 5045, 5047, 248 61 2225 254 502 0.39 (0.29, 0.48) 0.40 (0.30, 0.30) −0021 (0.007, 0.76)
5122, 5140, 5172
Retail 5311, 5331, 206 95 3510 968 1057 1.02 (0.67, 1.04) 0.50 (0.52, 0.21) 00071 (0.0056, 0.032)
5411, 5412,
5940, 5944, 5945
Machinery 3523, 3531, 402 22 874 578 573 1.11 (0.91, 0.91) 0.47 (0.49, 0.16) 00083 (0.0086, 0.022)
3532, 3537
Computer 3571, 3572, 402 117 4390 141 181 1.25 (0.84, 5.47) 0.41 (0.41, 0.21) −0033 (0, 0.23)
hardware 3575, 3576, 3577
Food and 2000, 2011, 151 35 1200 736 872 0.64 (0.51, 0.71) 0.65 (0.67, 0.04) 00086 (0.010, 0.036)
beverages 2030, 2080, 2082
Chemicals 2800, 2820, 725 116 4233 388 314 1.40 (1.01, 2.38) 0.58 (0.62, 0.05) −0020 (0.0083, 0.52)
2834, 2840, 2844
Total 2,379 722 26,809 396 527 1.03 (0.74, 3.03) 0.55 (0.56, 0.26) −0013 (0.0062, 0.33)

Notes. Panel data in the sample are partially balanced; no missing data points were deleted or edited. The number of companies in the population is the number
of active companies in 2002.

might use our basic model but incorporate other vari- (2005). For dependent variables we use both absolute
ables such as product variety. and relative inventory. Although classical inventory
Table 1 summarizes the sample. Companies in the models typically work with absolute inventory levels,
sample hold on average $396 million of inventory we also conduct cross-company analysis and compar-
and have on average $527 million of quarterly sales ison, which is more meaningful for relative invento-
expressed in input prices. From Table 1 we also see ries. We denote absolute inventory for the firm i in
that companies vary in size across segments, with the the segment s by Invits , which is measured by the
oil and gas and retail segments having larger com- inventory expressed in monetary terms at the end
panies on average. We also see that relative inven- of the corresponding quarter t as reported in quar-
tory levels vary by segment: The chemicals, computer terly balance statements available in the Compustat
hardware, and electronics segments have the largest database. Relative inventory is measured by the ratio
relative inventory levels (1.40, 1.25, and 1.22, respec- of inventory to cost of goods sold (denoted by
tively, for quarterly relative inventory levels), whereas COGSits  for the corresponding quarter taken from the
the oil and gas segment appears to be the leanest, income statement in Compustat and is denoted by
with an average relative inventory ratio of only 0.42. InvCOGSRatioits = Invits /COGSits .
For informational purposes, we also list statistics for For explanatory variables we use the following
capital intensity (calculated as in Gaur et al. 2005) proxies (see summary statistics and definitions in
and return on assets for each segment. Such prelim- Table 2). To measure product margins we use gross
inary observations reveal the heterogeneity of opera- margins. Several other margins are available (operat-
tional and technological factors across industries that ing margin earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)
impose different conditions on the ways companies and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and
operate and make inventory decisions. amortization (EBITDA), net margin, returns on assets,
equity, and sales), but we believe that gross mar-
5. Description of Variables gin is more appropriate, because it does not include
We use three subscripts to account for time-specific fixed costs or other items such as the effects of
(t = 1     44), company-specific (i = 1     722), and taxes, amortization, etc. that are not directly related
segment-specific (s = 1     8) effects, as in Gaur et al. to inventory management. Gross margin is defined
Rumyantsev and Netessine: A Cross-Industry Exploratory Investigation
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Table 2 Definitions of Variables and Sample Summary Statistics

Variable Proxy for construct Units Definition Mean (25%, 50%, 75%)

Invits Inventory $M End-of-quarter inventory, as reported in quarterly 396 (4.05, 21.24, 171.53)
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income statements
COGSits Sales in input prices $M Cost of goods sold, as reported in quarterly 527 (3.95, 21.62, 156.43)
income statements
FixedAssetsits Company size $M Long-lived property owned by a firm, as reported 309.5 (4.1, 31.6, 390)
in quarterly income statements
GrossMarginits Relative margin Ratio (Salesits − COGS its )/Salesits 0.16 (0.15, 0.31, 0.48)
DaysAccountsPayableits Lead time Days 365/4 ∗ COGS its /AP its ), where AP is 101.9 (34.1, 54.9, 105.3)
 accounts payable
3  3 
i=0 Sales t−i − i=0 Sales t−i /4
SigmaSalesits Demand uncertainty $M , where 180.1 (3.1, 43.8, 92.3)

