Material Properties

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In 2-5 sentences each, define the following:

1. Ductility- is the capacity of a material to be deform permanently by stretching it out to be wire. The
material can be drawn out reducing the thickness of the material.

2. Brittleness- the tendency of a material break when subjected to stress. It means it resist deformation
but easy to break with little energy.

3. Hardness- This is the ability of a material to resist penetration. Hardness is a good but too much
hardening can cause the material to be brittle.

4. Thermal Expansion- The ability of a material to expand or how much it expand when subjected into
heat. Metals expand as the atom move more increasing the physical size of the material.

5. Elasticity- It allows the material to be deformed and return to its original shape or condition after the
stress it release. It can be expand or compress and still comeback to its original form after the force is

6. Resilience- Is the ability of metal to under stress and resist distortion. Meaning much stress can a
metal take until it distort.

7. Malleability- How easy a material to be deformed and shape after being influence of an external
force. A malleable material can be reshape and still keep is our characteristic

8. Toughness- Is the ability of a material to resist deformation. How much force is need to distort the
metals form.

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