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archive: [wonbin]

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Rape/Non-Con
Category: F/M
Fandom: RIIZE (Band)
Relationship: Park Wonbin (RIIZE)/Reader
Characters: Park Wonbin (RIIZE), Reader
Additional Tags: Rape/Non-con Elements, Dubious Consent, Step-Sibling Incest, Non-
Consensual Oral Sex, Sexual Coercion, Power Dynamics, Power
Imbalance, Somnophilia, Masturbation, Drug Use, Appearances Of
RIIZE Members, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
Language: English
Series: Part 3 of riize archives [riizeblr]
Stats: Published: 2024-01-20 Words: 11,274 Chapters: 23/?
archive: [wonbin]
by neocentral


Collection of dark content drabbles about [wonbin].

Originally posted on @riizeblr on tumblr.


This work is purely fiction. None of the actions in the following works are in any way, shape,
or form condoned and do not reflect jeno in any sense.

See the end of the work for more notes

Chapter 1

rating: 18+. mdni.

content: dubcon

anonymous asked: loser! wonbin who is forced to fuck and cum inside his bully. he’s crying and shaking, he swore he
doesnt like this! swore he hates her with all his might! he is definitely whimpering because he hates the way she is
degrading poor virgin wonbin :(( so hes confused with himself as to why he’s begging for another round :(((

wonbin’s pants felt rough against his ankles, heavy on top of his feet. his belt was still
buckled, giving him little space to move as his ankles that attempted to pull apart from each
other to open his trembling thighs. while physically uncomfortable, the stiff fabric and leather
band offered a sense of comfort in his mind that at least he wasn’t completely bare.

his crisp button down was haphazardly thrown in the passenger seat, the jacket he had put on
top to protect him from the icy wind was flaked wet patches, a result of melting snow.
wonbin’s torso was completely exposed, his lean frame riddled with blotches of rosy skin and
a coat of salty sweat. his stomach was sticky with slick, his bare pelvis and naked thighs
drenched in slippery wetness.

you, on the other hand, were fully clothed. your shirt still adorned your figure, the top
stretching across your neck, the sleeves climbing down the entirety of your arms, not a single
inch of skin in sight. your skirt fanned across your thighs and you had ripped your tights, a
small hole just big encough for wonbin’s cock to slip between the fabric and your underwear
you had pulled to the side. wonbin was relieved by that, too. he didn’t have to see the way his
hips pathetically rose to bury himself inside your fluttering hole.

his face was burning. through the rear view mirror, wonbin could see his reflection. he could
see the red hue painting the expanse of his face, traveling down his neck and over his
prominent collarbones. wet streaks rushed from his puffy eyes down his plump cheeks,
seeping into the line of wonbin’s pouty mouth that wobbled. he felt so exposed, humiliated.
but it felt so good.

it was unlike anything wonbin had ever felt. his heart thumped against his chest and his hands
trembled, not only due to the pure hatred that swam in his veins so strongly, but because of
the feeling consuming his entire being. his fist couldn’t compare to the delicious, hot squeeze
of your cunt around his cock, bouncing up and down with every involuntary rut of his hips.

it was primal. the way wonbin had taken over with tears running down his cheeks, whimpers
and whines spilling between puffy, bitten lips. it was involuntary, but it felt so inevitable, an
innate sensation awakened by the feeling of a pussy stroking his dick.

wonbin didn’t get it. he didn’t like you. he hated you. the suffering you had caused him his
entire life made disdain settle in his heart long ago. yet here you were. here he was. naked
beneath your clothes figure, vulnerable and humiliated as he always seemed to be around
you, while simultaneously loving and hating it.
you were still as vile as you always were, whispering in his ear. truthfully, wonbin would
have been crying just by your words alone because he was pathetic like that and you always
made sure to remind him of it. only this time, wonbin could barely hear you. he could hear
nothing but a slight ring bouncing off the walls of his brain, and the squelch of slick and
slamming bodies.

the only pride wonbin managed to keep was the fact that he still hadn’t touched you. his
hands rested at his sides, the only contact being his hips against yours. he wasn’t that weak. at
least, he wanted to think so.

wonbin’s breath caught in his throat, euphoria creeping up his stiffened body, halting every
thought in his mind. he had never felt so good, it was incomparable to anything he had felt

he only registered the feeling of your hand resting on his chest when he managed to come
down from his orgasm, still incredibly sensitive. wonbin felt slight disgust, his nose
wrinkling, a tear slipping into his nostril.

“pathetic little wonbinnie,” you teased but you also sat breathless, stationed on his lap, cock
still buried deeply in you, creamy cum stuffed inside your pussy.

wonbin huffed, the same innate and primal need to continue to fill you, conquer you, and
make you feel small and beneath him made his cock twitch. a few more tears brimmed in his
waterline, so sensitive, too sensitive, and his heart clenched, disgusted by himself for rolling
his hips.

you gasped. it was your turn to whimper, “what’re you doing?”

wonbin couldn’t respond because he, himself, wasn’t sure. all he knew was that he needed
Chapter 2

rating: 18+. mdni.

content: dubcon , nerd!wonbin x mean!reader

wonbin doesn’t like you. you’re mean and snobby. you tease him relentlessly, calling him
every name in the book, poking fun at whatever you could. wonbin couldn’t stand it,
choosing to avoid you at any cost. though sometimes, he simply couldn’t. today was one of
those days. wonbin had been ordered to assist you yet again and he had no choice but to meet
you in the library. usually you wouldn’t even bother showing up, and if you did, your
interaction would last no more than fifteen minutes of harsh treatment.

this, is new though. this, had never happened before. and wonbin isn’t sure he likes it.

wonbin’s back is pressed against his car, the icy steel seeping through his thin t-shirt. you feel
him shiver, but you don’t think it’s because thin layer of ice coating the vehicle. your hand
rests on his bulge, touch light but firm.

“come on,” you start. a musky scent forms in the crook of wonbin’s milky throat as he
breathes heavily. you can’t help but inch closer, the tip of your nose touching his esophagus
that jumps abruptly when you brush against it. he smells good. you linger there, wonbin’s
heart thumping in his chest. “fuck my palm.”

you can feel the way his hips strain and tense, the subtle jerk of his hips against your palm.
wonbin shakes his head, inky bangs swinging over the thick rim of his glasses and wiping
over the lenses. you can see his eyes pointed downward, flickering between your face and
your hand that curls around his hardening cock.

you start to grin at the pulse against your hand, finding wonbin’s arousal in a situation like
this pathetic.

“move or I’ll make you.” realistically, you can’t physically force him. though wonbin is lean,
his muscles appearing delicately crafted, he is deceitfully strong.

you continue to push anyway, “I know you want to. pathetic little nerd… how long will it
take you to cum, hm?” your hand creeps down his chest, slowly feeling every dip of wonbin’s
abdomen until you reach his hips.

