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Final Requirement in
GE 104 – Mathematics in the Modern World

Group Members
Bobadilla, Rhayne Marie R.
Cabral, Andrea Rain V.
Castillo, Angela Mae P.
Chico, Shaina Mae I.
Cuenco, Zyryle Ann D.
De Roxas, Aimee Rose L.
Garcia, Justine Louie R.



A. This article simplifies the daily transportation fare of students, while detailing
the aspects relevant for the students, to enable them to understand their bills
better. Fares are used in transportation in tricycle, jeepney, bus, van, train, etc.
The concept of transportation fare has a long history that has evolved over
time alongside advancements in transportation systems and changes in
economic structures. In ancient civilizations, transportation often involved the
use of animals, carts, or boats. While there may not have been formalized
fare structures, some form of payment or barter likely occurred for
transportation services. As societies developed and trade increased, more
structured systems of transportation emerged. The use of horse-drawn
carriages, stagecoaches, and early forms of public transportation necessitated
some form of payment for services rendered. The rise of steam-powered
transportation, including trains and steamships, led to more organized and
widespread transportation networks. With the growth of urban areas, horse-
drawn omnibuses and early public transportation systems became common.
Fares were introduced to cover the costs of operating these services. The
advent of electric streetcars and the expansion of railways further increased
the need for fare systems. Public transportation became a key aspect of
urban life, and fare collection became more formalized. The mid-20th century
saw the rise of automobiles and a shift towards private transportation.
However, public transportation systems continued to evolve and adapt to
changing urban landscapes. Fares remained a critical component of funding
for these systems. Today, public transportation systems around the world
utilize various fare structures, including ticketing, smart cards, and digital
payment methods. Fares contribute to the operational costs of maintaining
and improving transportation infrastructure. The evolution of transportation
fare reflects broader trends in the development of societies, technologies, and
urbanization. It has become an integral part of managing and sustaining
public transportation systems globally.
B. Background of the Course

The Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) is an undergraduate

degree program that focuses on the application of technology in various aspects of
information management and computer systems. The background of this degree
program is rooted in the rapid evolution of information technology and its increasing
importance in nearly every industry. The roots of Information Technology can be
traced back to the mid-20th century with the advent of computers. As computers
became more prevalent in business, scientific research, and government, the need
for skilled professionals who could manage and utilize these systems became
apparent. In the 1980s and 1990s, as computing technology continued to advance,
academic institutions recognized the need for formalized education in the field. The
demand for professionals well-versed in computer systems, software development,
networking, and information management led to the creation of dedicated IT degree
programs. Information Technology is not only about technical skills but also about
understanding how technology can be strategically applied to solve business
problems. The BSIT program often includes coursework in business and
management to prepare students for roles that involve aligning IT solutions with
organizational goals. The curriculum of BSIT programs has evolved to keep pace
with the dynamic nature of technology. Initially focusing on hardware and software,
modern programs also cover areas like cybersecurity, data analytics, cloud
computing, and emerging technologies. With the globalization of businesses and the
widespread use of the internet, the demand for IT professionals increased globally.
The BSIT program became a crucial avenue for individuals seeking careers in
technology-related fields. The IT industry has established various certifications and
standards to validate the skills of professionals. Many BSIT programs align their
curricula with these industry standards, preparing students for certifications that
enhance their employability. The field of Information Technology is characterized by
continual innovation and evolution. As a result, BSIT programs need to stay current
with the latest technologies and industry trends to ensure graduates are well-
prepared for the workforce. Bachelor of Science in Information Technology provides
students with a comprehensive understanding of technology, preparing them for a
wide range of roles in areas such as software development, network administration,
cybersecurity, database management, and IT consulting. The degree remains highly
relevant in a world increasingly reliant on technology for various aspects of daily life
and business operations.

C. Background of the School

Lemery Colleges is one of the performing tertiary institutions on the first district of
Batangas. It was established on 1994, and founded by Mr. Oscarlito M. Hernandez
together with his wife Mrs. Filomena Hernandez. Lemery Colleges (LC) is a private
academic and training institution based in the municipality of Lemery, Batangas. The
then known Lemery Computer Center eventually evolved into a computer school as
backed up by the positive feedback and support that came from its clients. That
computer school started offering three (3) Associate degree programs for its
students until it officially became a higher educational institution that now offers
degree programs ranging from tech-voc to undergraduate.

At present, Lemery Colleges continues to achieve continuous increase in

enrollment. Lemery Colleges were recognized to operate degree courses and has
the ability to sustain the growth it has achieved in the past and will continue to strive
in the coming years.