Sales t = Sales t − a1 t − a2 − b1 q1 − b2 q2 − b3 q3
TBillRatet Inventory holding costs % 3-month T-bill rate 1.12 (0.79, 1.06, 1.24)
SalesGrowtht+1 Speed of change Ratio COGS t+1 − COGS t /COGS t 0.54 (−018, 0.02, 0.21)
in sales
PositiveSalesSurpriseits Sales shock Dummy variable, {0,1} 1 is sales exceeds forecast obtained using 0.44 (0, 0, 1)
extrapolation of sales: Sales = â Sales
t o t−1
− â1 t − â2 − b̂1 q1 − b̂2 q2 − b̂3 q3
q1 , q2 , q3 Seasonality Dummy variable Quarter dummies N/A
Year Trend Dummy variable 1992: Year = 1    2002: Year = 11 N/A

as the percentage difference between net sales and proxy, as it does not account for differences across
the cost of goods sold, such that GrossMarginits = companies (in that some companies may borrow and
Salesits − COGSits /Salesits . raise capital more cheaply than others).
Inventory holding costs typically include two com- The second proxy we use accounts for the firm-
ponents: the physical cost of holding inventory and specific cost of capital and is denoted by CostCapitalits .
the opportunity cost of tying up capital in inventory. To estimate this proxy we follow the realized returns
Data for the physical cost of holding inventory are approach as suggested by Lieberman (1980) and
not publicly available and are generally difficult to Botosan and Plumbee (2005). Namely, we estimate
estimate because of several fixed and variable com- historical noncompounded realized quarterly returns
ponents. Therefore, our proxy for inventory holding on equity by using historical price and dividend data:
costs accounts for only the opportunity cost of cap- the last month of the quarter closing price, the first
ital, so our results on the association between hold- month of the quarter price, and any dividends paid
ing costs and inventories may be diluted. However, during the period. Next, we estimate the historical
capital costs tend to account for a larger portion of period-average cost of debt outstanding for a com-
holding costs and, moreover, as indicated in Irvine pany, expressed as the ratio of interest paid to debt
(1981), the physical cost of holding inventory is much outstanding. Finally, we estimate the weighed aver-
more stable over time than the opportunity cost of age of the two measures using a company capital
capital, so arguably we account for the more impor- (debt/equity) structure.
tant part of the inventory holding cost. We use two There are many other ways to estimate a firm’s cost
proxies for the opportunity cost of holding inventory. of debt/equity and cost of capital. This topic has been
The first proxy is the three-month T-bill rate (coded an area of extensive research in finance and account-
as TBillRatet , which is known to be a good proxy ing (see Fama and French 1999, Botosan and Plumbee
for risk-free interest rates and industrywide capital 2005 for summaries and references). A typical alter-
opportunity costs and has been used in economics for nate approach to using the backward-looking, histor-
that reason (Irvine 1981). This is an admittedly crude ically realized returns is to use the cost of capital
Rumyantsev and Netessine: A Cross-Industry Exploratory Investigation
420 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9(4), pp. 409–429, © 2007 INFORMS

imputation based either on a direct expectation-based lead times, because they represent an after-sale pro-
imputation from both the realized and expected time cess and should not affect a company’s ability and
series of stock prices and dividends or on a model- need to source/produce units in advance so as to
based imputation from capital asset pricing model have inventory ready for sale.
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(CAPM) or arbitrage pricing theory (APT) models. The recognition of shipments/payments is linked to
Expectation-based or model-based approaches may a company’s policy of recognizing revenues/expenses
well serve their roles in predicting future expected and is known to vary by company to some extent.
stock returns or in analyzing additional factors affect- However, because we study public companies that are
ing stock prices, because they are forward-looking by closely monitored by investors and the Securities and
construction. But for our research purposes we believe Exchange Commission, in most cases these compa-
that realized return usage based on historical stock, nies will have practices that are relatively consistent—
dividend, and interest paid data is the right choice. if not in the aggregate, then within the industry
The correlation between the two inventory holding segment.
cost proxies is r = 066 (p < 001). There are at least three more issues associated with
Lead time data are not publicly available and in the lead-time proxy: Payment terms can be domi-
practice vary both by product and by supplier. More- nated by standard arrangements existing in the indus-
over, lead times (or delays) exist both in product try, the timing of recognition of shipments/payments
deliveries and in payments to suppliers, although may correlate with the size/power of a company, and
cash payments might be used instead of accounts. To
classical inventory models only account for the for-
verify that the lead-time proxy is not dominated by
mer. As a proxy for a lead time, we use the aver-
standard payment terms (e.g., 30 or 60 days), we ana-
age number of days of accounts payable outstanding,
lyzed the distribution of LeadTimeits and found that
such that DaysAccountsPayableits = 365/4 × COGSits /
it is well approximated by the log-normal distribu-
APits , where APits stands for accounts payable. Justi-
tion with a coefficient of variation 3. Hence, we did
fication for this proxy comes from financial account-
not find any evidence of “spikes” in payables around
ing definitions. Production cycle time is defined as
some standard values.
the average number of days of inventory outstanding,
To ensure that lead times are not entirely driven by
sourcing lead time for inputs is defined as the average
the size/power of the company, we also checked for
days of accounts payable outstanding, and cash col-
correlation between the inventory level and the lead-
lection (or output delivery time, or days of sales out- time proxy and the company’s market power as mea-
standing) is defined as the average days of accounts sured by the market share within a four-digit industry
receivable outstanding (see Stickney and Weil 1999). segment. We found that both correlations are insignif-
Together, these measures define a cash conversion icant and negative. We further verified this result by
cycle—the average time it takes a dollar of invest- constructing a regression model with the lead-time
ment to buy inputs, produce, sell outputs, and col- proxy as a dependent variable. We did not find statis-
lect cash. Although these measures are only proxies tically significant evidence that the lead-time proxy is
for the physical production cycle and lead times, they affected by company size, as measured both by sales
provide the right direction of logic; accounts payable and by market power. Therefore, the lead-time proxy
are credited, then the input product is shipped by the does not appear to be affected by a company’s abil-
supplier and is typically debited, then it is received ity to change the terms of payment due to its market
and cash is paid for it. Hence, we argue, financial power. Finally, we believe that cash payments are rare
transactions should be correlated (albeit imperfectly) relative to payments through accounts payable and
with times of shipment and delivery of inputs and receivable, because most public companies operate
therefore should be correlated with the lag a com- with suppliers through accounts rather than through
pany has to respond to changing market environ- cash transactions. We verified that the average ratio
ments by adjusting inventories. It is worth noting that of accounts payable to cash holdings for our sam-
accounts receivables cannot be used as a proxy for ple companies exceeds 13, indicating that the use of
Rumyantsev and Netessine: A Cross-Industry Exploratory Investigation
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9(4), pp. 409–429, © 2007 INFORMS 421