“will you cum fast?” wonbin lifts his head, looking up at the streetlights to avoid your
burning gaze. “when you hump my hand like a dog?”

wonbin shivers but his whole body burns. “n-no.”

he shakes his head, moving his hips back to run away from your palm, only stopping when
his backside presses against the door of his car. you only press harder, leaving him with no
room to run away from your steady grip on his dick.

“you’re just gonna jerk off later, aren’t you? fuck your fist, hanging your head in shame for
getting so turned on. you probably look so fucking pathetic. foggy lenses and drool coming
out of your mouth. do you drool? I bet you do.” you make a sound of disgust but you still
lean in again, inhaling the scent of his neck.

“s-stop.” wonbin shifts his shoulder, the cotton of his shirt tickling your cheek. “off.”

you use your grip on his hip, to push his pelvis forward, feeling his resistance when his cock
slid against your palm. wonbin drew in a breath, holding it. there’s a pulse under your hand,
another faint thrust. you can tell he can barely hold himself back, despite how much he wants

you continue to guide his hips, pulling him towards you as his cock stiffens and jumps in his
pants, leaking and soaking through his underwear. wonbin whimpers, the sound pleasant in
your ears. a protest dies on his lips when you squeeze his bulge, replaced with a choked
whine. you can’t help but laugh.

you keep going, bringing him in faster and faster, feeling less resistance as you do. wonbin’s
eyes are shut tight, occasional shakes of his head making his hair swipe over the foggy glass
of his lenses. just like you suspected, saliva pools near the corners of his pink pout,
threatening to dribble down his chin.

you move closer breathing in the musky aroma that is stronger than before. you pucker your
lips, laying a simple, featherlight kiss on his neck. wonbin trembles beneath your lips, hips
jerking against your hand.

your chest flutters as he begins thrusting on his own. your hand stills but he ruts against your
flat palm just as feverishly as he had been, messily, sloppily. it’s a pathetic sight, really.

park wonbin rutting against your palm, painted a soft red, heaving and drooling, his glasses
lopsided and foggy, his sharp features casting shadows under the dim streetlights of your
university’s parking lot.

you simply watch him as he fucks your hand, desperately chasing relief that comes in the
form of ruined clothing and your malicious words.
Chapter 3

rating: 18+. mdni.

content: dubcon, power imbalance

note: no blackmail because i forgot

anonymous asked: I was wondering if we could see like a student wonbin blackmailing their professor who
desperately needs the promotion which depends on wonbin. Thank you for your work!

wonbin's father is the dean and really values wonbin's opinion. everybody knows this and
most professors kiss up to wonbin and you are no different. you smile and greet him, indulge
in long conversations and you even occasionally see him outside of work hours. it doesn't
mean much to you because you are barely getting by with your salary but it is everything to

he loves that you're older than him and you know so much more. you're so gentle when you
correct him or try to teach him something new. he sometimes pretends not to know things just
so he can see your eyes light up when you explain things to him. he's enamoured by you but
he isn't stupid and he knows you only engage with him because of his influence on the dean.

it was just an offhanded comment while you were getting coffee. wonbin just wanted to see
how you would react to the idea. when you told him that you were really struggling, your
shoulders sagged and wonbin's heart felt for you but of course he wasn't just going to help
you. he told you that he would be willing to help you if you gave him something in return.

his tone was lighthearted but he knew that you were aware of what he was talking about and
how serious he was. you said nothing about it but when he followed you to your car,
expectantly looking at you when he opened the backseat of your car and climbed inside.
wonbin was wrinkling his nose when he spread his legs, not used to seeing a vehicle like that.

you stared at him for a few long moments before you ducked down and threw your keys into
the front seat. you were so hesitant, your face showing clear embarrassment when you sank
to your knees in the limited space between his thighs. wonbin grinned, petting your hair as
you avoided looking at him, palming his cock that quickly stiffened.

wonbin knew it would feel good because of your experience but he didn't know it would feel
that good. your tongue was expertly licking his shaft, suckling on his tip and gently pulling
his balls into your mouth as you jerked him off. his thighs were quivering around your head,
pulling you as close to his pelvis as he could, shoving his entire cock into your throat and you
took it so well.

he finished in your mouth with an embarrassingly high whimper. you made a face as the
unpleasant taste exploded in your mouth, coughing and gagging as it slid down your throat.
wonbin hated pulling himself out, his dick softening slowly. he reached for your face, running
his thumb over your lips, promising that he would take care of you.
Chapter 4

rating: 18+. mdni.

content: stepcest, wonbin x reader

anonymous asked: younger stepbro wonbin w/ an older sister he has been fantasizing since he was young. he acts
innocent around her so she wont suspect a thing. fast forward to older sis coming home from college to visit and
surprise her lovely stepbro only to find him humping her pillow and moaning her name (ignore if uncomfortable)

wonbin looks adorable. he looks so desperate, frustrated as his lean hips rut pathetically,
unsteadily against your favorite pillow. his moans are higher than you expected as they come
out with of his pouty mouth, vibrating the lump in the middle of his delicate neck. his hair
was much longer now, brushing almost down to the middle of his back as he let his head fall
between his shoulders.

his hips jerk roughly and he comes to a halt, the fist holding into the pillow tightening until
his knuckled turned white and stuffing bulged through his fingers. sticky cum shot from his
reddened tip, painting the back of his hand and covering your pillow. he made a strangled
noise, your name sounding clearly as it bounced off the walls of your bedroom. his chest
jumped with every ragged breath for the next few seconds until he finally lifted his head.

long inky strands of soft hair fell into his eyes, framing his cheekbones, sticking to the damp
skin. he sighed, his breathing slowing as he removed his hand. he made a small sound of
disgust at the pearly spunk drying on his hand, turning it around to wipe it against your
ruined pillow.

you couldn’t look away from him, panic making you stiffen when he began to swing his leg
over the fluffy pillow. “bin?”
Chapter 5

wonbin who’s in a metal band with your boyfriend…

he kept to himself and didn’t talk much when you were around so you didn’t really pay much
attention to him. he seemed so cold but slowly he began to get playful when your bf wasn’t
around. he teased you and bantered with you before strumming the cords of your favorite
songs obnoxiously when your bf would finally come back. wonbin would have an annoyed
look on his face but when he gets a side eye from you or your bf he would start grinning.

he started to get a little bit bold, like letting you strum the strings on his guitar, or asking you
to put one of his guitar picks between his teeth, sometimes nipping at your fingertips when
you did, or give you his jacket and brush hair from your face… you felt bad about it because
your bf and wonbin were good friends but wonbin couldn’t care less.

it then became a little kiss, a quick little graze when you were sat in an old chair in the
garage, wonbin rushing past you to get to his guitar, but he stops and steps back to touch your
lips against his before acting like nothing happened. practice went as it always did and your
bf didn’t suspect a thing.

