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I dedicate this report to the Almighty God who gave me the privilege to start and end the SIWES
program successfully.

This is to certify that this report on industrial training, written by ADESINA QUADRI ADEMOLA
with the matriculation number 22/ND/MAC/898 has been read and approved, meeting part of the
requirements for the award of National Diploma (ND) in department of Mass Communication, Lens
Polytechnic Offa, Kwara State

…………………….. …………………………..

Mr. Olorunfemi J. Ojo Date


Title page………………………………………………………………………. i

Certification………………………………………………………………….. ii

Dedication……………………………………………………………………. iii

Acknowledgement…………………………………………………………… iv

Table of Content…………………………………………………………….. v


1.0 Introduction to SIWES………………………………………….1

1.1 Background of SIWES………………………………………….1
1.2 Brief of History of SIWES……………………………………….1
1.3 Function of ITF…………………………………………………..3
1.4 Aims and Objectives of SIWES………………………………….3
1.5 Importance of SIWES…………………………………………….4


2.0 Organization Profile …………………………………………..5

2.1 History of Organization ………………………………………5

2.2 Objective of the Organization…………………………………5

2.3 Mission of the Organization………………………………….5

2.4 Vision of the Organization…………………………………………5


3.0 Work done …………………………………………7

3.1 Gadget used in the studio………………………….7

3.2 Outdoor Interview………………………………….8

3.3 News Gathering and News Casting………………..8

3.4 Performing Art…………………………………..8


4.0 Challenges faced ………………………………………………9

4.1 Conclusion……………………………………………………….9

4.2 Recommendation ……………………………………………..10


My appreciation to Almighty God who gave me the strength to end this program well.

Also, my gratitude goes to my lovely parents, Mr and Mrs Adesina for their love and financial support
during the SIWES program, I will forever be grateful, You will surely eat the fruit of your labor

I would like to acknowledge the courteous help to my lovely friends who made this SIWES a huge
success for me and My Loving, Beautiful Lady Mariam Oluwakemi Aregbesola for her support
financially, mentally and physically I wish you success as well.

I also appreciate my industrial based supervisor, Mr Alani, Mr Ojo and Mr. Jimoh Taofik (JAAT) who
tirelessly guided and trained me during the course of SIWES. I sincerely appreciate you all sir. My
profound gratitude also goes to my H.O.D in person of Mrs. Kehinde Adeniran for her motherly role
during this period. I sincerely appreciate my SIWES supervisor, Mr. Olorunfemi Ojo for checking on
me and ensuring that my SIWES programme was a success

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of SIWES

Student Industrial work Experience (SIWES) is a skill training programme designed to prepare and
expose students of the institution to the industrial work situation they are likely to meet after
graduation. The need for the establishment of the scheme arose when there was a growing concern
among industries that graduates of institution of higher learning lacked adequate practical background
required for employment in industries.

The scheme is designed for all Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education, to complement
classroom teaching in the courses and acquaint with the skills needed in the industries after
graduation. The scheme is funded by the Federal Government of Nigeria and jointly coordinated by
the National Universities Commission (NUC) and the Industrial Training Fund (ITF).

1.2 Brief History of SIWES

SIWES was established by ITF (Industrial Training Fund) in the year 1973 to solve the problem of
lack of adequate proper skills for employment of tertiary institution graduates by Nigerian Industries.
The Students’ Industries Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) was founded to be a skill training
programme to help expose and prepare students of universities, polytechnic and college of education
for the industrial work situations to be met after graduation. This scheme serves as a smooth
transition from the classroom to the world of work and further helps in the application of knowledge.
The scheme provides students with the opportunity of acquainting and exposing themselves to the
experience required in handling and managing of equipment and machinery that are usually not
made available in their institutions.
Before this scheme was established, there was growing concern and trend noticed by industrialists
that graduates of higher institutions lacked sufficient practical background for employment. It is used
to be that students who got into Nigerian institutions to study science and technology were not
trained in the practical know-how of their various fields of study. As a result, they could not easily
find jobs due to the lack of working experience.

Therefore, the employers thought that theoretical education going on in higher institutions was
responsive to the needs of the employers of labour. This was a huge problem for thousands of
Nigerians until 1973. It is against the background that the fundamental reason for initiating and
designing the scheme by the fund in 1973/74 was introduced.

The ITF organization (Industrial Training Fund) made a decision to help all interested Nigerian
students and established the SIWES program. It was officially approved and presented by the
Federal Government in 1974. The scheme was solely ITF during its formative years but as the
financial involvement became unbearable to the fund, it withdrew from the scheme in 1978. In 1979,
the federal government handed over management of the scheme to both National Universities
Commission (NUC) and the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE).

Later, in November 1984, the federal government reverted the management and implementation of
the scheme to ITF. In July 1985, it was taken over by the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) while the
funding was solely borne by the federal government.

1.3 Function of ITF

The Industrial Training Fund was established by Law in 1971 to promote, accelerate and
encourage, the acquisition of indigenous skills required in industry and commerce to meet the
developmental needs of Nigeria.

The Industrial Training Fund provides direct specialized training in the areas of research and
consultancy services, engineering and technology, management, human resources development,
safety, computers and information training, vocational and apprentice training, accounting and
financial management, advisory and management consulting.

1.4 Aim and Objectives of SIWES

SIWES is strategized for skill acquisition. It is designed to prepare and expose students of
Universities, Polytechnics, College of Education to the real-life work situation they would be
engaged in after graduation. Therefore, SIWES is a key factor required to inject and help keep
alive industrialization and economic development in the nation through the introduction and
practical teaching of scientific and technological skills to students, (Culled from Detailed Manual
on SIWES Guidelines and Operations for Tertiary Institutions).