accounts payable dominates cash payments. In clos- with seasonal (quarterly) dummies and take residu-
ing, we acknowledge the possibility that, to some als as demand noise. We tried several other specifi-
extent and for some companies, the lead-time proxy cations (e.g., higher-degree polynomials) and finally
might capture payment lead time rather than sourc- conducted the estimation using the first-degree poly-
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ing lead time, so that our results with respect to lead nomial (linear trend) with seasonal dummies, because
times can be diluted. Nevertheless, although payment this specification minimizes the in-sample average
lead times are not typically a part of classical inven- mean squared forecasting error (Greene 1997). We
tory models, we expect them to have the same direc- conduct this estimation for all 772 firms in our panel;
tional effect: Longer payment lead times to suppliers thereafter, we estimate the variance of residuals, again
should lead to more inventories (such that, in essence, using a four-quarter moving window as follows:
suppliers finance buyers’ inventories). From publicly
available data it appears impossible to separate sourc- Rt = Xt − a1 t − a2 − b1 q1 − b2 q2 − b3 q3 
ing lead times from payment lead times. However, 
3  3 2
we do believe that these two variables are correlated, i=0 Rt−i − j=0 Rt−j /4
Sigmat X = Sigmat R = 
which suffices for our exploratory analysis. Future 4
research might be able to suggest a better proxy for t = 3     44 (1)
lead times.
Estimating demand uncertainty is typically of first- We note that, to our knowledge, there is no com-
order importance in any finance-related research, monly accepted way to estimate demand uncertainty
because variability is priced in financial markets via using past data in the operations management lit-
derivatives and there is a “market” for uncertainty. erature. We provide three arguments to motivate
Various techniques and estimations have been pro- employing four past quarters of sales data: (i) Sim-
posed for very frequent financial trading data that ilar approaches appear in popular textbooks and
often do not exhibit any deterministic trends. In cases, indicating that companies employ similar tech-
nonfinancial markets, however, the situation is quite niques in practice (see, for example, Cachon and
different—the major concern is typically to predict Terwiesch 2005, Schleifer 1992); (ii) it is advantageous
sales, profits, and expenses. Therefore, it is impor- to use recent data in an uncertainty estimation; and
tant to forecast trends in data and to deal with first- (iii) longer rolling back estimation horizons create
order rather than second-order estimated moments. more missing or quasimissing data points in estima-
Variance estimation techniques are much less sophis- tions. It should be noted that for the sake of remov-
ticated in both the theory and practice of operations ing seasonality, the exact number of past quarters for
management, and this simplicity is driven both by the model-based deseasoned and detrended data is of
scarcity of data and by the absence of markets for secondary importance, because the model fitted over
uncertainty analogous to derivatives markets. Never- the total time horizon ensures that the residuals are
theless, the impact of demand uncertainty on inven- corrected for seasonality.
tories is a focal point of many classical inventory We acknowledge that other proxies for demand
papers; thus we ensure that demand uncertainty is uncertainty can prove to be less biased or more effi-
captured adequately. cient when analyzed using other criteria (Akaike’s
We assume that our data are decomposable in an information criterion, Bayesian information criterion,
additive way into trend, seasonal, and noise com- and out-of-sample mean-squared error; see Greene
ponents. Additive techniques are by far the most 1997): For example, when performing detailed, firm-
common and are used by the U.S. Census (e.g., specific demand forecasting, one could use additional
X-12ARIMA for monthly census data) as well as explanatory variables or use parametric truncated dis-
by other statistical agencies. Additive decomposition tributions to impute demand forecast from sales data.
implies that variance of sales is determined by vari- However, for the purposes of our exploratory cross-
ance of noise only. To estimate noise, we run individ- sectional study, which involves data aggregation, we
ual regressions with a polynomial capturing trend and believe that using the proxy described above endows
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422 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9(4), pp. 409–429, © 2007 INFORMS

