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AR 542 – ARCH52S3

RLC Studio Annual Budget (2024)

I. Revenue:

Project Fees: ₱5,000,000 (Estimated 10 projects at ₱500,000 each)

Retainer Agreements: ₱1,200,000 (Two clients at ₱600,000 per year)

Other Revenue: ₱200,000 (Workshops and online courses)

Total Revenue: ₱6,400,000

II. Direct Expenses:

Salaries: ₱3,000,000 (Two architects at ₱1.2M, one intern at ₱600,000)

Benefits: ₱600,000 (Health insurance, social security contributions)

Software: ₱150,000 (Licenses for design software and project management tools)

Materials: ₱200,000 (Printing, model-making materials, office supplies)

Printing & Copying: ₱50,000

Travel: ₱100,000 (Project visits, conferences)

Total Direct Expenses: ₱4,100,000

III. Indirect Expenses:

Rent & Utilities: ₱600,000 (Office space lease and utilities)

Marketing & Advertising: ₱300,000 (Website development, online ads, social media marketing)

Insurance: ₱100,000 (Professional liability insurance, office equipment insurance)

Professional Fees: ₱50,000 (Accounting and legal services)

Office Supplies: ₱50,000

Total Indirect Expenses: ₱1,100,000

IV. Profit or Loss:

Total Income: ₱6,400,000

Total Expenses: ₱5,200,000

Profit: ₱1,200,000
RLC Studio - Annual Budget F. Travel and Meals

I. Revenue 1. Project Site Visits

A. Architectural Design Services 2. Client Meetings

1. New Builds 3. Industry Conferences

2. Renovations III. Indirect Expenses

3. Interior Design A. Rent and Utilities

B. Project Management Fees 1. Office Space

C. Other Income (e.g., furniture sales, consulting 2. Phone and Internet

fees) 3. Electricity and Gas
II. Direct Expenses B. Marketing and Advertising
A. Salaries 1. Website and Online Marketing
1. Architects 2. Print and Email Marketing
2. Architectural Technicians 3. Industry Events and Sponsorships
3. Interior Designers C. Insurance
4. Support Staff 1. General Liability Insurance
B. Benefits 2. Professional Liability Insurance
1. Health Insurance 3. Workers' Compensation Insurance
2. Retirement Plans D. Depreciation and Amortization
3. Paid Time Off 1. Office Furniture and Equipment
C. Software and Technology 2. Computer Hardware and Software
1. CAD Software E. Professional Fees
2. 3D Modeling Software 1. Accounting Fees
3. Project Management Software 2. Legal Fees
D. Materials and Supplies IV. Profit or Loss
1. Printing and Plotting A. Total Revenue (I)
2. Model Making Materials B. Total Direct Expenses (II)
3. Office Supplies C. Total Indirect Expenses (III)
E. Subcontractors and Consultants D. Profit or (Loss) Before Taxes (A - B - C)
1. Structural Engineers E. Taxes
2. MEP Engineers F. Profit or (Loss) After Taxes (D - E)
3. Construction Contractors

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