neither of you said anything but it then somehow turned into heated make out sessions in the
backseat of wonbin’s beat up car. the windows got all foggy and he tasted like energy drinks
or weed masked by minty gum and you couldn’t get enough. you felt even more guilty as
time passed you couldn’t bring yourself to pull away when he tugged on the sleeve of your
jacket and his head jerked in the direction of his car.

it then got even bolder and you would suck him off in one of the bedrooms inside the house,
just feet away from the garage where your bf was. wonbin could feel the hesitance and he
held back an eye roll as he switched the his cd player on and began blasting whatever was
currently in there.

now it’s just a routine to get pulled in there after giving your bf some shitty excuse as to why
you have to leave early when you’re really just waiting for wonbin to go into his room and
fuck you roughly with the music drowning out your moans…
Chapter 6

rating: 18+. mdni.

content: thoughts of noncon, wonbin x reader

anonymous asked: wonbin had gifted his precious gold necklace to his girlfriend (originally a gift from his parents).
when they break up, he sees her still wearing it at some high-brow rich people gala. even mocking him with how she
wears it -- the gold chain drawing all attention to her clavicles, and the gold star precariously cushioned above her

months ago, you shattered his heart. you left him weepy-eyed, confused, and alone, neck
feeling light and empty as you coldly walked off with his necklace clasped around your
throat. you knew what the necklace symbolized. you knew how much wonbin cherished the
golden jewelry that he had gifted you with the purest intentions. yet here you were, dressed in
your most lavish dress, gracefully adorning pristine shoes, an extravagant clutch held
between your manicured fingers, and lastly, his golden star dangling from your neck.

it felt like a slap to the face. wonbin wanted to march over and rip it off. tear it off your throat
and replace it with his hand, squeezing until your face changed in color. how dare you dangle
the reminder of your relationship in his face like this?

you knew wonbin would be there. he was always obligated to attend galas to “represent” his
family but he hated it. you were the only thing that had made these lifeless events bearable.
you asked for his opinions as you meticulously dressed yourself up, seeking approval as you
painted your face with pretty colors and when you asked him to zip up your dress, gently
slide your heels onto your feet. you clung to his arm from the second you arrived and
whispered nasty things in his ear. you lingered near his neck, fiddled with the necklace on his
neck that was now clasped around yours.

wonbin seethed sat all alone, drinks in hand as he followed the necklace. he left his eyes
flicker down your frame from time to time. he let himself look at what was his. soft swells
and curves of your body that he still dreamt about. he could still see your bare skin when he
stayed up late at night, grinding against his pillows, seeking relief. he could see the glimmer
of the golden star perfectly positioned between your chest, making his heart grow big as he
pounded into you night after night.

but that was no more. you now pranced around on your own, simply taunting him and
making ugly feelings take up every inch of his being.

wonbin felt icky for thinking the way he did. imagining the pitch of your voice as you called
out in pain when he yanked the chain from your neck. the struggle when he squeezed. he
imagined pulling on your hair as he dragged you to his car angrily, a fuzzy plan to make you
regret what you had done floating in his mind.

he wondered if you would know. you’re a smart girl and you know wonbin well, surely you’d
know how the pit in his stomach tightened as he felt your fingers touch him. you’d know how
quickly his cock hardened at the sight of your watering eyes and look of frustration as he
pushed you into his backseat.

wonbin imagined how he would take you first. he wouldn’t bother with your dress, only
forcing his hips between your thighs to slam his aching length into your pussy. he imagined
the sharp edges of his necklace digging into his palm, reminding him that none of this was
wasn’t supposed to happen. but wonbin wouldn’t care. after feeling you wrapped around him,
beneath him, and his precious star in his possession again, he knew he would finally feel
Chapter 7

rating: 18+. mdni.

content: mentioned noncon, wonbin x reader anonymous asked: thinking about going to a party at a friends college,
getting a little too tipsy (although you only had one drink?) and getting raped. you don’t remember much except for a
gold necklace much except for a gold necklace that was dangling in your face the whole time. you dismiss it as a
dream when you wake up in a friends dorm the next day. the next semester, your transfer to your friends college! their
program for your major is a thousand times better, anyways. you notice someone in a few of your classes, and you’re
surprised when he approaches you, as are a lot of your classmates. wonbin is usually cold, even to people he’s known
for years, but he’s immediately ask smiles around you. eventually, you invite him over to your down to study and he
takes off the sweater he’s been wearing, revealing a familiar gold necklace. the blood drains from your face, and he
gives you a concerned look but you quickly recover. there’s no way the sweet, quiet wonbin that you’ve gotten to know
over the past few months could do something like that. besides, star necklaces aren’t rare, right? it’s perfectly safe to
have him alone in your room for the next few hours, right?

you try to convince yourself that there is no way. the man you had made up, the man that
haunts your dreams is much different. the man loomed over you like some evil entity, his
presence dripping with malicious intent. his touch was tough, his skin cold to the touch, his
eyes empty like a dark abyss. at least, that’s what you think. that’s what you remember. but
the man wasn’t real.

and if he was, it surely couldn’t be wonbin. wonbin’s hair is softer, his skin milkier, his touch
is gentler, his eyes glimmer. he carries a soothing feeling that never feels suffocating even
when you know it should. but most of all, wonbin is real.

a necklace can’t change the fact that your mind had conjured up a nightmare that felt too real.
the golden chain and shaped pendant was nothing. it was a sick coincidence no matter how
much it resembled the one you had seen that night. you had never seen wonbin before your
first lecture at your new university and wonbin had never seen you either. you doubted
wonbin would have been at the party anyway. he isn’t the type to indulge in such things.

you have no reason to continue to stare at the space between his clavicle that only feels more
familiar the longer you look. the cloudy scene that flashes behind your eyes becoming clearer
as moments go by. you can see the dimmed skin tone of the man in your dreams shift until it
finally matches wonbin’s. you think that you can even envision wonbin’s face above you,
replacing the dark and empty space that lingered there before. the man in your dreams is
becoming too clear, too real. and you can’t keep in the way your heart sank to the pit of your
stomach, getting heavier and heavier, darker and darker.

wonbin notices too, eyes flickering towards you and back down to his books. he shifts and
you can see minuscule bumps rise along his chest, travel down his arms as he reaches to
touch the golden pendant. even the movement can’t make you take your eyes off of it, leaving
you to stare at the the back of his fingers as he clutches the jewelry. wonbin reaches for his
sweater, chunky and not at all suitable for your dorm room that tends to run hot.
your gaze is torn away from his neck when he pulls the blue-colored sweater over his head,
mussing up his perfectly tamed hair. you direct your attention to his face, drinking in the soft
pink of his cheeks, the reddened button of his nose, his parted pink lips, his eyes ridden with
worry and panic.

you almost feel bad accusing wonbin of such a thing in your mind. you’re safe with him, out
of harms way because wonbin isn’t a villain. he isn’t the faceless, evil man that had brutally
abused you in such a vulnerable state. if anything, you are a villain now for attempting to
tarnish his nearly spotless reputation he had built in your head.

you muster up a smile, “I like your necklace.”