Table 3 Correlation Table for All Variables in the Panel Without Log Transformations (All Correlations Significant at the 0.01 Level)

InvCOGS Fixed Gross Accounts Sales Sigma T-bill Cost

Inv ratio COGS assets margin payable growth COGS rate capital
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Inv 1000
InvCOGS ratio −0029 1000
COGS 0535 −0046 1000
Fixed assets 0545 −0044 0557 1000
Gross margin 0004 −0002 0001 0003 1000
Days accounts payable 0080 0044 −0025 0112 0001 1000
Sales growth 0006 0010 −0010 0007 0001 0063 1000
Sigma COGS 0407 0023 0506 0418 0000 0029 0004 1000
T-bill rate −0017 −0002 −0017 −0034 −0005 −0009 −0051 −0013 1000
Cost capital −0025 −0014 0020 0022 −0007 0002 −0003 0005 0029 1000
Positive sales surprise 0171 0100 0276 0295 0010 0081 −0002 0108 −0015 0058

Note. Quarter-by-quarter correlation coefficients are consistent with correlations for the entire panel.

us with a sense of firm-level demand uncertainty. identically distributed. In practice, however, there are
Moreover, we repeated our analysis with several typically well-known deterministic trends in demand
other demand-uncertainty proxies. We measured both that could result from the expansion of the com-
uncertainty in sales expressed in inventory prices (so- pany or of the industry or of the whole econ-
called “top-line uncertainty,” following accounting omy (as opposed to the stochastic component cap-
terminology—see Stickney and Weil 1999—in which tured by the proxy for demand uncertainty). The
sales are recorded at the top of the income statement) dummy variable SalesGrowthits measures a percentage
and uncertainty in earnings (EBITDA or operating growth in COGSits from quarter to quarter, which is
income, so-called “bottom-line uncertainty,” in that it essentially the speed of change in sales. The variable
is recorded at the bottom of the income statement). PositiveSalesSurpriseits takes a value of 1 if the real-
Furthermore, we used another technique to estimate ized demand is higher than forecasted and the value
the variance of sales and earnings using raw uncer- of 0 otherwise. This dummy variable is included to
tainty (rather than de-trended and de-seasonalized account for a lower-than-expected inventory level in
uncertainty). We found the results to be very robust case the demand exceeds the forecast (which is some-
in both model complexity and model specification. what similar to the approach of Gaur et al. 2005).
Therefore, we report our results only for the demand It should be noted the two proxies differ from each
uncertainty proxy defined above. other: The first one captures the total growth, and the
As a proxy for company size, we use the fixed second one captures the potential nonsymmetry of
assets variable FixedAssetsits . We repeated our analy- inventory reaction to sales shocks. Summary statistics
sis using sales as a proxy for company size; although for all variables are found in Table 2. Table 3 con-
the analysis is not presented here, the results were tains panel correlations among variables that are not
robust. As previously mentioned, we use seasonal log-transformed, and therefore some variables exhibit
dummies qt to control for season-specific effects and a relatively high degree of correlation because of the
yearly dummies (from 1 to 11) to control for the common scale (firm size). We mitigate these effects
time trend. We also introduce two control vari- by log-transforming all variables. We also analyzed
ables (SalesGrowthits and PositiveSalesSurpriseits  to cap- the inter-temporal structure of the correlation matrix
ture the second-order relations between sales and by studying correlations within each quarter. These
inventory in addition to the first-order relation cap- correlations were consistent with panel correlations
tured by the absolute level of demand. Most clas- except for the increase in the correlation coefficients
sical inventory models rely on the assumption that among “scale” variables (Inv, COGS, FixedAssets) in
demands across time periods are independent and the fourth quarter, an increase that was driven by
Rumyantsev and Netessine: A Cross-Industry Exploratory Investigation
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9(4), pp. 409–429, © 2007 INFORMS 423

