Higher Level Essay-Kqy871

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Convocation: November 2023

Student code: kqy871

Word count: 1498

Concepts: Representation

Line of inquiry: How does Guy de Maupassant use the representation of gender in "Ball of

Fat" to challenge the societal norms and expectations of women in 19th-century France?

Boule de Suif (1880) is a literary work written by Guy de Maupassant, It is a novel

that illustrates the life of a series of individuals, who have a specific social class, internal

problems, and resources; All of these factors contribute to the impacts of war. The latter

comes hand in hand with the change of perspective of the individuals in their own lives,

thanks to social criticism and their material, political, or social power. In the novel, Guy de

Maupassant portrays his main character as a strong and independent woman, who defies

social norms and expectations or female stereotypes in the 19th century. On the other hand,

France emphasizes the strength and resistance of women in the face of oppression and

exploitation, due to their double standards and the injustices in the nation. All this leads to

exploitative and selfish attitudes by individuals in society. Guy de Maupassant's intention in

presenting this novel is to explore women of the 19th century in France since in that century

women were very rebellious due to the limitations imposed by the patriarchal society

because of their gender.

First of all, Ball of Fat is a nickname given to the main character of the novel, who is

described as a fat and attractive woman by the characters in the carriage. Although, the

woman is a prostitute, she constantly defies social expectations, she is also characterized by

her kindness and moral rectitude. This, in turn, helps to contrast the negative perception that

others associate with her occupation. Likewise, Ball of Fat is portrayed as a symbol of

integrity and resilience by the way she acts in the face of problems, For instances her

actions and behavior demonstrate her strength of character and ability to overcome social
judgments. The author of the novel uses realism to highlight the situations that occurred in

the 19th century because he wanted to present what was happening at that time in a

detailed and unadorned way. In addition, for the illustration of the injustices and social

problems of the time, this medium is needed to be effective; also, for the creation of

characters that impact the reader with real-life situations. For example, the main character is

a three-dimensional figure that defies the expectations of 19th-century France. Similarly,

realism is a powerful tool, helping to expose the everyday reality of gender inequality and

highlighting the inherent flaws in human behavior.

Second, the challenges, social norms and expectations of women are affected by the

injustices in a patriarchal society. For example, "As soon as she was recognized, the

respectable matrons of the party began to whisper among themselves, and the words

"libertine" and "public scandal" were uttered so loudly that Ball of fat raised her head."

Above, it can be evidenced that the reaction of the respectable matrons not only shows the

critical attitude they have towards Boule de Suif but also reveals the hypocrisy of the

patriarchal society. Furthermore, the norms and expectations of 19th century France are

evident, as they are based on a framework that judges and marginalizes women unfairly if

they step out of the prescribed roles and norms. In other words, the author criticizes the

social norms and expectations imposed on women, as he puts forward the idea that one's

profession determines one's role and how others are free to express themselves


On the other hand, the double standard that the characters have throughout the story

becomes evident, since ball of fat is judged by the rest of the crew because of her physical

appearance and occupation. On the contrary, the other women in the carriage are called by

their real names, representing a double standard based on social status and physical

appearance. The double standard is also apparent when the members of the carriage crew

attempt to justify Ball of Fat's obligation to have sex with the officer because she is a

prostitute and has fewer rights over her own body than other women. Thus, hypocrisy plays

an important role, as it suggests that women in sex work cannot refuse a man simply
because it is her profession. In other words, it shows that prostitutes do not have the same

rights and values as women who follow the norms established by society, undervaluing


Another issue is the imposition of stereotypes on women, Insofar as it is a context of

the times, double standards go hand in hand with this issue, for various reasons. First,

women at that time were seen as weak subjects in the eyes of society. Second, being fat is

out of any kind of stereotype of beauty. Third, professions such as prostitution are outside of

being a "dignified" person for individuals. Among many others. And in the face of these

situations, the double standards gradually feed the force of acceptance of these prejudices

about women mainly in the European society of the time.

In another way, through the character proposed by Guy de Maupassant, two literary

figures can be evidenced, such as the metaphor, in the comparison of derogatory attitudes

and the double standards they had in the society of the time. Thus highlighting the

dehumanization through the metaphor as it suggests that some characters criticize her for

her physical appearance, despising the personal qualities she has, also shows the hypocrisy

of those who criticize the physical form of Ball of fat. Secondly, the similarity is used, in

comparisons of the character's body with the body of a pig, both being fat.

Therefore, Guy de Maupassant wants to show the strength and resistance of women

in the face of oppression and exploitation. Through Boule de Suif, a demonstration of

resistance and compassion is proposed, after being ostracized and criticized for being a

prostitute, she maintains her posture and character. Likewise, she constantly demonstrates

her kindness, with actions such as sharing her food with the group and offering emotional

support for each individual. Also, resistance to the members who pressure her to have sex

with the Prussian officers is evident. Still, she stands firm and refuses, avoiding the sacrifice

of her dignity and compliance toward resistance to exploitation. Another important point is

that Boule de Suif travels alone, it is customary at this time for women to travel in company

for safety, but she does not, this represents her independence. In summary, with this
strength and resistance, the author highlights the ability of women to face a series of


In the same way, Maupassant highlights the exploitative and selfish attitudes of the

characters inside the carriage. For example, first is a quote that says "How lucky I am not

sitting next to that creature!" Here we can see how a character selfishly treats Ball of fat,and

refers to her in a dehumanizing way, reducing her to an inferior being and calling her a

creature; based on this, the lack of empathy that the characters within the carriage have and

how they abuse someone else as an inferior being is evident. Therefore, this selfish behavior

demonstrates the dynamic inequality of power that existed in the patriarchal society of the

19th century, reflecting the social expectations that allowed the more privileged to treat badly

the others they considered inferior. The passengers criticize Boule de Suif for his work,

however, when the comfort and well-being of the passengers are at stake, they quickly

change their attitude and expect Ball de Suif to help them.

Finally, the hypocrisy of the people riding in the carriage, which can be seen from the

beginning of the story, is an important piece in the structure of the author's meaning. With

this, Guy de Maupassant wants to show us the selfish attitudes of the characters inside the

carriage and the way people look for others for their benefit, always seeking a common


To summarize the information a little, the author Guy de Maupassant points out his

story Boule de Suif for several purposes, but, mainly, the theme of expectations,

stereotypes, and social conventions imposed on women in society, specifically, in the France

of the nineteenth century. This objective is achieved through the inequalities that existed at

the time, supported by the double standards of patriarchal culture. Specifically, the

protagonist Boule de Suif is exposed as a female subject who is empowered and

independent of herself, representing a great example of the strength and resistance of the

victims of exploitation and injustice towards this population group. In addition, it can be seen

that the characters throughout the journey, take advantage of the woman's generosity, but

behind her back and often even in front of her, she is criticized and degraded for her
profession as a woman of accompaniment. Throughout the text, Boule de Suif´s kind

character is evidenced and the dishonest actions of the passengers show how selfish they

are and how they always seek the best for themselves without caring how others feel. This

leads to appeal, the context that society will always seek the common good, no matter what

gets in its way.

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