Chapter 8

rating: 18+. mdni.

content: noncon, stalking, wonbin x reader

when you were kids, wonbin wasn’t what you wanted. his short hair and bony build, thick
glasses taking up half his face, the slight stutter of his high-pitched voice. even he knows he
was pathetic back then so he couldn't blame you for not talking to him.

but not anymore. this is what you want. he is cool now.

his heart raced faster and faster the longer his silky hair grew, running his fingers through it
every morning to style it the way your current celebrity crush did. he replaced his thick
frames with clear contacts that he struggled to put on, eyes watering and in pain but it was
worth it because now you could see his face that had matured beautifully. the sharp edges and
delicate features. he changed his style, coordinating with whatever aesthetic you had decided
to adhere to for the foreseeable future. he was still lean, but he was strong. his biceps rose to
show the soft swells of muscles, his chest and stomach taut and adorning lines that ran down
the expanse. wonbin had spent so much time and money to mold himself into your ideal man,
to be perfect for you but you still just didn’t see him.

wonbin doesn't know what else to do, spending ample nights parked outside your house,
working up the courage to walk up to your door and tell you how he feels. at least, that's what
he tells himself he's there to do.

in reality, wonbin is no better than he was in high school. if anything, he is worse now that he
knows that he is all you want. that he can give you all you need and more. but he's stuck.
what more could he do?

wonbin spends his nights peering through your windows, letting his imagination run wild
when he sees your silhouette behind your thin curtains. he sits in his car, tugging his
pathetically hard cock with his slim fingers, tugging his own hair, and feeling up his toned
abdomen. he just knows you'd love him. the body he has made for you and you alone.

he sits impatiently, groaning in frustration because it just isn't enough. he is tired of waiting.
horny and yearning, chest tight with want. you're so close, yet so unattainable. you're a
goddess in wonbin's eyes and he only feels more sure of it the longer he yearns for you. but
isn't wonbin worthy of you? his determination and undying loyalty mean he should get
something more in return.

it's not like you made it difficult anyway. wonbin knows you never bother with the lock. your
roommate stumbles home late at night and you have gotten sick of being forced to get out of
bed to assist her, so you don't bother. you let your guard down, too. you feel safe in your
home, ignoring strange sounds that echo through the hallways.
still, wonbin is careful. he doesn't want to disturb you. he doesn't want to cause stress before
he has to. he will see enough of the wrinkle between your eyebrows when he finally manages
to get you beneath him. he shivers at the thought of your fingers on him, finally touching
what he reserved for you.

you're so pretty when you see him. eyes big and beautiful, stunned and confused, already on
the verge of crying when you spot him. you're so cute dressed in your sleepwear, a pretty
gown he had only seen from afar. it was his favorite one, too. this is just meant to be.

he can't resist. he tries but he can't. he knows you have to like him too, want him even though
you have never acknowledged him before. he wonders if you're as entranced by him as he is
by you. your curated dream man, and wonbin's dream woman.

your body melds into his, your curves pressing to his deliciously. your lips are as plush as
they look, coated in sweet-smelling lip balm you applied with care. your hair feels just like he
imagined under his fingertips. your skin glowing beautifully, feeling like silk under his eager

you claw at him but he can't feel anything less than bliss. even the way your nails mark the
milky skin of his back with pink and red streaks makes him grow harder, on the verge of
cumming in his pants before he could feel you wrapped around him.

"yeah," wonbin whines, lips attaching themselves to your neck, his hips jerking into the air
between your thrashing thighs. "mark me, baby. i'm yours."
Chapter 9

rating: 18+. mdni.

content: dubcon , bfb!wonbin x reader, reader has a crush on wonbin’s sister (don’t like, don’t read!)

anonymous asked: Dark bestfriend's brother wonbin who forces reader to sleep with him after her bestfriend has
fallen alseep

you had a crush on wonbin’s sister and he figured it out months ago. there was no way he
wouldn’t see it after watching you for so long. your fingers lingered in his sister’s hair, touch
light and careful. your eyes eagerly raked up and down her pale skin any chance you got.
your compliments came from deep within, unprompted and sincere, accompanied by nervous
blinks and avoided eye contact.

truthfully, wonbin wasn’t interested in you either, but knowing that you weren’t even
minutely attracted to him bothered him more than it should have. knowing that of the two, his
sister had caught your attention and he wasn’t even worth a second glance made him upset
and challenged.

he wasn’t used to the feeling of being second, and even that was a stretch considering that
you didn’t acknowledge him unless you had to. when he spoke to you, asking you to move
aside while grazing your back, or greeting you with his most charismatic grin, little things
that would have others blushing. yet, your responses were always the same, uninterested,

but, nothing seemed to work. wonbin felt he had no choice but to resort to blackmail. he held
your secret over your head, satisfied at the terror in your expression when he told you that he
knew how you lusted over his sister. you begged him pathetically, wonbin smiled at the sight,
chest heating as he began to feel powerful.

wonbin had only one request that he relayed with a nonchalant tone. he had never seen
anyone that taken aback before and he swore you would reject him, tell him there was no way
you would do something like that. however, you didn’t. your eyes welled with tears as you
nodded your head.

that lead to where you are now. writhing on the carpet beside wonbin’s sisters bed, her steady
breathing quiet and nearly inaudible beneath wet thrusts, your silent sobs, and wonbin’s
strained groans.

you can’t even look in her direction, much less his. instead, you alternate between looking at
the wall beside you and shutting your eyes. wonbin, on the other hand, can’t keep his eyes off
you. you look so pretty beneath him, a way he had never viewed you before but now he can’t
think of any other word. you’re soft everywhere, melding into his firm frame, but your cunt
held on to him so tightly he struggled to move.
he can’t get enough, spilling inside you but not even thinking about pulling out of your warm,
tight hole. he can feel his cum sticking to his pelvis, likely trickling down to the fluffy rug he
had you pinned on.

you cry even harder when you feel him stiffen again, pushing on his shoulders. wonbin
moans louder than he should. “come on,” he chuckles, “you didn’t think I meant just once,
did you?”
Chapter 10

rating: 18+. mdni.

content: noncon, wonbin x reader x sungchan x eunseok

anonymous asked: when your bestfriend!wonbin asked you to stay the night, you assumed his two roommates,
eunseok and sungchan would be gone. it’s not like you dislike them, they just made you a bit uncomfortable with the
greedy stares they alway sent your way when wonbin wasn’t looking. when you bring it up to your bestfriend, he rants
about how “he forgot” and “they won’t bother you”. which to your luck, they didn’t. you’re not sure if it was because
you were glued to wonbin’s side the whole night or if they were just ignoring your existence as a whole…either way,
you’re grateful. shortly after wonbin falls asleep, you hop in the shower. after a few minutes of letting the water run
over your body, you hear the door click. opening the shower curtain, your heart sinks as you watch eunseok and
sungchan make their way into the steaming bathroom. you felt a sob leave your throat as you also see wonbin walk in
with a grin on his face, locking the door behind him.