D. Purpose of the Study

This study aims to conduct a descriptive statistical analysis on the daily fare of
thirty (30) BSIT students at Lemery Colleges.

Specifically, this analysis aims:

1. To transform the raw data to grouped data,

2. To construct frequency distribution table,
3. To compute for the mean, median and mode,
4. To compute for the standard deviation and variance, and
5. To describe the shape of the distribution
E. Definition Of Terms
A. Measures of Central Tendency
a. Mean - The mean in math and statistics summarizes an
entire dataset with a single number representing the
data’s center point or typical value. It is also known as the
arithmetic mean, and it is the most common measure of
central tendency. It is frequently called the “average.”
b. Median - The median is the middle number in a sorted,
ascending or descending list of numbers and can be
more descriptive of that data set than the average. It is
the point above and below which half (50%) the
observed data falls, and so represents the midpoint of
the data.
c. Mode - The mode is the value that appears most
frequently in a data set. A set of data may have one
mode, more than one mode, or no mode at all.
B. Measures of Variation
a. Variance - the fact or quality of being different, divergent
and inconsistent.
b. Standard Deviation - Standard deviation is a statistic
that measures the dispersion of a dataset relative to
its mean and is calculated as the square root of
the variance. The standard deviation is calculated as the
square root of variance by determining each data point's
deviation relative to the mean.


A. Profile of the Respondents

Result in the demographic profile of the respondents in the terms of age.


Age Frequency Percentage Rank

17 1 3.33 4
18 18 60 1
19 8 26.67 2
20 2 6.67 3
21 1 3.33 4

Result in the demographic profile of the respondents in term of gender.


Gender Frequency Percentage Rank

Male 23 76.67 1
Female 7 23.33 2

B. Raw Data
We used a survey questionnaire to gather information that contains a
question” Daily Transportation Fee” and distribute them to the thirty (30) 1 st
year BSIT Students of Lemery Colleges. We recruit participants to collect
data, and utilize various topics.
Daily Fare of 30 1st year BSIT students

No. of Students Daily Fare

1 30
2 30
3 40
4 40
5 40
6 50
7 50
8 50
9 50
10 50
11 50
12 50
13 60
14 60
15 60
16 60
17 60
18 60
19 60
20 65
21 80
22 82
23 90
24 90
25 100
26 100
27 100
28 100
29 105
30 150
C. Transformation of Raw Data to Grouped Data

a. Range = Range = Highest Value – Lowest Value

The highest fare on the data gathered is 150 pesos, while the lowest is 30

R= 150 - 30= 120

b. Class Interval (c) = Range / Number of Classes

c = 120/5
c = 24+1
c = 25

D. Frequency Distribution Table

Table 1. Frequency Distribution Table

Class f x Class <cf fx fx²

Limit Boundaries
30-54 12 42 29.5 - 54.5 12 504 21,168
55-79 8 66.5 54.5 - 79.5 20 532 35,378
80-104 8 92 79.5 - 10.45 28 736 67,712
105-129 1 117 104.5 - 129.5 29 117 13,689
130-154 1 142 129.5 - 154.5 30 142 20,164
i=25 ∑ f =30 ∑ fx=2 ,031∑ f x 2=158,111
E. Analysis
a. Measures of Central Tendency
i. Mean

∑ fx
2 031

Therefore, based on the result, the computed mean for this set is 73.8.

ii. Median

[ ]
−¿ cf
Median=L1 + c

N 30
 = =15
2 2
 Median Classis 55−79
 L1=54.5
 ¿ cf =12
 fm=8
[ ]

Based on the result, the computed median for this set is 75.33.

iii. Mode

Mode=L1 +
[ ∆1
∆1 + ∆2

 Modal Class is 30-54 because it has the highest frequency.

 L1=29.5
 ∆ 1=12−0=12
 ∆ 2=12−8=4

Mode=L1 +
[ ∆1
∆1 + ∆2 ]
Mode=2 9.5+
[ 12
12+ 4]25

Based on the result, the computed mode for this set is 98.25.

a. Measures of Variations
i. Standard Deviation

√ ( )
∑ fx2 − ∑ fx


√ ( )
158111 2 031
S= −
30 30

ii. Variance

Var=(2 6.21)


Group No. 4
Leader: Cabral, Andrea Rain V.
Members: 1. Garcia, Justine Louie R.
2. Bobadilla, Rhayne Marie R.
3. Castillo, Angela Mae P.
4. Chico, Shaina Mae I.
5. Cuenco, Zyryle Ann D.
6. De Roxas, Aimee Rose L.

Documentation / Computation
Question and Answer
1. _/10
2. _/10
3. _/10

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