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Group 3

Rubia, Keanna
Nadela, Rachel
Dela Cruz Ysabelle
Fernando Enrique
Lim Russel

In our group, four members shared similar responses, primarily focusing on their social identity
related to sexual orientation and religious affiliation. Two members, Russel and Ysabelle,
emphasized the significance of their religious beliefs within their social identity. Russel, a self-
identified Catholic, expressed skepticism about the direct influence of his religion on his
decision-making. He firmly believed that his moral values and ethical principles precede his
choices, regardless of his religious affiliation. Russel emphasized a reliance on logic and reason
rather than faith or dogma in his decision-making process. He also identified as heterosexual,
making romantic choices based on his preference for the opposite sex.

On the other hand, Ysabelle identified as a baptized Christian, but she appears to be moving
toward agnosticism. She explained that her daily routines were initially shaped by the beliefs
she was raised with. However, as she contemplates adopting agnosticism, she gradually lets go
of these routines. Ysabelle identifies as bisexual and has expressed that this self-identification
has played a pivotal role in her journey of self-discovery regarding her preferences and criteria
when selecting a partner. Two of our group members, Rachel and Enrique, did not include any
information about their religious affiliations in their responses. Instead, they focused on their
sexual orientation. Rachel identified herself as a demiromantic lesbian, specifying that her
romantic preference exclusively involves women. She further explained that she can only
develop romantic feelings for a woman with whom she has formed a deep and enduring
personal connection over an extended period. Enrique identifies as a heterosexual male. He
shared that he defines his gender as male primarily based on the physical characteristics of his
body, even though his voice may not exhibit a deep tone, and some perceive him as having a
gentle or sensitive demeanor.

Let’s discuss the challenges that they have faced according to their social identities. Ysabelle
and Rachel have candidly shared that as members of the LGBTQ community, they have
encountered significant challenges related to discrimination and derogatory language. They
have experienced instances where they were subjected to hurtful slurs and felt a sense of
invalidation due to their sexual orientation. These experiences have profoundly impacted their
well-being and sense of belonging, highlighting the real-world struggles that individuals within
the LGBTQ community often face in their daily lives. Russel, as a heterosexual individual,
conveyed that he generally encounters fewer challenges related to his sexual orientation than
those who identify as part of the LGBTQ community. He perceives a noticeable contrast in the
challenges faced by individuals with differing sexual orientations. In comparison, Enrique shared
an experience where he has occasionally been mistaken for someone with a different gender
expression, specifically as a "tomboy," due to his manner of speech or behavior, which
illustrates some of the complexities surrounding societal perceptions of gender identity and

Given that I have introduced and discussed two social identities, namely religion and sexual
orientation, based on the responses provided by my group members, I will now proceed to
elaborate on my own social identity as per the instructions, thereby fulfilling the requirement to
address three social identities in this discussion. The third social identity I'd like to discuss is the
concept of the "Looking Glass self," which has been a focal point of our professor's readings; I
related my answer to the tasks that were required for us. In this context, it's a social identity that
many of us may find relatable, including myself. As someone who prioritizes pleasing others, I
recognize this identity's significant influence on my self-concept. It underscores the idea that our
self-image isn't solely shaped by our internal thoughts and emotions but also by the external
perceptions and feedback we receive from those around us. However, one of the challenges
I've encountered with this identity is a persistent sense of doing things not solely for my
fulfillment but because of how others perceive me.

This dynamic often leads to a perception that my actions are primarily driven by external
expectations rather than my genuine desires and goals, which can be personally taxing and
sometimes diminish my sense of autonomy and authenticity. Exploring these social identities
serves as a reminder of the dynamic and multidimensional nature of the self within the
sociological framework. From a sociological perspective, this discussion shows how society
shapes who we are and how we fit into it. It reminds us that we should support each other and
work together to create a fairer, more accepting society where everyone's differences are
valued. Understanding and respecting each other's social identities is a step towards building a
better world.

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