it was just supposed to be one night.

wonbin had found out about that you had spent days sleeping on shotaro’s couch, waking just
as the sun began to rise to ensure that you would be gone before he woke up. wonbin found
out that you hadn’t eaten in two days, scrounging up any spare change just to afford a basic
meal. he wasn’t happy about it. he felt upset that you hadn’t gone to him first, your best
friend. though, you knew that he knew why.

you would rather feel pain run up your back when you finally mustered up enough energy to
leave shotaro’s stiff and flat couch, than be stuck in the uncomfortably small apartment
wonbin shared with sungchan and eunseok. they were nice, or at least some variation of nice,
sure, but you weren’t stupid. you felt the scorching stares, the shifts in the air that made your
skin itch, doing all you could to make yourself as small as possible. they were shameless
when wonbin wasn’t around, taking their eyes over your figure, sliding their hands over their
upper thighs, sometimes groping their softened cocks while looking you in the eye.

but wonbin’s worried expression, wrinkling his delicate features was enough for you to
reluctantly agree to stay a single night.

it wasn’t as bad as it usually was, or maybe you were just too occupied to notice their
lingering as you finally filled your stomach with a meal. you couldn’t care less about the fact
that it was prepared by eunseok who watched with a teasing grin, or the fact that it was
sungchan’s hoodie keeping you warm. the only thing on your mind was the savory taste on
your tongue, wonbin’s calloused fingers on your knee and his doting smile as he asked you
about your day.

the rest of the evening was just as comfortable. you felt at ease, especially when eunseok and
sungchan had disappeared, leaving you and wonbin alone in his bedroom.

wonbins eyes had shut, his breathing began to slow, his grip on your waist loosening. you
nearly vibrated with excitement, rummaging through wonbin’s drawers as you had one final
thing in mind. a shower.

you sighed as the hot water ran down your aching back, eyes fluttering shut, mind nearly
blank as you stood beneath the steady stream. you almost missed the creak of the old hinges
of the door, only becoming alert as heavy footsteps sounded against the tile floor.

you could see two silhouettes against the shower curtain. too tall, too broad to be wonbin.
fear replaced the relaxation, the muscles in your back stiffening again as your hands wrapped
around your chest, knees touching to hide yourself. you could feel tears pricking your eyes,
your breath coming out in short puffs as they began to walk closer, slender fingers wrapping a
round the curtain. sungchan opened it slowly, teasingly, eyes widening with amusement as he
spotted you. eunseok tucked his bottom lip between his teeth, gaze steady trailing down your
exposed skin.

you shook your head as eunseok’s hands began to reach for you, looking all to eager to rip
your hands away from your chest. you inhaled, preparing yourself to call out wonbin’s name
as loud as you could before air caught in your throat. long inky locks, and familiar dark eyes
peered into the bathroom that felt smaller than usual, a grin playing on plump lips.

tears finally came rushing down your cheeks, betrayal swimming in your eyes as you looked
into wonbin’s that were filled with want as he, too, wandered inside, taking his place in
between eunseok and sungchan.

everything moved quickly from then, hands you couldn’t identify pulling on your skin, lifting
you off your feet with ease no matter how hard you tried to stop it. your slippery wet skin
soaked their clothing, dripping onto the ground as lips attached to your neck, pecks trailing
down your stomach to your legs that were still shut tight. hands pulled on your knees, a
frustrated grunt that turned to a satisfied groan when they were forced apart, your cunt
exposed to their preying eyes.

you closed your eyes at the first graze of fingertips against your slit, the outline of one of
their cocks pressing against your back. you could only assume that it was wonbin who
pressed a kiss to your cheek, the familiar pattern of breathing fanning your ear.
Chapter 11

rating: 18+. mdni.

thinking about how wonbin would cry, manipulate, and guilt trip you when you try to break
up with him for cheating on you…

his cheeks and nose red, his neck and ears flushed, eyes wet and wide, hurt swimming in
them, lips quivering and his voice strained and broken… he’d claim he would never do that.
do you really think so low of him? he dedicates himself to you, worships you, he lives for
you, and you accuse him of cheating? it was a misunderstanding, that’s all.
Chapter 12

rating: 18+. mdni.

content: cnc (wonbin receiving), wonbin x reader

anonymous asked: drugging wonbin and using him your way

wonbin’s stomach rises and falls steadily, lean, defined muscles jumping with a rare stutter.
he’s relaxed, mouth parted and wet eyes fluttering, ankles rolling gently. whimpers bubble
from his throat, weak, breathy, and strained. despite the peaceful expression, his eyes leak
tears, hair wet with sweat, and his body is flushed a bright red. you can hear the panicked
thoughts echoing in his head, likely screaming at his limp limbs to do something. but nothing

he’s frozen in place, with only his overly sensitive cock proudly bobbing up and down in
excitement. dried cum pools by his navel, still sticky against his reddened tip from a recent
orgasm. he didn’t have much left to give, each time you tugged him to release he came less
and less. you knew it had to hurt, but you couldn’t bring yourself to stop and you doubt he
wants you to.

wonbin likes it. laying there helplessly, letting you play with his cock that swells so easily for
you. he was sheepish when he admitted it, hesitant to tell you that he liked when you touched
him when he didn’t actively seek it out or claimed that he didn’t want it. he liked it when you
pushed his boundaries, ignoring pleas to give him a break, that his cock hurt so badly and he
couldn’t take it.

he moans softly when you sink down on his cock, eyes glossy and red, brimming with tears.
his lips are dry, caused by the pants through his split lips. his cock pulses inside your heat,
already coming close to another painful orgasm.
Chapter 13

rating: 18+. mdni.

content: implied noncon/dubcon, abuse, manipulation, etc, wonbin x reader

anonymous asked: rich!wonbin thinks rich women are boring. He has a taste for the weak, one's he can financially,
mentally, emotionally, and /~physically~/ break. It's a winter night, wonbin's in the back of his toasty phantom being
driven to his penthouse when he sees a pathetic woman at a bus stop. The closer his car gets to her, the more he can
see her whole body shivers, her wool sweater clings to her, not because it's form fitting, but because the freezing rain
has soaked through it, through her...practically candy to his tastes

you eyes were sparkling, droplets of water on your lashes, the tip of your nose, running down
the line of your neck, and your soaked eyes reflecting the yellow light of the street lamps.
wonbin’s faint grin was off his face as soon as it appeared, his look of faux worry taking its
place again.

he loved the way you looked at him. it was like you were ready to fall to your knees, whisper
your greatest wishes, confess your greatest sins just because he offered you his slender hand.
just because he invited you inside the spacious vehicle. it’s pathetic. it’s embarrassing and
you don’t even know it. or maybe you do, but you don’t have enough dignity to really care.
people like you are just so easy.