fourth-quarter seasonality effects that we control for normal but is skewed to the right; and (iii) such speci-
by using quarterly dummies. fication has shown the best results in previous studies
(Gaur et al. 2005).
6. Model Specification The model for relative inventory levels is defined
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In line with Gaur et al. (2005), we use two multi- analogously, the only exception being that we con-
plicative regression models (“multiplicative” in that trol for firm size by excluding COGS and by includ-
independent variables are in multiplicative form ing FixedAssets in the regression to avoid possible
before the log transformation) to capture inventory collinearity issues:
dynamics and to test the proposed hypotheses: one
model for absolute inventory levels and the other
for relative inventory levels. The model for absolute = as + bs1 logFixedAssetsits 
inventory levels is:
+ bs2 logGrossMarginits 
logInvits  = as +bs1 logCOGSits +bs2 logGrossMarginits  + bs3 logDaysAccountsPayableits 
+bs3 logDaysAccountsPayableits  + bs4 logSigmaSalesits  + bs5 logTBillRatet 
+bs4 logSigmaSalesits +bs5 logTBillRatet  + bs7 logPositiveSalesSurpriseits 
+bs7 logPositiveSalesSurpriseits  + bs8 logSalesGrowthits  + cs1 q1 + cs2 q2
+bs8 logSalesGrowthits +cs1 q1 +cs2 q2 + cs3 q3 + year + its 
+cs3 q3 +year +its  t = 1     44—time index,
t = 144—time index, i = 1     722—company index,
i = 1722—company index, s = 1     8—segment index. (3)
s = 18—segment index (2)
We run a pooled regression first and then run the
The disturbance term its additively includes firm- same model within segments to see how the variables
specific and time-specific effects along with random are related within specific segments and whether
noise to ensure that unobserved variables in the panel the hypotheses are supported therein. Our relatively
such as management quality and marketing decisions, short and wide panel (with a large cross-sectional
are controlled for so as to avoid biased estima- dimension and a short time-series dimension) has
tors (Greene 1997). We model firm-specific and time- more similarities with cross-sectional analysis than
specific effects using both random and fixed-effect with time-series analysis. Therefore, we did not ana-
models. When reporting final results we use fixed- lyze such aspects as the stationarity of data or vec-
effects coefficient estimation, because the Hausman tor autoregression properties (a practice in line with
test (Greene 1997) rejects the hypothesis that random- Greene 1997). We did include an explicit time trend in
effects estimators are efficient and because the large the model even though inventory management the-
size of our sample as well as our attention to the eight ory indicates no need to do so: Time trends should
specific segments indicate the need for fixed effects affect sales and sales forecasts in the first place, and
in the research design. Finally, we control for pos- companies should react by adjusting their operating
sible autocorrelation in the data by conducting esti- policies. Hence, one could assume that the time trend
mation with the AR(1) disturbance term. We do not is captured by sales dynamics and that inventory is
report autocorrelation coefficients that are on average managed rationally.
0.1 or smaller, and we also checked that the regression To check the robustness of our results, we con-
results are robust with respect to the autocorrelation ducted our analysis with and without the time trend.
of residuals specification. We use log-log model speci- We find that our assumption about rationally man-
fication because (i) it helps to deal with heteroskedas- aged inventory cannot be rejected: Estimated coeffi-
ticity; (ii) the distribution of inventory data is not cients do not change significantly compared with the
Rumyantsev and Netessine: A Cross-Industry Exploratory Investigation
424 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9(4), pp. 409–429, © 2007 INFORMS

no-time-trend approach, the only exception being the could not find theoretical or empirical justifications
inventory holding cost coefficients. The time trend for them in operations management or economics lit-
adds little explanatory power to the model, as indi- erature. To test Hypothesis 1 we used a polynomial
cated by the levels of F -statistics. We use our analysis model (with respect to inventory as a function of
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with the time trend when reporting our results. COGS) with up to fifth-degree polynomials and down
To ensure the robustness of our results we also used to one-fifth-degree polynomials and found that the fit
alternative econometric specifications. We employed of such a model was inferior to the fit of multiplicative
linear regression instead of multiplicative regres- models. We did try to introduce additional and non-
sion and added several interaction terms to see if linear terms as well as explicit industry dummy vari-
they could improve the overall fit expressed in the ables; however, we found that those terms did not
adjusted goodness-of-fit measure. Linear models were add explanatory power, while the directions of main
rejected, because they performed significantly worse, results did not change.
and the interaction terms between COGS, margins,
and lead times did not incrementally increase the
explanatory power of the model, while the directions 7. Results
of the main effects did not change. We do not include We use panel data modules “xtreg” and “xtregar” in
interaction terms in our final analysis, because we STATA to perform our analysis. The STATA package,