Objectives of the Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme Include:

1. Provide an avenue for students to acquire industrial skills for experience during their course of
2. Expose students to work methods and techniques that may not be available during their course
of study.
3. Bringing the gap between theory and practice by providing a platform to apply knowledge
learnt in school to real work situations.

1.5 Importance of SIWES

• It exposes student to more practical work methods and techniques in their various field of
• It provides student with an opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge to real life
• It is one of the requirements needed for the award of National Diploma Certificate (ND).

2.0 Brief History of the organization

2.1 History of Len Polytechnic

The school was established on 20th April, 2012. Lens polytechnic was founded by Azeez Yisa Bukola
and Abdulazeez Isahq, an educationalist and a banker of high repute, the school was accredited duly
by National Board for Technical Education. The proprietor has always been concerned with education
and had always been distributed with the situation of Nigeria youth who struggle to get admitted into
tertiary institutions but cannot due to funds of the schools. He made the school very comfortable for
everyone to attend.

2.2 The Objectives of Lens Polytechnic

The objectives of the school are:

❖ To enrol qualified students and equip them with world class skills and knowledge.
❖ To create the best possible learning environment that moves with convention
❖ To build an organization that is economically and environmentally sustainable.

2.3 Mission

The mission of the school is summed up in the slogan “To Build Exceptional Man Power and
Entrepreneurs based on skills knowledge and ethnics”. Also, the school mission is to teach the best and
conventional skills that will make our students fit to be integrated into the industry both as employers
and employee; giving them the knowledge to make them high flyers in their careers.

2.4 Vision

The school hopes to be the best polytechnic in Nigeria in the next ten years, The school intends to raise
the bar of polytechnics education in Nigeria with an unprecedented service, delivery and exceptional
innovative technology. We have not only set these targets but we have put mechanisms in place for the
achievement of these set targets within this period.

3.0 Work Experience

SIWES is a key factor required to inject and help to keep alive industrialization and economic
development in the nation through the introduction and practical teaching of scientific and
technological skills to students. I was able to participate fully in a lot of activities during my Students
Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES). The program exposed me to some practical situations
of some theoretical teaching in the class. I was exposed to some gadgets used in the studio, outdoor,
news sourcing, interview, lead writing and news casting.

The details of my full participations are explained below:

3.1 Gadget Used in the Studio:

Instruments used in the radio studio are the integral parts of what constitutes a radio studio. For a radio
station to function to properly with a high quality there must be enough gadgets in the studio, my
supervisor took his precious time to show and explain the functions of the gadgets in the studio. The
gadgets include; Microphone, Microphone Processor, Microphone Arm, Headphones, Mixer Console,
Audio Processor, Active Monitor, Speakers etc. During this period, I was able to operate some of these

3.2 Outdoor Interview:

An outdoor media interview is an interaction that deals with question and answers for the purpose of
broadcast outside the radio studio. I went ahead to interview some dignitaries at an event held at Offa
grammar School, Offa Descendant Union and A staff of Toybeth System here in Offa Kwara State to
get some information on an event held at the various occasion. The Interview was recorded and
extracted out for my supervisor in which he (my supervisor) he encouraged and corrected me with my

3.3 News Sourcing and News Casting:

News sourcing is the activity of researching news items for broadcast or publication. The major news
concept for news gathering is BEAT, INTERVIEWS and RESEARCH.
I was able to source for my news by making an Interviews with some dignitaries at some events held
at Offa Grammar School (OGS), Offa Descendant Union Office (ODU) and some places in Offa
Kwara state.

News casting is the dissemination of news to the audience through the use of mass media. I was told
the major points needed to be observed to cast news professionally. I was told the meaning of Word
Per Minutes (WPM) and how important it is for a news caster.

3.4 Performing Arts

The performing arts are arts such as music, dance and drama which are performed for an audience.
Performing arts include a range of disciplines which are performed in front of a live audience,
including theatre, music and dancing. I was able to participate and perform with other SIWES students
in series of live performance which include; Skit making and advertising a product. I was corrected in
my errors during the performance.

4.1 Challenges Faced

1. One of the challenges I faced during my SIWES program was transportation. I engaged my self in
some outdoors activities that required me to transport myself.

2. I found it difficult to understand some terminologies used in the first week of my program, but I was
able to adapt thereafter

3. I was afraid to faced crowd during Interview but I am getting adapt to it.

4.2 Conclusion

This report has been able to vividly explain the entire work, experienced gained by me during my
SIWES program at Lens Polytechnic Offa which is a core scheme in ITF saddled with the
responsibility of strengthening the effective teaching and learning of skill-based course such as mass
communication. I therefore imply that the proper and effective administration of SIWES will go a long
way in boosting and enhancing the competences of the workforce of the country. I also conclude that
SIWES is confronted with series of challenges and this may have hindered the realization of the goals
and objectives of the scheme and it therefore needs to be given attention by all concerned stakeholders.

4.3 Recommendation

In view of the relevance of the SIWES program, it is important that it is sustained by the government
through the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) as it exposes the student to work tools facilities that may
not be available in their respective institutions in relation to their course of study. To this end, I
recommend that the following under-listed points should be implemented:

i. Regular monthly allowance for the students on attachment should be paid promptly.

ii. Organization should always accept students for SIWES and subsequently assign them to
relevant jobs.

iii. There should be more funding of the scheme by the government in order for it to be more

iv. The companies should put in place all the necessary facilities needed to enhance the knowledge
of the student in industrial attachment.

v. It will be of great benefit if the institution can create a platform whereby student can obtain
pre-SIWES knowledge or excursion programs, before embarking on the training.

vi. Students' Industrial Works Experience Scheme (SIWES) needs to be strengthened by all
concerned stakeholder in order for its objectives to be fully realized.

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