you’ll let anyone do anything as long as you get to feel a little special. wonbin will push your
buttons so far and you won’t even realize until he wants you to. you’ll deteriorate before his
very eyes, but you won’t even see the changes in the mirror or the reworking of your morals,
your thoughts, until it’s too late and wonbin had grown bored. but until then, wonbin could
play to his heart’s content.

you’re a pretty one, the mere sight of your overworked hands, the darkness of the skin
beneath your glimmering eyes from exhaustion, the part between your bitten and plump lips
already made his insides start to stir and you hadn’t even touched him yet. he can only
imagine what it’ll feel like when he finally convinces you to lay beneath him, let him pull and
pinch and tug and bite whatever he can reach, push your boundaries while emptying his balls
inside you. women like you never liked that which only made wonbin love it so much more.
the fear flashing in their irises that they were quick to try and hide because they felt inferior.
what could they say?

what could they say when wonbin’s tongue was laced with venom, his words spitting it into
their faces as he let himself tell them how he really felt. what could they say when wonbin
began to lift his hands, his frustration taken out in the form of drops and slaps against your
skin, impactful pushes that brought pretty tears to your eyes and caused the return of the
emptiness he saw in your eyes the first time he saw you.

until then, wonbin would make you feel special just like you wanted, even if you yourself
weren’t actually aware of that deep, subconscious desire. everyone wants to be loved. and
wonbin hopes some day you’ll find it. someday you’ll snap out of and stop being so
embarrassingly stupid and pathetic, living in a daydream. a world you made up in which a
man like wonbin could really want someone like you.

suddenly a dull, shivering weight landed against his palm. your hand is just as warm as he
Chapter 14

rating: 18+. mdni.

content: noncon, ceo!wonbin x assistant!reader

anonymous asked: Dark wonbin who likes to force himself on reader in public or semi public places. Because it turns
him too much

wonbin had seen the way they looked at you. their eyes lingering in jealousy as you placed
perfectly written paperwork and a cup of steaming coffee before him. your clothing perfectly
fitting your figure, accentuating your curves, your hair styled in the way that suited you best,
and your makeup drawing attention to your pretty features, eyes looking big and lashes long.
you were so obedient as he sent you away, task after task leaving his lips until you shut the

they commented on it, envious of the perfect, pretty assistant he managed to obtain. they
asked him how far your obedience got him and he did nothing but grin, a chuckle leaving his
throat as he began to speak again.

wonbin counted on them staying behind. talks of their own businesses beginning throughout
the meeting, eyes locking with other wealthy ceo’s that could benefit them and their business.
wonbin could hear their laughter, see their silhouettes behind frosted glass as he hoped they
could see his. and yours.

he had chosen the position on purpose, noticing the way their eyes had gravitated towards
your backside when you walked past them during the meeting, the aroma of the perfume
wonbin had meticulously selected drawing their noses to face you in search of the source.

with you bent over a leather seat, one that some of the business men had occupied that
morning, he knew they could see the shadow of what they wanted. the curve of your ass and
the arch of your back as he slammed his hips into yours. voices lulled and silhouettes grew
closer, making you whimper and hang your head in shame and embarrassment.

it only made wonbin speed up and groan, an impactful slap of his palm against your ass
followed by a rough grope. you whimpered, kicking your heel-clad foot off the ground.

“fuck,” he cursed, “such a tight hole.”

your nails sank into the furniture as you whined lewdly, digging deep and wonbin made a
mental note to punish you for it later. hushed whispers of envious comments and judgements
of his morals behind the frosted glass made his hips stutter. and you heard them, too, the light
shakes of your head growing faster and faster.
Chapter 15

rating: 18+. mdni.

content: wonbin x reader

anonymous asked: plug!wonbin shotgunning u while ur on top…

a warm, gentle hand slid up your stomach, slowly grabbing the pillowy flesh of your chest as
you swirled your hips. you shivered, lifting your head to look into wonbin's half-lidded eyes
that were already on you.

he held a joint in his other hand, a steady stream of smoke trailing from the tip that burned
red. his lips parted as he slid his hand from your chest to your throat, pulsing inside you as
you clenched around him. he lingered there for a few seconds before finding your chin.

wonbin raised the joint to his lips, deeply inhaling. his chest puffed up as he held it, using his
grip on your face to bring you face to face with him. his eyelids closed even more as he
parted his pouty lips, softly blowing the smoke from his lungs into your mouth.
Chapter 16

rating: 18+. mdni.

content: wonbin x reader

anonymous asked: imagine dark wonbin. he has a massive ego because he's the visual of the group, a top visual in a
company known for its visuals. everything he does trends #1. his fancams are the most watched. his photos sell for 3x
the other members. and still, he's irked when the makeup artist doesnt fawn over him. so, when they're alone, he talks
down to her. says she'll be making minimum wage for the rest of her life. that she's pudgy. even crueler, that she's
~ugly~ and that she should be grateful to be in presence of his beauty

it’s even worse because he doesn’t actually think those things. he finds you so attractive and
it hurts his ego because you don’t seem interested at all. he’s never experienced anything like
that before so he gets defensive. he makes you feel inferior to him, as you should always feel
because you should be begging for his attention. someone as pretty and important as he is
shouldn’t be fantasizing about some lowly makeup artist who doesn’t kiss the ground he
walks on.

you don’t linger by his lips when you apply his makeup, you don’t longingly hover your
fingers over his cheeks and fawn over him when he gets in the makeup chair shirtless or with
a perfectly tailored outfit. you act like it doesn’t faze you.

you don’t even talk to him like the other members anymore, frustrated and caught off guard
by his constant comments so you tend to be short with him. he hates that even more. he wants
you to ask him questions and be intrigued by his answers, press him for more information
about himself while you work to make his flawless face even prettier, complimenting him as
you do so.

he wants you to sink down on your knees, unable to control your urges and just take him in
your mouth. he wants to show you just how much prettier he is when there’s a warm throat
around his cock. how his face contorts in pleasure and his pouty lips part, his long lashes
flutter shut, and his cheeks turn pink.

he gets even more annoyed when his comments don’t get to you as much as he wishes they
would. while your face falls and your light dims, you still don’t cry and sob or seek out his
approval. you don’t change anything to appeal to him. even though you already do.

he gets meaner and meaner but still nothing. he’s just a “normal” pretty man to you and
everyday it gets harder and harder for him to accept that.
Chapter 17

rating: 18+. mdni.

content: wonbin x reader

it was a routine to shut the lights off and close the blinds that lined his windows after the sun
had set. wonbin would never rush to bed, though, at least not before settling in a chair,
peeking through the cracks of the blinds.

you had a routine, too. you pulled warm, a fluffy towel from your dryer before walking
walking to your bathroom. steam would leave the open door, creating a humid cloud in your
bedroom you would emerge through as you walked out, plush robe draped over your frame.