Table 4 Pooled and Segment-Specific Inventory Regressions

Segment Pooled Pooled Oil and gas Electronics Wholesale Retail Machinery Hardware Food Chemicals
Log(COGS) 068
Log(FixedAssets) −012∗∗∗ −017∗∗∗ −013∗∗∗ −014∗∗∗ −019∗∗∗ −019∗∗∗ −011∗∗∗ −010∗∗∗ −012∗∗∗
003 004 002 003 002 003 002 002 003
Log(GrossMargin) 003∗∗∗ 003∗∗∗ 005∗∗∗ −002 006∗∗∗ 009∗∗∗ −011∗∗∗ 006∗∗∗ 004∗∗ 003∗∗∗
001 001 002 001 002 001 002 003 002 001
Log(DaysAccountsPayable) 011∗∗∗ 013∗∗∗ 007∗∗∗ 008∗∗∗ 011∗∗∗ 005∗∗∗ 005∗∗∗ 003∗∗∗ 006∗∗∗ 012∗∗∗
000 0002 002 002 003 001 001 001 002 001
Log(SigmaSales) 002∗∗∗ 001∗∗∗ 002∗∗∗ 002∗∗∗ 002∗∗∗ −0001∗∗∗ 0005∗∗ 002∗∗ 004∗∗∗ −002
000 0001 001 001 001 0001 0001 001 002 003
SalesGrowth −0001∗∗∗ −0001∗∗∗ −0001∗ −002∗∗ −0001∗∗∗ −0002∗∗∗ −0001∗∗∗ −0002∗∗∗ −0003∗∗∗ −0001∗
000 00001 00004 0003 00001 00006 00001 00004 00008 00006
Log(TBillRate) 003 002 −011∗∗∗ 005∗∗∗ −007∗∗ 005∗∗∗ 008∗∗ 011∗∗∗ −008∗∗∗ 005∗
002 002 003 002 004 001 002 002 002 003
PositiveSalesSurprise 015∗∗∗ 017∗∗∗ 013∗∗∗ 013∗∗∗ 012∗∗∗ 003∗∗∗ 003 015∗∗∗ 015∗∗ 007∗∗∗
002 002 005 005 005 001 005 004 005 003
q1 010∗∗∗ 016∗∗∗ 012∗∗∗ 006∗∗∗ 014∗∗∗ 012∗∗∗ 013∗∗∗ 014∗∗∗ 009∗∗∗ 001
001 002 003 001 003 003 003 004 002 003
q2 007∗∗∗ 008∗∗∗ 012∗∗∗ 006∗∗∗ 009∗∗∗ 012∗∗∗ 013∗∗∗ 008∗∗∗ 002 006∗∗∗
001 002 003 001 003 001 004 002 002 001
q3 010∗∗∗ 013∗∗∗ 018∗∗∗ 007∗∗∗ 011∗∗∗ 016∗∗∗ 006∗∗ 008∗∗∗ 003∗∗∗ 008∗∗∗
001 001 003 002 002 004 002 001 001 002
Year 002∗∗∗ 003∗∗∗ 002∗∗∗ 002∗∗∗ −002∗∗∗ 007∗∗∗ 007∗∗∗ −0001 003∗∗∗ 005∗∗∗
000 0001 0001 0004 001 0006 0001 0002 0002 0004
Constant 006∗∗∗ 019∗∗∗ 047∗∗∗ −031∗ −134∗∗∗ 148∗∗∗ 169∗∗∗ −067∗∗∗ 115∗∗∗ 048
003 002 012 014 023 027 037 039 024 012
Adjusted R2 (%) 85 12 4 17 5 19 29 29 9 9
Number of observations 26,809 26,809 3,226 7,151 2,225 3,510 874 4,390 1,200 4,233

Notes. Standard errors are reported in parentheses.

p < 010; ∗∗ p < 005; ∗∗∗ p < 001.
Rumyantsev and Netessine: A Cross-Industry Exploratory Investigation
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9(4), pp. 409–429, © 2007 INFORMS 425

similar to the SAS package, provides embedded tools The data at the aggregate level are consistent with
to analyze panel data (including the ability to analyze Hypothesis 3: Both absolute and relative inventory
nonbalanced panel data with missing data points) and levels increase with demand uncertainty. We find that
to estimate fixed and random effects regressions with a 1% increase in sales uncertainty increases abso-
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a possible autoregression structure. lute inventory on average by 0.02%. When we run

