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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación

U. E. Colegio Eduardo Blanco

Docente: María Virginia Brusco Alumno: Lorena Rojas

3er año “B”

Lechería, 18 de marzo de 2021.

What is the difference between “Romeo and Juliet” and the modern Reading?
This book is a classic written by William Shakespeare in 1597, obviously the new
versions of the story are very different because they place the story in a different time, they
usually add some characters and the way in which they communicate is usually modified to the

What values does reading give us?

Reading gives us many skills including:
Know new words and expand our vocabulary.
Strengthen our speed and reading comprehension.
Know about many topics.
We can have fun with them and learn at the same time.

What are the books that they used as examples in the reading? Did you read some of them?
They named and used the books "Romeo and Juliet", "Twilight", "The Princess Diaries",
"Jane Eyre", "Proust and the Squid", "Alice in the Wonderland" and "Great Expectations", all
coming from good writers, too of a scene of Harry Potter.
Unfortunately, I have not read any of them, but I have seen the movies as well as I have heard
that they are excellent books.
Do you think old stories are funny? Why?
All the stories, even the old ones, are funny in a way, as they explain past
experiences that were useful, changed or improved someone's life. Also you can
always learn something from them.

Do you prefer books or movies? Why?

I personally prefer movies since they entertain me and I enjoy watching
them to hang out or relax, although I accept people who, unlike me, prefer books,
such as my sister.

What is your favorite story that you met in school?

I remember that in 5th grade my class was assigned to read "Papa el
Escritor" published by Santillana, which is a reading about the stories of a father
writer and his daughter becoming one. I find it very funny and from time to time I
read it again since fortunately I have the book at home.
Thank u for your attention!

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