wonbin anticipated the moment you would let it slip from your shoulders, lathering scented
products, and slipping carefully chosen nightwear on. he couldn’t help the hot and heavy
breaths that left his parted lips as he ran his eyes over every inch of your skin, his cock
swelling at the knowledge that you had no idea that he was going to furiously tug on his
Chapter 18

rating: 18+. mdni.

content: noncon, wonbin x reader

anonymous asked: thinking about chaebol wonbin who cant get over his ex. he hires someone to flirt with his ex and
to take her out on dates. after some weeks or months, when the ex is ready to be intimate with her new "boyfriend",
the "boyfriend" suggests she put on a blindfold for kinky time. she hesitantly does, and the "boyfriend" steps back so
that wonbin can take his place. she's moaning all the while not realizing that it's her ex who's fucking her (noncon;
raw). Then the full body shiver when she recognizes the guttural moan of wonbin finishing inside her

you thought it was strange that he hadn’t kissed you. he hadn’t even tried. he never dared get
too close, no matter how badly you wanted it. his hand had only ever grazed yours, pulled
away before you could so much as process the touch. you thought he was just respectful, not
wanting to cross any boundaries before you were ready.

but he seemed repulsed — scared — when you puckered your lips, attempting to close the
gap between you and him. he told you it just wasn’t the time. you began to grow frustrated,
your impatience evident in every interaction. you were elated when he finally told you that
you should meet up. a quick and hesitant touch to your upper arm.

the blindfold had come as a surprise. you even laughed when you saw it, surprised that
someone as sensitive as him would want to miss out on looking you in eyes the first time he
took you. it was out of character for the man you spent countless nights texting. you agreed
anyway, lust coursing through your veins at the mere sight of him, your recent abstinence not

you didn’t regret it. youcouldn’t help but smile, surprised by the callouses on his delicate
fingertips. the way he knew exactly where to touch. your brows furrowed for a split second as
he bottomed out, the flexing of his stomach that felt leaner than it looked and the high-
pitched hitch of his breath, all so familiar. hair tickled your neck, longer, softer than what he
had just minutes ago, make you shiver. you dismissed it, maybe it was just your heightened
sense of touch.

you could barely focus on it anyway, too entranced by the feeling surging up and down your
body, making you curl your toes and lift your back from the soft sheets beneath you.

his hands roamed your body, groping and pinching your favorite places. there was an
eagerness in his touch that made your mind spin. he had wanted this as much as you. it was
like he knew you already. like he missed you and craved you.

your body stiffened, your stomach pressed against his as you wrapped your arms around his
shoulders that felt stronger than you expected, your lips forming a pout, begging him to kiss
you. his lips were soft, plush, his movements desperate but skillful and, again, so familiar.
his tongue slipped into your mouth, making you whimper. you could feel yourself getting
closer to your climax by the second. you couldn’t hold back when he began to suck on your
tongue, gentle circling your swollen bud.

you pulsed around him, sucking him deeper and deeper into you as your mind spun in circles.
you could barely register the noise above you, a strained groan that wrestled its way out of
his throat.


you gasped, ignoring the sensitivity in your core as you pulled the blindfold off your head.
wonbin looked down at you, his face showing pure bliss, a glimmer of smugness in his blown
pupils as his hips slammed against yours.

“hi baby,” wonbin breathed. “you didn’t think you’d really get away from me, did you?”
Chapter 19

rating: 18+. mdni.

content: noncon, wonbin x reader (mentions of sungchan x reader)

anonymous asked: also thinking about sungchan and wonbin sharing a fuck buddy. on some weeks, sungchan will
have the girl to himself, and other weeks it's wonbin's turn. except, one day, wonbin find out that the girl has been
letting sungchan hit it raw recently. so the next time they're intimate, wonbin looks at the girl dead in the eye as he
slips the condom off, puts in on her belly, and goes back in to finish the job

wonbin was becoming familiar with your voicemail, the read receipts beneath his texts, the
look of disappointment when he showed up at your apartment unannounced. you didn’t treat
sungchan this way. they were supposed to be equals. not that wonbin was a big fan of that
either. he had you first. his arrangement with you had begun months before sungchan had
even dared to initiate anything with you. wonbin should’ve always been your first priority.

wonbin had reluctantly agreed to the arrangement, deciding that a week of full access was
worth missing out on few days without you. though that didn’t last. you were neglecting him,
spending all your free time chasing after sungchan, desperate and pathetic.

sungchan wasn’t interested, but you didn’t seem to care. it made his blood simmer in his
veins when you caught sight of sungchan, the indifference shifting to something else when
sungchan couldn’t care less about you.

that didn’t stop sungchan from being smug, though. always bragging about your nights
together, about all the things you let him do. it made wonbin roll his jaw in annoyance,
resisting the urge to swing his curled fist into sungchan’s smug grin.

when the words had left sungchan’s mouth, wonbin’s body felt hot. his heart pounded against
his chest, sounded in his ears. you had let sungchan fuck you raw.

it was something wonbin had dreamt of, but he had never dared to ask. it was a clear
boundary you had made him aware of from the start. but it didn’t stop him from thinking of it
when he fucked his fist ruthlessly every other week. your gummy walls drenching his bare
cock, squeezing it so tight he could barely pull out of you. convulsing and pulsing around his
sensitive cock when you came around him, coating him in your cum until he spilled inside
you too.

the next time wonbin saw you, the slight disinterest in your eyes made his jaw tighten. it
wasn’t fair.

your curiosity and eagerness had disappeared when you began to touch his hot skin that
yearned for you. when you pumped his swollen cock and kissed his plump lips.

you eventually melted into his touch when he grazed your skin just the way you like. his lips
nibbled and sucked on the parts of your body that made you arch your back.
your cunt still choked his cock when he slipped it inside you, sucking him in deeply. you still
liked it. wonbin knew you liked to feel him inside you. his cock was made for you. he knew
his cum would make you weak, brainless. sungchan would never cross your mind again once
you felt every vein, that ran up his shaft stretching your walls.

your eyes fluttered, your blown pupils looking at him. wonbin would never get tired of the
sight. he let out a shaky breath as he pounded into you, his pace speeding and slowing in the
way he knew left you boneless. your fingernails slid up his sides, making him shiver under
your touch. he couldn’t shake the thought of having no barrier between you and him.

when your eyes locked with his again, he couldn’t help but reach his hands between your
bodies, pulling his cock out with a pained grunt. you whimpered, lightly slapping his back,
begging him to fill you with his cock once more. wonbin slipped the condom off, not sparing
the latex a single glance as he trailed it over your sweaty skin.

the hot, stretched, and wet latex slapping against your stomach when he let it slip from his
fingers. the surprise was evident on your features, in the way you reached to touch it as he
slid his sensitive tip along your folds.