Column 1 in Table 4 provides results for the model segment-specific regressions, it turns out that the rela-
with absolute inventory level as a dependent variable tionship is not statistically significant for the chemi-
(the adjusted goodness of fit is 85%); Column 2 in cals segment; moreover, the relationship is reversed in
Table 4 provides results for the model with relative the retail segment. Given the difficulty in estimating
inventory level as a dependent variable (the adjusted uncertainty in actual demand and the variety of
goodness of fit is 12%). We report results only with methods used in practice, it is not surprising that
TBillRatet used as a proxy for inventory holding costs, the expected result is not supported in all industry
because the alternative measure, CostCapitalits , yields segments. The statistically significant negative asso-
qualitatively similar results. Although it appears that ciation between uncertainty and inventory in the
the absolute inventory model results in a better retail segment is truly interesting and requires further
adjusted goodness of fit, the two nonnested mod- investigation.
els should not be directly compared: After the log- The data at the aggregate level are consistent with
transform, the domain of the absolute inventory is Hypothesis 4: Both absolute and relative inventory
much smaller than that of the relative inventory and levels increase with lead times. Specifically, a 1%
hence the difference in explanatory power. Finally, increase in lead time leads to a 0.11% increase in abso-
Columns 3–10 in Table 4 provide results split by lute inventory and a 0.13% increase in relative inven-
industry segment for the model with relative inven- tory. This relationship is statistically significant for all
tory. (The adjusted goodness of fit ranges from 4% industry segments.
to 29%.) We utilize the relative inventory model in The data at the aggregate level are consistent with
Columns 3–10 because comparisons across segments Hypothesis 5: Both absolute and relative inventory
are rather meaningless for absolute inventory levels. increase with product margins, which is consistent
We also attempted to introduce explicit industry dum- with the finding of Gaur et al. (2005) that inven-
mies into the pooled regression, but doing so resulted tory turns and gross margins are negatively related
in lower adjusted R2 , so we omit them. in retailing. The elasticity of absolute and relative
The data is consistent with Hypothesis 1: Elasticity inventory levels to gross margin is about 0.03. The
of inventory to COGS is 0.68 such that inventory is a relationship between margins and inventory is also
sublinear function of sales, implying a concave rela- not significant for the electronics segment, and it is
tionship and hence hinting at economies of scale in reversed for the machinery segment.
inventory management. The data are not consistent with Hypothesis 6:
The data are consistent with Hypothesis 2: Rela- The relationship between holding costs and inventory
tive inventory levels are negatively associated with appears to be positive rather than negative, and it is
company size as measured by fixed assets, indicat- not significant in the pooled regressions. The relation-
ing the presence of economies of scale in inventory ship turns out to be of the right sign for the oil and
management. We find that a 1% increase in the fixed gas, wholesale, and food segments, but the opposite
assets of a company is, on average, associated with a is true for all other segments. We check for the robust-
0.12% decrease in relative inventory. From Table 4, the ness of results for Hypothesis 6 by using both the
(absolute) elasticity of relative inventory to company risk-free interest rate TBillRatet and the firm-specific
size is highest for retail and machinery. The food seg- proxy CostCapitalits . The latter gives similar results
ment shows the lowest degree of economies of scale in (and therefore we do not report additional tables)
inventory management, and from Table 4 we observe with respect to both signs and significance. We also
that Hypothesis 2 is supported across all segments. observe that inventory holding cost proxies are the
Rumyantsev and Netessine: A Cross-Industry Exploratory Investigation
426 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9(4), pp. 409–429, © 2007 INFORMS

only dependent variables that are sensitive to lin- than forecast. It is interesting to note that such empir-
ear and quadratic time trends, implying that they are ical observations are not grounded in existing inven-
affected by the cyclical nature of interest rate dynam- tory models, and they provide directions for further
ics during the period 1992–2002. If the time trend is theoretical inventory modeling that would attempt to
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excluded, the relationship between inventory holding link the nonlinear and nonstationary nature of most
costs and inventory levels becomes negative (as pre- of the demand processes with the behavioral aspects
dicted by Hypothesis 6) and significant in most tests. of inventory management decisions.
We note that, in the absolute inventory model, Finally, seasonal and yearly dummies are statis-
COGS, demand uncertainty, margins, lead times, and tically significant in most cases, demonstrating the
the time trend explain approximately 70%, 7%, 5%, importance of accounting for business seasonality
2%, and 1% of variance in inventories, respectively. and time trends, something that is rarely incorpo-
Seasonality and other dummy variables explain a rated into inventory models. It is interesting that the
very small proportion of variances in inventories. In time trend is positive in our models after control-
addition to the results of the tests of our hypothe- ling for other effects. This does not necessarily con-
ses, we also make several observations on the sig- tradict the results in Chen et al. (2005, 2007) and
nificance of various dummy variables included in Rajagopalan and Malhotra (2001), who show that
the analysis. The variable SalesGrowth (the percent- U.S. public inventories have been declining for the
age increase in sales from the previous quarter) past 20 years. The reason is that we do not directly
exhibits a statistically significant negative association study the behavior of inventories over time (inven-
with absolute and relative inventory levels, an asso- tory, indeed, has a negative and significant time trend
ciation that persists in all eight industry segments. in the absence of other variables). Instead, we capture
Hence, as demand increases, companies do not react both cross-sectional and time-series inventory fluctu-
immediately by increasing inventory. Variable Positive ations and show that, after controlling for significant
SalesSurprise (valued at 1 if demand is higher than cross-sectional effects (as predicted by the inventory
forecasted) exhibits statistically significant positive models), the unpredictable portion (partial residuals
associations with absolute and relative inventory lev- without accounting for the time trend) of both abso-
els, an association that persists in seven of eight lute and relative inventory is positively associated
industry segments (the exception being machinery). with the time trend. Namely, the positive time trend
These two results do not contradict but rather com- in our studies (despite the fact that inventories do
plement each other—whereas inventories, on average, decrease over time in our sample) is an indication
decrease with higher overall sales growth, invento- that other explanatory variables (COGS, margins, lead
ries also, on average, increase when sales increase times) also change over time and explain a signifi-
unpredictably. cant portion of inventory variance, whereas the time
This observation supports both nonlinearity and trend by itself can explain only around 1% of inven-
nonsymmetry at the level of association between sales tory variance. We thus believe that there is a need to
activities and inventory levels: Inventory dynamics capture the time trend directly, because other explana-
lag somewhat behind sales dynamics in terms of tory variables are also time dependent and change
growth rates, which can be partially explained by along with inventory over time in our panel.
managers’ adaptive expectations and predictions that
are typically based on historical data. For example, 8. Summary
if changes in sales speed up, adaptive expectations A rich variety of inventory models have been cre-
and adaptive demand forecasting will underestimate ated in operations management based on the cost-
sales and result in lower-than-optimal planned inven- minimizing approach for price-taking monopolistic
tory levels. Moreover, inventory levels are adjusted companies. In this exploratory study we have iden-
more rapidly when there is a mismatch in the demand tified the need to conduct empirical research to test
forecast. This effect makes sense if managers become predictions from classical inventory models so as to
more optimistic when demand realization is higher understand whether predictions from these models
Rumyantsev and Netessine: A Cross-Industry Exploratory Investigation
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9(4), pp. 409–429, © 2007 INFORMS 427

help explain aggregate inventories of entire compa- relationships we tested are based only on statistical
nies. We tested for several predictions using a large associations that are stable over time. One could go
quarterly panel data set from the Compustat finan- further and notice that in the case of operational mod-
cial database of U.S. public companies operating dur- els there is a clear model-driven causality: “Inputs”
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ing the 1992–2002 period. In our sample we included such as lead time, margins, uncertainty, and sales
eight segments of the U.S. economy: oil and gas, retail, might affect “outputs” such as profits and inventories.
wholesale, electronics, hardware, chemicals, food, and That is, inventory may always be a function of both
machinery. Nearly 45% of S&P500 companies are exogenous variables (mean demand, uncertainty) and
present in our sample, making a total of 722 com- a firm’s decisions (when and how much to order,
panies that have continuously been in operation and given these variables). In this setting, some of the
have had nonzero financial results. We tested pro- statistical statements tested may also impose causality
posed associations for pooled data as well as across on the operational relations. For example, longer lead
segments. times, higher demand uncertainty, and higher mar-
We find that multiplicative models best capture gins may cause both relative and absolute inventory
inventory dynamics. Our model explains 85% of the to increase, while the statement that “larger compa-
dynamics for absolute inventory level. We believe it nies are leaner” does not impose causality. These dis-
is fair to say that classical inventory models continue tinctions could be addressed in follow-up work.
to explain inventory behavior well, even at the com- Our study has several potential limitations. We use
pany level. We proposed several proxies for the inde-
aggregated Compustat financial data that can cause
pendent variables. Average days of accounts payable
both space (product variety and different units) and
outstanding are used to measure lead times, and com-
time aggregation biases, and therefore we focus on the
panies do buffer inventory against longer lead times.
monotonic properties of inventories. Other explana-
The Treasury bill rate and the weighted-average cost
tory variables (such as product variety, product life
of capital are used to measure the opportunity cost of
cycle lengths, quantity discounts, and forecasts of
carrying inventory, but our findings regarding hold-
supply chain disruptions) are not included in our
ing costs are inconclusive and are affected by the
models. More research is needed to find adequate
inclusion of the time trend. It is possible that find-
proxies for these variables.
ings in Lai (2006) indicating the need to find new
Limitations of this kind are standard in the empir-
ways to calculate the cost of capital for operations
models will be helpful to future research. We obtain ical literature working with inventories (Rajagopalan
consistent results that companies do buffer inventory and Malhotra 2001, Gaur et al. 2005). Furthermore,
against demand uncertainty. We also find that higher we use imperfect proxies for some of the indepen-
gross margins are associated with higher inventory dent variables such as lead times and inventory hold-
and that large companies enjoy economies of scale ing costs. If better data become available, it might be
and hence stock less inventory in relative terms. prudent to reevaluate our findings. It would also be
It is reassuring to see evidence that predictions interesting to analyze higher-frequency data to test
from classical inventory models appear to work at whether statistical relations among variables can be
the aggregate (company) level. Hence, we believe that effectively aggregated across time and space with-
these models should be taught to business students out introducing consistent yet spurious correlations.
and executives. Even though these models do not Future studies could also look more closely at vari-
account for competition, business cycles, or industry ous segments of the economy and attempt to explain
dynamics and do not endogenize many other deci- why some of our hypotheses do not hold for certain
sions (e.g., pricing), they still appear to be useful in segments by using better proxies, possibly obtained
guiding our intuition with respect to inventory behav- through a combination of surveys and secondary
ior. We do not, however, claim that there is a causal data. A lot of research has been done to explain
relation among operational variables such as lead the behavior of inventories in the automotive indus-
time, demand uncertainty, margin, and inventory. The try (see Lieberman and Asaba 1997, Lieberman and
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