“what’re you doing? pull out, wonbin,” you said, once he began to push inside you. he
refused to shut his eyes despite how much they fought to close. the feeling was otherworldly.
he couldn’t focus on the panic laced in your voice when you felt him sink deeper until his
balls were pressed against you. he stopped himself, finally shutting his eyes.

“what about sungchan?” he said through his teeth. “you didn’t make him pull out. it’s my
Chapter 20

rating: 18+. mdni.

content: slight dubcon and manipulation, perv!wonbin x reader

it was almost too easy to get your number, even easier to get you to send an innocent selfie,
claiming that he just wanted to see you. he can't go so long without seeing your pretty face.
he can't bear it. you sent one quickly, posing for the camera, looking shy and utterly
adorable. that alone was enough to get him off the first few days. your glimmering irises
staring at him, fueling him to pull out his hard cock and pump it vigorously, breaths that
bordered the line of whines spilling from his lips.

but it isn't enough anymore. he needs to see more. he desperately needs to see what you're
hiding beneath your clothing. what taunts him each time you're near him, whether it's
purposeful or not.

wonbin raked his mind for something to say, looking at the blinking cursor. he can't say
anything too lewd or forward, afraid to scare you off. it had to be just enough to make you as
uncomfortable in your panties as you had made him in his own underwear every day with just
an innocent smile. he doubts it will be hard to do that, seeing just how flustered you became
when he greeted you with a charming grin and steady stare.

when he sends the message, he isn't necessarily surprised to receive a hesitant "i don't
know..." in response, but he can't help but feel disappointed. he tells you so, making sure you
know just how upset he is. he just wants to see you, and admire you in a way people who are
together do all the time. because you are together, aren't you?

wonbin knows that will be enough to make a furrow grow in between your eyebrows. he can
almost hear the noise of confusion that likely echoes through your bedroom. you're together?
you and him? wonbin knows he's lying when he reaffirms, sending a message of
disappointment, but he can't make himself feel guilty when a familiar vibration surges
beneath his fingertips.

wonbin blinks at the screen, taking in every dimmed pixel, slowly blowing a long breath
from his lungs through his parted mouth. it's unlike any other he had ever seen and that had
blood rushing down his body. it was one single picture, an amateur shot. your stance was
awkward, thin underwear sitting atop your delicate areas. the color is solid, basic, and
admittedly, conservative.

he feels dizzy, as he grows harder the longer he stares at you, feeling his hard cock push
against the fabric of his sweatpants. he's quick to pull himself out, immediately tugging on
his length eagerly, ignoring the continuous messages that come next.
Chapter 21

rating: 18+. mdni.

content: noncon, virgin!wonbin x reader

wonbin started off hesitant when he positioned himself above you, pinning your wrists over
your head, lips ghosting over yours and blurred eyes blinking slowly as he sank into you,
eagerly trying to hold himself back as more of his cock slipped inside you. but he quickly
abandoned it, his pace becoming hurried, sloppy. shallow, fast-paced ruts. his inexperience
causing the brutal impatience and primal need to get off.

you whimper, “wonbin, stop.”

“you can take it,” he says. “I’ve heard you can take so much more,” there’s a slight tremble in
his voice, like he is trying to hold something down.

“no,” your eyes meet his, a glassy sheen coating his, mirroring yours. “get off,” you cry,
thrashing against him.

wonbin tucks his lip between his teeth, blinking quickly as the whites of his eyes shift into a
pale pink. he swallows again. “j-just hold on,” he pants, “give me a minute. let me finish,
Chapter 22

rating: 18+. mdni.

content: noncon, wonbin x reader

anonymous asked: Wonbin is the type of guy to place his palm over reader mouth to shut her moan. Why is this man
so gorgeous?

his hair tickles your shoulders, fanning across your cheek as he pants into your ear,
whispering an occasional strained curse. his fingers weigh heavily on your tongue as he
pushed down on the pink muscle. you try to swallow the drool that began to pool around his
salty fingers, threatening to spill past your lips.

you whimper, your tongue pushing against his slim digits that only allow the sounds of
whining and the occasional gag to mingle with the quiet slaps of skin on skin. his fingertips
prod at the back of your throat that contracts around them, the ugly sound forcing it self out
of your mouth. a trail of tears cascades down your face, likely dampening the strands of his
bangs that rest against the fat of your cheeks.

“I said shut up,” he slurs. “you’re so damn loud. s’gonna wake somebody up.”
Chapter 23

rating: 18+. mdni.

content: noncon fingering, smoking, stoner!wonbin x babysitter!reader

anonymous asked: So reader is babysitting wonbins younger sibling. Since wonbin is not much of responsible
adult(according to his parents). So they hire you

wonbin can feel your irritation burning into the side of his face. his lip quirks, smoky puff
exiting past the small sliver between his lips and around the joint he held between two

“that’s what you want to talk about?” he says, amused. he holds the blunt in front of his face,

you look away, “she’s a child.”

“come on,” he chuckles, slouching against the couch you were both seated on, “it’s not like
it’s a hard drug.” it’s his turn to look at you, observing the inflation of your chest as you take
a deep breath, your teeth digging into your bottom lip. “I’m just having fun.”

he works his way back down, lingering on your plush thighs. his hand slithers towards you,
causing bumps to rise on your skin as he gropes the flesh.

you crane your head, meeting his eyes, “don’t touch me.”

“relax,” wonbin rolls his eyes. “you’re so tense,” he mumbles as he gives your thigh another
squeeze, enjoying the feeling beneath his fingers.

he takes another drag, “you shouldn’t be here anyway.”

“why not?” you retort. “you couldn’t keep her safe on your own. you’re always high.”

“I can still do a better job than you,” he shrugs, “it’s not easy for me to get taken advantage

“what?” you snap, shoving his hand off your thigh.

he rolls his eyes again, sitting up, “if I’m incapable of caring for my own sister because I’m
“oh so high’ it shouldn’t take much effort to take advantage of you.”

“I can defend myself,” you say, starting to stand when you feel his warmth inching closer. his
hand locks around your wrist, a tug bringing you back towards him. you try to yank it away,
following his movements as he began to get up.

“what’re you gonna do?” he mocks, lips hovering over your neck as he began to push you
towards the wall. his hands glide down your body, slipping into your pants and curling to cup
your sensitive heat.

you shove your shoulders towards him, closing your thighs. “see? I barely did anything and
my hands are already down your pants.”

your hands firm fists, a noise of frustration filling the air as his finger slid along your folds,
the tip prodding at your hole teasingly. you feel his grin against your throat.

“you’re getting wet,” he laughs through his nose. “do you like this?”

you shake your head, jolting towards him, breath catching in your throat when he finger slips
inside. “stop it,” you swirl your hips to pull away but it only pushes his fingers deeper inside.

he lightly shakes his head, “defend yourself. you said you could.”
End Notes

tumblr: @riizeblr

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